Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/item_id/1277054-Flesh-to-Bone
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by scooby Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ · Book · Crime/Gangster · #1277054
Teenaged boy consumed with jealousy and rage plots the murders of his friends.
The main character in this story witnesses the love of his life with another person. He loses control, flies into a jealous rage and goes on a rage fueled killing spree. This book also contains small bits of torture and revenege.
June 14, 2007 at 6:34pm
June 14, 2007 at 6:34pm

That damn clock needs to move....
It is Friday at 1:30 pm in the afternoon. Rob sat impatiently in his History class staring at the clock as if willing it to move. Outside the sun was shining brightly through a landfall of green trees. Spring had come. Today was the last day of school before Spring break. If only the clock would move, Rob thought to himself as the hands displayed a somber 1:35. Only 25 more minutes to go. Rob was an average teenager with a medium build and scraggly blonde hair. He was a little on the muscular side but not big enough to play varsity football this year. He was tall however, a head taller than most of his classmates,, including the boys. By all accounts most people would say he was a little on the nerdy side. But Rob didn't care. He just wanted this day to be over.
"Rob,, psst... hey Rob" whispered his friend Mike. "Rob turn around" Ahh.. the voice of sanity thought Rob to himself as he turned slightly to make eye contact with his friend. Mike was Rob's best friend, had been since the 3rd grade when Rob tied his shoelaces together and made Mike fall, slamming his head on his desk. Friends forever.
"What?" asked Rob tilting his head to one side as if to hear Mike better.
" Are you going to Rachel's house Saturday night for the party?"
" Of course I am going, I already made up a lie to tell my mother about where I will be"
Mike chuckled. Rob was always in trouble at home.
Those who don't learn History are doomed to repeat it. But this is ridiculous. Mr. Davenport the History teacher continued on with his lesson as Rob turned back around in his seat and resumed his watchful postion of the clock ticking steadily on the wall.
The last seconds ticked by and finally the old clock reached 2:00. The bell rang signifying that class was dismissed. Spring break had begun.
Mike, Rob and Rachel all met outside of the school after the final bell rang.
" I can't wait for my mother to leave for the weekend" announced Rachel as she ducked around the building to light a cigarette.
"What time is her flight?" asked Rob taking the cigarette from Rachel and taking a long drag.
" Tomorrow morning at 10:15" she answered smiling.
Not soon enough, thought Rob to himself, He couldn't wait to be alone with Rachel even if it was at her party, He had big plans.
"Where did you go Rob?" asked Rachel waving a hand infront of his face trying to pull him out of his daydream.
Rob snapped to attention and admired Rachel's pretty face. He really loved her. Maybe he would tell her that tomorrow night at the party. Rachel and Rob hadn't been dating very long but he was drawn to her from the first time he saw her. Rachel was what you would call a free spirit, did and said whatever she wanted, Kinda like a hippie but living in the wrong decade. She was pretty too,, most of Rob's classmates would love to get close to her. But she chose him. And he was grateful.
Rachel finished the last of the cigarette and crushed it under her foot.
" I have to get going" she said. " before my mom realizes I am late"
Rob leaned over and gave her a kiss and hug
" Call me later" he called after her watching her sprint through the parking lot and out into the street.
" Need a ride home?" asked MIke
" Sure, thank you" replied Rob as they headed for Mike's beat up Ford
The kitchen door creaked as Rob opened it and stepped inside. He threw his backpack on the kitchen table
"Mom" he called, "are you home?" Nothing but silence. His mother had already left for her second shift job.
Good, peace and quiet for a change. He eyeballed the fridge from across the room and decided that an afternoon snack sounded good. Along the way he eyes caught sight of a well placed note sitting squarely on the kitchen table. Oh what now? He thought as he picked up the note and held it away from him as if it were poisioned. He read his mother's careful words:

Please make sure you pick up after yourself today.
Also we need to talk when I get home tomorrow morning
so please make sure you are awake by the time I get home.
Like I said,,, what now? he wondered to himself. He couldn't remember doing anything wrong. He shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to the fridge to get his snack.
Rob was nearly asleep on his couch that afternoon when he heard the phone ringing from the kitchen. He got up and lazily went to answer it.
" Hey Rob, you sound tired, did I wake you?" asked his friend Mike on the other line
"No" Rob lied
" What are you doing tonight?" Mike asked turning the music down on his end
" Nothing really, you?"
" Nothing much". replied Mike, " I scored us some weed from Jose, some really good shit... "you interested?"
Stupid question. "Of course" he smiled. "Hold on there is someone calling in on the other line"
Rob clicked over.
"Hi Baby, what are you doing?"
Ahhh, sweet Rachel. "Not much I have Mike on the other line"
" Oh, then I won't keep you, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out tonight?. asked Rachel. "my little brother is driving me nuts and I need to get out of here"
" I just invited Mike over here tonight, why don't you come too?, asked Rob
" Ok, sweetie. Around 8:00 ok?"
"Sounds good, see you then"
Rob clicked over and told Mike about the change in plans. Mike smiled and said he was ok with Rachel being there with them. Both boys hung up and Rob went back to laying on the couch. Now where was I? he thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.
Rob took a long drag of the joint that Mike has expertly rolled.
" This is really good stuff", he remarked as he handed the joint to Rachel. It was shortly after 8:00 and the three friends sat in Rob's livingroom passing around Jose's amazing pot. Rachel took a drag and coughed slightly before passing it off to Mike.

"This stuff really is good" said Mike, "but it is making me hungry, got any snacks Rob?"
"I think my mother went shopping this morning, I will go see" replied Rob. He stood up a little to quickly and lost his balance. He leaned on the couch for support as he steadied himself. Must have been that half pint of Jack Daniels I swiped from my mom's closet he thought to himself as he started towards the kitchen.
" I have popcorn, Doritos, ice cream and......" Rob yelled from the kitchen. But Mike and Rachel were not paying attention. As soon as Rob left the room Rachel leaned over and kissed Mike soflty.
" Not now Baby", said Mike slowly as Rachel kissed him again, " Rob is only in the next room"
But he is not here this minute" she smiled seductively and slid her hand down the front of his pants and kissed him slowly feeling his response to her grow in her hand. She continued to stroke him as he kissed her harder.
" Are you guys gonna tell me what you want or not?" Rob's words jolted both of them apart quickly and back to reality.
" Anything". the both answered oddly at the same time.
Rachel stared at Mike for a second.
" If Rob and I ever broke up, would you be with me?" she asked giving him a quick kiss.
Mike had a slight twinge of regret as he thought about his friend Rob and all the years they had been close. But Rachel was so sexy and he loved the way she kissed him and the things she did to him in bed. What man could say no to that he wondered. When Mike didn't answer, Rachel grew more insistant.
"Well is that a yes or a no"
"I don't know Rob and I have been friends for a long time". Mike lied knowing that he would do almost anything to get her out of her clothes.. It's just sex he told himself, no emotion so maybe it's not cheating. Yes thats it.. he thought to himself. Just as Rachel was opening her mouth to say something else Rob entered the room once again carrying a bowl of Doritos and a 2 liter of soda. He noticed the discomfort on Mike's face and the fact that Rachel's skin was a little flushed.
" Everything ok in here?" he asked suspiciously.
" Everything is fine honey" replied Rachel touching his face gently. Mike just nodded in agreement.
" Well good then" he replied handing Rachel the big bowl of Doritos., " now where is that bag of pot I could use another joint" and with that Rob sat down and started to roll another joint as Mike and Rachel looked on.
Rob's head was spinning a little but he felt really mellow. Him and Mike and Rachel watched tv and talked, generally enjoying themselves when the phone rang. Rob ran to answer it. He heard his mother's voice as he picked up the phone and tried to compose himself a little, He didn't need her to know that he had been drinking and snuck a bottle of her favorite alcohol. After a few general questions about the condition of the house and what he had for dinner Rob remembered to tell his mom that Mike and Rachel were visiting him. Smoking pot.
He chuckled to himself. His mom would be so pissed off. He realized at that point that he was not listening to anything his mother was saying.
" What was that mom, didn't hear you?", he asked quietly.
"Turn down the tv next time and maybe you will hear me" she snapped, " I said I don't mind your friends being over but I want everyone out and you in bed sleeping by midnight"
"Ok Mom" Rob replied blowing her a sarcastic kiss before hanging up the phone. It dawned on him then that he forgot to ask his mom what she needed to talk to him about. He entered the livingroom and once again joined his friends. He noticed Rachel looked a little uncomfortable but chose not to ask.
" Well, I really should be going", Rachel said as she stood and grabbed her sweater.
Rob took her hand and started to walk her to the door. She turned back briefly and smiled at Mike,
" Good night Mike", she said softly, " Please make sure you come to my party tomorrow night, I have something really special planned"
Mike smiled wondering if her really special thing involved her being naked and in bed. He smiled back.
" Wouldn't dream of missing it" he said.
Rob found the exchange of words between Mike and Rachel to be very odd but he dismissed his worry as Rachel leaned over to kiss him good night.
" Love you honey" she smiled, " I will call you tomorrow"
" Dream about me" said Rob giving her a final hug.
"Always do", she lied as she turned and walked out of the door.
Rob watched her until she turned the corner and was out of sight before he shut the door and turned out the front lights. Rob grabbed a drink from the fridge and went back to the livingroom to join Mike. Mike was sitting on the sofa his eyes all glossy and flipping throught the channels mindlessly.
" Can I talk to you for a minute?' asked Mike as Rob sat down in the chair opposite him.
" Sure" answered Rob as he lowered the volume on the tv, "what's on your mind?
"How serious is your relationship with Rachel? Mike asked quietly.
Rob put his soda on the table and sat up, leveled a look at Mike, He found the question a little odd and it gave him and uneasy feeling,
" Well, we have been together for over a year, responded Rob, " I really do care for her alot" Why do you ask?
" No reason" replied Mike trying to brush off the subject.
Rob grew a little bit concerned. Suddenly it dawned on him and a rush of panic filled him. Maybe she doesn't love me as much as I love her. His eyes got wide as he directed the question to Mike.
" Do you think Rachel loves me as much as I love her?" There he said it. He sat back and looked at MIke waiting for him to respond. Mike was a little thrown off by the question because of his secret relationship with Rachel.
" I honestly don't know" answered Mike carefully and then added " but I could find out for you if you would like"
" That would be nice and it would make me feel better" smiled Rob, Mike is a good friend. Friends till the end.
The boys spent most of the rest of the evening in silence smoking pot and watching crime dramas on tv. At quarter to twelve Rob turned to Mike.
" You need to get going my mom wants everyone out of here by midnight and I don't want to hear it if she finds out you stayed later"
"No problem, replied MIke, I will let myself out" " See you tomorrow night at Rachel's party."
Mike threw on his coat and closed the door behind him. It dawned on Rob then that neither Mike nor Rachel had discussed any plans for the party. He wondered again what Rachel's special surprise was. He got up from the sofa and steadied himself. He had a strange feeling inside of him and couldn't figure out why. Maybe it's the weed. He shrugged and sprinted up the stairs to grab a shower before bed.
Rob wrapped a towel around himself and stepped out of the bathroom. It was a little cold in the house. He rubbed his arms in an attempt to get warm and stepped inside his bedroom. He flipped the light on briefly, long enough to put on a pair of shorts. He climbed into bed and started to lay down when his eyes were drawn to something outside. He sat up and peered through his window. In the upstairs bedroom window of the house next door he saw the light flicker on. He leaned in a littlle closer to get a better view. His neighbor was standing in full view undressing herself. My favorite time of night. Rob thought to himself as he had watched her so many times in the past, in the same window undressing. She was much older than him perhaps in her late twenties or early thirties but Rob didn't care. She was so pretty. He reminded her of one of the models in the Victoria's Secret catalog with the small waist, long hair and huge boobs. He watched as she slowly unhooked her bra and exposed her bare skin. Rob took a deep breath and imagined what it might feel like to touch her huge tits or play with her nipples. He could feel himself getting excited at the thought of it, She then proceeded to remove her shorts and panties, Rob's eyes got huge and he turned rock hard imagining what it would feel like to bury himself inside of her. Rob had never had sex before, not in the sense that would matter anyways, He and Rachel had messed around a little but he couldn't get her to give it up to him. Not even oral sex. This was not something he was proud of, being a virgin and all but he loved Rachel and would wait until she was ready. He continued to watch his neighbor getting undressed. He heard a rumor that she was into kinky sex and using toys but didn't know if it was true. Suddenly, she turned her head towards his window. oh my god,,, she saw me She made an attempt to cover herself before quickly shutting the window..At that moment Rob realized his excitement and teenaged hormones had gotten the better of him. He hadn't even realized what he had been doing to himself as he watched her, daydreaming about the things he would like to do to her. He sighed and headed back to the bathroom to clean up. He sent one more sideways glance to his window wishing his neighbor would reappear. When all he saw was the darkness in the window he turned off his light and layed down to sleep.


Rob rolls over and feels the morning sun on his face. He squints to read the clock, 9:30am. He sits up in bed and rubs his eyes before grabbing a set of clean clothes and heading towards the bathroom for a shower. After the shower he heads downstairs to grab something to eat and to see if his mother is home yet. He enters the kitchen and doesn't see his mom. He peers around the corner to the livingroom with still no sign of her. He glances out of the kitchen window and sees that her car is in the driveway. He heads back upstairs to see if she had decided to go to bed when she got home from work. Rob slowly cracked open the door to his mom's bedroom and looked inside. He saw his mother lying in her bed sleeping, His eyes wander slightly and he noticed a second person in bed with his mom. He opened the door a little further trying to get a better view of this mystery person. He had no idea who it was. He shrugged and shut the door figuring he didn't want to know. He went back to his room and turned on his computer and started playing a video game.
Rob is heavily involved in his game when he hears his mother's door open and someone walking slowly down the stairs. Rob pauses his game and slowly opens his door. He sees the back of a person stepping off the final stair and heading into the kitchen.
When Rob enters the kitchen he sees a middle aged man with a trim beard and thinning grey hair standing at the sink carefully measuring out coffee. Who the hell is this? Rob wondered as he came up behind the man.
"Ok, I give up,, who the hell are you?" Rob asked clearly startling the man.
"Oh, good morning", said the man trying to compose himself, He extended his hand, "Hi, I am Paul, He stated smiling, "Paul Katz"
Rob looked at him and cautiously shook his hand
"Ok, Paul, It's good to meet you but what are you doing here?"
" I came here with your mother this morning after work" he said casually eyeing Rob. He suddenly looked uneasy and pointed to his watch.
" I have to get going, tell your mother I will call her later today"
Rob just nodded as Paul made a quick escape out of the kitchen door.
Rob grabbed the coffee that Paul was attempting to make and continued the job. The smell of brewed coffee filled the air as Rob sat at the table staring at the clock. Around 10:30 he heard his mother get up. Rob calls upstairs to her and she yells back that she will be down in a few minutes.
Rob's mother rubs sleep from her eyes as she enters the kitchen, She immediatly smells the brewing coffee and smiles at Rob.
"Thank you" she says grabbing a cup.
" Don't thank me", he said, "Thank your friend Paul"
"is he still here?" she asks peeking around the corner
" He said he had to leave and he would call you later today"
Rob had so many questions but before he could ask the door bell rang.
"Can you get that? asked his mom, " I am still trying to wake up"
Rob got up and headed to the front door, Before opening it he pulled aside the curtain to see who it was. His heart started to beat faster and his palms got sweaty when he saw his next door neighbor standing on the front porch in her robe. Rob panicked, this was the neighbor with the killer body that he had so brazenly watched last night. She is here to tell my mother what I did!! The door bell rang again.
"Rob, answer the damn door" his mother yelled from the kitchen
Rob opens the door slowly like a condemned man ready to face his fate.
" Hi", she smiled sweetly, My name is Crystal Stevens, I live next door." " Is your mother at home?"
Rob motioned for her to come in and called to his mother.
" Mom someome is here to see you". he said slowly wishing he could disappear.
Rob's mother rounded the corner and smiled at the woman standing in her living room.
" Hi I am Cathy Sparrow, says Rob's mother, " what can I do for you?"
Crystal looks at Rob and then back at his mother. Well here it comes. Rob thought to himself.
" I am Crystal and I live next door, I was wondering if your son had any free time today?" I really need some yard work done and I am willing to pay him for his effort"
" Do you want to help her and make a few bucks? asked his mom
Rob breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe she didn't see me after all " Sure just give me a few minutes to get some shoes on"
" Alright Rob, thank you", said Crystal. " Meet me in my back yard when you are ready"
Rob was just about out the door when his mother called after him. Rob stopped and turned around.
" It's a nice thing you are doing helping the neighbors" his mom said, " but don't be gone too long as you and I still need to have a talk"
" Alright Mom" Rob called to her as he sprinted out the door and headed to Crystal's house.
Rob rounded the corner and opened the gate which led to Crystal's backyard. When he saw her already in the yard he stopped and couldn't help but stare at her. She was already starting to move around piles of wood on the deck of her shed. All she was wearing was a skin tight red halter top that showed off her huge breasts and a pair of short shorts, the kind that leave nothing to the imagination when you leaned over. Rob couldn't help but admire her perfect ass. He caught himself and quickly composed himself before she caught him oggling her again. Crystal turned around as Rob approached her.
" I really appreciate you helping me like this" , she smiled. " You can start by painting the shed while I do some raking"
Rob tried to keep his gaze away from her chest. " No problem" he replied taking the paint from her
Crystal started to rake and Rob forced himself to focus only on painting and not the hot, half dressed woman working outside with him. Around 2:30 Crystal looked up from her raking and stared at he watch,
" I have to be somewhere at 3:45' she called to Rob." I have to call it a day and go get cleaned up"
Rob nodded as he stopped painting and strained to hear her.
" When you are finished you can put the paint supplies back in the garage and come knock on the door so I will know you are done" Crystal gave him one last smile and turned and headed inside.
Roughly thirty minutes later Rob has completely finished painting the shed for Crystal. He steps off the small ladder and wipes his face on his shirt, He then proceeds to pick up the paint and brushes and loads them into the garage. He closes the garage door and heads up the front steps and knocks at the door. Crystal calls to him and tells him to hold on. She opens the door and smiles at Rob. He is totally in shock at what she was wearing. She had on a sheer white robe with lacy trim. With the light backdropped behind her the robe was virtually see through. Rob could see that she was not wearing a bra or even panties. He felt himself reacting to her and quickly focused his gaze on her face.
"Come on in and I will get you some money" Said Crystal motioning for him to come in.
Rob entered the house and sat at the kitchen table and waited for Crystal to dig around in her purse for some green.
" Here you go Rob" said Crystal handing him two twenties and a ten, "if you want to come back tomorrow around eleven I will have more work for you to do"
Rob smiled at the quick fifty bucks he just made " I will be here" he smiled getting up from the table and heading for the door. He waved good bye to Crystal but not before catching a final glimpse of her tits through her robe. " See you tomorrow"
Rob entered his house smiling at the easy money he had just made and the fact that his hot neighbor liked to parade around half dressed. His smile faded however when he was greeted by the solemn face of his mother.
" Sit down" his mom said, " and don't say a word until I am done"
Rob did as he was told and sat squarely at the kitchen table. It was then that he noticed the two rolled joints his mother had placed on the table before him.
"How long have you been doing this stuff?" his mother fumed, " and where in the hell did you get it from?"
Rob shrugged his shoulders. " I have been smoking pot for a while now" " And what the hell do you care anyways?"
Rob's mother got even madder. "I thought your father and I taught you better than that" " And who are you to smoke pot in my house?"
" Well maybe if Dad was alive and not dead I wouldn't be doing drugs"
Rob's mother reeled back and took a breath. " That was an accident Rob and you know that"
Rob's father had died in an automobile accidently a little over nine months ago. Rob mumbled something under his breath. He mother cursed at him and made him repeat it only louder this time
" You keep saying it was an accident,,, but was it really?, Rob asked becoming furious, "or was his life insurance more important?"
Cathy looked like she had been slapped by Rob's fierce implication.
"How could you even think that?", she asked holding back the tears stinging her eyes.
" What else am I to think? " It's only been nine months and already you are seeing someone else"
Cathy stood and glared at Rob not sure what to say. She could feel the blood rushing threw her veins
" Bitch" robbed mumbled under his breath,
Cathy couldn't take it anymore. She hauled off and smacked Rob squarely in the face.
" Go to your Goddamn room" she screamed her heart racing.
Rob didn't waste another second arguing, he turned and stomped off towards his room.Along the way he heard his mother scream after him " And you can forget about going to Rachels's party tonight!"
Rob leaned over the banister " You can't do that mom, you are being a bitch"
"This is my house and I can do whatever I want too" was Cathy's only response before she heard Rob's door slam behind him.
Cathy went to the kitchen, she could use a good drink. She grabbed a glass and filled it with red wine. As she was about to take her first sip the phone rang. She put the wine glass down and ran to answer the phone.
" Hi Cathy, this is Paul" she heard the pleasant voice on the other line and smiled. "is this a bad time?"
"Not at all", she responded glad that it wasn't one of Rob's freinds on the phone.
" I was just calling to see if you would like to go to dinner with me tonight?"
Cathy paused for only a moment " I would really like that" she said smiling
"Great. I will pick you up around 7:30 wear something casual ok?"
" Ok Paul, see you then" Cathy hung up the phone and reached for her glass of wine. This day just got better she said to herself as she took a long sip of the wine. Cathy finished the wine and poured another glass, She walked to the stairs and called up to Rob
" Rob come down here for a minute please"
Rob sat upstairs and pretended not to hear his mother
"Robert" she screamed louder, "get down here now!"
She heard his bedroom door open and slam upstairs and then the sound of his footsteps on the stairs
" What is it now?" Rob asked rather sarcastically sitting down on the livingroom sofa.
" Paul and I are going out to dinner tonight" she stated coldly "but I will be calling you every so often to make sure you are home"
" I can't believe you are going out with this guy" Rob said trying to hide his hurt and frustration " Dad hasn't been gone that long you know" Let the body get cold at least"
Cathy didn't care much for Rob's tone or what he was implying
"It's my life". she said more defensively than she meant too " I am an adult and I am capable of making my own decisions without my son interfering" " I will be calling you alot tonight.... make sure that you are home"
" You are such a bitch" Rob yelled surprising himself " and not to mention a slut too"
"Get your ass back to your room and stay there" Cathy fumed" I have heard about enough from you for one day"
Rob said nothing and headed back upstairs to the silence of his room. He sat down and turned on his computer. As the computer was booting up he picked up the phone to call Mike. Mike's mother answered on the third ring
" Hello"
"Hi Mrs. Porter, can I talk to Mike please?"
"Sure, he is out in the backyard" " I will get him for you"
After a minute or so of waiting Mike picked up the phone
" Hey Rob, how's it going?"
" Fine" Rob replied grumpily
" What's the matter, you sound pissed off" asked Mike not really caring
" You won't believe what my mother is doing"
Rob proceeds to tell Mike all about the joints, the new man in his mother's life and the fact that he is no longer allowed to go to Rachel's party.
" Wow, your mom has been a real bitch since your father died" said Mike softly.
" No kdding" was Rob's only response before he remembered " Mike are you still going tonight to Rachel's?
" Yes"
" Could you please try to do that favor I asked you?" asked Rob
For a second Mike couldn't remember what favor Rob was refering too.
" Oh, you still want me to ask her how she really feels about you?" questioned Mike
"It would really mean alot to me if you did" said Rob looking out his window.
" Alright, I will find out what I can" said Mike. "and we will miss you there tonight"
" Thanks" replied Rob "later" Mike said goodbye and they each hung up the phone.
Rob pushes the phone aside and sits down at his computer to play a video game. He blocks out everything around him until he hears a car door slamming outside. He peers out his window and see a dark blue four door Mercedes Benz parked in the driveway. He catches a glompse of Paul at the door briefly before his mother lets him in. I wonder what he does for work to afford a car like that. Rob thought getting up from his computer. He glances at the clock. It is 7:35. Seems he is very punctual as well as rich. Rob's thoughts were broken by his mother calling up to him,
" Rob I am leaving now" said Cathy, " and you had best stay home tonight in your room if you know what's good for you"
" Don"t worry Mom, I promise I will stay in my prison for the night", answered Rob sarcastically
With that Rob watched as his mother and Paul got into the Mercedes and pull slowly out of the driveway.


It is nearly 8:00 and Rachel is putting out some last minutes appetizers. Her best friend Pam is sitting on the couch opening small packages of paper plates.
" Do you think Rob will still come to the party tonight even though he was grounded?" Pam asked stacking the plates in a neat pile.
" I hope not", Rachel said " I really don't want him here"
" I still can't believe that you told his mother about the pot" Pam said as she turned towards Rachel.
" Well, how else would I keep him away?" smiled Rachel obviously pleased with her deception.
" Does Mike have any idea what's going on tonight?"
" No, he doesn't" Rachel smiled again, " but he will when he gets here"
Pam just gave Rachel a knowing look and continued arranging the paper goods on the table.
A few minutes the doorbell rang. Rachel jumped up from the table and ran to answer it. The guests begin to arrive and Rachel points them towards the kitchen where she has chips, beer and appetizers waiting, By 8:30 everyone has arrived except for Mike. Rachel started to become to anxious,
" Maybe he isn't coming over after all" she said to Pam.
No sooner had the words come out when the doorbell rang again. Rachel opens the door and breathes a sigh of relief as she sees Mike. Mike enters the crowded and kitchen and greets his friends. He notices right away that the party is all couples. He thought this was odd until he realized that Rachel probally didn't know that Rob wasn't coming. Mike could smell the fresh, strong scent of marijuana as he entered the livingroom. He immediatly walked over to one of his friends and asked for a drag of his joint. Mike took a couple of long drags before Rachel came up behind him.
" I need to talk to you for a minute, can we go in the other room?' she asked
Mike gives Rachel a level look and follows her into the bedroom. On the way by the phone rings. Pam picks it up, Rob was on the other line and he asked to speak to Rachel. Pam whispers to Rachel.
" Could you please tell him I am busy and I will call him later?" Rachel responded taking MIke's hand.
Pam relayed the message to Rob. " Ok, but please tell her to call me" Rob said and hung up.
Rachel leads Mike into the bedroom and sits down on the bed motioning for him to sit beside her. Mike starts to feel a little uneasy but he obliges and sits next to Rachel on the bed.
" What's wrong?" Mike finally asked breaking the silence.
" Well let me start by saying that I know Rob is not going to be here tonight" Rachel said leaning closer and practically whispering in his ear. " I really like you alot and I wanted to be sure that he didn't come tonight"
Mike was really surprised " What are you saying?" he asked pulling away from her slightly.
" Mike, I am the one who told his mother about the pot in his room" she said barely whispering,
" What?" asked Mike, suddenly confused, " Rachel why would you do that?' " I thought you two were getting along"
" Because I didn't want him here" she replied flatly and without remorse.
Mike was not sure if he should be happy or get up and leave the room. " But why didn't you want him here?"
Mike's words were barely out of his mouth before Rachel leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips.
" I wanted to be alone with you" she said kissing his neck slowly. She slowly moves her hand down his leg and onto his thigh. Mike kissed her harder as she began to stroke him through his pants. He slid his hand up under her shirt and touched her nipples underneath her bra. They grew hard to his touch. Rachel slowly unzipped Mike's pants and began stroking him harder. He leaned over and pulled off her shirt. He could see her hard nipples through her black satin bra. He reached around and unhooked her bra and let it fall onto the bed, He grabbed a nipple and pinched it before rolling it around in his hand. Rachel squirmed a little getting excited. Mike leaned up and started to suck on her nipple using the other hand to play with her other tit. Rachel started to moan a little. Suddenly she stopped and stood up
" Take these off" she smiled motioning to Mike's pants.
Mike slid out of his pants and helped Rachel out of hers. Mike sat down on the bed again and Rachel kneeled on the floor infront of him. She slowly ran her tongue along the length of his cock. Mike closed his eyes. He felt Rachel's tongue on his balls as she stroked him quickly. He leaned forward a little. He gasped a little and tensed as she slowly slid her mouth over his cock and began to slide up and down slowly. She held his balls in her hands as she went deeper and deeper inside her mouth. Mike was reaching climax and trying hard to hold his orgasm but Rachel only took him deeper inside her mouth. Finally she stopped and stood up. She pushed him back on the bed and straddled her legs over him. She cried out as she slid her wet pussy down onto his rock solid erection. Mike held her hips and began to move her up and down furiously. She moaned as he went deeper inside her, He reached up and grabbed both of her hard nipples and pulled on them. Rachel was bouncing up and down furiously ready to climax when she heard a knock at the door.
" Rachel. Rob is on the phone again" she heard Pam say from behind the door.
" Tell him I am still busy" she nearly screamed as Mike has picked up the rhythm and never even stopped when Pam was knocking at the door. Rachel heard Pam relay the message to Rob but continued to ride Mike harder getting closer and closer to an orgasm. Mike suddenly stopped and picked up Rachel and placed her on the floor. He then leaned her over the back of a chair and entered her again from behind, His body tensed as he started slamming up against her, He reached over and grabbed her hair and pulled her head back allowing him to enter her even deeper. Rachel screamed out loud as he fucked her hard.
Rob hung up the phone and looked at the clock. 10:22. and my mother hasn't called yet. He really wished he could be at Rachel's but what if his mother calls? Suddenly he got an idea, Rob turned on the computer and logged onto the internet. Thank God for dial up. he thought to himself, now if she calls the phone will be busy and she will think I am at home. This was the first time that Rob was truly grateful that his mother was too cheap to sign up for broadband. Rob got dressed and splashed on a little after shave. Rachel's favorite. He smiled to himself. He grabbed his keys and wallet and headed out the door,
It was a nice night, The stars were out and the moon was full lighting his way. The ambience put him in a romantic mood as he picked up the pace a little bit. Maybe I will take Rachel for a romantic walk in this moonlight he smiled to himself, and maybe if I am lucky she will let me touch her tits or even more. But Rachel was shy about stuff like that and Rob wasn't going to push her. He wanted to be her first and he was willing to wait for her. About twenty minutes later Rob arrives at Rachel's house. He was about to knock when he heard a scream to his left. The scream was followed by voices but he couldn't make them out. He moves away from the door and heads around back following the primal screams. He heard another scream and then some groaning. At first it sounded like someone had fallen and was in pain. Rob looked around in the backyard but didn't see anyone.He started to walk back to the front door when he noticed the light on in Rachel's room. He walked slowly over to the window, not sure if she was inside or not. He peaks into her room and his heart stopped. He saw Rachel bent over the easy chair and Mike behind her pounding away. Rob feels his heart start to beat faster. He is outraged,his palms begin to sweat and he starts to shake. He opens his mouth to say something but the words never come, He is too devastated to speak. For a split second he feels like running away or better yet rushing into the room and beating the shit out of Mike. He froces himself to look again, hoping his mind was playing tricks and he did not really see what just happened. Rachel is screaming uncontrollably now " oh, harder Mike, fuck me harder, I am going to cum" she cries out like some sort of cheap slut. Mike obliges and fucks her even harder still. Suddenly Rachel arched her back and screamed into the air, obvious that she was orgasming. Mike thrusts himself in her a few more times and reaches orgasm as well.
" You are so amazing" Rachel says to Mike " You are the best fuck I have ever had"
Mike smiles and feels himself growing hard again. Rachel smiles at his erection and lays down on the bed with her legs spread wide. Mike enters her again and starts to fuck her hard. All Rob can hear is her screaming as he turns and walks away from the window, heartbroken.
The walk home is a long, sobering one for Rob. much longer than the walk to her house. Rob was still in shock. For someone who is supposed to be a virgin she sure seems to know how to fuck. Rob thought to himself. Rachel had always told him she wasn't ready. Now he understood. She wasn't saving it for him but rather giving it freely to his best friend. All at once Rob's anger and hurt came to the surface. An idea was forming in his head. The best revenge is to get even, he smiled wickedly as he entered his house He threw his keys on the kitchen table and took a deep breathe. What now? Rob thought to himself still feeling the shock of the evenings events. It was then that he heard his cell phone beep. He had a voicemail. Before he even listened to the message he knew who it would be. Rob heard his mother's angry voice on his cell phone.
"Rob I tried to call the house phone and it's busy" "Why aren't you answering your cell phone?"" You better either be in bed or in the bathroom" If I found out you went out tonight I will....." Rob flipped the phone shut not wanting to hear the rest of his mother's angry tyrade. Rob rubs his temples, a good headache was forming. He walked over to his mother's liquor cabinet and fishes the key out of the draw. He grabs a bottle of scotch and drinks nearly half of it before stopping to catch his breath. The liquid burns as it goes down but Rob takes another big gulp anyways. Rob's stomach was turning from the scotch, his head was pounding and his throat was literally on fire as he sits down at the table, haunting images of the girl he loved in the arms of another man fill his head. All at once he is very angry, he can feel the blood pumping through his body as a rush of pure rage fills him. The bottle of scotch smashed against the wall and the liquid sprayed in all directions before Rob had even realized that he threw it. He stared at the broken mess, completely numb. All at once the reflection of the light in the kitchen reflected off of the sterling blade of a large butcher knife laying seemingly innocent on the counter top. He walked over and picked up the knife not caring about the broken glass he just stepped in. The knife seems to come alive in his hands. He looks at it briefly before putting the blade to his neck. He takes a deep breath, he can feel the blood slowly trickling down his neck. He didn't realize he had knicked himself until he saw the blood on the cold blade. He mind is clear and he feels nothing as he pushed the blade to him and got ready to slide it across his neck.
" Rob, what the Hell are you doing?" His mother screams near hysterics. She rushes forward and slaps the knife out of his hand. It lands on the floor with the pile of broken glass and scotch. Rob says nothing, only looks at her, his eyes revealing nothing but emptiness.
She repeated her question this time trying to sound a bit calmer. " Rob, what are you doing?" She notices the scotch on the floor and starts to understand.
" You have been drinking, haven't you?"
Rob only looks at her. " Get upstairs to your room" she says tears streaming down her cheeks " We will talk about this tomorrow when you are sober"
Rob turns and walks slowly upstairs shutting the door behind him. He laid on his bed and looked around. Everything was spinning. He closed his eyes and tried to drift off to sleep. He is awakened a short time later by a nightmare about his father's death. As he lays awake his thoughts are loud in his head. I lost my Dad and my girlfriend in nine months, what else will i be forced to deal with? He got out if bed and headed to the bathroom, feeling like he would be sick, Along the way he passes his mother's bedroom and hears what he knows is her and Paul having sex. What a slut, she barely knows the guy. Rob finishes in the bathroom and heads back to his room. He sits on his bed and peers out the window. Just as he expected he sees his neighbor Crystal in her bedroom window undressing. She is so hot he thinks to himself as he watches her. Crystal's naked tits were the last thing he remembered seeing before drifting off to sleep


" Rob, it's 2:30 in the afternoon, are you going to sleep all fucking day?"
Rob awoke to his mother screaming up the stairs to him. He rolled over and dragged himself out of bed, He heads to the bathroom for a shower before heading downstairs. He really isn't surprised to see Paul sitting at the kitchen table eating toast and reading the local paper. Rob grabs a glass of juice before sitting opposite Paul. He doesn't wait for Paul to acknowledge him before he starts asking questions,
" What kind of work do you do Paul?"
Paul looked up from his newspaper " Why do you ask?"
" Thats a nice car that you drive, I figured you might make a decent living"
" That car was a gift from a friend" he replies turning back to his paper, " Not that it's any of your business"
Rob was silent for a moment and noticed the headline on the front page " Murder in Texas" it read. Maybe someone cheated Rob smiled to himself. As he stared at the headline his thoughts drifted an idea forming.
He was brought out of his trance by his mother's angry voice
" What right did you have to drink my scotch?" she snapped. " you are not even old enough to drink"
Rob just looked at her not caring
" And why the hell did you not answer the phone last night when I called?"
Rob smiled. " Maybe I didn't want to hear you bitch at me anymore"
Rob's mother was turning red and about to say something when the doorbell rang. Rob got up and ran to answer it. It was Crystal from next door and he was happy to see her as always.
" Hi Rob, I was wondering if you would mind coming over and finishing the painting for me today?"
" Sure" Rob answered smiling. She was so pretty.
" Could you mow the front lawn too?" she asked, " I would really appreciate it"
Rob called to his mother that he was going to help Crystal. She mumbled something he barely heard and he shrugged and closed the door and walked with Crystal to her house.
" The paint and brushes and lawn mower are in the shed" Crystal instructed Rob, " I have a few things that I need to do inside"
"Ok then" answered Rob heading to the shed. He notices Paul starting his Mercedes in his driveway. His mother and Paul are whispering to each other. Rob feels his stomach turn but continues getting the stuff he needs from the shed. As Rob is painting he notices Crystal coming out the backdoor in a bikini. He watches her as she dives into the pool. All at once his mind drifts back to last night. The images in his head replay over and over as if someone kept hitting rewind. Rob feels his knuckles tighten around the paint brush. The anger comes flooding back. Rob finishes painting and fires up the lawn mower. The noise from the mower doesn't even begin to drown out the hurt and anger he is feeling inside. He makes a few quick sweeps of the mower and moves to the front lawn. The sun is blazing and Rob wipes his brow, sweating pouring down. He finishes the lawn and heads around back to find Crystal. She is laying on her back in the sun, her bikini top removed and lying next to her on the lounge chair. Rob can't help but stare at her naked tits. He feels himslef growing hard again and quickly tries to push the images away.
" Come inside when you are done Rob ok?" Crystal's voice broke his trance
He turned away embarrassed. Did she see me staring? Crystal picked up her towel and wrapped it around her chest and headed inside. Rob brought the mower to the shed and put it away. Before closing the door he noticed a pair of gloves and some thick vinyl rope. He quickly glances over his shoulder to see if Crystal is watching. When he sees he is alone he threw the rope and gloves over the fence and into his backyard. He closed the shed and casually walked inside. Rob enters the house and hears Crystal call to him.
" Go sit in the livingroom and I will be right there"
Rob does as he was told and takes a seat on the couch. A few minutes later Crystal comes into the room. She hands him $75.00.
" You don't have to pay me this much" Rob said, " The work was not that difficult.
" Please take it" said Crystal flashing that smile that Rob loved, " I know how hard it is to make a buck when you are a teenager"
" Well thank you then", Rob replied stuffing the money in his front pocket " but I really should get going"
Rob suddenly remembered the rope and gloves in his yard and worried his mother might see them. He turned and said goodbye to his neighbor and sprinted home quickly.
Once at home he picked up the rope and gloves and hid them under his shirt as he went inside and headed upstairs to his room. He was realived that his mother was in the shower. Once in his bedroom he hid the rope and gloves under his bed. He then sat down and let his mind wander a little. The plan had been formed in his mind but he wasn't sure whether to initiate his plan on Mike and Rachel seperatley or together. He decides the seperatley would be more fun. Satisfied with his plan he smiles and picks up the phone to call Mike.
"Hi Mike" says Rob " are you busy?"
" Nope, just on the computer" Mike replies casually.
" My mom got called into work tonight, do you feel like coming over here for a while?" Rob asked " We could have a beer and play some poker online"
Mike didn't even hesitate " Sounds good, what time?"
" I was thinking around 7:00, is that ok?"
" Sounds good" Mike replied getting ready to hang up
" Hold on a second" Rob said before Mike hung up " Did you ever have the chance to talk to Rachel last night about how she feels about me?"
Mike"s thoughts went to Rachel and last night.The way she screamed his name when she had an orgasm.. He composed himself " Actually I never got the chance to" he lied" we were too busy hosting the party and I never had the chance to get her alone to ask"
Fucking liar. Rob thought but continued to bait Mike like nothing was wrong
'Well maybe next time" was Rob's only response.
" Ok"
" When you get here park in the garage" Rob said before hanging up " and shut the door behind you"
Rob hung up from Mike and flipped on the tv in his room. Oddly the first program he turned on was a show about cheating husbands and wives. Rob sat on the bed and watched the show. Cheaters. Maybe they all should be killed. Images of Rachel and Mike flew into his head. He shook himself as if trying to push the images aside. The man on tv was casually telling the camera man that his wife didn't satisfy him in bed and that is why he cheated. Those words were the last thing Rob heard before he dozed off to sleep.
Rob woke shortly before 7:00. He shook the sleep from himself and looked at the clock.. He had barely any time to get the house ready for Mike's visit. He quickly went into the garage and got a couple of huge black lawn and leaf trash bags. He brought them inside and cut them in half. He carefully spread them over the couch and even put one over the chair too. Don't want the blood to get on the furniture Rob thought to himself carefully smoothing the wrinkles out of the bags. A few minutes later he heard the garage door open and a car pull in.
Right on time, smiled Rob. Mike shut the garage door and walked inside the house,
" Rob are you here?" he called entering the kitchen
" In the livingroom' Rob called flatly
Mike entered the livingroom and his eyes immediatley fell on the bags strewn over the furniture
" What's up with that?" asked Mike motioning to the trash bags
" My mom cleaned the upholstery" Rob replied laughing " The bags are for us to sit on until it dries"
Mike chuckled and sat down on one of the bags. Rob at across from him.
" So you never had the chance to talk to Rachel huh?" asked again
Mike felt himself growing uneasy but stuck with his original lie
" Like I already said, we were busy hosting the party and I never got her alone to ask"
Mike was realived that Rob finally appeared satisfied with his answer and dropped the subject.
" I am going to run to the bathroom" said Rob " roll us a joint and I will be right back.
Mike smiled and knelt down on the floor infront of the coffee table and started rolling the joint.
Rob ran upstairs and entered the bathroom. He took a deep breath and focused himself. Stick to the plan, he reminded himself. He quietly opened the bathroom door deliberatly not flushing the toilet so Mike would not know he was done.. He slipped into his room and grabbed his old wooden bat from under his bed. He also grabbed another small plastic bag which held a small bottle of bleach, the rope and gloves from Crystal, and a few of his mother's insulin syringes. Without a second thought he carefully descended the stairs, bat in hand, not making a sound. When he entered the livingroom Mike's back was still towards him. Mike is still rolling the joint unaware of Rob approaching from behind. Rob feels the sweat forming on his brow and he is suddenly filled with nervous energy. Without a single word Rob's sweaty hands grip the bat and he swings. There is a sound of the air moving as the bat swings forward shortly follwed by the eerie thud of wood hitting soft flesh and bone. Mike's head drops forward slamming into the coffee table. A spray of small droplets of blood land inches beside Mike's head on the table and the joint he was rolling drops from his hand. The open wound on his head is bleeding heavily and he moans slightly before falling rigid and silent. At first Rob thought he had killed him but upon closer inspection he realized he had succeeded in what he wanted to do. Mike was unconcious and still breathing and very much alive. Rob quickly wraps a towel around Mike's head to keep to the blood from spilling on the floor. Rob picked him up over his shoulder and carried him into the garage. He opened the back door of Mike's car and without feeling threw him in the backseat like a bag of heavy trash, unwanted and discarded. As he is about to enter the drivers seat he notices the portable blow torch hanging on the wall. An idea forms and he grabs the torch before slamming the door shut. He hits the "open" button on the garage door and slowly backs out of the driveway and onto the street. He is completely calm and wonders why as he continues to drive up the street and around the corner to the highway.
Rob pulled the car into the nearby woods and killed the motor. It was pitch dark by now in the park and Rob was grateful for the cover of darkness. Before removing Mike from the backseat Rob took a walk around the park and scouted for people. This park was a popular spot for teens to come and get drunk. Rob was grateful when he saw no one. He was even more grateful that Mike was still unconcious. He removed the towel from his head and left it, saturated with blood on the ground beside the car. Rob's muscles strained as he carried Mike's near lifeless body a few yards and propped him up against a huge old tree. Rob ran back and got the rope and gloves from the car. He put on the gloves and started to pull Mike's clothes off. Once Mike was naked Rob tied him to the tree. He realized he forgot the bag with bleach and syringes and headed back to the car stopping to take a piss in the woods. Mike woke to the worst headache he had ever had. He could taste the blood in his mouth and feel the ropes digging into his skin. He panicked and started pulling on the ropes trying to free himself. He noticed a person coming towards him and called out to him. As the figure got closer he noticed it was Rob. Mike sighed with relief. Still not certain how he got to be where he was he assumed Rob had come to save him.
" Untie me Rob quick" he called " What the hell happened, all i remember was rolling a joint and then waking up here, were we robbed?"
Rob didn't answer him and stood silent in the shadows
"Rob?" called Mike getting nervous.
"Don't scream or I will put tape over your mouth" Rob said coldly
Mike panicked. "Rob what the fuck is going on? "Let me go"
"Shut the hell up" Rob said stepping out of the shadow and coming closer to Mike " I will be the one asking the questions"
Mike felt the vomit forming in his mouth and his head hurt like hell "Ok" was all he could manage to say
" Tell me again what you were doing at Rachel's party last night"
Mike was shaking as he answered. " I already told you Rob" He replied "now stop playing games and untie me"
Mike said pulling at the ropes with increasing nervousness
Rob walked over and stood infront of Mike. He looked him deeply in the eyes before he hit him really hard in the face. Mike reeled and coughed and spit out blood and one of his teeth.
" You fucking liar" Rob leered at him. " I saw you Mike" " I saw the both of you and what you were doing"
" It's not what you think" said Mike feeling dizzy all of a sudden
" It is exactly what I think" said Rob. " I saw the two of you from her window. you were fucking her and her screaming as you gave her an argasm"
Mike said nothing, he knew he was busted
" That was my girlfriend Mike. why?" "Why would you do that to me, you are my best friend?"
"It was her idea Rob, honest" Mike stuttered, "she was all over me" Besides that she was the one who told your mother about the pot in your room" " She had the whole thing planned"
Rob looked at Mike and for a second it almost seemed as if he believed him.
" I want you to feel pain like the pain you caused me" Rob said as he pulled a pocket knife from his pants. He approached Mike and put the knife to his throat. Mike who was convinced Rob was going to slit his throat started to cry. However Mike's eyes grew huge as Rob traced the knife along his torso and then down to his penis. With one swift stroke Rob slashed the delicate skin on Mike's balls. Mike screamed as blood trickled down his leg. Rob grabbed some grey tape and quickly put it over Mike's mouth before anyone could hear him screaming. Next he grabbed a lighter and lit the portable blow torch he had brought with him. Tears streamed down Mike's face and and he coughed and gagged. Vomit escaped through his nose and spilled onto the tape that bound his mouth silent. Rob could smell the heavy scent of vomit and moist blood as he brought the lit blow torch within inches of Mike's chest. Mike's chest hair singed and curled as the torch got closer. Rob suddenly dropped the blow torch lower and held the scalding blue-yellow flame directly to Mike's dick. The smell of burning flesh was nauseating to Rob as he watched the bloody, scalded skin on Mike's penis fold away and literally slide off his penis in a bloody, drippy mess. Mike was thrashing around and screaming through the tape on his mouth. Rob dropped the torch lower and held it against Mike's balls. The skin bubbled and blistered and eventually seperated from the bone. Rob stopped and grabbed a piece of Mike's charred flesh on his balls and pulled on it. The skin seperated from the bone much like skin on a cooked chicken wing. It felt dry and crunchy under Rob's fingers. Rob threw it aside and finally turned off the blow torch. Mike had stopped screaming and stood silent, obviously his body was going into shock. Rob reached into the plastic bag he had placed in the bushes earlier and pulled out the small bottle of bleach and the syringes. He carefully filled each syringe with bleach and tested the needles to make sure they were sharp. He took the remaining bleach that was in the bottle and slowly poured it over what was left of Mike's privates. Mike screamed again, muffled by the tape. Without another word Rob stuck all four syringes into Mike. Two in the chest and one in each arm. He watched as the bleach drained from the syringe into Mike's skin. Rob stepped away and watched for a moment. The bleach was burning the inside of Mike's body and left huge red welts along the arms and chest. The injection site swelled and Rob smelled the combination of chemical and burned, rotting flesh. It was only a few minutes before Mike started to thrash about, his muscles rigid and his body entering into a seizure. Vomit again came from Mike's nose and was followed by a heavy stream of red blood. It dripped onto the tape and down Mike's chest. Mike's convulsions became more severe as the bleach began to come in contact with Mike's major organs. He will be dead soon. Rob smiled satisfied with his work. He carefully packed up the torch, syringes and bleach and put them back in the plastic bag. Rob glanced one last time at his former best friend. He was surprised that he felt no remorse or even a little bit sickened. All he felt was vindicated. He turned then and walked out of the woods and made the journey home.

© Copyright 2007 scooby (UN: jasper77 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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