Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1266745-Princess-Chasni
Rated: E · Short Story · Children's · #1266745
A Queen lies and hides her daughter to keep a Prince away.
Once upon a time there lived a fair Princess named Chasni in the Kingdom of Sunshine.  Sunshine’s people were giddy and bright all the days long until a dark cloud settled over top.  One day Queen Annabelle told the kingdom that Princess Chasni was out playing in the forest when she angered a bear, causing her death.  King Buford was heartbroken.  Princess Chasni was his only child.

Queen Annabelle lied. 

The royal family of Raavi, a neighboring kingdom, began to visit when their son turned seventeen.  They vowed to visit each year until their Prince found a bride.  The King and Queen thought that since his first love was from Sunshine he could find another love from Sunshine.  But Prince Gav didn’t want another love.  He wanted Princess Chasni. 

Since Princess Chasni didn’t cause any trouble, the guards kept the door unlocked unless Queen Annabelle came down; then the door was locked.  When Princess Chasni poked her head out to ask for a drink she saw the guard (ogres, as she called them) lying on the ground asleep.  She quickly threw some things together and slid through the door, then silently slipped out the palace gates.  The palace was on the forest’s edge so Princess Chasni ran into the forest.
         As the parade passed by, Queen Muriel turned to her son and asked, “Son is any one dame favorable in your sight?”

         “No mother.”

Back at the palace, the guard awoke and found Princess Chasni gone.  He quickly alerted Queen Annabelle.  She sent several guards out in search of Princess Chasni.
One day while out hunting for deer, Prince Gav came across Princess Chasni washing her clothes at the waterfall.  Oh my good Lord!  You have surely blessed my soul.  She is beautiful!, he said to himself.  A sudden ruffle in the leaves startled them both.

Princess Chasni jumped into the nearest bush.  She had jumped right next to Prince Gav.  He laughed.  She jumped again.

              “Do not be afraid.  I mean you no harm.”  Prince Gav said still laughing.

              “Why do you laugh at me?” 

              “No, no.  I do not laugh at you, my lady.  I laugh at the little rabbit that frightened us.  Look.”

Princess Chasni watched the rabbit hop away.

              “Who are you and from where do you come?”  Princess Chasni held her distance with caution.  Then she heard dogs barking in the distance and ran. 

At first, he was confused.  Then he heard the dogs and followed Princess Chasni.  When he finally caught up to her, he grabbed her arm.
              “Follow me!  I know a place for you to hide.”

They ran until he stopped at a tree.  There was a self-made ladder going up the tree.
He looked at her and said, “Quickly”.

She climbed the tree while he stayed on the ground.

Minutes later the guards rushed to him. 

They fell on their faces when they realized who he was. 

              “Prince Gav!  We did not know.”

              “Why do you chase me?  Stand and speak.”

The guards stood.

              “A girl has run away in Sunshine and our dogs have tracked her thus far.  Please accept our apologies.”

              “This girl, why has she run away?” 

              “We cannot say your Majesty.”

              “As you wish.  Will you continue to search in my kingdom or return to Sunshine?”
              “We will return to Sunshine at once.”

              “Very well.” 

Prince Gav smiled and went back to his hunting lodge in the tree.
              “Now, my fair lady…”

              “Thank you, Gav.  My apologies for not recognizing you.”  She saw the puzzled look on his face.  “Do you not recognize me?  It is I, Princess Chasni.” 

              “Impossible!”  Prince Gav snapped.  He was outraged at the claim.

Princess Chasni started to cry.

He stepped over to her and put his hands on her shoulders.  As he stood there staring into her deep green teary eyes, he remembered staring into those same beautiful eyes the last time he saw her, years ago.  He shook his head and stepped back.  “It cannot be.  But you are dead.”

              “Dead!  I am not dead!”  Princess Chasni sat down and cried harder.

              Prince Gav sat beside her and put his arm around her.  “My beautiful Princess, please.  There are too many tears for me to catch.  Do not fret.  I will protect you.  Tell me everything.”

She told him everything.

              “I must take you to my parents now.  We must tell everyone you are alive!”

              Princess Chasni jumped to her feet in fear.  “No!  We must not!”

              “Chasni, I will not allow you to spend another night out here.  We must tell my parents.”

She finally agreed and that night she spent cuddled under warm blankets in a soft bed.

The next day King Briton and Queen Muriel went to Sunshine.
              “It is so nice to see you again, my friend.”  King Buford said.

              “King, we come with good news for you.  Your Queen will not think it such good news I fear.”  King Briton said.

              “Well go on; speak of your good news.”

              “Your daughter is alive.  She is safe at the palace.  Quee…”

              King Buford interrupted with anger in his voice.  “Impossible!  My daughter is dead.  What is the meaning of this?”

              “Buford, we have been friends since childhood.  I would not lie to you.  The Queen has kept Princess Chasni locked in the dungeon for all these years.”

              Queen Annabelle gripped her husband’s arm.  “Do not believe them, dear.  You know Chasni has been dead for years now.  I do not understand why they taunt you so.”  The Queen released his arm and called for the guards.  “Show them out.  I am taking my husband to our quarters now.”  Queen Annabelle took her husband’s arm and walked him out.

Princess Chasni and Prince Gav watched as the horses rode up the lane.  They ran in hopes of hearing good news.  Before Princess Chasni could say anything, she was told to go find the maidservant.

Prince Gav went with his parents into their meeting quarters.

                “Well father, what is the news?”

King Briton walked over to his son and put his hand on his shoulder.  “I am afraid Princess Chasni is not wanted in her palace.  She will have to stay here.”

                Not that I am disappointed, Prince Gav thought.  “Nevertheless, what was said?”

                “I told the King that his daughter is alive.  His reaction was no different from ours. 

The Queen interrupted and had your mother and I removed.

                “What can we do father?”

                “Son, I am afraid there is nothing we can do.”

Princess Chasni over-heard and stepped inside.

                “But there is something I can do.  Prince Gav, will you ride to Sunshine with me?”
                “Are you sure?”  Queen Muriel asked.

                Princess Chasni walked over to the Queen and put her hands in the Queen’s hands.  “All these years I have allowed my mother to keep me locked in that dungeon.  Is it not time I stand for myself?  Gav?”

                “Anything for you my Princess.”  He smiled.

The next morning Princess Chasni had the Raavi Royal family standing behind her as she walked into the Sunshine palace.  Guards were all over.  The guards at the main door recognized Princess Chasni so they tried to capture her.  Prince Gav and his father fought them off.  King Buford came in with more guards and Queen Annabelle.

                “What is the problem here?”  King Buford demanded.

                “Father!”  Princess Chasni yelled.

King Buford was speechless.  Queen Muriel walked up to Queen Annabelle.

                “Tell your husband who this girl is.”

                “She is no one; just another peasant.”

This angered Princess Chasni.
                “No mother, I am not.  I am the Princess of Sunshine.  I am Chasni Annabelle Onter.”  Princess Chasni looked at the guards.  “I order you ogres to tell my father who I am.”

The King looked at his guards.

                “It is true, your Majesty.  She is Princess Chasni.”

                “Now tell him where my mother has kept me.”

                “She has been in the dungeon.  Nevertheless, your Majesty, she was well fed and the door was only locked when the Queen came down.”

King Buford looked at his wife.  “Annabelle.  What have you say?”

Queen Annabelle looked at the guards.  “You wretched morons!  If you had kept the door locked like I ordered, she would not have escaped!”

King Buford turned to King Briton.  “Can we speak in private?”

While the two Kings were in talking, Queen Annabelle tried to leave but Princess Chasni stopped her.  After awhile the Kings returned.

King Briton walked his son out to the carriage.  While Prince Gav was gone, King Buford gathered every guard in and around the palace.  When Prince Gav returned, he had many men with him.

                “Sir, your new ogres have arrived.”  Prince Gav smiled at Princess Chasni.

Before Queen Annabelle could say anything, King Buford said, “Men, take this woman and these men out of my kingdom.”  Then King Buford turned to his wife.  “You and your men are never to return to my kingdom.”

The next day King Buford called a kingdom gathering.  He announced that Princess Chasni was alive and her engagement to Prince Gav of Raavi.  When Princess Chasni stood in front of her people, the dark cloud that haunted the kingdom for so long lifted.  It was the first time in years that the Kingdom of Sunshine had a beautiful sunny day.  The people were very happy. 

On the day of the royal wedding, people gathered in the Kingdom of Sunshine from all over the land.  The sky was clear and the sun was bright.  There was a smile on every face.

And the Prince and Princess lived happily ever after.

The End
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