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hollywood murder mystery, please review |
OVER BLACK BROWN (V.O.) What is it that makes a killer ... Well a killer. What qualities, what personality must they have. Must they look a certain way, talk a certain way, act a certain way. Can you pick one out from a crowd. What about their next victim. FADE IN: INT. BROWN’S OFFICE The camera opens on a wall clock that reads midnight. ON TREVOR BROWN, A YOUNG PRIVATE DETECTIVE. Brown rest in his chair, feet propped on desk, with fedora hat shadowing his face. The sound of a car engine, pulling up outside, grabs his attention. He walks to the blinds and opens then just enough so you can see threw them. ON OUTSIDE WINDOW BROWN (V.O.) Looks like I have a visitor. (Brief Pause) But I would be lying if I said I didn’t know who it was. I knew exactly who it was before they even pulled into the driveway. THEIRS A KNOCK AT THE DOOR. Brown is back in his first position, skimming the newspaper, trying to look busy. BROWN (CONT’D) Come in! BROWN (V.O.) (CONT’D) Yeah I knew who it was, but I had no idea what i was getting myself into. The door opens, it’s squeaky sound is unbearably annoying. ON DOOR IN WALKS SHERIFF ROSS BROWN (CONT’D) (Insolently) Why Sheriff what’s a rich snob like you doing on the broke side of town. Knowing he’s joking Ross doesn’t crack a smile. He just walks in closer and removes his hat. ROSS I need your help. BROWN (V.O.) A sheriff would never ask for help from a private eye. BROWN (CONT’D) (Concerned) What’s it about? Ross takes a seat. ROSS A young woman, shot herself in the head. Images of the girl’s penetrated head flash into view on the frame. I mean it had the works, suicide note “good by cruel world”. But theirs one thing that doesn’t fit. Their was no gun. BROWN How does that happen? ROSS We don’t know, some say as she shot herself and the gun must have dropped and slid somewhere. Maybe somebody came by and picked it up. (Becoming Intensely intrigued) or maybe she was murder. BROWN I don’t understand why hand it off to me, I’m not exactly your best friend here. ROSS The note, because of the note they wont let me look into it. And i know you BROWN may not always like you, but I know you can get the job done. BROWN Give me one reason why I should. They hold for a silent beat. ROSS reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a thick envelope. Brown looks inside to find FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. BROWN (CONT’D) (Feeling Cooperative) That’s a good reason. ROSS Theirs more when you solve the case. NO MORE WORDS ARE SPOKEN, a second of staring into each others eyes and they reach agreement. ROSS EXITS BROWN (V.O.) But what if their’s no case to solve, I would be chasing a ghost. But why didn’t I say no? I couldn’t say no, i love a good challenge. ON A BUNCH OF FORECLOSED BILLS BROWN (V.O.) (CONT’D) Plus I really needed the money. Something in the newspaper catches his eye, it’s just a regular old newspaper aid. But below it Scarlet’s Short Obituary. “SCARLET MARIE SHORT, AGE 21, ASPIRING ACTRESS SHE WOULD - BROWN (V.O.) (CONT’D) YATTA YATTA YATTA - SHE COULD CHARM THE ROOM WITH HER BEAUTIFUL EYES AND HER GORGEOUS SMILE.” As BROWN continues reading it leads us into a FLASHBACK INT. MARTY’S BAR ON SCARLET SHORT (21) SCARLET Come on, Please, Just one little drink. She sat at the bar engaged in conversation with the bartender, trying to con him out of a free drink. ON BARTENDER “MARTY KLEIN” (25) MARTY Now what kind of man would I be if I let a pretty thing like you drink the devils juice. Scarlet tries to throw Marty off his game by flashing him one of pretty little smiles. SCARLET Just one. Nobody has to know. Please. Marty stares at her eyes. Her entrancing eyes. Those seductive eyes. Their hypnotizing. Marty drops a wet shot glass, it shatters on the floor. MARTY Got to give it to ya, your pretty persuasive. You would make a fine lawyer or something. Pulls out a shot glass and pours the girl a drink. SCARLET ME A LAWYER. NAW, (Takes The Drink) I want my name in lights, not painted on an office door. MARTY In Lights? SCARLET Yeah. Someday I want to be an famous Hollywood Actress. Marty lets off a slight giggle. SCARLET (CONT’D) You don’t believe me. You’ll see. One day I’ll be a star. Drinks the shot and slams it back on the table. BACK TO: BROWN’S OFFICE BROWN is still reading threw the section. BROWN (V.O.) Everybody wants to be in show business. An Actress. SOMETHING ELSE CATCHES HIS EYE A MOVIE AD “LOVE, CONFESSIONS & BETRAYAL” “ A true Hollywood love story Staring Joshua Goodman and Introducing Scarlet Short.” BROWN (V.O.) (CONT’D) AN ACTRESS He continues reading. “DIRECTOR BY GEORGE ROYAL” BROWN (CONT’D) Hello Suspect number one. FADE OUT. FADE IN: MARTY’S BAR BROWN enters the bar, he has set up a meeting with Mr. George Royal. Too bad he doesn’t know what he looks like. BROWN (To Marty) Hi, I’m looking for a George - Marty Interrupts him. MARTY Right this way. Marty seemed like he knew exactly who he was looking for, but it’s probably because they weren’t both two people in the whole place. ON GEORGE ROYAL (40) Royal is awaiting Brown at his own little table. He seems a bit nervous, liquor spills over his fresh suit as he tries to sip his drink and fight his shaking. Royal becomes more nervous as Brown enters the frame. They Shake Hands. BROWN How you doing. ROYAL I’m good, thank you. But I could use another drink. (Calls For Bartender.) Brown tries to slow him down. BROWN Now wait a minute, mind if I ask you a few questions first. Okay. ROYAL (Rambling) Look I just want you to know, I had nothing to do with the girl, she was just another employee, another actress. Brown tries to calm him down, but Royal continues singing like a canary. ROYAL (CONT’D) I mean how was I suppose to know. Brown hands him back his drink. ROYAL (CONT’D) Oh thank you. Royal scarfs it down. BROWN Now ... tell me a little something about Scarlet. He takes a deep breath before he begins. ROYAL Alright, but I’m not going to tell you anything you don’t already know. Scarlet, she was a beautiful girl, but a horrible actress. As Royal commences he leads into another FLASHBACK INT. LIVING ROOM MOVIE SET On the set of Love, Confessions & Betrayal. ON SCARLET JUST AS SHE WALKS INTO FRAME Scarlet walks on set with her script in one hand, and a cup of tea in the other. Royal sitting in the background in his director seat. ROYAL Are you ready Scarlet? SCARLET Yes, I’m ready. ROYAL This is the scene in which your character confronts her husband about his affair. We need you to be sad in this scene can you do that for us. Can you give us that. Scarlet, concentration trying to get into character. SCARLET Yes, I can give you that. ROYAL (Shouting To Crew) Cue Lights! Cue Camera, (Rolling) ACTION. Scarlet tries to read her lines just as she practice but her acting, it’s horrible. SCARLET But Bobby, Clarice told me she saw you with that, with that woman. And (FORGETTING LINES) and lately it seems like we just aren’t the same, like you just aren’t interested in me anymore. You say it’s all lies but how can I trust you, how can I believe you. ROYAL AND CUT! The Set remains speechless. SCARLET Umm, How was that? Royal looking disappointed, he searches for words. ROYAL How do I say this? It was awful. SCARLET (Frustrated) But George I don’t understand. I went to the classes, I practice non-stop, I did everything you told me and still ... awful. ROYAL I just didn’t feel it, I really didn’t feel anything. Maybe you weren’t cut out for this, maybe I should try somebody else. ON SCARLET SHORT Not with words, Not with anything else but her eyes can you tell how she feels, how she feels all her hopes and dreams slowly slipping from her grasp. BACK TO: MARTY’S BAR Returning back to Brown and Royal who are still chatting. ROYAL I would always threaten to replace her. BROWN Why didn’t you? ROYAL I don’t know. There was just something about her I just couldn’t let go. BROWN The movie. It would have been a pretty big step in your career. ROYAL MORE THAN YOU KNOW. BROWN Did you ever, try to take it further. You know more than just business. ROYAL You mean sexually. Hey I’m a guy. ON A WOMAN AT THE BAR In the frame is her hands, and the wedding band on her finger. She takes it off and drops it into an empty glass. BROWN’S OFFICE ON A PICTURE OF ROYAL LYING ON BROWN’S DESK BROWN (V.O.) Mr. George Royal, famous Hollywood Director, Devoted Husband, and a murderer? No it just doesn’t fit right, what is his real motive. Or maybe it was an accident, maybe her NEED to be in this movie seemed like a chance to fulfill his WANT. His want to . . . You already know. FLASHBACK TO: INT. ROYAL’S APARTMENT. Royal and Scarlet are in a run down hotel, the quiet unsuspicious hotel, one, who would go to if they were doing something they weren’t suppose to. Scarlet is putting on her Jacket. SCARLET (Angry, Yelling) I can’t do this anymore. You have a wife. ROYAL What do you mean, you just gone quit on me. SCARLET YOU HAVE A WIFE, what part of that makes this alright. Makes this okay. ROYAL (Yelling back) If you walk out that door, you can kiss goodbye any chance of making it in this business. SCARLET That’s how you want to play, You want to take away everything I live for. Okay. I’m telling your wife, I’m telling her everything. Lets see how you like it. You can’t stop, I wont let you stop me. She grabs her purse and heads for the door. Royal is reaching in the dresser for something. She swings the door open, ready to make her dramatic exits. Just as her foot reaches the outside concrete, A gun is fired. You can see the pain in Scarlet’s eyes as the bullet makes its way there her flesh. Unable to bare the pain she slowly drops to the floor, behind her stands Royal with his gun. BACK TO: BROWN’S OFFICE Just as Brown reaches for his phone. THEIRS A KNOCK AT THE DOOR. END OF ACT ONE BROWN looks at the clock. BROWN (V.O.) It’s 1 in the morning, who could that be? Brown gets up and answers the door. Awaiting outside his door is a woman. Cigar propped in her mouth, her black dress making her invisible in the shadow. BROWN (CONT’D) Can I help you Maim? ON LESLIE O'DELL (24) A FELLOW ACTRESS AND FRIEND OF SCARLET. She lets out a puff of smoke. LESLIE I have something for you. Something that will help you on your case. BROWN Who are you? LESLIE I’m a friend of Scarlet Shorts. BROWN A friend? LESLIE Yes a Friend. A friend who knows, shes been murdered. And I just may know who. BROWN Do tell. She takes another puff of her cigar. Her face still hidden within the shadow. She begins her story. LESLIE We met each other on a set, for this big movie . We would hang out at this bar almost every night. There was this bartender, he had the hots for scarlet. Very smart, talented, but i knew ... he knew she would never date a man like him. She wanted something more, you know she wanted the bad boy type. Enter another FLASHBACK: MARTY’S BAR Scarlet and Leslie are having a drink and a laugh at the bar. Something catches a glimpse over shoulder to see a well dressed man toasting her from his table. LESLIE (V.O.) They started hanging out. It grew to the point where it was an every night thing. But I knew Scarlet wasn’t the long term relationship type. If you know what i mean. BACK TO: BROWN’S OFFICE BROWN She wanted to break it off. LESLIE But he didn’t want to let her go, he would send her notes saying if she left him ... he would kill her. BROWN What ... was his name? LESLIE Wilson, Zachary Wilson. Brown takes a step back, like he was afraid by the name. Bracing himself for a relieving horrible memory. LESLIE (CONT’D) What is it? You know the name. BROWN (Takes a little laugh) No never heard it before. BROWN (V.O.) (CONT’D) But for sure I had. I had a couple encounters with Zachary, all of them I wish I could forget. And I know where exactly to find his ass. BROWN (CONT’D) Can I get your name? LESLIE Leslie O’Dell. She takes a final smoke before the scene fades out. MARTY’S BAR A few people are mingling around the set. ZACHARY WILSON (30) A well dressed business man is with a couple friends playing cards. BROWN seated at the bar spying on them. MARTY walks over and hands Brown his bill, he fills out the necessary information and pays. Back to Wilson, Brown tries to make out what their playing. BROWN (V.O.) Poker. I got this. ON WILSON They continue to play as Brown walks into frame. Everyone shock to see him. WILSON Now would you look who we have here. BROWN Wilson. Want you to know this isn’t a social call, this is business. WILSON What business could you possibly have with me. BROWN A young woman has been murdered. A woman named Scarlet Short. WILSON Never heard the name in my life. BROWN I find that to be some bull Shit. I have a witness that says you know the name very well. WILSON And what if I do, you think I killed her. BROWN I don’t know what I think. But I know what I want. WILSON Oh yeah what is that? BROWN 3 questions. Wilson stops for a second. WILSON Well something in life you got to earn. (Picks Up The Cards.) The game is POKER. DEAL Throws the cards to Brown. And so they begin playing. Wilson and his friends of course cheating, but Brown has a few tricks up his sleeve as well. In the end Brown wins. WILSON (CONT’D) Alright Brown, you got three questions. BROWN Scarlet Short, actress in a movie - Wilson Interrupts. WILSON Yeah I know who she is, What about her. BROWN Did you kill her? WILSON No. BROWN Every Threaten to? WILSON No. Pauses for a good silent beat. BROWN Did you love her? His question sends Wilson into a FLASHBACK INT. WILSON’S LIVING ROOM ON WILSON LOST AWAY PLAYING HIS PIANO. SCARLET enters the frame. SCARLET Wilson. Can we talk? The sound of her voice, he turns around. He seems glad to see her. WILSON Scarlet, come here. I wrote you something. I want you to hear it. He begins to play a beautiful soft melody. ON SCARLET SMILING. SCARLET You wrote that for me? WILSON What you want to talk about. She turns away from him. She can’t look him in the eye. SCARLET Look, I think, I think that we should stop seeing each other. Wilson takes a deep breath, his head leans down, like all of sudden everything, the world became so heavy. He picks it back up. ENRAGING ANGER Wilson throws his sheet book on the ground. Scarlet flinches. He sends everything that’s resting on the piano crashing to the ground. He gets up and kicks the piano stool over. Something has been hidden underneath it. A GUN He picks it up, Scarlet rushes to stop him. SCARLET (CONT’D) WILSON! WILSON! NO! Scarlet Trying to protect her life and his. She tries to pulls the gun from his hands, But he fights back he’s to strong for her. SHE CONTINUES TO SCREAM SCARLET (CONT’D) NO! NO! NO! ACCIDENTLY his finger squeezes the trigger. BOOM! In an instant the bullet his shot threw her head, ripping away everything inside. In an instant gravity pulls her body to the floor. In an instant Scarlet is dead. BACK TO: MARTY’S BAR WILSON Staring into space as we return from the flashback. BROWN Wilson. WILSON What. No. No. BROWN Well Wilson, thank you for your time. Brown begins to exit. WILSON HEY! You know it shouldn’t be me your interrogating. You should be talking to the friend of hers. O’Dell. She had it out for Scarlet ever since she stole her part in that big movie. Brown stands confused. FLASHBACK INT. ROYAL’S OFFICE LESLIE and SCARLET are waiting in ROYAL’S office. Scarlet is 1st meeting the director. SCARLET I don’t know about this Leslie, What if he says go home girl you have not talent. LESLIE Oh would you relax. Your perfect for the part. SCARLET Yeah but a maid. LESLIE Everybody got to start somewhere. Enters Royal, with a stack of papers. LESLIE (CONT’D) George, I’ve got the maid you been looking for. ROYAL Not now, I’m busy. SCARLET I guess I’ll come back later. One glimpse of Scarlet’s voice forces Royal to pay attention. ROYAL This they girl. LESLIE She is the girl. ROYAL She’s perfect. Can she act. Can you act? LESLIE (Smiling) Yes. Royal gets a good look at her. ROYAL Perfect, what’s your name. SCARLET Scarlet, Scarlet Short. ROYAL Well Miss Scarlet, your about to become a star. LESLIE A star, but shes just the maid. Royal hits Leslie with this look. A look in which she already knows what’s to come. CUT TO: EXT. PARKING LOT ON LESLIE O’DELL AS SHE HEADS TO HER CAR From behind Brown enters the frame. BROWN Why help her. Leslie stops and turns around. LESLIE Excuse me? BROWN Why help her, after everything she took from you. LESLIE I don’t know what your talking about. BROWN I know, i know about your part in the movie. So why? LESLIE Because, cause I try to be a good friend. Can you blame me for that. BROWN No I guess I cant. Leslie gets in her car. A long silent pause. LESLIE You know, You know what he told me. He told me that i wasn’t good enough, that i wasn’t pretty enough to be the star. The I wasn’t in her league. No look at her. BROWN You said you met on the set of the movie. But you lied, and I wonder what else have you lied about. Or better yet what is it that your not telling me. Did you kill Scarlet? She starts the car engine. ON THE TEAR ROLLING DOWN LESLIE FACE LESLIE We were all dragged into this all because of that dam movie. She pulls off. BROWN (V.O.) What does she mean, drag into this, what about the movie. As Leslie is pulling off Brown notice a black figure sitting in her back seat, he smiles back at him. A light shines off something the glares in Browns face it looks like a BADGE. BROWN (CONT’D) LESLIE! She speeds off. INT. LESLIE'S CAR Leslie is in her car. Hearing her loud sniffles, we can tell she’s crying. She is driving the car a passing street light reveals that their is someone in the back seat of the car. But yet Leslie is still to stressed to notice. Brown is chasing the car in the background. But it is moving to fast and he loses it. Another street light illuminates the car. Leslie grabs for her cell phone, only to find that it’s dead, she begins reaching in the back for the charger. LESLIE Where is that dam charger! She feels something unusual. Another street light and Leslie can see the killer sitting in her back seat threw her rearview mirror. LESLIE You son of a bitch. As the bullet pierces threw her skull, her head bounces on to the horn of the steering wheel. ON BROWN GUN FIRE The cars horn fades us out. FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO |