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Rated: E · Interview · Other · #1212897
The Jyrojets are the next big thing in Indie Rock socheck them out!
The Jyrojets were officially formed in 2004. Early co-founders and best friends alike, Colin Fraser and Martin Stewart decided to concentrate on music from the age of fourteen, having been influenced and inspired by Kurt Cobain (Nirvana). After years of searching they have finally found the right combination of talented individuals (Dougie Edwards – Bass, Chris Bain – Guitar and vocalist, Veeb – Drums) to create a successful and influential Indie Rock band. Reviewers are raving over them; Richard Ashcroft personally asked them to be his support group in Glasgow last year and now they have been selected over 7,000 others to play the SXSW gig in Austin, Texas. Their EP has been released and has seen them placed fourth in the CultureDeluxe Top 40 chart; meanwhile their album is in recording stages and due out in this summer. This is what Martin Stewart, keyboard and vocalist, had to say:

SLJ: “First things first, where did the name ‘Jyrojets’ originate from?”

Martin: “It was among a list of hundreds. It originates from the word ‘gyrojet’, which means pistol or gun. It was the only name we all agreed on. We put a ‘J’ at the start to alliterate it.

SLJ: “At what age did you realise that music and performing were what you wanted to do?”

Martin: “Well, You go through childhood, especially as a boy, wanting to be either a footballer or a rock star. I was always good at football.” He adds before continuing with a sigh, “Then you hit 13 or 14 and high school and become distracted by girls, fags and booze in the park. You either avoid that or embrace it.” A little smile played on his face as he adds, “And I embraced it.”
  “So the football went out the window, instead of through it as it used to do! All these things, the girls and booze fitted the rock star agenda, well you think it does then you have the problem of musicianship.” He says professionally albeit with a smirk before carrying on, “Oasis and Nirvana were the prominent bands about when I really started to immerse myself in music in a serious way, I started to play guitar because of Kurt Cobain. As soon as I could tune the guitar and strum a few chords, I fell in love and couldn’t stop. From there I progressed onto keyboards.”

SLJ: “Do you have a routine structure for your song writing?”

Martin: “In the early days, it would be me and Colin knee to knee, guitar each and a notebook in the middle. Colin is the main writer now because it works out easier, because he has recording technology and is quiet able with all instruments. He just records the ideas and perhaps later I will revise the lyrics.”

SLJ: “So, where would you say you get your inspiration from?”

MARTIN: “Inspiration can be drawn from anywhere, from books, television, adverts, the people you associated with when you were younger, the view from your window, it can be anything.”

SLJ: “Spoken like a true artist. You’ve already travelled around some parts of Europe; where have you most enjoyed performing so far?

Martin: “Moscow” He states without hesitation, then goes on to explain, “Russians were always in the movies when I was younger, like in the Bond films or Rocky. There were always a sort of sophistication and athleticism about them…The added bonus is I love vodka!!” We both smile in understanding.

SLJ: “Reviewers all over the country have said that you are the next big thing. Do you think fame you change you in anyway?”

Martin: “Of course it will, but it’s the people around you that you notice changing. They become star struck. If they don’t recognise you they just see a scruffy haircut wannabe, but if they do, then you see a noticeable change in them. The things that will change about us is that most people in their day to day lives won’t have to do a radio or television interview, or perform in front of thousands, or be stuck in a small group of people travelling around the world. Uncharted pressures I would call it.”

To find out more about this up and coming band go to www.jyrojets.com where you can also download their EP.

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