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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1255419
Sirius talks to Harry before he dies. I don't own anything except Kirsten.
Harry ran down the hallway to the hospital wing. He didn’t notice the people who were staring at him with curious faces as he ran pass them. When he reached the hospital wing it hit him that this wasn’t a dream. Sirius was dying and it was all his fault. He wasn’t strong enough to save him. Harry walked down toward the bed where Sirius was lying. Harry couldn’t help it, he burst into tears as Sirius beckoned him to his bedside. Harry heard Sirius say in a weak raspy voice, “Harry don’t cry I’m here.” Harry looked down at his godfather with tear filled eyes and said, “Oh! Sirius it’s all my fault. I was to late. I could have saved you.” “Harry you have no right to blame yourself. It is not your fault Harry.” A brief silence followed which seemed it would last for eternity. Then Sirius said, “Harry my eyes darken. I want to tell you something, something that I should have told you a long time ago.” Sirius shifted uncomfortably as if he was afraid to tell Harry this secret of his. Harry sensing his discomfort said, “Sirius, you don’t have to tell me.” “No,” said Sirius. “You must know.” Sirius took a deep breath and said, “A month before your parents died I had an affair with your mother.” Harry’s eyes filled with horror. “What did you just say to me?” Harry was in shock and soon anger overtook him. “You mean you had an affair with my mother, You dirty bastard. How could you do this to me? So am I your son or my father’s son?” Sirius looked up at Harry with sadness and regret in his eyes and said, “You are my son.” Harry just couldn’t believe it. All his strength left him and he fell to the floor in a heap and began to cry. “Harry I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you, but I loved your mother and still do and she loved me.” Harry looked up at Sirius with rage and said, “Well you have upset me and you can’t be sorry because you did it and what is all this shit about her loving you I thought she loved um, I can’t call him dad, James. What I don’t understand is why you couldn’t tell me. I would’ve felt a lot better than I do now? You could have told me when I first found out about you except now when you are about to die.” “Harry I know that I should have told you earlier, but I was afraid that if I did you would never let me get the chance to talk to you. I only wanted to become closer to you and your mother but James wouldn’t let me. I don’t blame him though.” Harry looked at his father and said, “Well this must have taken a lot of courage to tell me. I forgive you and will miss you with all of my heart.” Sirius looked up at his son with loved filled eyes. He wanted Harry to know that no matter where he goes he would always be with him. Sirius smiled at the thought of seeing Harry being a top Auror up at the ministry and being the best seeker the world has ever seen. He knew that from the moment Harry was born that he would be able to accomplish great things. He looked at his son with pride in his eyes and said, “Take my hand Harry. I want you to know that no matter where you go and no matter what dangers you face I will always be with you. I will always be beside you. I love you son.” Tears flowed down Harry’s cheeks and he said, “I know. I love you to.” Harry watched as Sirius’ breathing faltered and his eyes closed. Harry let go of his hand and seeing the bracelet on Sirius’ arm he took it and put it on his own to remind him of his father. Sirius Black, the father of Harry Potter was dead.

         Harry walked back towards the bed where the body of his father lay. He took his father’s limp hand in his and began to cry. So he really was my father, Harry thought, now I am truly an orphan. Damn him, I wish he could have told me earlier. Madam Pomphery walked up to Harry and put her hand on Harry’s shoulder and said, “I am really sorry for your loss but you mustn’t stay here. I have to prepare his body for burial.” Harry turned around and looked at the nurse with tear filled eyes and said, “If you don’t mind I would like to stay and help you prepare my father’s body for burial.” Madam Pomphery was shocked she looked at Harry for a moment and said, “All right you may help me, but if Professor Dumbledore finds out about this he is going to be very upset.” “I won’t tell anyone Madam Pomphery I promise.” Madam Pomphery began with extracting the organs. She looked at Harry as she began to cut Sirius’ body open and said, “Are you sure you can handle this Harry?” “Yes I can bear it. He bore all those years in prison so I can bear to see his body being cut open.” Madam Pomphery shrugged her shoulders and began to cut open the body. When she was finished she took some of the excess skin off and put it to the side. The first organ she took out was the heart, then the liver, then the intestines and so on and so on. When she was done she looked over at Harry and said, “Since you are his only living relative. Do you want to donate his organs to the hospital?” Harry nodded his head and said, “Yes. It is what he would have wanted.” Madam Pomphery nodded and said, “Excuse me I must send a message to the hospital and tell them that are to receive a donation.” Madam Pomphery left the room to her office which was next door. As Harry looked upon the limp body of his father tears filled his eyes and he came to a decision he would now be known as Harry Sirius Black in honor of his father, the father he never really knew. When Madam Pomphery returned Professor Dumbledore was following close behind her looking very angry. He saw in Madam Pomphery’s eyes that she was saying told you so. Dumbledore walked up to Harry and said, “Why are you here Harry? This is nothing for teenagers to see.” Harry looked up at Dumbledore and said, “Don’t punish Madam Pomphery she did nothing. I convinced her to let me stay. I wanted to be here to see my father’s organs.” Dumbledore’s face seemed to crunch up a little bit. “So he told you.” Harry looked at Dumbledore and said, “You knew about this all along and never told me.” “Harry lets go to my office and discuss this in private.”

Dumbledore led Harry out of the hospital wing and then led him down the hall and up a flight of steps to his office. Once there Dumbledore said the password and the winding staircase appeared. Harry and Dumbledore both stepped on it and it moved like an elevator going up until they reached Dumbledore’s office. Once they got to Dumbledore’s office Dumbledore sat behind his desk and he motioned for Harry to sit in one of the chairs facing opposite him. Dumbledore waved his wand and a tray filled with tea and cakes magically appeared. Dumbledore asked Harry, “Would you like some tea Harry?” Harry nodded his head and said, “Yes please I would like that. At least something that can make me happy today.” “I’m really sorry Harry that you had to find out about the affair like this. I really am.” Harry looked at Dumbledore and tears filled his eyes. He just couldn’t stop crying. He was just so full of emotions he felt like he was going to explode. He just kept sobbing and sobbing he didn’t care what Dumbledore was thinking of him. He just wanted to go back to the common room and look at his picture of Sirius. Dumbledore handed him a cup of tea and said, “Here it will help you feel better.” Harry took the tea from Dumbledore and sipped it. The tea was really good and seemed to soothe him. After Harry had finished his first cup of tea and was working on his second Dumbledore asked him, “So did Sirius tell you about him and your mother?” Harry looked up at Dumbledore and everything that had happened in the past hour hit him like a cannonball. Sirius was his father and he had an affair with my mother. Tears filled his eyes again and he said, “Y-Y-Yes he d-did.” Dumbledore look Harry’s hands and put them in his and said, “Harry I’m so sorry you had to find out like this. Sirius and I weren’t planning it like this. Sirius was planning to tell you when you were a little bit older.” Harry’s sadness was soon overcome with anger. “YOU KNEW ALL ALONG. GOD DAMN YOU. NOBODY TELLS ME ANYTHING UNLESS THEY ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE OR DYING AND I THINK I HAD A RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT THE AFFAIR. DON’T START WITH THAT WHEN YOU ARE OLDER SHIT.” Harry was fuming with anger, frustration, and sadness. He threw his tea cup down which shattered into tiny pieces. He sat up from his chair and stomped angrily towards the door. As he reached for the doorknob he turned around and said to Dumbledore, “I’m going to my dormitory.” Harry turned the knob on the door and slammed it behind him.

As Harry walked down the winding staircase that led to Dumbledore’s office tears streamed down his face. Everything that had happened in the last hours seemed like a bad dream. He just wanted to get to his room and fall into and exhausted sleep. When he reached the portrait of the fat lady he said the password and she gave him admittance to the commonroom. As he stepped through he barely saw Ron and Hermione sitting on the sofa by the fire staring at him. “Harry?” said Ron. Harry turned around and Ron knew that he was miserable. Tears were running down his face and his face was the color of a sheet of paper. Harry looked at his best friend and said, “Ron I- I j- just need some t- t- time alone.” Ron understood and stepped back and watched as his best friend walked up the stairs to the dormitory.

         When Harry got up to the dormitory he closed the door and went over to his bed. He plopped on his bed and let the tears come. He wasn’t going to try to prevent it. He was just so exhausted and beat. He felt like a wrestler whom had just lost a fight and was so exhausted that he couldn’t do anything. Harry just kept on going over the events that had occurred in the past hours. Sirius was his father, Sirius was his father! He just couldn’t believe it. The tears came back again and he just sobbed and sobbed. He sighed a deep sigh and he went underneath the covers of his bed and fell into an exhausted sleep.

         Down in the commonroom Ron and Hermione were talking about Harry. “Did you see his face Hermione? He looked like he had gotten the life sucked out of him.” “Yeah he looked very drained. I think we should keep our distance for a couple of weeks and not, you know, tell him about us.” Ron nodded his head in agreement as he kissed his girlfriend good night.

         Back in the dormitory Harry had woken up from his long sleep because he heard everyone setting in for the night. He had pulled the curtains around his bed for privacy. Harry leaned back on his pillows and he grabbed the picture of Sirius he had and he looked at it. Looking over his features and seeing if he resembled his father in any way. He still just couldn’t believe that Sirius was his father. All this time he was treating him like a godfather. He put his face in his pillow and began to cry. O God, he thought, I am going crazy. He pulled the covers back over himself and fell asleep.

         That night he had a nightmare a terrible nightmare. He was at the house that Lily and James were hiding the night that they were killed. He was in the bedroom and he saw Lily and Sirius sleeping peacefully. Then all of a sudden James steps in the room with Voldemort’s head! He aimed his wand towards Lily and he said,”AVADA KEDAVRA.” A green light came out of his wand which instantly killed Lily. Sirius woke up but it was too late the green light had come out of Voldemort’s wand and before he could scream for help Sirius’s cold body was lying on the floor. Then Harry hears Voldemort’s cruel laugh that made the hairs on his neck stand up. The only way he could describe it was that it made your blood run cold.

Harry woke up with sweat running down his face and he was panting. He put his hand to his lightning shaped scar which was burning badly. He laid back down on the bed and sunk his head deeper into the pillows and sighed. He threw back the covers and grabbed his shoes which were underneath his bed. He walked down the steps that led to dormitory and exited the commonroom through the portrait of the fat lady. He walked down a flight of steps till he reached the lobby of the dinning hall. From there he exited out the front door of the school and walked the grounds. He loved doing this often because he loved to see Hogwarts at night. His favorite part of Hogwarts was the beautiful lake near Hagrid’s hut. He loved to sit there when there was something troubling him. It helped him relax and at the same time enjoy the wonders that nature had to offer. As he was walking towards the lake he couldn’t stop thinking about his dream. The horrible sight of Voldemort’s head on James’ body. He couldn’t quite understand why he kept on having this dream; maybe it was telling him something. To reassure himself he just thought that he would figure it out once he got to the lake.

He was walking towards the bench when he noticed that there was someone already sitting there. As he came closer and closer he noticed that it was a girl, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had probably sensed that he was coming up because she turned around and said, “Oh I am sorry.” Harry turned so that he could get a better look at her. Her skin was as dark as night and her hair was brown and long and flowing. She had beautiful shaped lips which formed the letter o and her eyes were purple. Harry couldn’t stop looking into her eyes they were so beautiful and it seemed like he had known her forever. He finally realized that she had said something to him and he said, “It’s alright I can sit right here.” The girl scooted over a little bit so that he sit down. Harry sat down and said, “Hi I’m Harry. What is your name?” The girl looked up at him and said, “My name is Kirsten Kidwell and I am the Hufflepuff seeker.” Harry looked into her purple eyes sparkling in the moonlight and thought Damn she is so beautiful. How come I have never noticed her before? “You are the Hufflepuff seeker? I don’t remember you.” “Ha ha ha you wouldn’t have anyway because you flew by me so fast on your firebolt.” “Oh, sorry.” “It’s alright. It gets really competitive in quidditch. I never talk to anyone while I am playing quidditch. I hate getting distracted.” “So you like this spot to huh?” asked Harry. “Yeah it gives me ideas for my drawings and stories. I come here every night and just let mother nature absorb me with her beauty.” Wow, thought Harry, so she loves to read and write. “Do you know my friend Hermione?” “Yes actually I do. She is in my Ancient Runes class.” “Oh, so that makes you a sixth year.” “Yes I am a sixth year. I love to read so Hermione and I clicked from the beginning. Oh god, thought Harry, she is just like Hermione. There was a long silence in which both of them looked at the lake and saw a mother duckling lead her little ducklings across the lake to the other side. Kirsten looked up into Harry’s eyes and said, “Would you like to see my sketchbook?” “Yes I would like that very much.” As she was handing him her sketchbook he noticed that there was a beautiful sequence of beads on the front. It was designed to look like a dragon blowing fire out of its mouth. “It has a beautiful cover,” said Harry. “Thank you. I made it myself.” He opened her sketchbook and something immediately caught his eye it said this book is dedicated to my mom, dad, and brother whom I miss very much. Harry looked up at Kirsten who had little tears flowing down her face and they were landing in her lap. Harry looked at Kirsten with a concerned look on his face, “I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to upset you.” Kirsten looked up at Harry and said, “Oh no it’s allright. It’s just that when I was six my parents and brother were killed by Voldemort. It happened just a day before your parents were killed. The only memory I have of my family is this locket that my parents gave me for my fifth birthday.” She showed Harry the locket it had an engraving of a fairy on it with the initials KAK on the bottom of it.

It’s very beautiful.” Thank you. It’s very special to me.” Harry looked in her eyes and saw the understanding in them that he sought from people. All he wanted was to known someone that understood what it felt like to lose everything that you held dear and what it felt like to lose the world. Harry smiled and all of a sudden he found himself moving closer and closer to Kirsten. She didn’t flinch or try to jump back she stood still and anticipated the kiss. It seemed like she knew what was coming and she didn’t try to avoid it. Harry closed his eyes and felt Kirsten’s lips press against his. This felt so good if this is what heaven felt like he wanted to go there. He then felt Kirsten’s tongue against against his own and he groaned with pleasure. Kirsten stopped kissing him. “Are you all right? Have I hurt you?” Harry smiled, “I’m fine. I was just enjoying it. You are the first girl I have ever kissed and the only girl who I love.” Kirsten looked into Harry’s eyes. “What did you say?” “I love you Kirsten. It feels like I have known you all my life and yet I have just met you.” Kirsten began to cry and Harry pulled her into a tight embrace. Harry ran his finger through Kirsten’s hair as Kirsten placed her head on his chest sniffing in his smell. She liked his smell. Harry pulled Kirsten out of the embrace and looked into her eyes. “Harry no boy has ever said that to me and I’m glad that I have found you because you make me happy and you are not ashamed of who I am you will let me be myself. You are the one man that I have been waiting for and the only man that I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Kirsten reached for Harry’s hand and put it in her own. She kissed him again with such force that he fell on the ground. Harry brushed Kirsten’s hair back. “I love you so much, Kirsten.” “I love you too.” The clock ringed midnight and they both began to realize that they should head back to their dormitories. Harry said, “I should probably head back to my dormitory it’s getting late.” “Yeah I should start to head back to and get some sleep.” They kissed each other goodnight and said that they would eat together at breakfast.

As Harry walked up the flight of stairs to his dormitory he felt so happy and carefree. He felt like all his troubles were gone. He could only think about Kirsten and her kiss, her smile, and personality. It also felt so weird that one look at her swept him off of his feet. He was so busy thinking about Kirsten that he didn’t notice that he had run onto the portrait of the fat lady. He heard her yell. “Hey! Watch where you are going some of us are trying to sleep here. “Sorry uh Serbert Lemon.” The portrait swung open and Harry walked into the commonroom and up the stairs to the boy’s dormitory. Once he was in the dormitory he walked over to his bead, pulled back the curtains, wrapped himself up with the covers, and then he pulled the curtains around his bed again. He grabbed the picture of Sirius from his bedside table drawer and looked at it. He looked into his father’s eyes and thought dad I found the most beautiful girl in the world. She is so beautiful and she makes me feel so happy. I want to ash her to be my girlfriend, but I think I will wait till the Yule Ball to surprise her. Oh, Sirius I miss you so much. He kissed the picture and put it back in the drawer of his bedside table. Then he leaned his head back against his pillow and fell asleep.

That night he had the same horrifying dream. He was in the house that his parents were hiding in the night that they were killed and Lily and Sirius were in the bedroom. Then he hears a horrible laugh that gives him goosebumps and makes his hair stand up. The door opens and it is James with the head of Voldemort! He laughs again and a green light comes out of his wand which kills Lily and another green light comes out of his wand which kills Sirius.

Harry woke up with sweat running down his face . He groaned and touched the lightning shaped scar which was giving him a lot of pain. He got dressed and headed for the door. He let the commonroom and walked down the stairs to reach the grounds. He then walked towards the lake. As he got closer to the lake and the bench he noticed that someone was sitting there. A wide grin appeared on his face because he just knew that it was Kirsten sitting there. He walked behind her and covered her eyes with his hands. “Guess who.” “Now let me see. It’s not a house elf, it’s not an owl, so it has to be Harry.” Harry removed his hands and laughed. “Damn it.” Then he kissed her. “How did you sleep last night?” “Fine, how about you?” Harry began to stare at the ground and Kirsten noticed a tear begin to form in Harry’s eye. “Harry  what’s wrong?” Kirsten reached for Harry’s hand and put it in her own. “Tell me what’s troubling you.” Harry looked into her eyes and felt that he could tell her anything. He took a deep breath. “All right, remember earlier this term when my godfather Sirius was sick.” Kirsten nodded. “Well when I got there he was near death. He told me that a month before James and Lily went into hiding he had an affair with my mother and that I am his son. Ever since then I have been having these terrible nightmares. I am in the house that my parents were hiding in. Lily and Sirius are in the bedroom and I hear this laughter. I don’t know how to describe it. It sounds so evil. Then my father enters the room with the head of Voldemort! He laughs again and a green light comes out of his wand which kills Lily and then another green light comes out of his wand which kills Sirius and then I wake up.”

There was a long silence that followed in which tears were flowing down Harry’s face and he put his hand on Sirius’ bracelet. Kirsten looked at Harry in bewilderment. She just couldn’t believe it Sirius had an affair with Lily! She wanted to comfort him and tell him that it was all right but she didn’t know what to say that would comfort him. Kirsten just took Harry’s hands and put them in her own. Then she took her hand and put it on his cheek and wiped away his tears with it. “Harry I’m so sorry. I really am and I understand if you do want to talk to me about it, but sometimes it helps if you have someone to talk to.” Harry looked into her eyes. “You see this bracelet?” “Yes.” “Well this belonged to Sirius. I took it off his wrist after he died. This is my only memory of him and I also have a picture of him in my bedside table drawer. I guess they are as important to me as your locket is to you. It is kind of like I am still connected to Sirius through these things.” “I understand completely Harry. That is exactly how I feel about my locket.”

Kirsten stared into Harry’s eyes and became completely lost in them it was like looking through endless blue skies. Kirsten pulled Harry into a passionate kiss. She felt so free like she could do anything. When they stopped kissing Harry looked into Kirsten’s eyes and smiled. He never wanted to stop feeling like this he wanted to make her his. He took her hand and led her to a tree. As they sat down Kirsten said, “Wait.” She took off her robes and let them fall to the grass then she took off her sweater, shirt, and skirt until there was nothing visible but her bare skin. Harry stood up and walked towards her and brought her body closer to his and began to kiss her. His hands reached her bra strap and he unclipped it and placed her bra on the ground. Kirsten put her hands on Harry’s chest and undid the strap on his robes then she took of his sweater and pants. Harry looked into Kirsten’s eyes. “Are you ready?” “I have always been ready. I have been waiting for a man like you all my life.” They both smiled and Harry brought Kirsten to the ground. He began to kiss her starting at her neck and rolling her nipples with his tounge. He thought I wouldn’t trade this for the world. He never thought that he will feel this way about anyone. Kirsten then rolled on top of Harry and was rubbing up against his cleft. She gasped with pleasure and began kissing his neck. Harry ran his fingers through Kirsten’s long flowing hair. Harry thought it felt so good. Ah! It felt so damn good. Kirsten was starting to get really hot and sweaty she sensed that Harry was getting tired too. So she kissed him on the cheek and layed down on the ground next to him. As Kirsten layed down on the grass. Harry took a deep breath of air and exhaled. He was so tired. He put his arms around Kirsten and brought her closer to him and kissed her head. He never wanted this to end and he would never forget this moment. He wanted to stay here forever feeling Kirsten’s warm body against his. He moved his mouth towards her ear nibbled it playfully and said, “I love you so much.”           
© Copyright 2007 LaVieBoheme!! (nodaybuttoday at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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