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Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1209706
Chapter one The Home Coming

The Homecoming

It was early spring and the earth was just beginning to awaken from the paralyzing depths of the winter solstice. The signs of new life were starting to show all around the kingdom, from the heavily scented air laden with the perfume of the budding wildflowers to the trees dawning their new robes of greenery. Even the forest animals seem to be showing off new life; from the fawns in the forest learning to take their first steps to the swain and geese returning to the lakes with little ones waddling behind them it was just as if a magic wand had been waved across the kingdom and a heavy fog had been lifted.

Inside Wetherby Castle preparations were being made for the return of the young Lords William and Wallace. Sir Edward had sent out the word that no expense should be spared as for not only would the young Lords be returning, but that also they would be celebrating their new alliance with the neighboring kingdom of Renfrew and celebrating their victory over the battle of Norddene. There was to be a Festival of which the likes of have never been seen before. In the great hall fresh straw was being brought in for the floors and tapestries were being hung along with the banners that held the coat of arms for all the knights that would soon be filling the halls. Boughs of evergreens laced with gold and white ribbons and sprigs of rosemary and lavender were being strung from wall to wall, so that not only would the hall be outfitted in its finest, but even the air inside the hall would speak of a celebration. Even special tables were made to hold all the food that was being prepared, and the call for minstrels, musicians, and jesters was made through out the land.  Knights and their squires from all across Europe had begun to arrive for the great jousting tournaments and sword fights that were planned, with hopes of power, riches, and a chance at maybe catching the favor of a young beautiful maiden. 

William being the eldest of the two brothers had just about out grown the childish games that his brother Wallace seemed to fill his days with. Since arriving at Beltane Castle William had taken up the study of herbs and potions with his grandfather. He seemed to have inherited the gift of healing that many of his ancestors had possessed. Even as a small child he seemed to have a knowledge that was beyond his years. But he had chosen another path for himself, as that he idolized his father, and had dreams of becoming a great Lord and Knight.  Soon all his dreams of battles and knighthood would become reality, for that upon their return to Wetherby Castle he would begin his formal training to become a knight. But before his dreams could come true he still had some of his own battles raging with in him that needed to be addressed before he could allow himself to take that next step into manhood. As always with being the eldest son there was responsibilities that he worried about; like who would be left to provide the protection for his brother and his mother Lady Elizabeth when he left for his training. With his father still having lands to conquer and battles to contend with, his mother would not be able to protect Wallace like his father or he. Even this time there had been unforeseen occurrences that had kept their mother from accompanying them to their grandparents for safe keeping. She had been called away before word of the siege was even rumored, as her sister the Duchess of Glasgow had taken ill with fever in London and had needed to go to her aid; word was soon sent to her, but by that time it was safer for her to remain in London than chance traveling to her sons and risk the chance that there were assigns watching and waiting to end the young heirs lives. With such unexpected problems like this, if William had already left for his training this would have left Wallace completely unguarded and un protected. This would just have to be one more argument that he would have to take up with his father, he had already thought of so many that his father would probably want to retreat for days into the forest .There had to be a way that he could remain at Wetherby Castle and still take his training, perhaps he would win just this one argument, as his father would not want any member of his family unprotected. 

Wallace was the younger of the two and with having just entered the eighth year of his life; he was more interested in adventures and tales than studies or training. He needed space to be able to allow his young mind to run wild, and while here at Beltane Castle he felt more like he was a prisoner under lock and key than one of the two heirs that would one day inherit the many kingdoms that his father and grandfather reigned over. He was still too young to understand all the details of why he and William were always sent away when his father was engaged in battles, but the time usually passed quickly and there never seemed to be a lack of trouble for him to find or adventures to start. William usually joined Wallace on his wild adventures at their grandparents but for reasons beyond his understanding this time his brother seemed to be more interested in the books and weird plants that grandfather was showing him. Wallace was sure that when he and William returned home that all this silly nonsense would be forgotten and new adventures would begin.

Word had been sent to Beltane Castle that it was safe for the young Lords to return home and that their mother would be joining them halfway in the village of Ackley. The entourage to escort them home would arrive by nightfall and they would be leaving at mornings first light. 

The morning they left Beltane Castle there was an eerie fog that seemed to swallow the earth beneath it and leave behind only the sent of heavy musk and earth; even the animals had sensed that the night was not done with its dark deeds as there was not the morning song of the sparrow or the cackle of the rooster to be heard. Wallace let out a little shutter as he left the courtyard for the carriage, but even the unusually quietness  and the lack  warmth of the early morning sun, was not enough to detour the thoughts and wild imagination of two brothers that had just spent the last six months under strict guidance and protection of loving grandparents. In just a matter of days they would joining their mother in Ackley and would have to conform to the behavior she had grown to expect of them. But for now the had been given two glorious days of complete freedom to act like boys and this they would do, Wallace would see to that for he knew that soon his brother would be leaving his side to join their father, and he wanted to make sure that William and he had one last adventure before William had to depart. On this return home, much to their surprise there was no nurse sent by their father to make sure that they behaved, only the entourage of knights, soldiers, and servants that had been sent to bring them back to Wetherby Castle, and they would so busy watching the roads for ambushes and robbers that they would pay them no mind while the plotted out this next quest of adventure as long as they remained in the carriage.

Wallace started to pester his brother almost as soon as the carriage was a safe distance from Beltane Castle. He could hardly wait to plan out what he was sure to be their last great adventure. Giving in to his brother’s foolish fantasies they began to plot their adventure.  Willow forest was the mass of land that divided Wetherby Castle from neighboring Renfrew Castle and the two had spent many a day in these woods, dreaming of battles and hunts that one day would no longer be play but real. It just so happened that Wallace had heard tell of a place hidden deep within the forest,  that had once been rumored of holding a dark secret that surly seem as if it was pure magic. They would have to find the Cave Of Bergermont. In this hidden cave there was tale from long ago that this had been home to a clan of dragons, but as we all know dragons are not real in any sense, but they planned to find the cave and see for themselves just the same, for surely if there was any truth to the legend they would find it. Wallace settled down and seemed to quietly finish planning out his plans is his mind. William was thankful for the quiet moment as it gave him time to think, Wallace always seemed to dream beyond the real world, but it was good to have a brother instead of a sister at least with his brother Wallace they shared the same interest to were if he had a sister he would been bothered by whining, nagging and the constant clinginess that girls bring. He had seen this so many times in the village, girls always had to be watched and they always cried about every silly thing. The ride was long but uneventful as they traveled to Ackley, so it left a lot of time for thinking and William always did a lot of thinking it seemed.

Wallace was beginning to get restless just as they had decided to make camp for the night. Tents were raised and fires started so the young Lords may rest for the evening. A red haired young man named Henry about William’s age brought them broth and bread and then helped them prepare to retire for the night. As the William and Wallace lay upon their pallets of furs, William wondered how someone like Henry would wind up in service to his father; he would inquire about him as soon as the returned. William often thought about such things, his father was a caring and giving man and always tried to help everyone but, ever so often little things his father did made him question the reasoning behind it all.

As they were awaken before the dawn, it seemed that the same fog that had appeared the day before had returned, it was almost as if something unseen was following them. Wallace wondered what mysterious secrets the fog hid, but before he could wonder from site, Henry appeared and announced that they were leaving. They would need to be in Ackley by noon meal so that Lady Elizabeth would not be left unescorted, as for she was traveling with the Duke of Glasgow and he would need to be returning to London as quickly as possible to finish seeing to the recovery of his wife the Duchess of Glasgow. As they rode on the boys were drawn into their own private worlds. William had decided to study one of the many books of herbs that his grandfather had given him upon their departure. His increased interest in the healing arts brought joy to his grandfathers aging heart, he had always held high hopes that William would be the one develop the family’s gift but always knew that Sir Edward believed that it was more of a curse than a blessing to have sons medaling around with such nonsense. William had once held dream of becoming a physician but that was dampened by  his father’s thoughts on the whole thing were; it was something better left for the women, men were needed for more pressing matters, like war. But his mother had been over whelmed that her first born son should inherit the powers for healing, she had inherited the gift from her father and he his; for to be able to hold the power of healing was to hold the future for all. Wallace was painting a mental picture of what he would do first upon their arrival, and for once he seemed to be caught up in more than just foolish pranks.

Just over the next knoll would be the small village of Ackley, and the boys would be reunited with their mother. As they entered the village, William seemed remember the vague details of this quiet place. His father had told him that at one time many years ago, even before he had been born, that there once stood a great fortress that had been over seen by a powerful Lord and his family. This Lord was a very generous man and before long the word of his kindness had spread through out the land. The village seemed to grow over night, as there had been very few land owners that protected or treated their tenants with such beneficence. But such compassion in those days often led to battles for the land and the death of who ever stood in the way. Surely this must be what had happened here, as only the ruins remained of the fortress, along with what was left of a village.

Lady Elizabeth had arrived shortly before the boys entourage did, and took a moment to gather her thoughts. It had been six long months since she had seen her children or her beloved. The emotions that were running through her were ones of excitement and relief, she was thankful that her thoughts had been kept occupied by tending to her sister’s illness, as it kept her mind from wondering to thoughts of worry and loneliness. As she pear off into the distance she could see that her mind would not be allow to wonder now either, as she could see the approaching carriage that carried her children back to her and would reunite her family once again.

The ride back to Wetherby was peaceful and uneventful. Wallace as always was chattering endlessly about the adventures he had just experienced at Beltane and about what he had planned to do once home. With such a wild imagination for such a little boy, if he could put as much vigor into life as he has his fantasies, he would conquer the world when he became of age, but for now she would cherish his playfulness. William she noticed was lost deep into a book he was studying, trying to draw him out of the deep concentration he was in, she tussled his hair as she had often done when he was little, as he rose his head from the book she was taken back on how grown up he looked. She felt her mothers heart breaking, soon her boys  would be a men with families of their own, she only wished that the years would pass a little slower and time would be more forgiving but time is its own timepiece that no one could wind or unwind.
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