Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1223294-WonderBoy---Chapter-Four
by CSG
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1223294
Chapter Four - Explanation and meeting the enemy
I was in a grave yard. A huge tower was in front of me. I walked towards it as there was light at the top. As much as I wanted to I couldn’t find the strength to will myself upwards. I got halfway there, and then heard manic laughter. I was falling, I saw three red bolts of lightning come flying towards me, and they were about to hit me when…
         I awoke in a large, cold but well lit room. It seemed to be a cellar. I was surprised to find I was completely unbound. I looked around at the room that probably would have seemed old in 1800. I noticed that the chandelier above my head was on fire. I panicked but then realised it couldn’t hurt me. Still I moved away from it, I didn’t exactly feel like having it fall on me. In one corner of the room stood a wooden desk, It was completely bare accompanied by a small wooden chair that looked too small even for me. There were five interestingly shaped windows on one wall of the room. I went over and peered outside. All that I could see for what looked like miles was bare field, covered by snow and with mist coming over from the clouds. The windows were shaped like anvils, like on old castles. I couldn’t help thinking that this place was really old. I turned round and noticed a big pool of water, how had I missed it? What the hell was that doing in the room?
         After about fifteen minutes I decided it was about time I started getting out of here, or at least finding out why I was here. I walked over to the door, I didn’t expect it to be open but there was a slight chance; a very slight chance. I walked up to the door; it was solid metal with a rusted handle. I tried it… It opened. What was going on here? I stepped through the archway and looked left down the fire lit corridor. Nothing, there was a door at the end, but that was it. I looked right. There was a man. I turned to run, he put a hand on my shoulder. His touch felt comforting, he was speaking. I recognised that voice. I turned round.
         “Dad?” I whispered.
         “James. Don’t be afraid.”
         “Why would I be? I must be dreaming. Right?”
“Wrong. This is all real James. Although, I wish it weren’t.”
         “What do you mean? What’s going on dad? I got taken, that’s all I remember. Why are you here? I thought you were dead!”
Rage and confusion were building up inside of me. I put my arms around my father and felt the love of a father I had longed for, for six whole years. I squeezed him tightly and I hoped I never had to let go. I wanted everything in the world to stop. I felt safe in his arms. I was about to say something when he loosened his grip then let go of me completely.
         “I want you to know James. I’m sorry.”
         “Sorry for what?”
         “For everything.”
He stopped and I didn’t know what to say. He seemed to be waiting for me to say something. He did it for me however.
         “I can’t tell you what is going on, but there is a man, named Arumag. Now that you are awake he would like to speak with you. Come with me James.”
He led me down several corridors until we finally reached a fantastic looking gold door with jewels and diamonds patterned around the edge. I reached for the handle and it swung open for me. Amazed I stepped in. It shut as quickly as it had opened. Dad hadn’t followed me in. It seemed this conversation was private.
         The man before me sat at his smooth marble desk eying me suspiciously. I knew him from somewhere. I didn’t know where.
         “Who are you?” I asked politely.
He lifted his head to look at me fully. It was only then that I realised whom I was speaking to. It was the man from my dream, the one I had seen in the vent at school. I was in shock but amazed at the same time. I wanted to speak to him. He was making me very nervous just sitting there looking at me.
         “Why do I see you in my dreams?” I asked.
         “Please sit down James. I will tell you all that I can.”
I followed the man’s orders and sat on the small chair in front of the desk. It was a similar style to the one in the cellar, but it looked more modern.
         “As you are aware, you are no ordinary boy.”
Arumag’s gaze had turned from a kind but meaningful look, to an enthralled and interested look.
         “You are, to put it simply, special, James. Just how special, I hope you will come to see. But before I tell you anything, I would like to show you something; something that has had a huge impact on your life. Please take my hand James.”
I took Arumag’s hand and I felt a weird sensation; much like that of being forced underwater. When the feeling stopped I felt as though I was trapped in someone’s body, watching through their eyes. It was only when the body started moving that I realized that was exactly what was happening. I was in the dream. I was Arumag. I walked down to the foot of the tower and looked up at a window ledge about forty feet up. I watched as one minute I was on the floor and one minute I was on the ledge. I could hear voices. I heard enough to know that a servant was preparing a potion of some sort and it was ready. Then his master told him I was there and the servant named Incanté came over to the ledge and muttered something under his breath. The next thing I knew, the rushing sensation was back and I was sitting on the chair once more opposite Arumag.
         He spoke to me after a few minutes of silence.
         “You see James, that I did not see all of what happened that night, however I saw enough to hazard a guess at what was happening. Dark magic, James. The darkest we’ve seen for a long time. Perhaps the greatest magic we’ve seen for a long time, but nonetheless the darkest. For thousands of years the world has been torn between good and evil. A war that started in the beginning of time, and is still being fought this very second. It is widely speculated that the world is that way for punishment; I however do not believe that theory. I think it is that way for the simple fact that one man wanted it that way. In fact, I know that is the case. You see James I have been around since the very first day of the world. As has Daemon, the leader of evil. This war was started because I and Daemon had a falling out. He saw magic as a tool for causing pain and distress to enemies; I did not, I thought magic was a privilege and not to be used for evil means. The war has been fought for so long, that there is only way it can be stopped, for I did not wish it to start. We will get to that later. I believe that this war could go on till the end of time, and many, many more people will be killed for its cause. Now I will explain what this all has to do with you. It is not by chance that you were born. You were made. That night on the top of that tower a dark potion was brewed. I am certain that this potion was none other than Cantempra – the prophecy creator. However a prophecy had already been made, unbeknown to Daemon and to his servant Incanté. The first prophecy said that there will be a child born to knowing parents, the one with the power to stop the Great War and banish the side on which he chooses to lie. I daresay that the potion’s creator was injured and inept to perform the powerful magic needed to create the Cantempra potion successfully. The potion was created with a crucial mistake, I have no idea what mistake; I only know the result. The prophecy changed, each side of the Great War would have a child. One who would change the world for good and banish the other. These two would battle it out until the end of time if necessary but one will prevail and be honoured beyond all other humans forevermore. James, you are one of these boys.
         I looked at him for a moment, and began to think about what lies ahead. I half couldn’t believe what he had just said, but in some strange way, I had already known this before Arumag had told me.
         “James, you have already met the other boy, his name is…”
         “I know, Andrew May.”
It all made sense now, why I had these powers, why Andrew had done what he did to those children; it was all to lure me into that hospital room, so that he could kill me, and Daemon had already told him why. Surely he must now have known that it would take a lot more than that to kill me. I didn’t really want to find out his next plan; I would have to be more cautious this time. Arumag seemed to have noticed that I was thinking, and waited before carrying on with the conversation.
         “Yes, James, Andrew May. You and Andrew were chosen as the boys who will change the world. I am afraid that there is no escaping this prophecy, you have to fulfill it for the good of the world, I’m afraid that if you don’t, there is little hope left. Many people that you care for, and others that you don’t know, will die to protect you. That is why we had to teach you to deal with loss at such an early age, first your grandfather, whom I regret recently has really passed away, and of course your father, whom you met just a matter of minutes ago.”
Anger rose up inside me and I wanted to break every single thing in the room. All of that pain, it had all been for nothing, apart from to ‘teach me how to deal with loss’. Secretly though I understood Arumag’s reasoning, however it did little to console me.
         “One more thing before I allow you to return to your room and sleep. The sides of good and evil of course have many followers. You are safe here, but I must stress the danger you could find yourself in if you leave the realms of this castle, you need protection throughout your training, not danger; you would do well to remember that. Do you understand, James?
         “Yes sir.”
Arumag just laughed at me.
         “I am neither your teacher nor your boss. I am your master and more importantly your friend. Call me master Arumag.”
         “Yes master”
It felt weird calling someone master, yet comforting too. It was only when Arumag stood up I felt the true enormity of his power. He was tall but thin, but the way he held himself spoke for him. At a first glance you would see a proud old man, at a stare, you would see a man with such power that thousands of men will bow down at his feet and give him their lives at the click of his fingers. I knew that Arumag wouldn’t abuse this power, but wasn’t so sure about Andrew and Daemon.
         Arumag was looking at me curiously, he gestured towards the door, and I obliged. I walked all the way back to my room with Arumag, in silence. My father was gone. I whispered goodbye to Arumag and once inside my room with the door shut I threw myself on the bed and plummeted my head into the pillow. Within seconds I was asleep, without thinking about anything.
         After what seemed like an eternity I finally awoke. It was only then that the enormity of my situation dawned on me. Why me? I thought. Why not some other poor soul? Why put me through all of this, to fight a war I don’t even believe in? I just wanted to be normal; I just wanted to live a happy life. What the hell was I going to do? Andrew was much stronger than me; he knew how to do things I couldn’t even imagine. Everyone was counting on me, and I was going to lose this war for the thousands of people who needed me. And dad, what on Earth was going on in my life, it felt as though my world was being slowly turned upside down and everything that once felt like a chore would now feel like a hobby. How I longed to be at home with my mum. Mum! She was still at home, maybe Daemons followers had already got her! I jumped out of bed and ran to the window. It was still light, I had to do something, I had to get out!
         I ran to the door and wrenched it open I turned left at the corridor to the way I knew as the exit. I heard someone coming, I couldn’t be found, I felt for the handle on the door I had seen earlier and pulled it open, I stepped inside and listened for the footsteps to pass.
         “Hello James”
It was Michael, mum’s boyfriend.
         “Told you now, have they?”
         “Yeah. Why are you here? And why are you chained up?”
         “It’s your dad. He’s jealous of what me and your mother had. Please help me get out of here James.”
         “What? Why?”
         “I don’t like you.”
         “You’d let me die because you don’t like me?”
         “He won’t kill you!”
         “Yes he will, James. You have to help me. Please.”
         “If I help you, you have to promise to leave my mum, and I don’t ever want to see you again.”
         “Yes, James. Anything!”
“Ok just hold on a second.”
I tried to break the chains with my hands. They wouldn’t budge.
         “What should I do now?”
         “What? You know I can’t.”
         “You can. Lift your hand and imagine it.”
         “Are you crazy?”
         “Just do it you pathetic… Sorry James, I’m just tired. Try it, it will work.”
Even though I doubted it, I raised my hand powerfully and concentrated with all of my might on breaking the chains.
         “Thank you James.”
I had done it. Yet Michael wasn’t very excited, almost like he had another job to do.
         “James, how can I ever repay you? I know, come over here a second and take my hand; I want to show you something. Yes, that’s right, now place your palm on mine.”
         “James NO! It’s a trap!”
It was dad, but he was too late, I was already gone. I felt my feet hit something solid which I guessed was the floor. The room was pitch black and my ears were ringing with the sound of cold evil laughter. Was that real?
         “Michael? Are you here?”
The laughter grew stronger. I was amazed to see candles all around the room flickering and then finally resting at a harsh flame. The laughter hadn’t quite stopped. It was Daemon. Fear leapt up inside me and I wanted to hide away at the sight of this man. He was no-more a human. He was a pure skeleton but with eyes. He looked like death himself; perhaps he was.
         “YOU!” I bellowed at him. Suddenly I was afraid no more. He could not, or perhaps would not hurt me. It was Andrew who had to do that to end the war. Daemon laughed some more.
         “Yes, James – me.”
         “How did I…”
I turned around and looked at Michael. It suddenly dawned on me.
         “You tricked me!”
Anger and sorrow welled up inside of me. I always knew that I couldn’t trust him, I should never have set him free. I’m pathetic I thought to myself. But no, I had to get out of here, everyone was counting on me. Michael was laughing at me, they both were.
         “You know what James? It was almost too easy.”
At this Daemon and Michael laughed even louder and even harder. I saw this as the perfect opportunity. With my fists clenched tight and teeth baring I sprinted at Daemon. Within five seconds I was preparing for impact. Three, two, one; nothing. Daemon disappeared and then reappeared on the other side of the room.
         “Oh you’ll have to be faster than that ‘WonderBoy.’ That is what they call you now isn’t it? The papers had a field day with the fact that you can fly. I wonder what they’d say about Andrew. Here, if you don’t believe me look for yourself.”
Daemon threw me the paper he was holding in his hand. It was true. On the front page the headline was ‘WonderBoy – A True Superhero?’ and there was a picture of me in the sky, gliding through the clouds without the burden I now carried. I felt so sorry and wished I could go back to being that person.
         “Now, James, me and Michael have decided that since you have a new name, we ought to give Andrew a new name, to spice things up a bit. We thought we would be nice to you and give you the first suggestion.”
They were mocking me.
         “How about scum?”
         “How about no?” Snarled Michael.
         “Calm down, anyone would think he’s your son.” I said cruelly.
         “Ok have it your way James, we like our name for him better anyway.” Replied Daemon. “We shall call him, Lord Scelero. I think that’s quite nice, don’t you?
It was then that I spat in his face and sprinted towards the nearest door. I turned to look at Daemon and Michael, they were doing nothing, they were letting me go. I put my hand on the handle, and felt a pain so excruciating that I thought I would die. The metal door had been blown from it’s hinges and had landed on top of me. Stood in the place where the door had been was Andrew.
         “Having fun James?”
         “You!” I spat.
Andrew merely laughed.
         “Yes James, me, I do wish you would stop saying that, it does get rather tiring.”
It was then that Daemon spoke.
         “Master, are you going to kill him now?”
So Daemon bowed down to Andrew as his master? Why? He was a child.
         “Yes, I think I might as well.”
         “You can’t touch me Andrew.”
         “Oh yes I can.”
I couldn’t breathe again. The panic rose up inside of me, this was it, I had failed everybody. But no, I hadn’t. I hadn’t died yet. I had to fight Andrew. Michael had taught me how to do magic. I could use it against Andrew! I screwed my eyes shut and imagined Andrew’s hands returning to his side. I could breathe again. I ran at Andrew and punched him straight in the face, I might not be able to do what he can do; but I can put up a good fight. I kicked him and kicked him until I heard him screaming and realized what I was doing. I felt terrible, I just wanted to leave this place, I wanted to go home. I flew up to the ceiling and punched my way through to the top. I had no idea where I was, but that didn’t bother me. I was well away from them; for now.
© Copyright 2007 CSG (cgirdlestone at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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