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First draft, based on a dream. |
There’s no way out „What is this? Why am I here? Let me out!” The questions keep flooding in. Deep breath. Calm down. Relax. „What the hell is going on?!” Get up. Look around. „It’s too dark, I can’t see anything.” Walk around. Get to know your surroundings. „It’s so cold.” Another deep breath. Sit down. Get a hold of yourself. I obey. I lay down on my back and close my eyes. It feels as if I’m floating on water. „Am I asleep?” I open my eyes. Colors everywhere. A flash of light. I can finally see. Get up. Look around. „Where am I?” „You’re lost you hopeless piece of shit. You’ll never get…” Silence. I’m myself again. I try to move. My body responds. I’m walking through a forest. It seems familiar. Have I been here before? Impossible. I touch a tree. Its rough bark proves this is real. Is it? Am I dreaming? Am I dead? Is this reality? Is this heaven? Hell? I fall to my knees. I can’t take this anymore. More questions. „Stop it!” Silence. I rise to my feet again. My toes sink a little in the mud. I look down. I’m naked. I feel at peace. Something moves. Fear. Terror. I quickly hide behind a tree. I stand still, backed against a tree trunk, my heart pounding. I look up, expecting to see the nigh-lit heavens above me. Panic. Fright. Above me, above the trees, is a giant glass dome. I’m trapped. „I need to find a way out.” „Who’re you kidding? You’re not getting out. You’re trapped here and there’s nothing you can do about it you…” Silence. I begin moving again. Walking, trotting, running. I'm running as fast as I can to freedom. To try to get out of here. To figure out what's going on. Pain. Anguish. I must have fallen. Tripped over something. My head hurt. I touched the side of my head. Blood. The tips of my fingers are covered in the substance. It begins to change colors and shapes. „What’s going on?!” Life. Death. I have to keep moving. Just one minute. Just one moment. I lay down on my back. The floating sensation returns. The sky has eyes. Stand up. Get moving. You’re almost there. Just a little further. I’m here. At last. What is this? No door, no window. Just glass. Behind the glass I could see nothing. It's dark, mysterious. I have to force my way out. I hit the glass as hard as I could. The glass caved in a little. With a running start I could smash my way through. Take a few steps back. Adrenaline’s flowing. Go! I run, I jump, I shield my face. I can feel the glass breaking. There’s no noise. Silence. |