Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1206240-The-Lone-Wolf-ch-1
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1206240
My first story. Rate it please.
The deer silently grazed in the grassy clearing. It froze as it heard a snap. It waited. Nothing. It kept grazing. Another snap. It lifted its head. The last thing it saw was a huge paw swinging towards it.
Corr grined as he looked at his handiwork. "I cant believe that worked!" he thought to himself, "then again, that was a stupid deer!"
It had been downwind of him, it didnt run when he broke that branch, TWICE! And it had allowed him to get right up to him.
He took a closer look at it, "ahh! That's why!"
The deer, before he had killed it, had its ear and nose torn off and its eye put out.
Corr growled slightly, "A wolf. Hopefully not a pack."
"Then again..." A wolf pack had come through his territory a while back. Corr smiled as he remebered it. He had eaten well that week. He would have to find those invaders, this was HIS territory.
"But first, I eat," he thought as he dug into his kill.
A couple of hours later, after his after-kill nap, he started the hunt. He searched through his western territory. Nothing. His southern territory. Nothing. Eastern. Nothing.
Corr sighed in frustration and relief. Maybe the pack had moved on. Wait! He sniffed the air. It was distinct. Wolf.
Corr took off as fast as he dared in the dense forest. As he neared the source of the scent, he slowed down and peered out of the undergrowth. A grisly sight met him.
Eight wolf corpses were strewn about a large clearing. The had been torn apart by something big. A new scent caught Corr's attention. His unusual green eyes widened considerably. He knew that scent all too well. He had smelt that before, right before he had been bitten and turned into a werewolf almost ten years ago.
A werewolf, black and twice the size of Corr, even in his attack form, stepped out of the undergrowth and started feeding on what was left of the carcasses. " A dark werewolf!" Corr thought as he caught sight of the black full moon necklace it wore.
He looked down at his own necklace, which was silver instead of black. It marked him as a werewolf in the service of Luna.
"wait a minute!" Corr thought suddenly, "Dark werewolves usually hunt in..."
A growl sounded behind him.
Corr dove to the side, barely missing a huge claw that slashed the ground where he had been seconds before. He would have to finish this one off quick before the other one came, in pure wolf form, he was barely a match for one dark werewolf, let alone two. And he could only use minimal magic in wolf form.
The second wereolf took a swipe at Corr and hit a tree inches away from him. Corr unleashed his firebolt breath into its face, killing it. "Thank you Alar!" Corr thought, referring to his old Alpha from a few years back. He had taught him basic elemental magic in all three of his forms.
A roar of fury knocked Corr back to reality. The first werewolf had seen what had happened to its mate and was now charging Corr while still in wolf form. Corr smirked inwardly and breathed a cone of frost on the tree nearest him and then hit it full force, knocking it down. Right on the charging werewolf.
Corr sniffed around the area to make sure that there were no others nearby. When he was satisfied, Corr took one last sniff and started back. But wait! He sniffed the air again. Amid the dead werewolves scent and the blood from the slaughtered wolves, there was the distinct smell of.....human. "Human?" Corr thought. There hasnt been a human around here in at least a couple decades now. Corr followed the scent. It was on the outskirts of his northern territory, inside a cave. "Probably the werewolves lair," he thought. He wandered inside.
There wasnt much: a couple of makeshift beds and a couple of trophies from past kills. Corr was just about to give up, he couldnt find the human, when he stumbled on a stone in the walkway. A large grinding sound went off behind him and when he turned around, a human scream broke the silence, a female scream.
"No! No! Please dont kill me! Please! Dont kill me like you did the others! Please!"
Corr Changed back to his human form and tried to sooth the girl. She was only about thirteen human years old. He was enraged at those blasted werewolves. How could they do this to to a young girl. He then blanched white when she screamed in agony and doubled over.....and started to Change.
"My God!" Corr whispered, "What have they done!?"
© Copyright 2007 Lonely Wolf (codais at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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