Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1201459-Card-Magic
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1201459
The begining of a new tale, that involves a new kind of magic.
A chill wind hissed along the darkening streets past a young child running as if her life depended on it.  The girl skidded around a corner and sprinted down the lane beyond, the heavy breathing behind her spurring her on.

         “I'll kill you for this, runt!  You made me loose everything!”  a deep slurred voice growled and the girl pushed herself into a greater speed.

         “Oi ne'er said I'd 'elp you, you cheat!  Ya gowt wha' was commin' to ya!” she shrieked over her shoulder, as her heart pounded with dread in her chest.

         “That was why I fed you!  I took you in off the streets and tried to teach you somat useful in your pathetic life.  Stop running and accept your fate, you little worm!”  the man chasing her snarled.

         “Yeh right!  Oi may be stupid but oi ain't tha' fowlish.”  she declared defiantly as she flew around another corner in an attempt to lose her peruser.    The girl knew better than to stay out this late because of what lurked in the shadows at night, waiting for anyone idiotic enough to stay out after sunset.  However, she could hardly get to shelter with the man she had tricked chasing her. She glanced over her shoulder to see if she had indeed lost him and ran smack into something that felt like a brick wall.  She sat down hard on her rump and shook her head to clear it.  Then she gaped up at the giant of a man who she had apparently run into, completely forgetting her more urgent problems for the moment.  He turned around and slowly raised one dimly seen eyebrow at her as she stared at him.

         The man was at least as tall as six and a half forearm lengths, and with a sturdy pair of shoulders to match his height.  The rest of him was hidden in the depths of a billowing ground length overcoat, with glimpses of well made  trousers, expensive dark knee-high boots that were never-the-less well worn, a wide silver studded belt and a thick finely cut billowing tunic.  A wide brimmed hat cast his face into deep shadow in the fading light.  The only thing she could see clearly were his piercingly sharp blue eyes.  There was a strange sense of power and wisdom in those eyes, along with feeling that this man had once been a man of great importance. “Beggin' yar pardon, sir,” she breathed in awe.

         The sound of feet pounding ever closer reminded the young girl that she had no time to be sitting around.  She scrambled to her feet just as the man who had been chasing her burst around the corner.  She cringed down on her knees, fear making her tremble. 

         “HA!  Caught you now, you worthless snake!  Prepare to die!”  he crowed with triumph and drew the sword at his waist.  The girl covered her head with her hands and waited for the blow to fall. The clear ring of metal on metal echoed in the ever cool air and she cracked one eye open cautiously. The girl's eyes flew wide open in shock at what she saw.  The man who she had bumped into had somehow blocked her pursuer's sword with a long gleaming blade of his own and was standing over her protectively. 

         “W..what?!” the Cheat stuttered, his eyes wide.

         “Card, I summon thee!  Come to my aid, Spell of Forgetting!” the stranger hissed in a deep and powerful voice.  For a brief moment the girl caught a glimpse of a strong golden light outlining what looked like a card held in the stranger's free hand between his forefinger and second finger.  A strange creen echoed sounded in the air around the trio and faded away in the wind.  Abruptly the Cheat blinked and took a step back, a confused look in his dull brown eyes. 

         “Why...why am I here?  What was I doing?” he muttered to himself, sheathing his sword.  He turned and walked away, any thought of the girl vanishing from his mind.  The girl stared up at the stranger as he sheathed his sword in a swift graceful movement and turned to face her.

         “Child...what is your name?” he asked softly in that odd deep voice.  She swallowed hard and decided it wasn't worth the risk to defy him.

         “Kara, sir.  Kara Calansonerin.” she stated proudly, because she knew it had once been a good name of a strong family before the darkness had fallen on the land.  The man's face was transformed with a wide relived smile and the shadows closing in seemed to pause.  It was still hard to make out his features but those teeth gleamed brightly in the growing dusk.

         “So, that explains it,” he muttered with a sigh.  Suddenly he crouched down on one knee in front of her and grabbed her thin shoulders in a firm yet gentle clasp.  She noticed dazedly that his hands were huge, completely covering her shoulders and upper arms.  “Listen well, child and you must remember every word I say to you.  You have a great potential in you that will grow into a massive power as you mature.  Once you are of the age and mindset to control it, a deck of cards will find their way into your hands.  Trust in these cards and in yourself.  Only then will you know what to do when the time comes.  I can tell you no more as of now, but when we meet next, I will explain fully.  Until then, take great care and look after yourself.  Now, hurry to your home, for the darkness that is home to the creatures of shadows is fast approaching.  May the Light protect you.” He whispered urgently and then he was gone, as suddenly as he had appeared. 

         The girl shook her head, feeling like she was waking from a strange dream, the man's words ringing in her ears.  He had a point though she thought to herself.  Night was fast approaching and the monsters would be hunting.  She hurried to her feet and took off once more, a deeper fear driving her speed this time, one that seemed to reach her very soul.  She headed to the odd little place she had found earlier today in case something like what had happened with the cheat took place.  While the old cottage was a little drafty and small, it was in the old forest on the edge of the city, where the dark ones refused to tread.

         From on top the outer wall of the city, the stranger watched the girl run with the first sparkle of hope gleaming in his old eyes and a small smile on his lips.  “Maybe our dreams are not impossible.  With a girl holding that much potential...she could be the one who can help us change this realm of chaos, Parim. I pray her cards come to her in time.” he whispered to the small glimmering fairy hovering by his right shoulder. 

         “Now, don't you worry, Rafen.  The magic is rooted deep in her blood.  She will not fail and we now have hope.”  a soft musical voice came from the creatures lips, a reasureing note echoing in her words.  The man nodded and faded back into the shadows, heading for his own place of refuge in the sacred mountains that the Fallen had not yet tainted with their lust for power. 

         “May the light guard you and the earth bless you, child.” the man's deep voice whispered on the breeze and faded away as the dreaded night cloaked the toruchered land.

In the beginning there were Twelve who ruled
Four fell to temptation and lust for power
Four were killed by those who fell
and the strongest Four fled into hiding,
searching and waiting for the those promised chosen
who would be able to harness the magic of the cards without guidance.

Still they wait for those legendary Four
who were promised by prophecy to come in the eve of the dawn
Each identified by powerful and great names:
The Light Bringer, The Elemental Master,
The Supreme Healer, and Master of the Righteous Dark
One by one they will be discovered by the greatest of the Twelve
and set upon by the Fallen four, who will know them as their doom
In the final days of the Fallen's rein,
hope shines from the shadows once more.
© Copyright 2007 K. A. M. Parker (kamp7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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