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by hayer Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1248787
This is the story of a girl that I knew her before.
She was undisired child and later when she was big enough her mother explained how she wanted to make an abortion.
So...undisired child, with a father who liked to drink (I could say more than this but I think is to cruel),a mother that was never home and not very pretty girl.She had 2 best friends (3 with Gud), a boy and a girl.
The girl was not a real friend.If you have seen old movies with princess and castels and the princess had some ladys takeing care of her,she was that kind of lady, a slave is better.She cried every night when she went to bed and promised her self to be better than that, one day.
The other friend,a boy, was a good friend till 14 years old when he told her that is inloved with her.In my opinion there are 3 situations that makes a lot of pain in everyone heart.The first one is when someone close to you dies,number 2 is when the one you thought you will spent the rest of your life with you says that does not love you anymore and number 3 is when your best friend is falling inlove with you.
But most of her time I remember her beeing alone, her and her conscience, she played alone and dreamed at a better life.
In her family the situation was strange, a mom that was never home, a father that during day was working and during nights was at the bar and a freak brother that was busy with electronic stuff.Regardibg her brother they actually had a good relation till he got married.Even she had good resons to hate him because he tried to rape her once she still loved him like a good sister and helped him when he need it.
She passed through bad moments and if I remember just a few I think it is enough.Once she played with a girl from school at her place and the next morning she found out that the girl is dead.The girls brother came drunk after he got out from jail, raped the 11 years girl and after that set on fire the room where the girl was.The girl from my story felt very bad because the other girl wanted to stay over night at her and she refused.
Another time, at 21 years old she found out that she has cancer and she will die in the next 6 months.
The guy that she loved more than her life cheated her and he did not care at all.
After she tried for many years to improuve her skills for drawing a teacher told her that she has NO TALENT.
She saw a burned body by mistake at a house that was in fire and she had nightmares for 2 years and more things that I can't remember.
In all this years she never saw a terapeut and never told what happend in her life, she just tried to deal with her feelings and I know she is very proud of her for this reason.
How is she now?
Fine, somewhere in Europe,nice job, nice life and I know she never thinks at the future so much, she just enjoy life,she is educated and a strong woman.I think she just miss from her life someone to love but I think she will found someone ...one day.
What is the point of my story?
I don't know, everyone should find a meaning for him self.I think the girl belived a lot in God and her self, you born alone and die alone,so your first best frined should be your self and she knew this very well.All she did with her life she did for her self and not for the others, not for a good image in the society and she realy has peace in her heart and mind even she had good resons sometimes to ...just could't be able to take anymore and say this is it...I can't, I give up.

P.S. She is me...

I have to corect my mistakes.
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