Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1239574-Princess-Chasni
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1239574
It's a child's bedtime story that's crossed between Aladdin and Cinderella, I suppose.
              Once upon a time, there lived a fair Princess named Chasni in the Kingdom of Sunshine.  Sunshine’s people were giddy and bright all the days long.  However, Princess Chasni was not.  She was banished to the deepest darkest dungeon in the palace.  You see, Sunshine’s Queen, Annabelle, believed her daughter to be an utter disgrace to their people, therefore, unable to uphold her position as Princess of Sunshine.  King Buford certainly disagreed but chose not to argue with his Queen.  Since the mere age of three, the Princess repeatedly was told she were an incompetent fool.  Those words brought shame and humiliation upon her already shattered heart.  Oh, how the Princess longed to see beyond those cold stone walls.
         On the day of Raavi’s (the neighboring Kingdom) Annual, King Briton, Queen Muriel and Prince Gav pranced along in their glittering golden chariot through the main road of Sunshine.  Each year he visited in hopes of finding his bride.  He wanted a bride from outside, a unique dame.  The Prince visited many other Kingdoms, with the exception of his own.  While the guards stood watch over Princess Chasni, their attention focused more on the parade outside.  This gave her a perfect opportunity to escape her Mother’s unjust confinement.           
         While weaving in and out of buildings, she found some old ragged clothing in an alley and then stumbled upon a ladder that led up to an old abandoned loft.  She threw a covering over her head, sat on the sill and watched women below throw themselves at the Prince wishing she were one of them. 
         As the parade passed by, Queen Muriel turned to her son and asked, “Son is any one dame favorable in your sight?”
         “No Mother.”
         Just then, as he turned to look to the other side, he caught a glimpse of Princess Chasni above.  His heart skipped a beat but quickly wondered why she was trying to hide. 
         After his Annual, he went back to where he saw the secret damsel.  He climbed the ladder only to find the loft empty. 
         In the meantime, it did not take long for the guards to discover her disappearance.  King Buford and Queen Annabelle sent out guards and dogs in desperate search for Princess Chasni.  The Queen alerted the people of the Kingdom as well as the neighboring Kingdoms.  She also warned them to use precaution upon approaching her.  The search continued seven days.
         Despite her fear of being noticed, Princess Chasni secretly stole food from the village markets for survival. 
         Deep in the forest, she found a waterfall where at the bottom she bathed and washed her clothing.  One day while out hunting for deer, the Prince spotted Princess Chasni washing her clothes.  “Oh my good Lord, that’s her!  She is absolutely breathtaking!” he said to himself.  She heard a sudden movement of twigs and leaves that startled her. 
         “Do not be afraid.  I mean you no harm.  I come only to hunt deer.  They enjoy feeding on the berries.  Besides, I also enjoy the falls and the sweet smell of the Heathers surrounding them.
         “Heather?  May I ask what they are, sire.”
         “Sire!?  I beg of you not to refer to me as such.  Please call me Gav.  You do not know what Heathers are!?”
         Her head dropped in embarrassment.  “I am afraid I do not.”
         He gently gripped her chin and raised the withered rose.
         “Please, keep your head raised while talking to me.  You are the one I saw hiding up on the sill in the city, are you not?” 
         “I am.”, she sadly replied.
         “Why hide such beauty?”           
         “Sorry.  I am not used to talking with others.  My parents have kept me in hiding.  Never have I seen the light of day.  Never have I seen such loveliness.”
         “Why do they keep you imprisoned?  What have you done?”
         “I have done nothing!” she snapped.  “I was merely three years old when they imprisoned me.  They say I am an incompetent fool and can not uphold my position in the Kingdom.”
         “From what Kingdom are you? 
         “You are Princess Chasni!?”
         “I am.” she replied embarrassed.
         “Finally I have the pleasure of meeting Princess Chasni.  Please do not be offended when I say this, but you are even more beautiful than I ever imagined.  I have asked many times to see you and each time were told the same.  “Princess Chasni is unavailable.”  However, every Kingdom has a search team looking for you.  We must act quickly.  Follow me!  I know of spot to hide you.”
         She quickly followed.
         “The waterfalls separate my Kingdom from yours.  I will hide you on my side.”           
         He took her to his hunting lodge high in an oak tree.  There he made her a soft and comfortable bed out of leaves, ferns and different flowers with purple and grey Heathers sprinkled on top for a sweet smell. 
         “I promise to bring you food and other necessities every day.  I will make sure you are safe and protected.”
         There had never been a dame as ever so fair as she.  She was tall and slender with long golden blonde hair.  Freckles lightly sprinkled her cheeks and nose upon her fair skin.  He had found great favor in her.           
           He kept his promise to returned every day and every day she was there waiting.  Princess Chasni enjoyed his company, his generosity, his honesty and his witty sense of humor.  They sometimes bounced around in the Heathers and played in the pool as though they were children again; a childhood Princess Chasni never knew.  Mostly they spent their days talking.
         His constant thoughts of Princess Chasni wouldn’t allow him to sleep one night so he decided to take a midnight stroll back to the one place he knew she would be.  She was sound a sleep on the bedding he had made her.  He silently climbed the tree and watched her sleep.  Her silky hair gently swayed in the light breeze.  Princess Chasni was curled in a little ball looking a bit chilly.  He threw another blanket over her in which he had brought.
         Finally, after weeks of protecting and providing for her his nagging conscience broke him.  He wanted no more secrecy.  He wanted to declare to the world his love for Princess Chasni.  He wanted her as his bride.
         His parents had become suspicious of his whereabouts each day and mentioned their concern.  Prince Gav revealed he had fallen in love with a secret dame.  His parents instantly knew he had been hiding Princess Chasni. 
         His Father angrily remarked, “You have been hiding Princess Chasni, have you not?”
         “I have, but please listen as to why first?”  Prince Gave then told of her situation.
         Queen Muriel replied, “Husband, she is a Princess and no Princess should to be treated this way.”
         His parents then demanded he bring her at once so they could speak with her.
         Prince Gav convinced Princess Chasni to talk with his parents.  She told them of her situation with tears pouring from her eyes.  The King and Queen assured her they would not tell and in fact, suggested a secret wedding (to guarantee her safety) before surrendering herself.  They happily agreed.  The wedding took place the very next day.
         The King, Queen, Prince Gav and Princess Chasni rode to Sunshine. 
         Upon entering the palace, Queen Annabelle remarked, pretending to be so concerned in front of King Briton and Queen Muriel, “Daughter, where have you been?  We have been so worried about you!”
         “Lies, Mother, all lies!  You only worry about yourself and what the Kingdoms must think!  I am not an incompetent fool, as you believe!  Prince Gav has been protecting and providing for me.  Yesterday we secretly married so you can no longer hold me captive.”
         King Buford replied with shock, “King Briton, is this so?”
         “Yes King, it is and further more the suggestion came from my Queen and me.  I am ashamed to think my neighboring Kingdom would do such a horrid thing to their Princes.”          “King Briton, I thank you.  I, myself am ashamed of my behavior as to allow such actions of my Queen as well.  I am glad your Prince has married my Princess.  Now Chasni will no longer be held at her Mothers wrath.  From this day forward I will take charge of My Kingdom.”  King Buford then turned to his wife.  “And you my Queen will no longer speak unless you are spoken to.”
         Queen Annabelle stood astounded with her mouth dropped.  “How dare…”
“Hush wife, you heard me.  You no longer have a say in the matter.”  He then turned to his daughter and put his arm around her.  “And you, my daughter, I wish all the happiness in the world.  May you and your Prince live a long and prosperous life.”
         Princess Chasni thanked her Father for his blessing.
           King Briton, Queen Muriel, Prince Gav and Princess Chasni returned to their Kingdom with the blessings of King Buford.  The two Kingdoms (including Queen Annabelle, forced of course) happily attended the official Royal Wedding. 
The Prince and Princess lived happily ever after.
© Copyright 2007 Princess4420 (hmdavis77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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