Dreamer: monkey  
Time: 02-15-07 @ 5:35am Dream: I wanted to make films about sharks. Still do, really...
Dreamer: Jezri  
Time: 02-15-07 @ 11:11am Dream: I wanted to be a veternarian, then when I was 17 I worked for one. I loved it until I had to stay after to help put a dog to sleep. I had to take his leg and pop the vein up so the vet could put the needle in. I cried all the way home.
Dreamer: MizZ  
Time: 02-16-07 @ 12:35am Dream: From the age of about 6 to 12 I wanted to be an airline stewardess, trouble was I was always the shortest one in the class...still am....funny how genetics guides our dreams skywards
Dreamer: Seisa-sleepingcatbooks.com  
Time: 02-16-07 @ 5:25pm Dream: When I was in grade school, I always thought, as did most of my family, that I would grow up to be a lawyer. Which is funny, because I HATE getting up in front of people now!
Dreamer: Fyn - 20 WDC years old!  
Time: 02-17-07 @ 1:23pm Dream: Always, always wanted to be a writer when I grew up....any oatmeal raisin cookies left?
Dreamer: My writting  
Time: 02-17-07 @ 1:37pm Dream: I had lots I remember wanting to be a cop, fireman then as I got older and hearing my grandfather speak of war stories, I grew proud of him. I wanted to join the military just like him. But, I'm a State trooper. So everything worked out.
Dreamer: Nikky  
Time: 02-17-07 @ 7:27pm Dream: I had so many. I wanted to be an artist, then a farmer, a flight attendant, teacher, doctor, professor, writer, actress, musician, pharmacist.... there are probably some that I'm forgetting.
Dreamer: Patricia Gilliam  
Time: 02-20-07 @ 4:26pm Dream: I bounced around different ideas, too--artist, astronaut, writer, teacher, filmaker, psychologist, doctor--I admired the guy on the show "Pretender" for getting to do something new every week. That would be a cool life--if it was legal, lol. :-)
Dreamer: Lethor  
Time: 02-23-07 @ 11:10am Dream: I had a couple of different dreams. I always wanted to be a zoologist, author, or member of the Air Force like my grandfather.
Dreamer: Coal  
Time: 02-24-07 @ 12:31am Dream: I wanted to become a writer. Apparently I made it!!
Dreamer: Steev the Friction Wizurd  
Time: 07-07-09 @ 7:17am Dream: I want to post my dreams on the internet so people can track how far short I fall of ever achieving any of them.
Total Displayed: 11 |