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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Dark · #1259080
Something I reworked five times I think I finally got it
The wind was swaying the trees and the long gentle grass; as the last few days of summer pass on to enter into the fall. He stood by the waterside of the river in a small alcove he found not long ago. He saw the river sweep on by, as the currents pulled and tugged the water on. He watched the other families out on this last day before winter was to come and felt a gentle rage and envy. The heat was passing, as the cold began to blow in the breeze, and, with that, he felt a change. He felt sadness, an empty sensation filling his heart, though; it was nothing he had not experienced before.
Slowly, he placed his cold hands inside his coat pockets and felt a deck of cards in one and his wallet in the other. The cards’ surfaces were well worn due to constant playing and the gritty surface they had touched. The wallet only carried a stick of gum, his I.D., and some pocket money, which he would use to buy some more gum later in the afternoon. The boy looked out onto the water again and breathed deeply the fresh air that blew in from the water.
“So this is going to be my new home. I hope it lasts longer than the last place”.
A gentle hand pressed on his shoulder, but it was no ordinary hand. It was a hand of compassion something he hardly felt.
“Dante, are you okay?” Destiny couldn’t help but question. She always cared for him.
“It’s nothing; I just hope winter blows in a little early that’s all.”
“You’re a good liar Dante, but I know you too well,” she smirked with an impish smile.
The breeze quickly turned into a gust from the south, and the boy looked out towards the south and felt the moist wind brush his face. He looked once more at the families, and turned away and started to walk off to where they parked the car.
“We better get home before it rains.”
“How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Come on, Dante, you always know what the weather is going to be before I know,” asked Destiny.
The breeze was gentle, but it would pick up again. It always did. He knew how nature worked all to well. Nature seemed to reveal her secrets to him every time he walked out the door. It was something the boy could not control, he just knew. He did not understand it. He did not even want it. Dante always seemed so alone, because nothing ever seemed to be a surprise. The gentle breeze blew Destiny’s hair across her face, which seemed to graze her gentle features with loving care. There he stood gazing straight back at her, the only comfort he had, yet it seemed to be more of a torture.
“That’s none of your business, Destiny. Come on I don’t want to get wet”
“Well, if becoming a doctor does not work, you might as well become a weather caster,” she teased looking at him with her impish eyes.
“I am not going to be a doctor. Get that through your skull. I am going to be a lawyer and not you or mom or dad will stop me.”
Her eyes, those painful eyes, kept their cold gaze on him, yet they gave some warmth he hate those eyes. The warmth began to slip from his hands. He could feel the cold begin to rush into his veins, which were connected to his hand, and to his arm, and the rest of his body. The world turned cold at that second, and he reached for his heart, and it felt like it was colder than the world around him, and deader than the bones at the local cemetery.
“Dante, I am not going to stop you, but I think mom and dad will have something to say about it.”
The moisture felt a lot heavier than before, and slowly the rain came. The first few drops touched his coat, and eventually it got heavier. The boy moved his hand away from the cold dead stump that he called his heart and let the rain plummet around him.
“Great, now the car is going to get wet”.
The walk was quiet they did not talk the whole way into the car and on the trip home, which was around a fifteen-minutes. By the time they had got to the house the rain really started to come down I did not bring an umbrella on these cases. Virginia seemed to burst with life from the trees to the small bunched homes. The entire town appeared to have come out of a storybook with lights gleaming and the lace curtains draped over the windows. The only house that was not bunched with the rest of the town was a large house whose entire frame was drawn back away from the street.
“So how long are you going to be with us before you head back to William & Mary”?
The engine came to halt as she pulled the key from the ignition and sat there staring with her gentle eyes at Dante.
“Don’t know I am on vacation for a little while longer than you so I may stick around for a while just to make sure everything is ok”
He grasped the handle and made his way out and looked at the place that would be his home for the next four years of his life. The whole house seemed to have leaped out of an episode of 7th Heaven all bright and perky. The loading men looked up at the sky and began to groan, but they got up off their ass and continued to unload the furniture into the house. He looked into the truck and saw none of his stuff except a few of his books and a black book bag that I kept his journal with a metal rosary. Personally he was not Catholic, but one of his many cousins was and gave it to Dante hoping that it would bring him good luck.
After the accident he wanted to throw it away, but he never felt truly sure about tossing the shit away. At that moment he just jumped up onto the back and grabbed his bag and walked out of the way as two guys were struggling with one of the couches. Dante moved out of the way and left them to figure out how to move the couch without killing themselves.
“Ah the sun seems to be coming out I don’t see how you can like the rain” observed Destiny gazing up towards the cloudy sky dispersing as rays of light broke though.
Dante felt around my bag and found my journal the hard black cover felt smooth with a cool feeling of the material. His hand got hold of a freezing chain and lifted the rosary out of the sack and watched it spin around until it stood still. He stood there not speaking even when the sun began to burn his back through my black clothing he just stood there just looking at the cross spinning. He tossed the damn thing back into his book bag and made his way past the lumbering workers to the door then he felt a tugging sensation in the corner of his mind like when someone won’t stop nagging.
“You know all mom and dad need to do now is change this door into steel bars then I can call it home”
At that Destiny began to snicker and hid her smile behind her smooth gentle hands that had only one ring on her right ring finger. When she smiled a person would feel happy yet sad it would look as someone who was dying and knew when they would die. Her hair went billowing from side to side as the wind carried her dirty blonde hair. The only thing they shared was blood and that was the only feature they shared everything else made them different. He felt that sensation, the one that everyone feels when they know that somebody is watching them and they can’t see them, but the difference with Dante is that he know who was watching.
“Very funny Dante keep talking I may just put some on as a door and windows for your room” the voice seem to be a bit hollow and with a harsh tone, but then again it did not surprise him since it was David speaking.
“I wonder what I did in a past life to get you as my old man”
The mild pudgy figure stepped out from under the arch of the doorway his hair had been combed back to the side of his head and was very stiff from the amount of gel he put on. He wore a white polo shirt and was wearing airmen shades that made him look like a pilot. His face had a bit of a pudgy look along with a mild tan from being out in the sun. The white slacks he had on complemented his shirt very well along with his traditional black dress shoes.
“I think you should be thanking God after all not every kid gets two hard working parents like me and your mother”
“Oh yes the doctor and teacher how could I ever forget you keep telling me how lucky I am, but the truth is that you two are the biggest hypocrites around”
“Do you have any idea how long me and your mother had to work so that we be able to raise you”?
“Raise me I am practically a show case item it’s just smile and stare at the camera all you care about is how people look at you”
A sudden silence seemed to envelope them and everything around even the workers stopped their work and just gazed at the David and Dante as if they were two different people about ready to go into a fight. The truth was spoken plain and simple and they knew it and they both hated the fact that nothing was every going to change about it.
“Guess I win now if you don’t mind I will go find my room”
Dante pushed his way around the pudgy statue that he called dad when he felt a pressure around his arm as though someone had placed his arm in a clamp and squeezed till it was useless. The pain was burning even through my coat he could feel it go up his arm and he saw a pair of golden eyes looking back at him through his green eyes. Then it happened a sensation that he had always been afraid of a fiery rage inside his heart he could feel the hate, anger, and the wrath. He wanted a reason anything would do, but the boy could not every time he felt a weight holding him back never being able to be free.
“Dante if you ever talk to me or your mother in public ever again believe me your back will be so red you won’t be able to sit down” slowly releasing the pressure that enveloped my arm.
“What ever old man like I give a shit”
“That’s it no TV or games for a week”
“Please we both know that does not work on me anymore I only watch TV for news and games believe me I can entertain myself”
“Look you best behave yourself or I will back up my threat”
“Whatever, do as you please”
Dante hated his old man, but he could not hurt him the idea could back fire. When Dante had his first look at the inside of the house it was not bad, but the colors were too bright for his shady attitude. The house was two stories with a stairway right up the middle of the house when you entered. Dante normally avoided the second floor mostly because it was the worst place to be too hot in the summer and too god damn cold in the winter. He made his way around the stairs looking for a door that would lead down to a basement or something.
The living room was big and roomy with a fireplace to boot he might just light a fire when no one is at home and watch the fire just burn the wood maybe toss in a few pine cones to give it a aroma. The sofas were all set up I might have to sleep in here till I unpacked my stuff and get my bed all set up. He could hear someone pacing around upstairs that had to be his mom she was the only one who really cared about this move as much as his dad. The movers were still moving in some more possessions into the room and were really straining with the weight Dante just stood back it was none of his concern. He kept on walking past the living room and into the kitchen whose white counter tops and glimmering surface made the room brighter even with the lack of light.
Cold, smooth, and lifeless would be the words I would describe the entrance of the door to the basement he did not even recognize it at first. The door matched all the others with the mahogany color to the same curves and twisting designs. The creaking of the hinges told him that this house is older than it appeared whose secrets were unknown to his family. Dark and dank would be what Dante would describe the steps into the basement and little lighting gave his flesh a tingling frightful sensation that ran across his back.
“Guess this is the way into the basement or hell it should be fun either way”
Each step that went further down into the dark abyss felt colder and more relaxing than being on the first floor. His heart felt different at that moment it felt a tender gentle glow in the darkness. He stumbled around feeling the walls for a switch or knob that turned on the lights. The only feeling he received from the wall was a shivering cold until his hands found a switch at the far end of the wall by the door leading outside to the back yard. The room had a lot of space that could fit to be his room and had a little extra left over for any projects he could cook up.
The silence that enveloped the room was then interrupted by one of his mother.
“Dante, Dante where are you?”
“I’m in my room mom what do you want?”
The gentle creaking of the door to the basement brought to his attention that his mom was still looking for him.
“Mom I’m down here”
“Dante this is the basement this can’t be your room”
“Why not?”
“For one it’s the basement you don’t know what the hell can be around here”
He felt it again the fire he could barely contain it the burning the thirst and want to let his rage pour out and consume her. He stuck his hand inside his pocket and felt a cool surface rubbing his hand. He warped his hand around the cool item and pulled out a coin the size of a quarter and saw a moment of opportunity.
“Mom I will make you a deal, no a bet, I flip this coin and we call it if I guess what it’s going to be you give me the basement if not I will pick a room upstairs what do you say”
Her eyes were always cold he never liked staring into her or other people’s eyes or having them staring his mine. He felt like they were looking inside him for some flaw something they could use against him, but when he had to look someone in the eyes he gave them a cold stare. Whenever he did that to people they were the ones that felt uncomfortable he drew some sick joy of casing them to squirm. Though he could give a sense of unpleasantness to them he could also give them a gentle glance once in a while, but after the accident he never gave such a glance again.
“Ok fine I’ll give you the chance, but first let me see the coin”
“What do you think I am going to cheat you please I’m not as petty like you”
“Fine then, toss the coin and we’ll see who wins”
Dante placed the coin on top of his index and thumb trying to figure which way it would end up going heads or tails. He did not care anymore he just let go and felt his mind imagine the coin flying and landing in his hand and being slam on top his left hand and revealing what it would be. He looked at the coin one more time and tossed it and stood there watching with his mom. The coin appeared to have paused in the air while it was spinning and as it cascaded back down into his palm. He flipped the coin over onto his left hand and felt the metal between his hands he took a small breathe.
Dante stood there for a while looking at the coin then to his mom watching her expression turn from a sweet gentle face to a face that look like it just sucked on a lemon. He quickly placed the coin back in his pocket and dumped his bag on the ground and started planning on moving in and getting comfortable.
“Dante you can’t be serious”
“Oh I’m dead serious I’m living down here and there is nothing you can do to change my mind”
“Fine it’s your room, but any problems you have down here are your problems not ours”
“That’s fine with me”
He walked on by his mom who just stood there with her face that told everyone I am disappointed in you well she can join the club. Dante didn’t care what she thought he had good grades and he did do what they ask sometimes, but the god honest truth is that he didn’t care. The damn apocalypse can happen outside his window and he would still not give a damn. Everyone wants you to become someone your not in Dante case that is the prodigal son you know the one he is the son who does what his parents wants and lives out their dreams. He has a different agenda for what he wanted to be, but the truth is he is the prodigal son just not to his parents.
The movers had stuck a bunch of the boxes in the living room so he walked around trying to find his stuff. He probably looked at least twice for his boxes then just gave up and sat down on the couch with mellow eyes that just stare at the surroundings. Dante thought what it would be like if his brother was here watching him lying down on the couch catching some Z’s from the lack of sleep he got from studying. Dante would have his books spread out on the floor each one open to a certain page trying to become better than his brother. Dante would be stumped on a problem and Virgil would lean over his shoulder and then tell Dante how to solve it and then would get back to catching some Z’s while he would fume about how easy it came to Virgil.
Dante saw reality as a question of whether being asleep or being awake. He began to focus and saw that what he wanted to believe was not true and was nothing more than an idle day dream and he wanted to be part of that dream. Tired Dante fumbled around his bag looking for something he wore once for his brother on the worst day of his life. The way reality is Dante sometimes questioned if it was all a cruel joke or perhaps a great irony. He found the black sash that he wore around his arm at his brothers’ funeral it was under the rosy cross he tossed back into the bag.
Irony seems like the world is full of it when we talk to our husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, over all anybody who happens to be there. The one thing he did not like happened to be on top of the one thing he cherished more than his own life. Sorrowfully Dante recalled the memory of the funeral every night; he would see the pastor speaking and family friends gathered around Virgil’s coffin. He watched his mother bent over the casket weeping as his father lifted his mother off the ground, as Dante stood there enraged and sad at the same time. Virgil had left him plain and simple, but when he left one thing remained the same Dante never defeated him.
Dante pulled the sash out and slipped it on his right arm again he felt the same feeling rush through him the anger, the rage, the sadness, the emptiness.
“I should have died with you in the accident, but why didn’t I die?”
The pastor said that God saved him for greater things and that it was Virgil’s’ time it was his time to die. Dante told him to go screw himself if he believed in that load of bullshit. The truth is that a drunk driver killed his brother and God did not care if he or anyone else died so long as they believed in him. He took the sash off and placed it back in his bag and decided to go look for his stuff again. It took him a while, but it was in a room upstairs that his old man picked so he just picked up all his boxes and walked out down to the basement until everything was down there.
The walls were red brick and there were four pillars around the center, which he could put posters up on and perhaps a few of his sketches. He ripped open some of the boxes and pulled out some of his books and music he found one of his boxes that had all his posters. He unraveled one the happen to be sticking out and taped it to the wall eventually he had all his posters up on the walls and then moved on to his sketches that covered the pillars from base to top. He found a closet and hung up all his clothing in there and moved on to figure out where the hell his desk and furniture was. Dante headed up stairs and started to look around for some clue on where everything was, didn’t take him long.
“What the hell!”
“What’s the matter Dante?”
There are a few things he hate in this world one of them happens to be people who like to act smart like when they say “but any problems you have down here are your problems not ours”. Especially when someone leaves all your furniture in the living room hoping that you take it down a flight of stairs then be willing to take all your boxes on down.
“Why is all my furniture in the living room?”
“The movers were tired so we told them they could leave and your father paid them”
“What about my stuff I can’t move it downstairs by myself”
“Oh I’m sorry you might need to sleep upstairs then, I just don’t want you or your father to take a nasty spill down those stairs”
When people want to change you in ways that you don’t want they will always go into an extreme to force you to change. He stood and felt his anger rise again, because he knew this was an attempt to try to get him out of the room. She stood there looking apologetic, but she was a liar like Dante and everyone else who was related to them.
“Oh well I can wait, but in the mean time I will move something downstairs then I will call the guys or somebody to move them downstairs and put it on your account”
She stood there and Dante watched her mouth twist and contort until it resembled the face that a person makes when they realize that they have been beaten at their own game. He knew she would be pissed that he got one on her, but Dante didn’t care about that he found that if you worry about dumb crap like that then you’re just a little kid. He laggard himself over to one of the drawers and started to pull them out and carry them down the stairs all the while his mom left and carried on with what she had left to do. During this time he began to organize his room so that when he moved the heavy pieces he knew where he would want them. The windows around the room were rather filthy and the glass had warped due to how long they must have been down here Dante would need new windows that way the light won’t be obstructed.
By the time Dante finished packing his stuff into the drawers everything was very much organized and the rest of the day seemed alive in a way. He grabbed his bag and stuffed it with his sketchbook, journal, and the metal rosy. His whole wardrobe was black you could try to look for color, but the only thing you would find is black. He found his black coat and pulled his arms through the sleeves filling them loosely and he remembered that he had left the black sash in his bag. The sash felt smooth and cold from being in the bag for a long time him quickly wrapped the sash around his right arm and he remembered the moment when Virgil was lower in the ground Dante still missed him.
A few words to describe Virginia would be alive, conforming, and lastly a compromise to a persons’ identity, but it seems the place people dream about you know white picket fence grilling the barbeque that dream place. The place seems harmless, but a river may look calm on top and underneath it could be a chaotic mess just like the rest of the world. Dante made way around the streets and watched the traffic move on by and saw that everything was going at a easy pace nothing alive or dead either. He traveled at least 12 blocks from home and kept his cell phone off and did not tell where he was going, because he did not know where he was going Dante was just walking. Whenever he went out it was for different reasons sometimes he knew the reason others times he just don’t know, this time he just wanted to see how the town worked.
He wandered around awhile he felt completely out of place from his surroundings he hardly noticed when he crossed the street even when he walked into the plaza all Dante knew was that he was walking and nothing mattered. A small café caught his eye it was at the corner of an intersection of the plaza there were a few people outside at the tables smoking and drinking coffee. His wallet had a few bucks so he made his way inside; a great deal of the café was covered in browns and reds and in different patterns. They had a vast selection of coffee, but mild choices in tea. Dante looked for someone who would take his order, but the only thing he saw behind the counter was the menu.
“Hello is anyone back there”
“Yea be with you in a minute”
That’s sort of funny when people say they will be with you in a minute they don’t mean a minute they mean in about five to eight minutes so when Dante decided to leave he was surprised the girl in the back came up. She wore a black ACDC t-shirt and black baggy pants and had on a lot of black make-up that made her look exotic and out of place with the rest of the café. Her eyes were crystalline orbs of a brilliant blue that shined and reflected his image he was entrapped for a while and gazed into her eyes. He looked her over one more time and saw how her hair cascaded down around her shoulders and the rest fell down her back. He stood there like an idiot she knew he was sizing her up so he pulled out my wallet and ordered an Earl Gray tea.
He walked to a table by the corner and looked at the people around they all wore different clothing with only one exception being that they wore bright blues, whites, and greens. The people there did not belong in a place like this, they appeared out of place what seemed to suit them would be a country club or something. Talking is something you do with friends, but here it was a place to relax to hardly talk with anyone except when you order at least that is how it should be. Dante hated the people in there, but the only person that seemed to fit in was the girl she kept her head down when she was walking almost ashamed of not fitting in. When she came to the table she placed his tea on the table and looked up for a second before turning around and walking back to the counter.
They had a small stage with a stool in the center with a microphone and no light shining on the stage he looked around one more time and he finally got what this place was suppose to be. Dante drank the tea slowly savoring the spicy flavor running over his tongue and spilling down his throat and felt the burning heat rush through his body. The girl was standing by the counter looking at the stage and everyone around and rolled her eyes and went about cleaning the counter and floor. Dante’s mind was bringing words into his head and he looked one more time at the microphone and he picked up the cup and saucer and walked over to the counter.
“Hey can I use the mic or what”
She looked in my direction and her eyes gazed at him looking for some fault.
“The mic on stage is open to the public all we ask is that you keep it decent” she gazed at him while he looked at the stage.
“Right I’ll do that”
He made his way around the other tables and he felt the eyes of the people around him running up his back looking on wondering what he was going to do. Dante’s mind melded with the fire he felt inside his soul the unending wrath he felt and could never get rid of. The lights gave a dim light that attracted the attention of everyone in the room and as he walked up everyone was watching even the girl. He got behind the mic and looked out into the customers and he closed his eyes and opened the door that led to the fire inside.
“Existence is just a brief reprise before the fall of our great demise we lie to our friends we lie to our wives we are the traitors and God’s future demise so pray for death cause in the end I’ll take your lives ”.
He saw someone squirm uncomfortably in their seat and at first no one moved then a couple stood up and walked out slowly everyone began to move and leave at that point only a few people where left a group of people in black and the girl behind the counter. The light was beginning to heat up his clothing so he got off the stage and walked out back to his seat to try and find something else to do with his spare time. They sat in the corner watching his every move they seemed to smirk after everyone left the room almost pleased with the absence of the other people. The girl walked around the counter and tossed her apron on the nearest chair by the group and began to talk to the others Dante couldn’t hear what they were talking about so he laid his head back and started to think on what else he should do.
He felt the memories start to slip into his head when he leaned on back and propped his feet on the table he saw the accident start to play out in his head whenever this happened he just laid back and just let it happen. It was late around midnight during the summer the leather seats felt pretty good after the party. Virgil was driving down the main road passing the McDonald’s and smoking a cigarette. He was in the passenger seat watching the trees pass on by until they were hit at an intersection there were no cars around; it was tempting to just run the light, but the cops had been watching people lately so they waited. The god damn light finally changed midway crossing the street Dante saw the bright lights coming in from the side of the driver seat he saw his brother turn and look from there that’s where everything goes black. He woke the next day in a hospital no tubes coming out of him or some other shit he was lying there his parents were next to him asleep completely exhausted and tired.
He budged out of the covers and moved over the bar of the bed he looked around and smelled the sterility of the hospital it felt vacant and unnatural. The curtains around one of the beds was closed off from his view he walked around a bit and attempted to try to remember what the hell had happened, but it was like a blur he couldn’t remember anything. His memory was only able to bring back bits and pieces of the accident it was as if he was looking at shattered glass and every detail was fragmented. Dante did remember one thing his brother was in trouble on the night of the accident and Dante needed to know what happened. He walked over to his parents and gently tapped his father and he felt a moist feeling coming off his shoulder like water.
His eyes opened up and I they were bloodshot “Dante you’re awake”
“Dad where is Virgil I need to know where he is”
He looked at Dante and tears began to form around his eyes as if saying he was sorry for something. Dante understood what he was saying, but he could not accept it because if he accepted it that would make it true.
“No he can’t be it’s not true”
“I’m sorry Dante, but the truck smashed the side of the car and he was not able to make it”
“No I was in that same car how can I be alive and he’s and he’s”
He felt his eyes begin to water his breathing started to get shallower.
“You’re the only one who came out of it alive”
He tasted the bitter flavor of his tears and he started to look around his arms and body for a bruise or something.
“If you’re trying to look for a bruise then I suggest you give up”
The doctor standing by the doorway was completely disheveled his shirt was not tucked and he stunk of cigarettes; in his one hand he held a clipboard and on the other he held his glasses.
“We checked you out, you don’t have a scratch on you. I’ve seen a lot of things and this is probably the worst accident; by all logic you should be dead”
Dante gazed at his old man he was waking Dante’s mother gently brushing her hair away from her face.
“Virgil is that you? Please come back”
“Sophia it’s just me”
“I thought for a second that Virgil was here Oh”
Dante looked at her eyes and saw the redness that engulf them he felt something inside him break something important to him just fade away.
“Where is Virgil?”
“Dante I don’t think-“
“Where is Virgil!”
“He is in the hospitals morgue”
He raised myself slowly taking in all that heard the few minutes of being awake in this nightmare he gazed at his parents and saw how they looked at him. They watched him and were trying to predict his next move, but they knew what he was going to do. Dante bolted past the doctor before he could grab him; Dante pushed past the door in the hallway and rushed past a group of nurses talking behind the counter. He kept on running past corners and medical equipment he would not stop in one place he just kept running. Dante noticed a map by the elevator of the hospital and quickly searched for the morgue.
A few of the patients there were watching him confused in what he was doing and he could tell they were a bit afraid of what he was doing. The morgue was located three floors down and was at the end the hallway that the elevator went to. He heard voices coming from down the hall he pressed the elevator call button around seven times, but he had to wait for the damn thing to come up. The voices where getting louder he needed to find some sort of shelter to hide him from the doctors and his parents a room across from him had it’s door open so he rushed inside. The room had little light coming in and was relatively dark he shut the door behind him and heard the doctors run past the door who were followed by his parents.
When the noise died Dante steadied his breathing and looked around the room.
“Jacob is that you?”
Dante walked over to the bed nearby and a elderly man was lying on the bed he was hooked up to a life support system his heart beat was weak and his features had reduced to his skeletal frame. His gentle breathing was shallow and his eyes were heavily set which made him appear gentle.
“Jacob is that you I can’t see it’s too dark”
Pity is something that comes naturally to humans Dante felt pity, but something more profound something that made him feel responsible as if he were to blamed for not doing anything.
“Yea it’s me”
“Please come closer”
His face was thin and covered in wrinkles and his eyes were a gentle blue he had no hair except a small bread of snow-white hair. Walking nearer to him he smelled a sweet aroma of tobacco along with some cologne that smelled of old spice.
“My boy I thought you never come, but you have and I have to say I’m sorry”
“For what?”
“For not being a good enough of a father to raise you”
“You are a good man you just don’t want to admit it”
“No I sheltered you too much”
He began to cough horribly Dante placed his hand in the old mans hand he felt how warm it was how smooth and fragile his hand felt.
“Son please understand that even though I am dying here this is not the end yes I could not change the world, but the journey does not end here”
“What do you mean?”
“Death is just another road people must take it comes for us differently, but it comes just the same we all meet the same fate sooner or later, but when it does it comes as a blessing”
He began to cough harder this time his breathing became more shallow his eyes became more merciful.
“Son, if I leave you with anything then let it be this”
Dante saw his eyes look straight up at him, but the old man could not see Dante’s face still in the dark room it seemed that he saw into Dante’s soul and he understood what his message was.
“I promise I will be a better man I promise you”
Dante opened his eyes and he pulled out of his own daydream and nothing seemed to have changed the people at the table were still there along with the girl from the counter. He looked at his watch and had been seating there for a good half hour. Dante got up and made his way past the group and towards the door and he felt a tug on his mind again, but kept on walking he was not planning to stop for anything.
“Hey you by the door that was a pretty good poem you scared everyone out of our place what’s your name?”
He turned around and there she stood her trim figure was covered in black she seemed to be around his age, but she looked amazing.
“My name is Dante”
He walked out the door and he felt that something bad was going to head his way, because when someone wants to know your name something all ways comes around to bite you on the ass.
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