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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Dark · #1275148
Done finally can someone take a look at it you need to read the first part to understand
Outside felt cold and the fact that there was a breeze did not help much to keep him warm. He closed up his coat and started to walk a bit faster than before and made his way two blocks down the street. A building was across from the plaza and only about two to three cars were parked as far as he could tell. He felt a bit curious at what the building might be seeing as no one cares to visit it. The front of the building read:
Piedmont Public Library
Open From 8:00am to 10:00pm weekdays
Open from 9:00amm to 8:00pm on Sunday
"Hmm guess that just explained why people are not here I swear all people are concerned about is football and getting wasted well I can't say that I don't mind a drink but who cares".
He stood there thinking about whether if he should enter or not at that point he did not care at all. The cold started to nape at his neck and he gave a small shutter and finally walked inside. The inside was well heated and the shelves were covered with books of ever type science fiction, fiction, reference, law textbooks, everything that seemed to be every printed looked to be here. The librarians we nowhere to be seen the main desk was empty the entire place seem abandoned. Dante walked around the bookshelves no one seemed to be there.
"Hmm wonder if they have anything worth checking out"
He went down one section looking at the titles, which hardly seemed worth reading. He found the classical works section the books all looked to have been undisturbed by anyone. The vellum that warped the books looked fresh and smooth yet the pages showed that they were old and hardly read or have not been at all. All of sudden he felt as being watched his body tensed up as he slowly leaned on the bookshelf behind him. He heard someone breathing heavily on the other side almost panicking slowly he turned around and pulled a book of the shelf and saw a girl on the other side.
She was well groomed her brown hair was tied neatly in the back and she had glasses with thin frames making her look elegant. Her hands held a book, which she almost dropped due to her shaking hands.
"Ex-ex- excuse me, but if you're here to damage the books or the library I must-t ask you to lea- leave"
Her voice was broken she was afraid yet she was willing to stand her ground he looked at her and he pitied her in some way yet he understood why she was scared. The reason the library was deserted was nobody wanted to read perhaps a few parents for kids' books, but high school students did not care.
"Hey I'm not with the crowd just browsing, but I am looking for a certain book can you help"
Her face relaxed a bit, but she looked a bit hesitant.
"Look girl I don't know what sort of riff raft you get, but don't place me with the rest of the trash so catch ya later"
Dante knew when he was not wanted sort like his family only he could not leave he was stuck with them for life.
"Wait please" He ignored her and moved past the bookcase and turned the corner and moved toward the exit.
"Hang on please wait"
"Why bother it's obvious that you don't want me here"
"Look I'm sorry it's just that we get a bunch of classmen that think it's cool to write on the walls and destroy the books"
"So you make a generalization before you even know me is this how you treat everyone who comes in to check a book"
"I sorry ok now are you going to forgive me or are you going to keep acting like a ass"
Dante stopped and looked at the girl straight on she stood a bit shorter then him her hands very slender with a pale complexion. She wore a white sweater that looked to be knitted for her. She happened to be holding a copy of the Divine Comedy close to her and she looked to be honest enough.
"Kay I forgive you now if you don't mind what's your name?"
"My name is Andrea or Andy for short how about yours"
"Well its nice to meet you Dante"
She extended her pale white hand which appeared fragile almost sensitive to the light that illuminated the room around them.
"Yea whatever"
"What book are you looking for?"
"You said you were looking for a certain book"
"Oh yea I lied I was trying not to worry you"
"Yea Sorry bout that"
She walked around to the reception desk and began to type away on the keyboard and moved the book under the scan. Dante moved towards the door it was starting to get late and sooner or later he would need to call home. He pulled out his cell phone and pressed the on button and watched as the phone glowed with light. He scrolled down the list of numbers looking for Destiny's cell number her picture popped on the screen. He pressed the call button and watched as the signaled was being sent.
"Destiny it's Dante you mind picking me up"
"Picking you up that's the lest of your worries"
"What do you mean?"
"Can't you guess mom and dad are on the war path"
"Like I care about that look I am by the public library you think you can give me a ride?"
"Sure just don't expect a warm-"
He canceled the called not caring what else she was going to say all he cared about was if he was going to get a ride or not. He moved toward a ledge that protruded from the main building. The small clock tower in the center of the plaza began to chime the hour of three o'clock time seemed to just have slipped past him. He thought about the girl he met at the café the way she looked was mesmerizing. His attention was pulled away at that moment as the Chrysler jeep pulled into the parking lot.
The passenger side window rolled down showing Destiny's face glancing looking for her brother by the entrance. Dante tug the flaps of his coat closer together as he moved towards the jeep.
"You got here fast Des"
"Yea well get in so I can get you home already"
They watched as the boy entered the jeep keeping close watching at the situation unfolding in the boy's life. The resentment between the two thickened the air yet the worry of being seen by the boy worried them more. They felt that their essence being called every fiber of their being felt almost stretched about to peel off their bodies. They faded and disappeared knowing their perspective leaders wanted to know the progress of the boy. Something was going to happen and it was going to happen soon.

"Dante where the hell have you been!"
"Hmm let me think oh it's none of your damn business"
He did not want to be pulled into another argument he had a lot of things to think about especially the two girls he met.
"Watch your tongue boy I have little patience for the cheek you give me and your mother!"
"I will remember that when I start to care"
He flung himself on to the couch and placed his boots on the coffee table. He was met with a grumble of words that his father said under his breath yet he caught what he said.
"Well it's good to see my grandson has not lost any of his wit"
An elderly gentleman sauntered into the room the aroma around him smelling of tobacco and old cologne. His crisp white hair covering the area around his mouth gave him the look of being Father Christmas. He wore dark brown slacks and a brown checker golf cap with a crisp with white shirt.
"Gramps when the hell you get here"
"It was the year of our lord and my mother was giving birth-"
"Gramps come on you know what I mean"
"Oh sorry my mind slips at times, I got here right around the time you were off painting the town red"
Destiny walked in reading Sense and Sensibility ignoring everyone who was in the room until she looked up. Before the first words came out her mouth her eyes met the old mans gentle hazel eyes.
"Hello Destiny how's my favorite granddaughter"
He watched as Destiny and the frail old man embraced in utter joy of being reunited. The old man patted her back and moved away from her to examine the room along with the furniture. Dante watched this not really caring much about the reunion however he felt glad inside to see that the old geezer was doing all right.
"Well you kids have done pretty good from the last time I saw you"
"Unlike you dad we work and not gamble in stock"
"Oh is that how you talk to this poor old man"
Dante watched as his grandfather make himself appear weak and pathetic by walking and shaking his tiny frame. Dante watched and felt a bit bored he lifted his legs off the table and made his way towards the basement door.
"Dante where are you going?"
"I going to my room gramps I feel a bit tired"
"Oh good I can come see where you sleep hope it's nice like your last room"
"Hmm whatever"
He felt the warmth in his hands begin to sap away when he touched the door handle and felt it rise through his arm. A burst of cold air shot from the door and an empty void show itself before them. Dante walked down the stairs adjusting his eyes to the darkness before him. He felt around the wall for the switch until his hand felt the little indentation, which made the switch.
"Hey gramps what do you think about my room?"
"Hmm damp, dark, looks like the way into the next life; I like it"
"I thought you might"
"Dante by the way I was thinking you and me can go out tomorrow and get your school supplies"
"Sure I need to get some things, but why do you really want to go out with me"
"Lets see I am 73 years old and I hardly know my own grandson"
"Like how you hardly knew Virgil"
The awkward silence between them was uncomfortable even for Dante. The room was absent of most things such as the bed, dresser, and worktable. The elderly man walked around the pillars looking at the sketches that were tape all around them. The angels and demons that were depicted were made with skill and from the shear time it would take to make them would take a great deal of patience.
"Dante I know you still miss Virgil, but don't you think its time to move on?"
"Look I have gotten over the fact that he is dead doesn't mean that I will forget him"
"I know, but never mind"
Dante watched his grandfather move up the stairs and leave him alone yet he felt as though he broke his heart and he hated the feeling. He looked to see if the door was left open and when he felt secure he moved over to open the windows. The windows handles were stuck only for a second, but slowly they budged until they let fresh air roll inside. He then moved to the drawers he left on the ground and started to fiddle with the bottom until a small compartment popped open and revealed the little package inside. The seal on the box had not been breached yet and his fingers played with it for a while before he got even more bored.
He tore the mark that said open here and revealed two rows of fresh cigarettes all neatly packed and ready for use. He stuck his hand inside the secret compartment again and pulled out a slick black lighter. His fingers settled around the butt of the first one and gently removed it from its carton. The lid of the lighter opened up willingly revealing the gears, which would spark the flame. The cigarette was placed between his lips and using his thumb he brought life to the lighter.
His eyes darted towards the stairs and in his mind he felt something was different, something was out of placed. The lid of the lighter snuffed out the life of the flame and slowly he heard the door creak open. The gentle footsteps made little noise and were careful in pronouncing their coming. Dante made his way so that he would be next to the stairs, but would be left unseen. Quickly he pulled out the cigarette from his mouth and licked his lips.
"Destiny if you want to catch me off guard then you need to do better"
Destiny looked at him surprise that she was caught yet she smiled kindly even though is was unable to sneak up on him.
"You caught me red handed so what's up between you and gramps?"
Dante touched the lighter again and produced the flame and watched as it flickered around the vent where it was being feed the gas. He put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it up with the crimson flame that danced before him.
"It was nothing"
"Come on Dante gramps looked upset what happened?"
The lid crashed down on the flame and snuffed out the life once again from the flame. He felt the smoke rush downward and felt it inside him as he slowly expunged it from his lungs.
"I hate it when you smoke"
"You didn't mind when Virgil smoked"
"Oh my god Dante you brought up Virgil again didn't you"
The cigarette was slowly being eaten away producing a bit of ash at the end of the cigarette.
"That's none of your business"
"It is my business! You're my brother!"
"Look I am going with gramps tomorrow to shop for things I need to get some rest"
"Don't think were done Dante, Virgil, is still something as a family we are all still feeling even if we don't show it"
Dante stood there with the cigarette in his hand looking at Destiny hating her and hating himself for hating her. She headed for the stairs as her golden hair floated with her movement.
"By the way if you want I can help you move your stuff down here when you're done sulking and when you're done apologizing to gramps"
Dante stood there by the window looking outside seeing the sky darken waiting for the rain to come hit his window. He went over to his bag and pulled out the black leather bound journal he had received from his brother.
Dear Journal,
This past week I have been adjusting to Virginia its still quite foreign to me however the locations around here are quite nice. I was unable to take a look at the school however it probably will be like all the others. Gramps is here probably trying to make for not being with Virgil by being with me. I am currently smoking another cigarette so if there are burn marks that's the explanation. If I am lucky I will get cancer soon and die young I hardly care about what happens to me. Most of the people I know that smoke have trouble breathing that does not seem to be my case I don't have any problems. Life seems to be working against me just like it always has only this time it just won't let me die.
He looked at his hands the pale white gleaming as he sat he felt the minute pulse of the blood coursing through his veins. His legs started to feel numb from sitting down on the cold ground the dead feeling seeping into legs did not bother him much. He got up and stumbled a bit getting the feeling back into his legs and made his way toward the stairs. The kitchen looked pretty deserted yet that did not concern him he made his way through the living room and up the stairs to where his grandfather's room was. He gently knocked on the door and waited to hear his grandfather say that he could come in.
"Come in I'm decent"
"Hey gramps look I'm sorry about what happened"
"Dante forget about it why just go out tomorrow and get your supplies oh and by the way I have a gift for you"
He placed a small silver coin on top of the bed sheets that was no bigger than a half dollar. Dante picked up the small and felt the etchings of the coin on both sides one side carried an angel the other a devil that looked just as beautiful as the angel.
"I thought that devils were hideous creatures, things of such foul spirit that they were transformed into what they represented?"
"Most people would like to think that, I guess, but no that is very far from the truth they retained their angelic beauty everything they were born with they still posses"
Dante flipped the coin and wondered what he would come up a devil or angel as it came tumbling down he saw an elderly hand catch it before it could finish its fall.
"If you think about it much we humans are not all that different from angels or devils we just choose to follow the paths we are given and hope we don't fall down"
Dante watch his grandfather place the coin back in his hand and closing his fingers around the coin and Dante for the first time in his life felt he had control over something.
"Yea so thanks for the coin Gramps"
"No problem, just make good choices Dante"
Dante left the room and headed to Destiny's room hoping that she would still help him to move his things down into the basement night had begun to set outside as shadows slowly enveloped the trees. He placed the coin in his pocket as he stretched his hand and knocked on the door waiting a response to coming in there was a grumbling sound beyond the door. She was probably asleep and too tired to help him so he crept back and down the stairs and lied down on the couch and prepare himself for a long night of sleep. He felt his mind going in and out and out every one of those moments he kept coming back to one thought the girl he had met in the café. He felt intoxicated almost drugged as slumber came over him eventually his mind was blank then light began to form.
He saw trees that reach toward the sky with their branches reaching out to every one corner of the sky the beauty of the place was fascinating and unique. Slowly as he looked out from where he was standing a he saw a pond surrounding a small spit of land. On the island there stood the girl from the café she wore a pure white dress and radiated with a gentle light she was kneel over a stone bench and she seemed to be crying. Alex looked over the water as he began to move toward the shore and as he stepped on the water his feet did not sink. He looked out over the water and saw her wiping the tears away and slowly standing up and watched her eyes look out over the water and see him.
They stared at each other and slowly he took a few more steps and slowly he moved faster as the island came closer. Then the air seemed to distort and turn into something unnatural as a voice began to sound inside his head.
"You seem to be ready Dante sorry, but we can't lose you to your weaker human side yet"
He stopped and looked down into the water and there he saw a face with blacken eyes smiling back at him watching him. Then the water gave way and he was submerged into the cold water as he watched the surface turn into ice. The fear was seeping in he did not know what to do he was worried this did not seem like a normal dream. He felt his hands burning almost like they were on fire and he thought of the one thing to do. His hands curled into fists and he pounded away on the ice it hoping that it would shatter just to give him a breath of air.
Eventually he stopped beating the ice just to let the darkness of the water take him he did not care anymore.
"Don't stop"
His eyes looked through the ice and saw those clear blue eyes and that dark raven hair looking down at him through the ice. Her hand pressed against the ice trying to find some crack to break through. Something happened his hands were alit with a green flame it did not hurt, but felt warm and staring back through the ice he penetrated through the ice glass to her. He awoke to find himself choking forcing something unknown out and with one try he coughed some liquid out onto the carpet. His mind was reeling from the dream then he look again down at the carpet and felt the moist stain and realized that he had coughed water.
"What the hell did I really cough water?"
"Dante what's going on?"
He saw Destiny staring there with her blonde hair cascading down her trim figure and her brown eyes glazed from waking up. She was wearing her powder blue nightgown, which revealed her rose color toenails. Her frame glided down the steps and onto the carpet then she saw the spot that had gotten wet.
"What happen did you spill something?"
"Yea sort of just go back to sleep"
"But if you spilled something where is the glass?"
"I said go back to sleep"
"Okay whatever you say"
He watched her move up the stairs all the while she watched him wondering and worried that everything was going to change not only her brother, but her too. The morning could not come soon enough for Dante that night he felt his temple pulsing like his heartbeat. Finally when the first few rays came to view he then just wished that they would go away. His stomach felt empty and he was in the mood for some pizza or something that could at least shut up his stomach until he could get a pizza.
"Dante are you awake?"
"Yea what do you want?"
"Your grandpa is going to buy some things at borders perhaps you want to go too and get a book or something"
"Yea whatever"
Dante felt weighed down and a bit laggard the dream had left him worried and drained. He wanted to see the girl again, yet knowing his odds of seeing her it was very unlikely that they might meet. He went down the stairs into the basement and looked in the drawers for the secret compartment that held his cigarettes.
"Looking for these?"
Destiny walked out of the shadows holding a red and white pack with the cigarettes in hand holding them victoriously over her head. Her blonde hair flowing over her shoulders with her eyes locked on his and smiling gently almost as if it was a weakness.
"Do you mind?"
She flung the small package at him and with his right hand he caught it and pulled out a cigarette.
"Before you start to smoke if you are going out I suggest you take a shower you still smell of cigarettes"
"God damn you can tell"
"Yea it's pretty noticeable"
"Right I will save these for later then"
Placing the cigarette and the package in his inside pocket to remind him where they were and to make sure that they would not be found or taken again.
"Where are the showers in this place?"
"Second floor second door on your left"
"Right, thanks"
Dante started to move towards the stairs when felt somebody watching him he turned around and saw Destiny looking out the window and he stood there confused. He was wrong something was not right, the dream, the coughing up water, and now not being able to tell when someone was watching him. He rushed up the stairs and walked past the kitchen ignoring the two people, who were his parents, talking at the table. He went up to the second floor and looked for the shower and found a white door that matched the hallway. Inside the tile floor was clean and did not have any smudges as the towels hung limply on a metal bar.
He begun to strip his clothes shedding the smell of cheap cigarettes off of his body as each layer came off. The shower had only one shampoo bottle of head & shoulders that had followed them from California and a small bar of soap. The jets of water coming from the showerhead came out hot warming his cold, pale, skin. He felt the water flow over every muscle warm it and freeing it from the bitter feeling of the cold if only for a while. His mind felt all his thoughts bombard him placing their weight on him and suddenly dissipating.
A light knocking came from the door as Dante came back to his senses feeling his mind reel in back towards reality.
"Yea what is it?"
An elderly voice respond through the white wooden door and was barely audible
"Dante come on if you don't get out of there soon we won't be able to go out to get your supplies"
"Yea don't worry I'm hurrying"
He opened the door and grabbed the black towel that was hanging on the rack next to the shower door and quickly patted himself dry. The muscles on his back flexed feeling free of the water as the air brushed his body with a cold chill. He grabbed his boxers and hoisted them up to his waist and proceed to do the same with his pants and was soon dress. His hand flitted around the door handle and as he walked out a trail of steam streamed from the bathroom as well from his body almost as if it was heated like metal then quickly cool with water. Dante gazed around the hallway with dreamy eyes almost as if he was on a high off some form of drug.
"Looks like you enjoyed your shower"
"Yea whatever so are you set?"
"Yup lets go"
They went down the steps and stepped out the door and saw the cream colored SUV parked in the driveway. The door handle was cold as he felt the chill crawl over his as he opened the door revealing the comfortable seats beckoning him to seat himself on commercially acclaimed comfortably. He felt his back lay down as felt the fabric of the arms and saw his grandfather readjusting the seat and then turning on the engine. Dante watched the scenery slowly begin to change as the car backed out and slowly begin to pick up speed. He felt the cigarettes press on his chest along with his wallet and some other belongs he saw a family and a few other cars pass by.
They stopped car by huge building that had trade mark labels that where pretty known by everyone and saw a bunch of girls talking to each other walk out. The made their way towards the doors and Dante watched the girls turn their eyes to them and he saw them stare at him and he saw them to begin to get giddy.
"Teenagers" said Dante exasperated and tired of the growing stereotypical façade of his generation.
"So what their young and they are not acting like an old farts yet"
"Yea but I would like to see someone a bit more mature"
The glowing sun radiated down on the parking lot feeding the trees and plants that were put on islands at the end of a strip of cars. He watched as the cars slowly vanished behind racks of clothing and the chattering teeth of the middle age women that were hunting for the discount that would save them a lot of money. Then there were the daddy girls who just spend thousand of dollars just for little purse they thought was cute but could hardly put anything in there. Dante felt tempted on pissing off the management by pulling out one of the cigarettes and to start smoking there just to annoy the women and the brainwashing material that generates idiotic behavior.
"Dante lets go"
He looked around and just nodded his head at what he looking at.
"Just another day in paradise eh"
© Copyright 2007 Last Devil (dflame at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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