Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1270986-My-Italian-Girl-friend-my-growing-belly
by RyanZ
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1270986
Ryan gets a girl friend who is Italian and feeds him and plumps him up.
Ryan was a great in all sports, he played football in the fall, wrestled in the winter and played baseball in the spring. He was an all state champ in all his sports. He had grown to be 5 ft 10 inches tall and a great muscle build he weighed about 178 lbs. The girls loved him and he always had great girl friends. It was summer before his senior year and he meet Maria who's family moved to town and had just opened up an Italian resturant. Maria was a curvy brunet with deep blue eyes. Ryan fell in love at first sight. He was playing football on the town green and looked over and saw her. There eyes meet and he was stared into her eyes which aloud him to run into a light pole. He came to with her looking over him.
"Are you an angle?" was Ryan's response.
" NO, silly my name is Maria and we just moved to town, are you ok?" Maria said with a smile, that made Ryan feel warm all over.
They started to get to know each other. Ryan would come over to the resturant to get Maria and her mom was always working in the kitchen. They lived up stairs from the kitchen. She was always giving Ryan food which he ate, and ate. Because he was so active he only put on muscle and was bulking up. By the time school started he was 189 lbs of pure muscle and ready for a great senior year. He was going to be the captain of the team this year and was very happy with how life was going. Late one night he was driving home from a date with Maria and was hit by a drunk driver. He woke up from being in a comma for two weeks with a broken leg and arm. Maria came and visited every day. She would come and bring him food that she or her mom had made. Maria fed him every day and they would talk and kiss. Ryan was trying to be good , but he knew he was gaining some weight. He had a new appreciation for just being alive. By the time he left the hospital three weeks later he had a little belly hanging over his now tight shorts and his t-shirts were getting a little tight. Ryan wondered how much he weighed but because he was in casts he couldn't get on a scale and get an good reading. He was doing all his school work at home and his mom took some time off from work to help him. With her spare time she was making cookies and cakes and cooking all the meals. She would wait on him hand and foot. Ryan was getting fatter and fatter. When he went in for his check up they had to put on a new leg cast because he had gain so much weight, on the way home his mom stopped of at the mall and got him some new bigger shorts and underwear. Ryan was happy to have his arm cast off so he could start to move around more. When he got home he discovered that his shirts all were fitting tight.
Ryan was going to start back at school in another week. During that week Maria and Ryan's mom feed him and filled his every need. Maria would watch movies with him and feed him and make out. He had never felt this close to any of his other girl friends. He went to put on his favorite shirt and discovered that it was way to small it didn't even button on the bottom. he looked down and tried to suck in his gut. Just then his mom came into the room and saw it and smiled, my growing boy she said with a smile. I will go to the store and get you some new shirts tomorrow so you have some thing to wear when you go back to school.
Ryan was getting a little worried about going back to school and how he had gained so much weight. He mom brought back some new clothes his shorts were now a size xl, and so were some of the t-shirts he was giving. He put them on and they fit.
"WOW, I must have really put on weight?" Ryan said looking into the mirror with his new clothes on.
"I don't think that I look to bad with the little extra pounds"
"Ryan dear breakfast is ready" His mom said.
He grabed his crutches and hobbled down the stairs to the kitchen and there his mom had a great big spread of eggs, pancakes, bacon, ham and orange juice. He sat down and started in on all the great food.
"I thought you would like a nice big meal to start your week back at school"
"Thanks mom"
"I will drive you to school and be there to pick you up after its over, Maria said that she will drive you tomorrow. I also packed you some snacks just in case you get hungry"
"Thanks mom you the best, I can't wait to get this cast off you have been such a great help in getting me better."
They left for school Ryan looked down at his tummy which was sticking out a little bit more then he would like. When they got to school Maria was out side to greet him.
"Good morning, how are you doing Ryan? Are you ready for your first day back?"
"As ready as I will ever be"
Ryan got his crutches and hobbled out of the mini van put on his backpack which pulled his t-shirt tighter and helped to show off his new little belly. Ryan was greeted by all his friends and team mates they all gave him slaps on the back or high fives as he made his way thru the day. Lunch came and he sat down and ate for the first time thru the entire lunch break. During the after noon he had, gym class so he got to go the library and have a study hall. While there he got out the snacks that his mom had packed and ate them all. Feeling stuffed he went off to his last class. His mom picked him up right out front just like she said he would.
"How was your first day back?"
" It was ok, nice to see everybody again" Ryan said.
"I thought we would stop by and get some KFC for dinner?"
This went on for the rest of the week and his shorts were getting tighter and tighter. Then Monday came and he got to go and get his cast off. The doctor came into the room and said " SO Ryan, it looks like we can take off the cast but you will still have to take it easy for a bit and wait to work out for another couple weeks"
He took off the cast and Ryan could feel his leg fill out and the cerculation come back into it.
"Well lets see you take a couple steps with out the cast"
Ryan put his feet down and slowly stood up. He took a couple steps and felt for the first time how heavy he was.
"I think you should use a cane for a week to help you get back in the grove"
"Thanks Doc"Said Ryan.
So he headed down the hall to see his mom and Maria.
"Hey thats our big boy" His mom said.
"Looking good" Said Maria.
They celibrated with a big meal at Maria's family's resturant.
Maria and Ryan snuggled and watched some TV.
"It feels so good to hold you in my arms with out the cast getting in my way" said Ryan.
"I love you and snuggling with you honey" Maria said.
They kissed and made out for a bit. During this time Ryan wondered if he had imagined it or did Maria really rub his tummy a lot?
When Ryan got home he headed up the stairs and sent to the bathroom and pulled out the scale it was dusty from not being used in almost two months. He pulled off his shirt and looked at his belly, it was hanging out a bit, but he still had firm pecks and strong looking shoulders and arms. He breathed in and stepped on the scale. The numbers wizzed by and came to a stop at 256 lbs.
"NO WAY" he said.
"I have gotten really big" "I need to be more careful with what I am eating."
The weeks continued with more eating and school and homework. Ryans shorts were very tight now. Saturday came they went to the mall to get some new clothes for Ryan. They went to the Gap and she gave him a pair of jeans they were a 38's. Ryan thought no way, but put them on. They were tight when he came out of the dressing room. Maria smiled at him,
"Maybe we should go up a size?"
"Have I really gotten this fat?" Ryan lamented.
"I like a man with some meat on his bones"
Ryan blushed and she handed him some 40's He went back in and tried them on and they fit! Thats it he thought and no bigger. They bought two pair of jeans and a pair of kackis, some underwear and new t-shirts and button down shirts also, all in XL and some in XXL. Maria also slipped in a pair of 42's the largest Gap has in the store. Ryan then got some new running shoes and some bigger work out shorts in XXL.
That week he got to start playing in gym class again. When he went in to change he worked his way to the corner to change. He felt a little self conscious but at the same time he thought its ok there is more to life then what you weigh. He did catch some of the guys looking in his direction. He had to sit down to tie his shoes, or use the bench to put his foot in it. He headed out to the gym they warmed up with a few excersises and then played basketball. He was glad that he was not skins but shirts. He tried his best but found himself not keeping up with the guys. Finally gym class was over, he never felt that way before but now he did. He changed in the locker room, and was feeling really tired he got out a candy bar and ate it on the way to his next class.
The weeks flew by and his pants got tight and he was soon wearing only the 42's and they were tight. Ryan was sure that there was more to life then sports since his near death in the car accident. But he also new that he needed to cut back as his weight was climbing. He stepped on the scale and it read 294lbs. Ryan didn't know what to do, he seemed to not be able to stop eating. His mom and Maria seemed to always have food for him. Ryan also noticed that as his weight climbed the time with Maria was even more hot. They had great make out sessions, feeling each other up and exsporing each others bodies.

Ryan and Maria where heading out on a date, they went out to dinner. The Hungry Heifer buffet, which he had become a regular, and their favorite date place other then Maria's family restaurant. But at this restaurant Maria could be more affectionate without her family watching the happy couple.
Maria feed Ryan mounds of meat, pasta, veggies, mashed potatoes his favorite, pudding, pies.

Ryan loved how Maria would feed him. She would also rub his tummy and leg under the table. They loved just being together. Ryan was so full he leaned back in the booth his belly swollen in front of him almost touching the table. He reached under his tight belly and undid his belt buckle a notch and undid his top button. Maria cuddled next to him, she whispered in his ear, "Lets go watch a movie at my house my parents are gone." Ryan smiled back and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. He pulled himself up slowly out of the booth feeling big and heavy. He walked slowly to the door, with Maria on his arm, and rubbing his back as they walked thru the restaurant. As they drove home Maria leaned on his shoulder and rubbed his leg. They were so happy as they pulled up to Maris house. They went inside and headed into the living room. " What do you want to watch?"she said. He settled himself down on the couch with a uff, " I am so full I think I am in a food coma"
She smiled and looked back and said "So you agree it will not matter what we see?" Her brown eyes twinkled and grin became mischievous.

Maria with her body which had such great curves turned and bent over putting in a DVD Ryan could not help put check out her fine cute butt and thighs that lead to a small waist. He could feel himself getting excited and so happy. Maria then stood up to reveal her plump but not to big breasts. She seductively walked over to Ryan on the couch and sat next to him. Maria curls up and starts to rub his belly she leans in and kisses his neck he kissed back. They kissed she moved over straittling his lap and belly. Maria rubbed his belly and love handles while kissing him. Ryan moved his hands up and down feeling her curves and hips and fabulous butt. Ryan kissed her hard and pulled her in by her hot butt. Maria's hands moved up and down on his belly slowly unbuttoning his shirt buttons. Maria pushed his shirt open reviling his tight t-shirt over his plump pecs and bulbous belly. Ryan pulled her in on top of him kissing and caressing her. Maria pulled back and pulled off his shirt and watched as his belly plop out over his waist band of his jeans. Ryan pulled her shirt off over her head and pulled her in close to him. They kissed and explored each others body. Ryan could feel her hands running over his ample body. He worked to shift them both in a reclined position on the couch. Maria strattled his legs and kissed down his belly and kept moving down undoing the rest of his fly buttons and pulling his belt out of the belt loops. Ryan reached up and undid her bra carefully slipping the straps off her shoulder kissing each shoulders carefully. Ryan was taking up much of the couch so Maria pulled him up off the couch and they moved to the floor Ryan's pants where pulled down to his ankles. His underwear trunks stretched tight across his ample butt and thighs. They continued to make out feeling each other up. Kissing each other up and down. Nibbling at the neck and down to the Breasts. Ryan was very excited now and could feel his underwear get even tighter. Maria sits up looking down on Ryan. She rubs his belly, I love a man who has more shape then a board. Ryan laughed " I have definitely not that shape any more." "I fear that I am getting to fat for you." Maria smiled "I love all of you my dear one" Just then they heard the door open in the back. "Hello, Where are you guys?". Maria Jumped up grabbing her shirt and skirt and putting them on quickly. Ryan pulled up his jeans and buttoned his fly but gave up with the last two buttons. Maria tossed him his t-shirt and he pulled it on and struggled to get it down over his belly. Jsut as he pulled his oxford shirt on and sat down with a hrumf Her parents walked in. "Hey guys what are you watching?" Ryan actually didn't know, and sat kind of dumb founded and realized he was breathing hard from the struggle to get his clothes on. Maria said " oh some silly romantic comedy." "Well don't stay up to late you two, oh Ryan isn't it getting close to your curfew?" "OH my your right, I better get going then." Ryan pulled himself off the couch and hoped his t-shirt was hiding that his jeans were not buttoned all the way up. Maria got up quick and pulled him towards the door so that her parents did see his belly hanging out over his waist. THey kissed at the door holding each other close. Maria pulled back and patted his tummy. " Sleep well see you tomorrow. We might need to go to the mall tomorrow" she said as she patted his un covered tummy. Ryan walked out and got into his car, drove home and went to his room. He looked in the mirror what looked back was a large boy with his jeans un buttoned his t-shirt filled to capacity with a good two inches hanging out from under his t-shirt. His oxford was hanging on him tight. "Man I have gotten fat, tomorrow I am going to diet." " I need to get my weight down" HE striped off his tight jeans and oxford, passing the mirror he realized how big he was by looking at his profile trying to suck in his belly to no avail. Pulling his snug t-shirt off he could pick up his belly and sake it. He crawled into bed and rolled to his side and felt his belly follow a few seconds latter.

Ryan awoke to the smell of something sweet and wonderful. He pulled himself to the edge of the bed and sat up. His swollen belly had not gone down a bit. Ryan walked over to the bathroom and peed got on the scale and looked over his gut and saw the numbers tick up to 308 lbs. Then to his surprised Maria leaned in and said" Good morning my big guy" "Hey how big are you?" seeing he was on the scale. "I um well I am 308 lbs" Ryan said feeling a little sheepish. "Oh really huh I never would of guessed that number maybe 280 or 290" she said. "Hey get dressed I have breakfast ready for you in the kitchen sweetie" SHe leaned in and kissed him rubbing his belly. "WE got to get to the mall get you some new clothes." "OK " he said as he jumped into the shower letting the hot water run over his body he cleaned himself up lathering up soap and feeling just how big he had gotten. He jumped out pulled on some underwear that was tight and hard to pull up. Then some sweats and a t-shirts that did not cover his belly, finally a hoodie sweat shirt. He went down stairs and started eating and talking with Maria. Soon no food was left on the table, he helped clean it off and fill the dish washer feeling his sweats tight on his meaty bubble butt, and tree truck thighs. They got in his car and headed for the mall. Walking in they passed Aunty Ann's pretzel, and cookie store front then heading to GAP. THey walked in and looked for new jeans but none in the size of 44. A clerk came buy and asked "can I help you?" "Yes Maria said "Do you have size 44 or 46?" The clerk smirked and said" Oh no, the biggest we have is 42 and only in several styles." Ryan looked at Maria a little worried. "I would go try the XL male or bobs big and tall at the other end of the mall." "THanks" Maria said as she pulled him out of the store. THey walked to the other end of the mall stopping at several other food booths. Ryan was feeling pretty content as they walked into XL male store. Inside the store the was a stocky man and a plump woman. THey turned when they saw us walking in,"can we help you?" "Yes my honey here needs some new jeans and shirts" Said Maria. Ryan was looking around at the clothes. "What size jeans do you need?" Said the clerk. "I am not sure"Ryan said rubbing his belly absent mindedlly. Maria walked over to the jean stack and pulled out a pair and said "just go try these on, big guy." patting his butt. Ryan went into the dressing room looking at the mirror on the wall his sweat pants were skin tight, his belly had started to sag over his waist band a bit, but still was quite the ball. Ryan pulled his sweats off and pulled his hoodie off. pulled the jeans on and they fit just right. He turned around looking in the mirror and smiled looks good not to bad. "Come out so I can see my man in his jeans" Said Maria. Ryan came out showing off his new jeans, which he filled out really well. His big butt pushing the denim tight across the back side, and his thighs filling out the legs of the jeans. Maria said"how do they feel? they look really good on you honey" Ryan smiled"I think I need some new tops to go with these jeans" looking at him and having his t-shirt ridding tight up over his gut. She handed Ryan some t-shirts that had XXL and XXXL on the tags. Ryan went into the dressing room and slipped off the tight t-shirt and put on a XXXL t-shirt tucked it into his waist band and stepped out of the dressing room. MAria came up and rubbed Ryan's belly smiling "you look great big guy, lets get some more shirts and some underwear" SHe said smiling and walked him around the store got some more shirts button up the front and then some new XXXL trunk underwear. They paid and went home and dropped off the clothes and headed to MArias family restaurant where Ryan got fed even more good food in the back kitchen while Maria worked. HE ate almost a full pan of lasagna and a loaf of garlic bread and about a gallon of chocolate ice cream. "Maria I got to get home talk with you tomorrow" they kissed her brothers heckled them and he headed home. drove in the drive way and walked in and stopped at the kitchen looked into the fridge and found himself eating more suddenly he was like "I got to stop why am I eating?, I am full maybe some ice cream" pulling out a gallon of chocolate fudge ripple with marsh mellow and a spoon. Ryan ate the whole thing and fell asleep with some chocolate on his belly.

MMore comingore

Oh how Ryan want to come up behind her and hug her and nibble her neck. Running my hands up and down her curves. Slowly I would turn her around and pull her in for a hug..... Can I keep going I know you go for the guys but I really want to discribe this.......we would kiss while running my hands on her body. She would hold my sides or put her arms around my shoulders, sometimes she would reach around and grab my little butt. I would lean in and kiss her neck at the point it curves to her shoulder. If I could kiss and bite the skin just ever so lite she would moan. I would work up and down her neck. She would pull off my bow-tie and start to undo my best buttons. I would kiss her plump lips and bite and pull her lower lip out just a bit. My vest is off and on my chair. She is working my shirt buttons now while we kiss. I run my hands up and down her arms slowly and letting them run on the edge of her breasts. I reach down while kissing those succulent lips and undo her jean button. My shirt slips off my shoulders revealing my t shirt my pecs showing and pulling the shirt ever so slightly making the shirt smooth. I pull off her sweater and lead her down the little hall to the bed room. She pulls my t shirt off over my head. I hold her feeling the heat of her body next to mine. I kiss her chest around the bra and work my way down her front kissing and lightly biting and sucking her skin. My hands are on her curves up and down the sides around her bubble butt. I am kissing around her belly button running my fingers gently under the waistband of her painties she is wearing my favorite black pair with the little lace edge. I have to take a second to reach down and adjust myself so my penis is pointing up to keep growing. As I kiss her tummy I pull down the tiny zipper and ease her jeans off her fabulous butt and down feeling the round muscular thighs I let the jeans drop to the floor. I kiss up her front slowly working my hands up her sides then and pull her close warming her skin. She is undoing my pants and they drop to the floor with ease as I don't have much of a butt to hold them up. I am almost fully grown and filling out my underwear fronts, I am wearing Calvin Klein steel boxer briefs, she loves these on me and likes how soft they are to feel. She allows me to lower her to the bed, I climb up on top of her and go for her neck again trying to get that special spot to make her moan. She is running her hand up and down my sides occasionally grabbing at them pulling me closer she is nibbling my ear and kissing my neck.... I am Slowly moving up and down rubbing my full body against hers feeling my penis getting bigger and harder it's pushing against the waist band of the underwear. I pull her over ontop of me and undo her bra. She is kissing my chest and working her way down my body to my semi flat but slightly soft tummy. Bitting gently and kissing I writhe in the pleasure of it arching my back pushing her up. She pulls me back over her and I pull up she yanks my underwear down and with her foot pushes them down my legs I get one leg off leaving them around the other. I kiss her flat tummy and run my fingers slowly along her panties waist. She arches her back as I pull them off and she is smiling and pulling me up to her face I kiss her breasts and work her neck and breast. She is rolling the condom on and making sure it has some lube. I am a grower not a shower...... It needs the lube so I can enter her with less pain she lines me up and helps me enter tensing just a bit as I slide in. She grabs my sides and pulls me in as I push and pull in and out I feel myself getting just a big bigger and harder.... I work to get a good rhythm and get her more aroused she is pulling at my sides and back..... She moans slightly and her breath quickens I have found the spot I keep working it........,

I will add more later
© Copyright 2007 RyanZ (ryanz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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