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Please note that this story is still being edited and has mistakes in it. |
EVIL JUDGMENT As the world passes me by ever so silently, like a beast waiting ever so patiently until the right moment, to snatch you up and gobble, and chew you, and then send you into the depths off hell itself. That’s what happened to me, but first let me tell you the beginning of my story! It was a Saturday morning, and I Michael Mogul was, wondering around in the garden, bored as usual, so eventually I thought up something that I could do and I decide to play chase, but then how could I if my friends lived no where near me, and I was not going to ask my brother John, so I went inside, my house, it is a normal sized house, four bedrooms, a bathroom and a shower room, both with a toilet in, and one of them with a wash basin, so as I went up the stairs, heading for my room, my brother came running down, and punched me in the arm like he usually does, and I yelled at him “stop it” like I usually do, and he laugh’s like he usually does, and he run’s away, he should act his age he is 16 by the way, so anyway I ran of in a huff and sat at my bedroom window, just staring at the sky., thinking about my life, how I had been fostered into a family that cared and loved me, but they new they had made a mistake fostering me, they new that they should never had fostered my brother John as well, because he would never let me do anything by myself, he would always hit me, and call me about my size, (well I am pretty small for thirteen), but he has no right because he is only a couple of inches taller than me, well if you include our dark brown hair then he is but he, should not really be calling me no matter what my size, because he is, my brother and he should at least have a little bit of respect for me, even though I do hate him, so much. We both have dark brown hair and dark, round brown eyes, quite a lot of freckles, and because he is sixteen he has a couple of spots, and the only other big difference is that I have big teeth and he has good teeth, but I’m not really bothered by it at all, but the kid’s at school are, they call me goofy and short, well you have probably heard it before at your school. While I was sitting at my window, my brother sneaked ever so quietly into my room, sneaked up right behind me and grabbed me around the waist and shoved me as hard as he could until I fell over, I hit my arm of the radiator, and I yelled out in pain, and I quickly got up, as my brother went laughing out the room, I ran out of him, and as I did so I slipped on the, wooden floor in my room and I went flying, and hit my head of the side of my bed, and that was when everything went dark. At first when I woke up I thought I was dead, I thought this because it was cold and dark, this was probably because I had my eye’s closed, then I heard something, it sounded like a twig breaking, I slowly opened my eyes. I saw something blurry in front of me, something big and flying, and something with wings something, which was speaking, speaking in a language that I could not understand, and in a language that I had never heard in my life. Then all of a sudden everything became focused, and there in front of me was a creature that I could not describe, I had seen it somewhere before, and I was sure it was in a book, a book about mythical creature’s. this creature, which I believed too be a pixie, had big dark eyes, that seemed to have no thought or feeling and it seemed as though it’s eye’s knew every thought, I then noticed something in its hand, a long sharp, golden spear, pointed straight at my face, I then noticed something else, the clothes it was wearing were baggy and ripped, as though this creature had been in a fight and whatever it was fighting had torn straight through, them. The, creature, (which I now realised was infact a pixie), raised it’s long, sharp golden spear, and stabbed it straight next to my left ear, missing only by a couple of inches, I screamed, like I had never screamed before, then I looked at where the spear had landed. The spear had stabbed an insect of some sort, one that I had never seen before, one that looked dangerous, and then the pixie spoke “van carat se motet…”, I looked at it’s face in total confusion and I spoke even tough I did not want to “I do not speak Latin”, the pixie stared at me and spoke “I did not realise that you spoke English are you not from the forest of glazer”, “no” I replied “I am from Newcastle, on earth, do you know where that is”, the pixie stared at me and burst out laughing, a sharp shrill laugh that made my blood froth, and bubble, with fear! “Well then you are not from anywhere I know of so I shall not help you with your quest”, then all of a sudden the pixie bent down as tough to jump, and its wing’s started to twitch. Then I realised what it was going to do, I quickly grabbed it’s leg and, it screamed, then all of a sudden it’s wing’s started to flap, at an incredible speed, then they stopped and the pixie just stared at me with it’s dark black eyes and then the pixie said “how dare you grab a pixie without asking”, I replied in a sarcastic way, “well I am sorry, but I need to know what you mean by a quest, and what planet am I on”, the pixie looked at me, and said with disgust, “do you not know of the planet, grog, the planet of pixie’s, and I know who you are, you are Michael, Michael Mogul, the one who is going to supposedly save us all from the demon’s of felon, well I think you couldn’t even save yourself from a swallow spider, ha your no planet saver at all your just a ridiculous person, that thinks he can go around and grab pixie’s all day long” , I stared at the pixie not knowing what he was going on about, then I realised something, I was day-dreaming about pixie’s and demon’s before my brother knocked me out, wait a minute maybe this is all just a dream, I pinched myself to check, and realised that it hurt and that the pixie was staring at me as tough I had gone crazy. I then spoke “well I suppose you could tell me what your name is and something about these demon’s, what are they again demon’s of felon or something”, “yes they are and my name is Grunge if you must know”, “well hi Grunge, I am Michael Mogul, but you already know that don’t you, I suppose I have to go after these demon’s and kill them”, the pixie looked at the light blue sky and said “ well no not really, you have to kill there two guard’s which are dragons, the worst if you must know, then you have to release the pixie’s that have been captured by the demon’s and then you have to kill Fein the leader of felon, how easy does that sound”, I stared at him mouth wide open, not able to believe what I was hearing, I was going to have to kill dragon’s, save prisoner’s, and kill leader’s. “What do I get out of this if I do what you want me to do”, I said, Grunge looked at me and said “you will get to go home and see your family again, and as a bonus, get five magical wishes, how does that sound”, “great, best get started then”, the pixie laughed his weird laugh, “what’s so funny”, he stopped laughing and said “well firstly I doubt you will win and secondly, you are going to have to come with me to get your armour and weapons, and then you will have to get trained, by the finest people around, now doesn’t that sound so easy” he then started sniggering, but you could still hear, the shrillness of his laugh. So we started off on my quest, to save the day. When we got to the village that Grunge had told me about, we went in search for the blacksmith who had my armour and weapons ready. When I saw the blacksmith’s, I could not believe my eyes, there in front of me, was a cottage made out of wood, and rusty, metal, you could tell that it had been infected by termites, or something that acted like a termite. Grunge shoved me in the back, to tell me to keep on walking, I could see fairy’s walking past staring at me, and putting there head’s down, as tough they felt ashamed to be around me, maybe it was because I was going to save there planet, and they felt as tough I was, supposedly greatest warrior to ever walk on there planet, well all I can say is that there wrong, I am Michael Mogul, I live in Newcastle on Earth, in a small house, with a caring family, well if you could say my brother was caring, not one bit of this would have happened if it wasn’t for him!!! And as I looked ahead of me I could see a small house with dark, black smoke pouring out of it, and a pixie, sitting outside next to a metal wheel off some sort, the pixie had a, fiery red piece of metal in one hand, and every so often, he would spin the metal wheel and place the piece of metal on it, whenever he did this it would make a lot of spark’s!!! The pixie looked up as we approached him, he looked at Grunge, then looked at me, and then he quickly went back to work, I looked at Grunge and said “so I guess this is the blacksmith’s and that is the black-smith”, Grunge started to laugh his high pitch laugh, and he said “yes, this is the black-smith’s, but no that is not the black-smith, that over there is the black-smith”, he pointed with his long, black nail, to a pixie sitting, with his folded, and when we approached he looked up and, then quickly stood up and ran across to us, and he grabbed my hand, and shook it, with such a force that I thought he was going to pull it off!!! “hi I’m, Cringe, and I believe that you are Michael”, I nodded “well then, come, come, we haven’t got all day”, he then ran off into the little house, we quickly followed, and as I got inside, I saw set out on a table, the most amazing armour I had ever laid eyes on, well I had never actually seen a full suit of armour before, so this was a first for me. Cringe then grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the armour, and he picked up the sword and shield, and placed them in my hand, at first I thought I was going to drop them, but I then realised I was not holding them properly, and I put the sword in the right position, and the shield on my arm, I looked great. About an hour later I had all of my armour on, and I walked out of the shop, ready for training, I looked at Grunge, and said “well then I suppose it’s off to training”, the pixie looked at me and said “well, you see there has been a slight problem, the training master has died recently and he was the only one who existed, so it seems as tough you will have to go on your journey, right now”, I could not believe what I was hearing, I was having to go on my journey, right now and fight the demon’s of Felon!!! As I set of down the dusty road towards a spaceship, at least two or three miles away, I knew that I was being watched, by something that I could not see but I could feel the hairs on the back off my neck standing up, but then I remembered that just before I had left, Grunge had told me about creatures on the way, that might follow me, and taunt me if I was too slow, then all off a sudden there was a rustle of leaves behind me and I ran, so fast that when I stopped I had, reached the spaceship and there it was, in ruins, that’s right, there was a spaceship alright but this spaceship had crashed, it looked as tough it had been shot down by something, very large, because there was a hole in the side at least the size of a house and this must not have happened long ago because there was still bit’s of the ship on fire. Suddenly something emerged, but I could not see it properly, the only thing I could see was a stick of some sort, and then a laser shot out of it and then everything went black. I woke up in a dark cell unable to move, unable to find out how, but I could feel something on my wrist’s and leg’s, something very sharp and every time I moved pain shot up my arm’s and leg’s making me want to cry, but of course I couldn’t because, if I did I knew that whoever was in the room, breathing in my ear, I knew that they would hurt me even more. “I am samba, we wish you no harm, this is just a precaution you see”, for some reason I did not believe him, “where are you from?” he asked “Earth” I replied, almost in tears, “so it is true”, he said into my ear “what is true” I blurted out, “the profit of our enemy”, he said in a menacing voice, “you are the enemy, all of you are the enemy, you Felon creatures”, I shouted at him, “so they have tricked you as well”, “what do you mean”, “we are not the enemy they are, they came into our land killed our children, made us slaves”, I could not believe what I was hearing, but I knew it was true. After he finished telling me how his leaders had all been massacred in front of all his people’s eyes, he untied me, and brought me water and, a plate full of a strange food, the colour purple, with a cream sauce on it. I did not really want to eat it but I did and it was delicious. Not as good as my mum’s food though. When I had, finished eating he stood me up and took me to a room with a lot of machinery, that was beeping, and flashing, colours of green, red and orange, I guessed that this was the place that must control, things, but what thing’s, is what I wondered. We did not stay in that room for long, because he pushed a few buttons and a wall, suddenly turned into a door, I suppose I was surprised, but then again, there had been a lot of surprises, today. So we walked through the door and there in front of me was a lift made of solid glass even the floor was, we stepped in and the door’s shut and then all of a sudden a lot of, white smoke filled the lift and then we went down, and then I started to choke, I coughed and coughed, and then I heard that shrill laugh just as my eyes shut slowly. Drip, drip, drip, something was dripping but what was it, I suddenly shot my eyes open, only to find a face looking over me, it was not a pixie something else, a, face that was, grey as cement, a mouth with sharp teeth, as sharp as razor blades, teeth with something on them that looked like blood dripping, the thing came close to me then it smiled, and slaver dripped onto my face, warm slaver I was about to lift my arm up to wipe it of when I realised that I was tied up, I tried to get free but I found the more I tried the tighter the ropes got. The thing started to cackle, then it lifted up a fruit at least that was what it looked like, the thing took a bite and red juice, (not blood, thankfully) came dripping from it. When the thing had finished eating, it spoke, well not exactly spoke, it rather made clicking noises with its tongue, and at least that’s what I think it was. I looked at it puzzled, and then I think it realised that I could not understand it, it went into a different room, and a few minutes later it came back with a round object, it placed the object on my neck I started to scream I thought it was going to kill me, then all of a sudden the creature started to speak in English and, then I realised that the object was a translator, I stopped screaming, and it spoke “calm, please be calm, I am not here to harm you I am here to tell you about something that will, help you on your quest”, the creature paused, then spoke once again, “now then my name is Fein leader of the Felon”, then I remembered what I had been told this was the enemy, I had to escape before they killed me, I started to struggle, so hard that eventually the ropes snapped and I got up and ran, and then I realised that Fein had not moved, I stopped running and turned around and ran back into the room, “what information is it that you want to tell me” I said in a voice like thunder, he looked at me and then he said, “the information that I am about to tell you is very secret you must tell no one, do you swear by our race that you will not tell anyone under any circumstances the information you are about to here”, I stood there trying to take in what he had said and then I replied “I guess so”, “no, no you must say I swear by the creatures of Felon, that I Michael Mogul, will keep the information confidential no matter what the circumstances”, I did say it, and I was glad that I had because once I heard it I got so, angry that I wanted to scream at the top of my voice, what he had told me is a riddle this is what it was: A friend you do not know, and that you must never meet, but if you do so then take heed, the friend that you have met do not trust him if he knows you, do not let him twist your mind in trusting him, make sure you keep him away because he will want revenge on you he will want you dead but first he need’s you, to help him to help with a task of the impossible a task that will kill you, a task where he does not get the blame, so take heed of this warning, and do what you must but please keep the unfriendly close because remember what the old saying say’s, keep your friend’s close but keep your enemy’s closer. After he said that I had, had enough, so, I asked him politely to let me go, I was surprised that he did, then when I got up, he took out what looked like a gun, I dived at him just as he pulled the trigger, a green light shot past me and hit the wall behind me, “no, stop” he screamed, “you don’t understand...”, I grabbed the gun and smacked him, in the head with it, he slumped onto the floor, I decided to hide his body so I looked around and found a store cupboard, with a bucket a piece of rope, and some cloth’s in it, so I tied him up, with the rope, and stuffed the cloth’s in his mouth, then I tied his feet with the wire, and then I bundled his unconscious body into the cupboard. When I had done all of that, I picked up the gun, and looked at it, I noticed some buttons on the side, and a bar with some word’s on it, in a language that I could not read, then I heard a noise, and then I realised it was coming from the cupboard with Fein, in it, I opened the door and saw him wiggling around trying to escape, so I smacked him in the head again, a bit harder so he was knocked out properly this time, then I noticed something, which I should have noticed before, a belt with some strange gadget’s on it, so I took it, and one of the gadget’s looked like a circle with a big red button in the middle of it, I put it on the floor and pushed the button, and all of a sudden, a big holographic image appeared in mid air, then I noticed that it was a map, of some sort, and it had little triangles on it, there was a green arrow and I noticed that whenever I moved in a direction it moved, so I guessed that this was a map of where I was, and then I noticed that all of the other arrows where red arrows, so I guessed that these where other aliens like Fein, so know I knew if anyone was coming with this gadget, I looked at the other gadget’s on the belt and noticed another little circle gadget I picked it up and it had two buttons on it’s side so I pushed them both together. All of a sudden two blades shot out of the little circle, then I realised what is was, it was a two bladed throwing knife, so I pushed the two buttons again and they went in side, the little circle again, then I examined the map again and noticed a little red arrow coming towards the room that I was currently standing in, so I quickly pushed the button in the middle of the map and it dissolved, then I got the two bladed knife and opened it up ,and then I hid behind the door, just as it slid open. There it was another alien creature, it looked around and then it turned around just as Fein, fell out of the cupboard, know I had to do something. The creature pulled out it’s gun, just as I dived onto it’s back I did not mean to kill it, but it tried to shoot me, so I stabbed the knife in to it’s neck and it, dropped it’s gun, I reached out for the gun and all of a sudden the creature, swung around with a knife and then I realised that I had a gun so I pulled it out and it dived for me, then I pulled the trigger, and it, fell on the floor, still alive, and breathing then, it quickly got up, and it lunged for me, I slid out of the way, but not in time, the blade of the knife, cut into my side and I yelled out in pain, then I realised that if I did not kill this creature then I would probably die, by it’s hand, so I lunged for it and dug the blade into it’s neck, and it’s blood covered my face, and it dropped to the floor dead. Now I realised that I was a murderer, and I was in a lot of trouble. It came to me a few minutes later, that if I did not escape then I would, probably be executed, and then I would never complete my mission. So I decided to do my mission, and kill the leader of the demons of Felon. So I ripped the knife out of the creature’s neck, causing more blood to go on me, then I set of, on my mission, covered in blood of a creature that I knew absolutely nothing about. So now I was running down the corridor only, to stop when I heard, a door slide open I looked around quickly seeing a dark spot in a corner so I quickly hid, only to realise that whatever it was coming out of a door right next to me and I was too late, the creature had spotted me. I jumped for it, but to late as I saw it push a big red button on the wall, and all of a sudden a siren sounded, and a big group of, creature’s quickly surrounded me, So I, grabbed one of the creatures by the neck, and held the knife that I had in my hand, to it’s throat, and made it, go into the room that one of the creature’s had exited from, I could tell that all of the other creature’s did not want to stop me in case I killed the creature. When we got into the room I locked the door, and turned only to find the creature with a sword in it’s hand, I could tell that it, was scared to fight me, so I quickly, threw my gun at it’s head and it fell to the floor, then I dragged it to the door, and opened it then I kicked it outside, as soon as I did that I felt laser’s shoot past me realising that, the other creatures where now trying to kill me! I locked the door and, turned, around knowing that I was safe in here for the time being, I looked at the room that I was in, I could see a big pool full of a liquid that looked like water, and this pool had lot’s of cable’s, wire’s and pipe’s coming from it so I decided to see what was in the pool, this was a big mistake, as I went closer, I noticed a computer, well something that resembled a computer, and on this computer, I noticed, number’s going down, I wondered what they were, for, and they were going down from 29. I decided to leave the computer, alone, and I leaned over the edge of the pool trying to get a glimpse of what was in it, only to stumble and fall into the liquid. I tried to get out but realising that the liquid was not water, but something that was thick and gooey, I then heard a voice coming from the computer, saying, “evolutionary change to begin in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, evolutionary change begun”. On these word’s I felt a sharp pane in my back, in my feet, then all over, I screamed, and screamed until, all went black. When I woke up, I hoped that I was lying in my bed at home, but then I noticed that I was in a bed, that was not mine, and that I had been strapped in with what appeared to be leather strap’s, and I also had needles coming from me, I realised that when I moved, a sharp pane would shoot up my arm, I guessed that this was from the needles, moving about underneath my skin. Then I heard a voice, and then another voice, I turned my head and I could see two shadow’s behind the curtain that was around me, that was when I noticed that I was suspended in the middle of the air nothing beneath me, I suddenly felt dizzy, when the dizziness had passed, I tried too sit up only for the straps too tighten. That was when the alien’s behind the curtain were saying, “We can not do anything about the human child, he has evolved, into something, but we are not sure what, it could be anything”, I realised that whoever or whatever was speaking, was speaking about me, and I was not sure I wanted to believe it; because I did not feel as tough I had evolved, I felt normal, I looked normal. Then suddenly, a strange looking robot that was hovering at about, two metres in the air flew over to me, and told me to lie down and rest. I did not understand, before, everyone wanted to kill me, but now they seemed to be trying to help me, was it because of what had happened too me, I guessed so. It had been a whole day before the strange thing’s started to happen, let me explain. I was sitting in my bed, and the room that I was in was massive, and I am mean massive, in any case, I was sitting there and across the room there was a group of alien, there were about five of them, and every so often one of them would look at me, I knew that they were talking about me, I wanted to know what they where saying about me, and then, suddenly, I could hear what they where saying, somehow I could hear them, they were saying, “we will let him be realised and live on the ship, with us.”, one said to the group, then the other’s nodded, but one did not, “what if he is a danger to us”, then the one that had first spoken said, “he is not a danger the evolution change has done nothing to him as far as we can see”. Then the one that spoke first came over to my bed, “have you felt any change’s, human.”, “no”, I lied, “well then let’s get you out of here, you look ok now, but we will keep an eye on you”. He got a hold of my arm and took a hold of one of the needle’s with his claw and slipped it out I felt a pain in my arm all the way up I closed my eye’s too try and block it out but it was still there, then suddenly it disappeared, I opened my eye’s and the alien was holding a needle covered in blood that was almost a metre long, I could not believe that it had been in my arm without me noticing. When I was up and out of the bed, I was allowed to go anywhere except from the control room, where the ship was steered, so I decided to go to my cabin, which was the room where I had been sleeping. I did not know why but I felt as though something was not right, because when I walked down the corridors people looked at me as though they where shocked too see that I was onboard there ship, as though I was not supposed too be there. I was sure that at one point when I walked down the corridor someone had growled at me. The day’s passed and gradually people became used too me on the ship. I even got a job as a cleaner it was great because I did not use mops and brooms and thing’s like that. I used laser’s and a chemical that you chucked into the air and it floated down and killed any bacteria or poisons in the air, it was really fun too use this chemical. I received my pay on a card that was like a credit card, everyday I would swipe it on a machine and it would tell me how much money I had on it, so far I had 1000 krimson, which is what the money is called too the aliens, this was about $500, which was the most that I had ever had. When I had finished work I was told too go too my room. But one day on the way too my room I decided not too go too my room but too instead go for a walk around the ship. I had been walking for about ten minute’s when I stopped next too a door with a panel asking for a finger print. I put my index finger on knowing that it would not work, somehow it did work, the door slid open. I stepped inside and in front of me was a room as big as a football pitch. In this room was vehicles of all sort’s of sizes, they looked like ship’s of some sort. On the walls there were rows and rows of weapons, they were extremely large, I walked over too one of them and took it down of the wall, it was very heavy, then it suddenly felt extremely light. Then I aimed it at a box in the corner of the room, I pulled the trigger and a sudden beam of blue light shot out of the end of the gun, the box exploded into a fiery blaze. Suddenly an alarm sounded and within a couple of minute’s at least twenty armed aliens poured into the room all pointing there weapons at me. One of the aliens had a red ribbon over it’s shoulder, it stood in front of the other alien’s and said too me “human put down the weapon and we will not shoot at you, put down the weapon”, I had already decided what too do, I aimed the weapon at the alien with the ribbon and said “I understand, you want me too put down this weapon so that nobody will get hurt”, he nodded and said “yes, I am glad you understand so put down the weapon and come with us”. I looked at the weapon, it’s shiny black metal, I liked the warmth coming of it, I liked the feel of it in my hand’s, I liked the lightness of it, I liked this weapon, but I knew what I had too do. I looked at the alien and said “no!”. I fired the weapon, the beam of light hit the alien, he just stood there, then he collapsed. The other alien’s opened fire at me. I dropped the weapon ran at them dodging there bullet’s. I jumped at one of them, I landed on him he fell onto the ground me on top of him, I grabbed his knife which was at his side, I drove it into his neck blood poured out, I got up just as a bullet came my way, it missed, instead it hit the bleeding alien on the floor. I dived at the alien’s one by one stabbing them at amazing speed’s. then I stopped turned around too see one of them standing there covered in blood, alien bodies all around him, everyone of them dead except for him. He stood there in amazement, I looked at him and he dropped his weapon onto the ground. I told him too tell the captain of the ship about what I had done, he nodded and left still in shock at what I had done. I walked over too one of the ship’s in the room I climbed aboard and sat in the cockpit, I had never flown one of these ship’s in my life but somehow I managed too start it up and open the roof of the room, and fly out of the ship and head away from the ship. I had been flying in the same direction for almost one hour, I knew because I had programmed the time into the ship’s dashboard. The dashboard told me everything that I needed too know about the ship. It had a list of weapons, from torpedo’s too laser bomb’s, it had shield’s, low strength too high strength, a radar, it even had an option for advanced pilot, it had a warning next too this option saying ‘DO NOT select this option if you are not experienced in flying this type of ship’, I knew what everything was on the ship because I had programmed the ship into the English language, because when I got into the ship everything was in alien but I translated it within a few minutes. The dashboard started too beep, I looked at the radar and saw five blue dot’s behind me, the dashboard identified them for me, it was a group of ship’s from the ship that I had stolen this ship from, they must have followed me. I turned the ship around too face them, too see that there was nothing behind me but the radar still showed five dot’s in front of me. I pushed the advanced war fighter option, I choose my weapons, and I took the control stick and aimed at nothing in front of me I fired a bullet, suddenly in front of me was the five ship’s. They had been using a cloak shield which I did not have on my ship, but I was able too see them on the radar because they had almost run out of power for it, I somehow knew this. They started too fire at me I spun the ship out of the way of the bullet’s, I kept spinning, then I started too fire, as I was spinning. I hit one of them it blew up. Four remained I stopped spinning and I flew straight at them I fired a torpedo it blew up in the middle of two of them, they both blew up at the same time. Now only two remained, I decided too use a bit of style, I flew straight at them dodging there bullet’s then I hit the bomb button and a group of round metal objects were released from the ship heading straight for the ships. I spun around away from the ship’s just as the bomb exploded catching them in the explosion, and causing them too explode. I turned around and headed away from the wreckage knowing that there would be more after me. I had decided too head for a planet about two hours from where I had destroyed the ship’s. When I landed on the planet, I opened up the cockpit door and stepped out onto the dirty ground too face a gun at my head. I looked at the thing holding the gun, I could tell that this person was a she, because she was not alien she was actually human. She was the first human I had seen since I had ended up in this strange place. She looked at me in the eye’s and said “you have a bounty on your head I do not know how much but I am going too take you in and get my reward”, I smiled and said “how did you know it was me in the ship”. She laughed and spoke in a calm voice, “I have been following you in my ship with my cloak on for the last hour”. I looked behind her and in the distance I could see a small ship. I laughed at her, I did not know why but I just laughed and laughed, until I saw her gun heading for my face. I could have dodged it but I did not for some reason, the gun hit me in the face and I collapsed too the ground knocked out cold. Read The Second Edition Of Evil Judgment Too Find Out What Happens! |