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This is the first thoughts of "Boy". He has alot to say...he just can't seem to say it. |
First off I would Like to thank everyoen who reads this. Its a story of a boy with no mouth....constantly trying to find ways to express himself...Enjoy. Boy (thought): Sometimes you want to forget the place were you came from, and sometimes you REALLY do forget where you came from. Girl: “Hey what are you doing? Get up, come out here to the end of our earth, there is a tide washing in…ideas and hopes are flooding our beach.” Boy: (thought): Does this surprise me? No. that’s the wrong way to think, I was always told to be optimistic and look out for my fellow man. I only have one problem; I haven’t a mouth…… Girl: “Are you coming? Hey! Hello?.....Answer me if your even alive (laughs) Boy(thought): If a Wise owl has so much wisdom then why doesn’t he speak my language? If its true that, a mere man were to speak the true name of God, that all civilization and our economy would crumble? I read the name of God...somewhere…. Girl: (Points at the sun setting) “Is there a reason why your sitting out here? What are you looking at? Apparently nothing, as you can see the water swallows the land….pretty funny huh? The water actually swallowing something? Aren’t humans suppose to swallow things….like water…(laughs)? Boy: (thought) Yes. Girl: Why aren’t you saying anything to me? You don’t like me do you? Boy: (thought) Not again. Girl: I guess not, I’m not good enough for you. (kicks sand and walks off) Boy: (thought) Goddamn I wish I had a mouth. Boy: (thought) Having no mouth, no way to communicate, its…. well of course I have my hands and sign language but you can imagine how funny it would be to bystanders, to see a boy waving his arms frantically trying to get some mouth breather to understand the words that his arms will not let him say. (hours later...) Another Girl: Hey there…..Boy. Can you throw us that ball back? Sorry we almost hit you with it. (giggles, motions hands in a catching motion) Boy: (thought) Wait….she’s using her arms to communicate with me…and yep….I bet if I had no ears….it would be even funnier to see her lips moving…and then her arms just flailing around. Another Girl: Alright. Please kick us that ball back over here. (sighs) Boy: (thought) She’s not everyone I suppose. (grins, grabs the ball and walks over to the girl and her friends) Another Girl: Thanks a lot, want to play? Boy: (nods) Another Girl: Ok you ready?.........Are you ready? Boy: (shakes head no, and walks over to his normal spot under the tree) (thought) God, I feel awful, no real reason though. I wonder if this beach goes anywhere else? All I see is water…and the occasional boat in the distance. I wonder what their out so far for and they never seem to ever dock here. Maybe their lost. Maybe they need a lifesaver, the irony in that. (grins) *SUN SETS* Boy: (thought) Another sundown, another day without a mouth. All wrapped up into one wide spanning sunset. Until the sunrise I guess. *Moonlight shines from what seems like the other side of the world* Boy: (thought) I’m not anyone really am I? I contribute nothing to this world. Yet I feel as if I was given the chance I would do the world so much good. Having no mouth really puts you in a position. Maybe I could write. Writing does no good, my mind whispers all to quiet sometimes, but a lot of people are stuck with this problem, that seems much worse than having no mouth. *time passes the moon still shining. Only a few dark blue clouds stroll slowly thru the sky, no movement.* Boy: (thought) I wonder where Silence is tonight? He never was much of a talker, could be why were such good friends. I do hear Peaceful though, she’s softly kissing her mothers shore. Speaking of Mother, how could she let so many of her kids out and into the world? I wouldn’t have, It would be like having something precious like having the only mouth on the earth and let everyone hear it. Mothers children aren’t friendly to all though. I remember seeing this Kid leave the shore on a boat, and in the distance I heard this rumbling in the skies. Raine is a nice girl though, even though her younger siblings are abit mischievous, like Thunder. (yawns) I think I’ll nap for now. Its always great to see Sun as he’s waking up, you can really seem Him waking up, he starts out slow but he gets up and going eventually. Its quiet funny….. *Sun Rises* Boy: (thought) (stretches) its going to be a good day. Girl: Hey Boy. Want to go down to the shore with me? Boy: (thought) (walks with her closely to the shore) Its always nice to take a walk around, sometimes having no mouth I think….is for the best. I would hate to end up like everyone else here on our earth. Some people talk to much, some lie, I’ve even seen a few I wonder why God gave them a mouth in the first place…and not me. But I don’t feel left out. I feel good, natural, at one with myself, a little outcast from my fellow man, but hey….their not a bunch I want to be associated with, BUT there is this one Girl. She likes to take care of me. Even though I don’t talk much, I can listen. That’s a trait not many have….sadly one of the only ones I have. Girl: Hey Boy, I’ll race you around that tree! GO! Boy: (thought) (races around the tree, slower than Girl, she beats him…by a long shot.) Ok….she got me…(laughing on the inside) Girl: Here, I have something for you. (hands him a page) Boy: (thought) (reads note) Goddamn I wish I had a mouth…then I could say it back to her. Girl: (stares out to sea) Boy: (thought) (stares at the note, then to Girl, and then out to sea) *Staring out to sea, they sit until Cloud and Thunder show up.* Girl: Come on lets go inside…..we’re going to get wet. Boy: (thought) (nods his head and follows Girl for a few feet….then stops her…and grabs her hand.) I see Raine, we’re going to be so wet. *Boy and Girl play in the warm rain that fell from the skies, from what the Boy wanted to believe was forever. Enjoying the time they spend together. Boy: (thought) (sighs) I wish I had a Mouth………. (Please leave me some feedback....justanotherhero03@hotmail.com) |