Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/crosswords/item_id/1266615-FAMILY-GUY-quotes
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Rated: E · Crossword Puzzle · Entertainment · #1266615
quotes from FAMILY GUY episodes
fill in the blanks to these FAMILY GUY quotes
 1 Lois: "Are you Kate Moss? For someone with no _, you've done very well for yourself. Good for you" -A Picture is Worth a Thousand Bucks
 3 Stewie: "Oh damn! Jeremy is still in the _! How long has it been, two weeks? Yeah, he's dead" -8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter
 4 Peter: "Hello Sally, h-hey its Peter Griffen. Yeah, that's right, senior prom, yeah it's been a while..so listen, um, I just found out that Im _ and um, I'm just calling to let you know that uh, you might want to get yourself tested."
 5 Stewie: "Oh! Oh! This story is so good, it must be _!" -Brian in Love
 7 Peter: "You ever watch that show Scrubs? Lois had it on the other night, and I was kinda fading in and out, you know. I was watching and wondering..... which one is the _ guy?" -Blind Ambition
 8 Peter: "By the way Lois, I got a piercing over there. I'm not going to tell you where but I will give you a hint--it wasn't on my nose or my ear and it was one of my _" -You May Now Kiss The...Uh...Guy Who Receives
 9 Stewie: "I was under the impression the name of the show was "Kids Say the Darndest Things," not "Old Black _ Never Shut the Hell Up" -Brian Does Hollywood
 13 Chris: "When I stick this army guy with the sharp bayonette up my nose, it tickles my _. Hah hah hah ... ow. Oh, now I don't know math" -The Kiss Seen Round the World
 14 Peter: "Holy _, he's a crapple!" -A Hero Sits Next Door
 17 Jesus: "Okay everybody, for my next _, I'm going to turn water...into funk!" -Chitty Chitty Death Bang
 1 Grandpa Griffin: "You're a good woman, Lois. Perhaps you won't burn in hell after all. Maybe you'll just go to purgatory with all the unbaptized _" -Holy Crap
 2 Peter: " Women are not people, they are devices built by our Lord Jesus Christ for our _." - I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar
 6 Peter: "The two of you will one day bless our home with the pitter patter of sweet little _ as ugly as sin" -The Kiss Seen Round the World
 7 Peter: "Nobody calls me a _ and gets away with it! Except for that one guy who called me a _ and then ran away, he got away with it. But most of the people who call me a _ don't get away with it! Actually he was the only guy to ever call me a _, b
 10 Peter: "A fat dead beat loser? Well sir, I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the _ your right to say it" -A Fish Out of Water
 11 Stewie: "There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be _ anymore" -Fifteen Minutes of Shame
 12 Stewie: "What's this? Blueberries! Oh, oh my G ... oh, that's better than _! " -Love Thy Trophy
 15 Peter (after Lois tells him he's childish): "If I'm a child that means you're a pedophile, and I'll be damned if i'm going stand here and take this from a _." -When You Wish Upon A Weinstein
 16 Peter: "C'mon, let's go drink 'til we can't feel _ anymore." -Stuck Together, Torn Apart
 18 Peter: "Hey Lois, give Chris a break. I mean, no tv? So he failed a class, it's not like he felt up his _ in the garage that one time when I was 19" -If I'm Dyin, I'm Lyin
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