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Change is possible, if the gifts we are given are used to the right power. |
Prologue (8/26/05)He reached for another arrow. This would be easy prey, he thought. He could feel the thrill of the hunt running throughout his blood. There was only time to pull back. SNAP! The bow was strong as he let the arrow fly across the clearing and pierce the flesh. Blood. Blood. Blood. It spilled out across the ground as he stood proudly watching his prey die. Across the moonlit moorlands, he saw them watching him, waiting with derisive glares. He took a step towards the dead body; it still had the essence of life in it, there was no doubting that. Now he knew what they had known all along. It was his time, and the dark ones feared his arising, feared his power. He looked down at his hands, flexing them, a new darkness rising up in him somewhere. Now it was time, time to eat of the kill. “I will make it, I do not doubt this.” He said, knowing that it was a lie, that there was still much fear in his heart. Stretching out a hand, he grabbed the now dead man by the shirt, and pulled it closer to himself, opening his jaws for the first capturing in his life. “Young master,” one of them spoke quietly and eerily, ”you must remember that you are not to leave any remaining of the spirit, rather you must quickly consume all of it, fully capturing the essence and life gift of the victim.” “Yes, I will keep that in mind.” He looked at the dark figure that had spoke, gazing directly into his now open eyes. The dark blue eyes of an essence keeper. Looking back at his kill he uttered the death stealing spell, “Eximo, capio potior,invado.” Slowly the eyes of the body were filled with a bluish color, and the sounds of a spirit coming out were heard. In the deathly silence of the moonlit moorland, he consumed it, and became something else. Something dark was pushing its way out into the open. His body felt stronger, and full of energy. His eyes turned a dark blue and his pupils a pale white color. Surging pain pounded on his back, he felt a growing pressure, a terrible pain he’d never experienced. “ARRRGGGHHHH!” he had to scream, it was too much pain to bear. The pain continued until it felt as if he was going to die, he couldn’t stop screaming. He felt his skin tearing open on his back, and then…he saw them. His huge black wings. Staring in disbelief, he studied them; they were glossy and black, and felt strong. He tried flexing them, working back and forth until he had the basic movement down. “Young Master Meror, you must fly, only then will you understand what you have just done.” Spoke one of the dark ones. Thrusting his wings open, he beat them up and down until he lifted off the ground, quickly taking flight, with his first soul consumed. The blood remained on his hands as he rose in the night sky. Chapter One Initiation (8/29/05) "...I couldn't sleep last night. My head aches. I breathe very fast and I can't stop eating. In short, I'm nervous." "Cherrie, I keep tellin' you, there's nothing to worry about. Nothing. Becoming a Hunter is the best, most adventurous job you could hope for-scouting, treasure-hunting, spying-and you'll be right under me...” Arielle smirked. "No, no...I don't really like the idea of being under you, Cat…" Marianna slapped her arm. "None of that; I might be your friend, but you need to grow up sometime," and then she grinned. “And anyway, it helps to have one of your closest friends as a leader of the Hunters." Arielle smiled, but it faded. She and Marianna were picnicking on the grounds of the Astridt Temple, which meant they received quite a few cold stares from the older, more sensible priests and priestesses. “I swear, though," Arielle muttered as she bit into a jerky slab, "Ash hangs around here much longer, she’s gonna be as uptight as the sensibly unsensuous holy-men." She’d never had much respect for religion. It got in the way a lot. Marianna now smirked. "You never thought some of the priests here were like that...anyway, Ashley is good at what she does...and loyal. And there she is." Maiden-Healer Ashley DiTeal waved and advanced gracefully towards them, sky-blue robes billowing slightly with the breeze. Her long brown hair was elegantly coifed and kept trimmed, and her manner very cultivated. "I'm so glad you two came to visit me! What's the occasion?" She greeted them with a hug, which Marianna gladly returned and Arielle half-heartedly joined in with one arm, the other stubbornly keeping a hold of her jerky. "My initiation, in case you've forgotten," she said in a falsely off-handed voice. "Nothing big just my coming of age; joining the Hunters. Of course, it's no big deal-but..." she grinned now. "Good to see you, Ashy-girl." They lingered for a moment and returned to sitting on canvas. “Just like the old days, huh, Ash?” Marianna said Ashley smiled, smoothed her robes, and joined them on the canvas laid out on the emerald lawn. “Yeah,” she said, “I miss those times often.” After a short silence, she said, "...So...Our Little Cherrie is a young lady at last." "Damn straight!" Arielle retorted, sneaking a look at Marianna before pulling a small flask of what was most likely mead out of her belt pocket and taking a few quick sips. "You lush!" Marianna cried, grabbing at the flask. Arielle pulled it out of the way as she hopped up, stepped back, and defiantly chugged the remainder Marianna and Ashley looked on in disbelief. Arielle stopped, swayed a moment, her cheeks rather red, and then grinned at them. "Hah!" Triumphantly, she clipped the empty flask back on her belt and blew a raspberry. Ashley shook her head, laughing. Marianna rolled her eyes and tapped her Night Hunter badge. "See this, my young, lushy friend? It means, once you’re in Hunters, you’re mine, and there’s no drinking while on duty." Arielle was busy laughing her head off, but she nodded…she didn’t want to forget her last moments of freedom, as she thought about what was ahead of her this very evening. __________________________________________________ A few hours later, the sun began to set. Ashley rose to her feet and rushed off with a shout of "Twilight Service! I'll see you later!" as the sound of bells filled the air. Arielle and Marianna began to pack up the picnic. "Should we go too?" Arielle asked. Marianna shook her head. “Your own Ceremony’s at dusk. Most of the Hunt is required to attend, and the Guard as well--" "Why the Guard? They aren't Hunt!" Arielle interjected. Marianna shook her head and laughed. "Sorry, but the Hunters and the Guards work together quite a lot and there's a new initiate, they have to be there. I'm sure Thomas won't ruin it..." "That's what you think. That idiot kills the fun every time." "Fun?" Marianna asked heatedly." This is your initiation! It's not fun! And he's my BROTHER." Arielle looked away. "Sorry. Let's go get ready." __________________________________________________ Marianna and Arielle met near the entrance to the Temple. Arielle apologized, Marianna gave a nod of understanding, and together they made their way to the Entrance. The guests, as well as the Priest and Priestess, were already inside, but Arielle groaned when she saw both Marianna's brother, the Guard-Squire Thomas Odeith and another initiate, presumably to the Guard, Alexander Moradriss. "Say nothing offensive, do NOTHING likewise." Marianna muttered to her. Arielle clamped her mouth shut, and nodded. The group said nothing to each other, but Arielle took comfort in the fact that her initiation was first. She walked just ahead of Marianna up the path between hundreds of Hunters and Guards, all kneeling on the polished floor on either side, to the marble dais where the Priest and Priestess waited. The initiation consisted of Arielle re-affirming her loyalty to the King's Hunters, her affinity and acknowledgement of the Guard, and Marianna, as the Second Captain, gave her words of support for the new initiate. Then the Priestess looked down on Arielle, who was beginning to feel uncomfortable in the stuffy brown robe she was required to wear, and asked, "Are you prepared to accept the Task to prove your worth as a member of the Hunt?" Marianna frowned. There was usually no task, though she knew that something had been stirring within the King's hold. "...I...I am." Arielle said, in a small, barely audible voice. The Priestess nodded solemnly. "Something has been discovered which must be taken care of..." “I will solve whatever problem there is to protect his majesty’s kingdom, my lady.” Said Arielle. She stood up again, no longer smiling, as the priestess stepped aside. The priest proceeded towards her; in his hand was a sapphire colored glass bottle. The embalming mark; this would be her final moment as a normal human. She kneeled down slowly as the priest approached her. “Are you ready to make the journey that so many of your ancestors have already traveled?” asked the Priest. “I am.” Replied Arielle meekly, for once. She already knew what would happen next, Marianna had explained it to her. The burning of the Eternal Hunt Mark that so many had worn before, to protect her land. “Then with the power of The Great Sky Hunt, I mark you as a member of the Eternal Hunt.” One mark straight across her forehead. “Your weapon has been decided by Aastinell. Your Hunt Master will tell you later what rank has been decided for you.” One very short mark down the center of the first line. “The ancestors will meet you tonight and give you instructions and guidance.” said the priestess. Arielle arose, feeling stronger and yet more afraid than ever. _________________________________________________ As he pushed on, he felt the energy that his kind had always owned, coming back to him. Diablo the stallion was galloping with all the strength of his father, and more. He was a beautiful, pure white stallion, with solid black hooves, mane, and tail. His brown eyes were wide as he pushed on without struggle. His rider was a brave one. She had battled with Diablo when they first met. It was destiny though, that they found an understanding between each other. A stubborn horse and a spirited girl. It was one of the strongest bonds of friendship and trust ever built. But now Morgan had an important message for King Gamal and the Imperial Consul of the Hunt. She was the appointed messenger of her kingdom _________________________________________________ Hunt. She was the appointed messenger of her kingdom-- and the steed was not fast enough for her. She almost used the ornamental crop at her side, but the bond and the thought of the steed's wrath stayed her hand. It moved instead to the worked leather scroll quiver. She clutched at it. Wrath...there were other things she must look out for on this night... Wrath. ________________________________________________ Marianna was deep in thought in the Barracks, and was irritated to return to herself with the sound of Arielle's complaints; her hand was patting the mark on her forehead like an erratic fan. Marianna stepped over to her and slapped her. "Ow!" "Complain about something else. Better yet, stop it all…Morgan should be here!” Arielle looked guilty as she rubbed her cheek. "I...err…sorry…" she took a breath. ”What is she doing?" Marianna shook her head. "She's been the King's personal go-between for...a mission. You'll find it out tonight." Arielle looked crafty now, about to launch into some convincing argument, no doubt, to wheedle the information out-- but thankfully, the door opened, and Ashley stepped through, dressed in a simpler pale robe now, and looking worried. "Guards are watching for Morgan." She stated. She took a seat on the edge of the bunk, near Arielle. Marianna joined them, “She said she had a really important matter to discuss. Very dangerous travel expected.” Ashley sensed her tense mood, and quickly reassured her. “But…don’t worry, if it’s the rider we all know, she’ll be okay.” Marianna smiled a little, “Rider, eh? I haven’t heard that name for a very long time, since last time I saw her, actually.” She gave a sigh of reminiscence. “If she would just get back…then this would be perfect." "Yes- like ‘old times’,” Ashley grinned. Arielle sat quietly in the middle, but she was smiling. Ashley kicked out her legs and stretched across the bunk. With her eyes half-closed, she told Marianna and Arielle the most recent reports, and Alex's initiation. “I was the one who gave him the Guard Tattoo…just on his shoulder, and he almost fainted. He's VERY manly about it now, though." Marianna laughed with them, but was the first to hear a familiar voice. "-- Need to see Lady Marianna…now!" She lunged for the door, the other two close by. "Morgan!" She shouted. Thomas was already with her, but she ignored him and hugged her now embarrassed sister. Morgan was bursting with excitement, “Marianna, sis! I’ve missed you so much since I left! How’ve you been?” Calming herself down, she replied, in a rather odd solemn tone, “Fine, just been myself. You know me, the humble night hunter…” Arielle exploded with laugher, nearly choking herself after hearing that last remark. “Marianna…heh…you…heh heh heh…” It was obviously going to take some work of nature to get this out. Marianna glowered at her only slightly, in the meantime. “You…hehe…really need to work on your lying. It’s tragic, actually…hehe…” “Well, I see some things never change over time,” stated Morgan, signaling for Arielle, Ashley, Thomas and Marianna to follow her as she left for the temple. Arielle was now trying, without success, to regain seriousness. “So much to discuss with the king, so little time, I get so anxious just thinking about it. This is the message that our kingdom of Astridt depends on.” Morgan said to Marianna, who was practically running to keep up. “I fear that this message may not change it for the better.” Muttered Marianna, a grave look on her face, “Can you tell me what it says?” “You’ll hear it when we get there, because you are the Night Hunt Leader,” said Morgan. She peered around, searching for anyone who may be watching them; or more precisely, her. As they climbed up the temple steps, Marianna spoke quietly, “Arielle, you’re only a hunter. You cannot follow us after this.” “I understand…I expected that.” Arielle replied, with a trembling voice, a look of anger and sorrow on her face. She turned abruptly, and began her slow journey down the steps. Ashley gasped, “Oh, god! I forgot about the Healer’s evening prayer. Good luck Marianna! Aastinell be with you!” With a strange smile, she ran ahead of them all, and hurried into the temple, slamming the massive door shut behind her. Thomas spoke at last, being the last one left with his sisters. It was silent for a moment. “I have to leave now, evening Guard to assemble.” And with that he said good night to them, and strode away. Marianna was beginning to believe her suspicions now. ________________________________________________ Morgan and Marianna stood in front of the high priest’s council room doors. Marianna could see that her sister was nervous; it was obvious by the way her hands shook as she opened the door. The massive room towered magnificently above them; enormous polished stone pillars ascended on all sides of the room. Morgan felt so incredibly small compared to the vastness of this room; it’s beautifully painted ceilings and shining floors. Approaching her was a formally dressed priest, a long white beard adorning his face. She started towards him, her sister following close behind. “Ah, Xandervus, I have come on imperial matters with urgent news from his majesty King Coeus. It must be heard by certain ears only.” She pointed behind her to Marianna, who looked at Xandervus and nodded attentively. “Yes,” said the elderly priest in a hushed voice, “Come this way, your message has been long anticipated.” “Are there others her that know?” asked Morgan “A select few have been…informed…of your arrival.” replied Xandervus. They made their way through the temple; Morgan marveled at the grand design and structure of the temple, making ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ at each turn. Marianna rolled her eyes, “So easily entertained.” She had been here many times before, so it was nothing new to her. Apparently Morgan had become serious again because they were entering the council room. It was a darkened room, with a few bookshelves lining the left wall; and a large, ancient looking wooden table in the middle, a few familiar faces seated around it. The room was filled with a musty smell, and the old tapestries on the wall hung limp and dated, lit by the eerie looking candles. “This is the council room, invisible to untrained eyes. You can only find it if your heart is set on looking for it. It will remain sealed until the meeting is finished.” With a flick of the wrist, the door vanished, and was replaced with old stone wall. The old priest’s eyes glimmered with excitement and perhaps a tinge of mischief as well. Morgan could not shake the distinct feeling that something bad was about to happen; a force that she could not reckon with was about to strike. It made her nervous, because this feeling of foreshadowment had visited her before in the past. She couldn’t stop it; no way to save them, she thought. A feeling of illness filled her, her legs weakened and her head felt lighter as she continued to think. There is something about to happen, I can’t control it. “Morgan, are you feeling alright? You look pale.” Marianna asked, her face filling with worry. “I’m fine, thanks. Just a bit tired after a long ride.” She knew that was a lame excuse, but it would have to do. “Okay,” her sister spoke comfortingly, “but if there really is anything wrong, just tell me. I’ll take you to the Healers’ Wing.” “Right, okay, I definitely will.” She replied, trying to sound strong. As she watched Marianna took her seat, a nagging voice in her head yelled You fool! Why not tell her? She’s got more knowledge than you think! “Marianna…err…” Marianna turned her head, a look of relief on her face. “There is something…I’ve been meaning to tell you.” What was it exactly, anyways? Oh yes, the feeling. “I don’t think…here…or now…would be the right place to talk about it though.” Oh god, that had gone worse than she had expected. “Right, name the place and time, and I’ll be there.” She was clearly more at ease now, for whatever reason, it was unclear. “If everyone will take their seats, the council will begin the meeting concerning a much-awaited message.” Said Xandervus, allowing the hushed discussions and studying to die down as members took their seats. It was her moment to divulge the message; her heart racing as wildly as her mind. She rose from the back of the room, making her way around the table to take a seat near the front. She cleared her throat, the moment she feared had arrived. ________________________________________________ There had never been such a tense moment in all her life. If this is how Morgan feels all the time, I pity her for living with it, Marianna thought to herself. Xandervus stood before them, giving the group a silencing glance. “It has bee draw to our attention that King Coeus has urgent matters to discuss, and one particular piece of information to entail. So without further adieu, I give you Morgan of the neighboring kingdom, Golgotha.” He went back quietly to his seat. With that as a sign, Morgan rose, and went to take Xandervus’s place. “This is the word of his majesty, King Coeus: ‘See the face that has no shame, one without a name. Know the time is drawing near when darkness rules, fight back the fear’.” A message like this could not have been any worse, or come at an even worse time. She studied their faces, examining the reactions to such an omen. |