Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1217551-Alpha-and-Omega
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Spiritual · #1217551
His chosen bloodline has made him feared by many as the "Angel of destruction"

Why daddy, why do you have to go?”  Jessie runs to her fathers arms and holds him tight not letting go.  Reaching out to his five year old daughter, Jason hugs her back with all his strength.  Holding Jessie at arms length he looks into her gleaming blue eyes, her blonde curls bounce slightly with her shifting.

“Baby I’m sorry but daddy has to go off to serve the president again, your daddy is helping this country so you can lead a happy life.”  He didn’t want to let her go, she was his only child.  This war has been going on for far too long, damn the government! He thought to himself, and what is even worse are these fundamental terrorists.  Jason lingers in his thoughts as he looks in Jessie’s eyes thinking of when he was a child.

“Daddy please don’t go” Jason kisses his daughter softly on her brow.
“Just be patient sweetheart I will be back before you know it and I love you.” Reaching into his pocket he hands Jessie a stone with a symbol etched into it.

“What’s this for daddy? She looks at her father with a puzzled expression. 
Jason smiles, “It’s my good luck stone, I found it in Egypt when I was on one of my missions, I have a couple more on me just incase you are worrying if I will be ok.  They say if you make a wish on it, it will come true.  But don’t wish on it until you absolutely have too.”

Jessie turned the odd shaped stone in her tiny fingers, it had a bluish hue and instead of being cold to the touch it was warm. She let out a little giggle and hugged her father one last time, being engulfed by the tons of heavy fabric of her father’s clothes.

As Jessie kissed her father goodbye, her mother stood in the doorway with Jason’s duffle bag in hand.  Her sadness was greatly apparent, tears were streaming down her flushed cheeks, and her hair was tangled around her face making her look five years older then what she really was.  Molly looks into her husbands determined eyes; she takes hold of his hands in hers. Her lips quiver as more tears fall from her eyes, a slight crack in her voice surfaces.

“I can’t believe they stationed you again!  I never get to spend enough time with you before you end up leaving, will this war ever stop?
Kissing her lightly on the lips he pushes her hair away from her face. Wrapping his arms around her small frame, he whispers in her ear.  “You know I will be back and that I love you no matter what” he could feel her tears cold against his own cheek, he can only cry inside as he grabs the duffle bag and heads for the bus outside.  Will this be the last time I ever see my family again?  He didn’t want to go just as much as she didn’t want him to go however this was his duty as a Major in the Army. 

August 23, 2006, Reports say that there have been signs of the worlds end.  The Millennium, better known as Doomsday, The Rapture, the Apocalypse, or simply the End, is the belief that the end of the world is at hand or will happen within a set period of time. According to many these are the days considered to be the Eve of Destruction.  There are killer hurricanes, abhorrent famines, and breath-catching wars. There are worldwide epidemics of incurable diseases escalating this second. Not too long ago, we watched the news as monster floods submerged the Pacific Northwest and central California.  The horror continues with street gang warfare, deformed babies, thousands worldwide dying of AIDS. The brutal pictures of the end of this century in which we live are everywhere.  Sometimes it seems it just can't get worse; but then it does. The skeptics and disbelievers are given cause to wonder if these reports are the validation that the Doomsday prophets are right. Those who believe it is the end anxiously await it. This is Eva Shaw reporting for CNN news. 

“Turn that garbage off molly you’re only worrying yourself more” grabbing the remote control from molly’s hand, Mrs. Swanson smacks her daughter upside the head with her free hand.  “Owww, you didn’t have to hit me!” Molly rubs her head to get rid of the surging pain.    Mrs. Swanson feverishly scolds her daughter as she shakes her finger up and down; her finger looks like a wrinkled pickle that had been fermented for too long.

“Why in my day they said the same things then, and that was over sixty years ago, I’ve been threw all the wars you can think of!”
  “How bout the civil war mom?” Molly retorts.
“Don’t you get smart with me little missy” She smacks her daughter upside the head again. 
Scowling at her mother she thinks about her husband out there in this war.  Why has this world become so angry?  Why all this destruction? It breaks the heart.  She had so many questions left unanswered.  And to think this war is over religious beliefs, to think it’s for creating peace; how ironic. 

3 weeks later, in the Iranian desert

All of his crew had been killed; the heat of the sun beat heavy upon Jason’s tattered and torn body.  It’s been Three days now, he managed to escape from his captors.  Visions of his unit’s bodies laying dead and tortured all around him stuck out in his mind.  He remembers lying on the floor next to all the mangled bodies.  Jason bursts out crying, how did he escape?  He clutches his head and falls to his knees, screaming wildly in the barren desert. 

A bright light flashes in his eyes as he awakes, Jumping up out of fear he looks around him, the room was cold; electrical equipment lay about the room.  Covered in a thin white sheet he slowly steps down from the cold metal operating table and walks towards what looks like an office.  Stopping dead in his tracks he looks above him; peering down from balconies set back into the wall were aliens dressed in white jackets all had pensive looks on there faces.  Their grayish blue skin glistened softly against the pale light in the room above his head; each one had a clip board in hand, it looked as if they were taking notes about him. 

One of them moved forward to speak into a microphone.  “Do not be afraid human we are scientists who are observing your planet.” 
Jason screams in terror; frantically running around the room trying to find an exit.
“You will find no exit; tell me human what your name is?” One of the aliens asked as he used some type of mental force to freeze Jason’s mind to ease his terror.
“Jason is my name; what is yours?” for some odd reason he felt calm, yet still knowledgeable of what was going on and his questions as to why was he here.

He was one of the taller aliens of the group; you could see a glimmer in his eyes at how fascinated he was by this question.  “My name is Zethinion or better known to you as the angel Michael, I can see right now how confused you are, so let me ease your mind and tell you about us.  We come from the planet called Gamma Omega Delphi better known as “GOD”  we created your race known as “Humans” you are as you would say one of our many “prototypes”  We did create dinosaurs however they were not really to bright or intelligent so we had to kill them off.  Most humans see us in the form of Angels or mythological Gods and goddesses, and even better still prophets, because that is the form you guys can relate to and feel comfortable with it gives you something to believe in; instead of believing in yourselves.  Michael begins to point at the other five aliens in the room stating there names aloud.

“This is Gabriel, Uriel, Ariel, Peter, and Jesus.  These are our false names.  Yes we are your creators, we created the biggest story in your world’s history that you can ever imagine, and we did this so you would feel comfort knowing that you are not alone in this huge universe.  We conduct experiments because after all you are clones of our very first “prototype creation” called the “atom” or better yet “ADAM”. This prototype ended up creating a link that was his opposite force which came from within him; we called this opposite prototype “EVE”.  “

Jason stood amongst these aliens who were speaking to him of creation, why the hell were they telling him all this?  What was the point to this all?
Becoming upset with what he was hearing, all his beliefs and the things he held dear were all just a production? It is all part of an experiment? , For what?  Jason glared up at Michael anger in his eyes and hatred seething threw his breath.
“So you’re telling me that I am just a clone of a prototype?  How do I have feelings then, how come I feel anger, hate, love, jealousy?  What the hell do you want me here for, what good am I to you guys?  Why are you telling me these things? 

Michael appears right before Jason’s eyes no longer in the balcony but up close and personal.  He begins to walk slowly around Jason as he tells more of his ideas and thoughts.

“As far as all these things about feelings and emotions we do not know why you have them, this is why we have been studying our clones for thousands of years it baffles the mind.  That is a question still to be answered! Now, let us just focus on what I want from you!  As a planet we have been at war as well for many billions of years our opposing planet is Sigma Alpha Titan Alpha Nimbus or “SATAN” you have heard the story many times throughout history, we practically left a book with the clues, you know it as the “bible” A group of misfits and their leader “Lucifer” who were scientists as well within the planet God were going against our experiments, against our cloning and destroying of things we created. So we cast them off to a different planet that we named Sigma alpha titan alpha nimbus.

You my boy have the key to destroying our planet; how you came upon this key is beyond us.  We are suspecting that it is our rival Lucifer and you are the long lost abbadon.  Not many humans know about abbadon because they never get that far into the knowledge of ancient texts and revelations of the end times.  At one point he was our ally and now he is our enemy.  He is the angel who will command his monstrous horde from the Abyss that will rampage over your world in the end times.  We have created this prophecy and spread it amongst your planet, that is why there is war there, people are afraid of their end.  We have spread this plan strategically for thousands of years.  Do you know why?”

At this point in time Jason felt like he wanted to disappear, growing up he used to be told stories of aliens and of “God” but never had he imagined this was what it would turn out to be.  His fear ran deeper then a river that cuts its path in a valley.  He knew about the key; he had given it to his daughter before he left.  His mind was moving rapidly he had problems focusing and breathing.  Why were they telling him these things?  Did they want him to destroy them?  Was it all just a game to them?

He nervously replied to Michael “I have no clue why, but its sick and twisted, humans have souls and feelings! How could you do this?”
Michael stopped walking; turned his back to Jason and looked up at his colleagues. “Do you know why? “ His voice boomed loudly as Jason coward in fear, Michael reeled around on his heel and faced Jason dead on Michaels huge eyes peered into Jason yet past him all at the same time; getting close enough to whisper in Jason’s ear.

“Because you are our toys, our creation, our GAME pieces. You think you have a soul? Don’t make me laugh! If you had souls you wouldn’t be fighting each other to the death over the universal question of existence.  We have used media, and the government to cover up the truth of why you live! Michael disappears back into the room above, Jason’s head is now spinning with so much information that he forgets to breath and passes out on the cold floor. Michael rushes back down along with the other scientists; they take him back to where they found him laying in the barren desert.

“We must wipe his memory clean of our meeting; he shall only remember bits and pieces of what we told him everyone will think he is crazy including himself; it will all be a dream.

A two weeks later Jason wakes to find himself in a familiar place; his wife lay next to him watching him as he sleeps.
“Are you finally awake sleepy head?  The doctors said you were back to normal and out of your comma, but I come in here to find you’re dead asleep and nothing can wake you.  What am I going to tell the doctor now?
Jason looks softly into his wife’s eyes and holds her close and begins to cry. “How long have I been in a comma?

“Two weeks, this is your first day away from the hospital; we were worried sick about you.”  Molly takes her hands and runs them softly against his face.
Jason screams loudly in a panic and grabs his wife firmly by the arms and shakes her, he begins to whisper in a panic.
      “Molly you must listen to me” Jason he recalls his experience in the desert, about the end of the world and them being clones.  He laughs hysterically at the end “And they thought they had erased my memory of it all!”

“Honey I think you need some psychiatric help you have been in the army way to long, you have been lost for weeks in the desert and just came out of a comma; I’m worried for your mental health!”
Jason looks around feverishly “They said no one would believe me, you are my wife how you can not believe me?” 
“Honey I want to believe you I really do, but we must get you to a psychiatrist and I have found one just for this reason, I was told to check this psychiatrist out for you; the older couple that lives next to us gave me the suggestion.

So next thing tomorrow morning you are going to see Dr. Louis.” 
He couldn’t argue with his wife, he just had to face the facts, he must let the psychiatrist know everything, and if they threw him in the psych ward so be it; he had to get the word out.

Next morning at Dr. Louis’s office

Dr.Louis puts his hand to his chin and listens carefully to his client; he rubs his grey beard as if in thought.  His stern look frightened yet inspired Jason, he felt comfortable yet unsure all at the same time.
    “So what do you have for me Dr.Louis? Am I insane? What are your thoughts?”
At this point Dr.Louis was pacing back and forth; he stopped and turned to Jason.
“To normal people you would be insane my dear boy, but you are not talking to a normal psychiatrist, this planet called “SATAN” is my home planet.”
Jason coils back into the sofa, like an infant in a womb; chills running up and down his spine.

“I know, I know, I am sorry to be brash with you but this is very important you must know who you really are.  You are the Abbadon! Your memory of your existence has lain dormant through each lifetime that you have lived.  We have kept you a secret for over a billion years since human creation. I am Lucifer.”
Jason just stayed curled in a little huddle watching this man that had called himself Lucifer, it totally freaked him out.
“So you are wondering our side of the story correct?” Lucifer looked at Jason sternly.

“mmhmm” he mumbled under his mouth that was covered by his own hands as if something might fly out of his mouth at any given second.
Lucifer continued to pace the floor back and forth.” I am the leader that Michael spoke of; I was cast from God when they found out our plot to destroy their planet.  They only create things for there toys in a game and have the nerve to put the bad rap onto us, telling everyone that I harbor human souls.  It’s not true.  What is true then?  The truth is that we also put out our own message to the people of the world. We have given humans knowledge. And we try to break through to their mind to wake them up from the clouding that has been layered on for millions of years.  You are my soldier in a war that has been going on for billions of years! You will help me destroy God. Remember an eye for an eye; Everything is a cycle.  We must destroy God, before God destroys us all.  You have the key do you not?  It was passed down to you threw generations the key is to the weapon that will destroy both planets.  There are two destructive devices placed inside the core of both planets.  It is your job to choose which side you are on!  I will tell you the location of the detonation device and you have Five hours to decide before we all feel the wrath of God.”

Jason’s heart was racing fast and beating hard, what the hell is this I’m the angel of destruction? It’s up to me to decide what the fate of the world is going to be. From his point of view neither planet seemed like a good one.  But which was the lesser of two evils, it was like voting for the president!
Jason nervously positioned and began to speak softly as if the fear he would implode at any second was heavy on his mind. “How am I abbadon?”
Lucifer claps his hands together making Jason jump straight up in his seat as if trying to find a way to escape.  “relax my dear boy, you are a mixture of our people from the planet Satan and earth, that is why God says you were born from sin; it’s a stab at us, because we are against what they are doing”
“Right! so I have to find the key, and you have given me the locations where I can set this whole thing off at right?”

“Yes, now go we haven’t much time before Gods wrath will be upon us.”

Jason quickly leaves stumbling over the couch and grabbing his jacket, he runs home to his daughter who has the key.  He runs into her as she is about to leave with her mom to go to school.
Grabbing his daughter by the arm he drags her back inside the house.  “Honey do you have the stone daddy gave you? Its very important that daddy gets that back from you cause the people who entrusted it to me need it for something extremely important.”
“But daddy you said you had more of them on you!” Jessie had a little sadness in her eyes.

“Yes daddy did have some more on him but he lost them all in the desert when he was on his mission” he hated to have to lie to his daughter like this, he never did have more then one, he just wanted to give something to his daughter as a keep sake just incase he died out there.
“Well can I make a wish on it still daddy?
He looked deep in his daughters eyes “yes baby you can”
Jessie rubs the stone in her fingers, feeling the engraved symbol on the top.  She still didn’t know what it meant but she felt it was important. She wished aloud in front of her father that the War would end. Smiling at his daughter he takes the key from her.

“Thank you honey I wish it would end too, and daddy will take care in seeing that your wish comes true.”  He kisses both Jessie and molly goodbye. Molly was in shock but didn’t say anything. 
Driving like crazy to the location given to him by Lucifer, he arrives at an old abandoned museum off the corner of Fifth Street.  Sneaking in through one of the windows; he slips down into the museums lobby.  “Thank goodness I brought a flashlight” he mumbled to himself under his breath.  Continuing down the corridor he hears footsteps behind him. Stopping to look around he sees no one behind him.  “Oh well must have been the wind, these old buildings I swear.”

Following the directions of Lucifer he comes to a hidden entryway, but before he enters something in the distance catches his eye.  Walking over to the object that was protruding through the wall I looked like an exact replica of the stone in his pocket. Pulling this piece out of the wall with all his force a room begins to open up before him.  Jason’s mouth opened at the site before him In the middle of the room was the detonation system described to him by Lucifer; what Lucifer failed to mention was the other side of the detonation system.  The whole thing was a giant YIN YANG symbol.  Placing both stone pieces in place in there opposing sectors he thought to himself how odd this was.  Why would both planets give him the keys?  What should he believe in out of all of this? He gave it careful thought.  Should I blow up one planet over the other?  I’ve been told all my life about God and Satan. How God was the good guy and Satan was the bad guy, but never would I have realized that they both could be wrong! That one could be just as wrong as the next.  I know the truth now, it’s believing in yourself.  He begins to press both keys into the yin yang.  He hears a door slam behind him as Michael and Lucifer appear as angels in front of him. 

“Do you know what you have done?” Michael yelled at Jason his voice echoing against the walls of the room.  You are destroying the ones who created you!”
    Lucifer grabs Michael and pushes him against the wall, anger seething through his teeth. “Look what you have done Michael, he is against us both! You knew all along didn’t you?”
A devious smile forms on Michaels lips, he begins to laugh hysterically.  “Yes I knew all along its all part of the game, there must always be a loser even if both sides think they have the right idea.  Jason got keen to our games; this shows me that the human race is ready for the end of this chaos we created.
Jason looks at the two baffled and confused as to what will happen next.
“What will happen to you guys? What will happen to me?  What about this world?
Both Michael and Lucifer look up at Jason.

Michael speaks “Your world will go on without us, the detonation has been set for both planets to explode, and we will disappear any time now and will be no more.  All the people of earth will have their minds purified; you will no longer have to worry about war.  You are free as a human to do whatever you like, there is peace now. 
Looking at the two alien life forms, one different then the other, yet the same; they explode into particles the filled the room.
“Ah crap, I forgot to ask them what would happen to me since I am half Satan and earth! I guess I will be ok since I didn’t explode like they did”
Running out of the museum he gets into his car and drives straight home to his family.  He runs through the door to see them running towards him to get a hug.
“Oh my god honey you should hear what happened on the news, come check it out” Molly grabs his arm and drags him into the living room.

“This is Eva Shaw headlining for CNN news, reports of two unknown planets outside our solar system exploded today, how Nasa was able to find these planets was the shock wave of explosive energies resonating outside of the earths atmosphere.  No one has any clues as to why these planets both of extreme distance apart exploded at approximately the same time! The sun times says they have been seeing this coming ever since the beginning of man.  How do they know?  Does anyone really care?
In other news the war has ended at an abrupt halt, everyone dropped there weapons and had a group hug.  I guess we can now say we have peace!  Hey bob, what were we fighting for in the first place?”
“No one knows Eva, no one knows”
“Well there you have it; this is once again Eva Shaw reporting for CNN.

Molly and Jessie grab Jason and hug him tightly, both extremely happy that he will no longer have to go to war ever again.  Molly looked at her husband happily “so how did you do it? 
Jessie gets up and runs around the room singing “my wish came true my wish came true” as her father recaps the story of his time in war leading up to this moment.
© Copyright 2007 Saschaette (saschaette at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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