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A story about betrayal, espionage and cunning skills with the sniper . |
Chapter 1 Ok before you read this story i'd like to introduce myself and why I created this Ok im Mark 14 years of age and i read alot and i thought i could make a quick story for fun there was no plan it was all straight from top of my head enjoy. Jones lined up the scope, hands trembling from the amount of tension of knowing one single bullet will blow the mans brains out. He was sent here from the leader of the S.A.S directly, he thinks to himself why would the leader want me to assasinate a Innocent civillian? What has this got to do with the covert operations being assigned to leaders in command? He look's down at his badge then lines the man up with the scope again. The mans dark brown hair flowing freely with the intense wind , his bright blue eyes staring helplessly, his big belly hanging from his pants looking like a avalanche this man surely does not deserve this but nevertheless he has to die if i wish to ever return... He has the the scope of the sniper directly on the guys neck he fires a single bullet and moves not waiting to see the result he thinks to himself "Take your shot and move" he keeps repeating it till he reaches the dense jungle of trees to the north and rips out his binoculars from his backpack. He points them toward the warehouse he notices the guy he was sent here for standing alive and also...the sniper rifle in his hand, an alarm peircing to the ear ringing throughout the camp. He has to take control of this situation immediatly he thinks to himself as he spots three particulary large men running out of the warehouse with dogs raring at there feet. He rapidly gets to work climbing up to the highest point of the maple tree which has the most foilage in the jungle. Once he reaches the top he pulls the sniper to his eye lining it up with a man from the warehouse which has postioned himself behind some sandbags he lets his shot go and this time decides to stay as the guy's skull is ripped open from a tiny peice of metal. The two men go to his aid but one is to late and falls victim to Jones sniper as the other ducks away behind sandbags. Its all about timing and accuracy he thinks to himself accuracy, accuracy, accuracy repeating it over and over the guy peeks his head over the wall and it gets blown away by Jones with a quick jerk of his sniper rifle. Jones decides its time to move and jumps down from his hiding spot does the unthinkable and runs to the warehouse. He runs to the warehouse and gains acess to the roof via the ladder to the north west of the loomy building and positions himself behind a large metal vent. He leans out for a better look and ....A sniper bullet takes his collar with him he jerks his head back knowing one more move like that will be his last he has an idea he gets one of the two smoke greanades off his belt and throws a few feet away. It blows up giving him good foilage he has to make these moves quicklt he he jumps in the smoke gagging and pulls the scope to his eye. He looks helplessy for a fat man..no sign...he searches the branches of the trees he has gotta find him soon because the smoke is getting increasingly thin nearly making all visible. He catches a glimpse of something dark among the green trees and fires without thinking he watches it fall from the tree is he dead he thinks to himself? No time to find out he makes his way down from the roof and runs and runs heart pounding like 999 M4 rounds being fired in your ear. He dosn't stop till he reaches it he throws the smoke grenade on the floor and radio's in. As he waits a truck with four men on it going at incredible speed nearly knocks him over he gets to his feet and in quick movements pulls the scope to his eye and takes down one of the cars tires. With the truck swerving uncontrollably he fires another round taking out the dark colored man in the back. He kills another man and lines up the next but is not quick enough and gets at least five AK47 bullets to the collabone he gasps in pain and fumble's his sniper the man from the back of the truck nearly gets to the trigger but not before the helicopter takes him down. The S.A.S leader jumps out from the helicopter "MOVE DAMNIT, YOU WANNA LIVE BOY?!?" he yells. Jones does what he says without question and get in and prop's himself against the helicopter mainframe. He sits there thinking its over i can go home to my wife and kids im once again FREE untill the next operation. "You done a good job but this is where we part, Im sorry it is not my choice you have done well and your wife and kid's are taken care of" whispering gently not fully realising what he said because of the hypnotising blue clear water "Huh!? I dont get you" He say confused "Bye John you did well" He picks Jones up and pushes him off the helicopter. Jones does the only think he can and that is ...fall until he hits the icy cold blue water the sniper on his back makes his fall even harder as Jones swims he thinks" I will get venagance i across the globe if I have to the S.A.S leader will pay". All I have in this world now is my gun and no-one is going to take that away. |