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A Poem about Man. |
Let there be Man... and in an instant... that, was envisioned, each ab, gland, lash, and rib indent. all matter within him, was mapped and written, the brain was shaped, and a cardiovascular system. over time, this mind, formed from trial and error, would inherit earth, with each child born, arrived a new era. Time would gaze in amazement, as nature produced a backdrop arrangement. then came them.. molars molded, the iris in eyelids frontal lobes and vessels behind it. letting light in, zooming, limitless, focusing, fusing data, producing an image. hands at command, pillars that support weight, were designed to perform and exert force, legs. sound deciphered in wavelengths, and a voice capable of great strength. smell and a sense to feel right and wrong meet, imagination, stronger than iron, steel and concrete. a soul, invisible, paired with a free will, was able to choose a place among good or evil. Love, that none could shake, none could sway, none could change, even in disarray. they, Man and Woman, have life now, and the universe would bow, as a God stood upright, proud. -for they are free, they are he, and they are we. |