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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1289627
a teenaged girls drama unfolds as she attends a new school.
Day 1:As my alarm clock rang this morning, there was only one thing on my mind , " My first day at a new school." So I quickly got out of bed and got ready for school. Then I ran downstairs and got some breakfast. When I sat down to eat, my dad and I exchanged a few words, all pertaining to my first day in a new school. After I finished my breakfast, my dad and I left.~1~
    When we pulled up, I thought about what it must look like inside. I got my schedule and took a tour of the campus. After I was finished with the tour, two girls approached me and said "Hi, my name is Brittany, and my name is Danielle." While they were talking to me, a boy interrupted them and said "Hi" to me. The two girls finished talking, then we all went to 1st period.~2~
  Later I found out that the boy's name was Tommy, and he was the cutest boy ever. When we got to second period, I wrote him a note:~3~

  Dear Tommy,~4~

I know I'm new here and it may be a bit early for this, but I was wondering if you would like to be one of my "close and personal" friends. One more thing, I was wondering if you would like to give me a tour of the school campus during lunch.~5~
                                                                            From the new girl,~6~

  After I folded the note Danielle passed it to him. He read it with a smile on his face, and wrote back. When he gave it to Danielle, she opened it and read it. As she read further into the note, her eyes widened with amazement. Finally, she passed it to me and I opened it anxiously. I read:~7~

  Dear Julie,~8~
It's not to early for me. When I saw you, I thought of four words "love at first sight."~9~
I don't want to be one of your " close and personal " friends, I want to be way more than that. I would love to give you a tour around the school campus, and I might give you a tour of my body, if you want. So we're dating on your first day.....cool.~10~


  I was surprised that he said yes to all of the things I put in that letter,  matter of fact, I was ovewhelmed.We passed more than 11 notes that day and I stashed them all in my backpack. At the end of the day, he showed me a way to get to my house by foot. The whole time he held my hand, and then I thought " We're holding hands and we just started going out."  As we walked up to my doorstep, he gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
  When I walked inside, my dad was sitting on the couch watching a football game with my little brother. He asked me how was my day, and did I have fun at my new school. I told him that my day was awesome, and I quickly ran up to my room.
    I turned on the computer and got on myspace. I typed in Tommy's name in the search area and I quickly added him as my friend. Then I noticed 2 minutes later, Tommy had accepted my friend request. We chatted for hours and we learned a lot about each other, then decided to go on a date at eight. I was so excited.
  Tommy knocked on the door and I rushed down stairs and answered it. Tommy introduced himself to my Dad and we left. He took me to the movies and out to dinner. At the end of the date, I told him that I had a wonderful time and I hoped that we did this again.
    It ten o'clock when I got home, and my dad was still sitting on the couch watching another football game. I ran upstairs and he came two minutes after me, and asked me why did I have all of these notes in my school bag. That's when I discovered that he had searched my room while I was gone. I remained silent as he held about the content of the note.
    After about an hour of lecturing, he said that I was not allowed to see Tommy anymore because he is a very inappropriate boy. Then I finally said that I disagreed with him and I told him that I was not going  to stop talking to Tommy. The last thing my dad said was "we'll see about that."

Day 2
  The next morning, I got up, got dressed and went straight downstairs for breakfast. My dad and I did not exchange words that morning because of last night's feud. After I was finished with my breakfast , I went upstairs and got my back pack and headed out the door.
    I met Tommy and Danielle at the bus stop. Brittany was sick with the flu and decided to stay home. I told Tommy about what went down between my dad and  I last night. He told me not to worry about it and do whatever my heart said to do. He knew that I was going to do what I wanted anyway, but he felt as if he had to tell me anyway.
    About 10 minutes later, the bus pulled up. Tommy and I sat together, of course. Danielle sat with a 9th grader named Troy, she thought he was really cute. That's when Danielle and I found out that Tommy and Troy were best friends and that they were both on the basketball team.
    During 1st and 2nd period, Danielle, Tommy, and I exchanged notes. In one of the notes, Danielle asked Tommy if he could hook her up with Troy. Tommy said that he would see what he could do. So for the rest of the day Danielle walked around with a smile on her face. By the time recess came, Danielle and Troy were going out. All I could think about was how fast the relationships develop down here. Now everybody had a boyfriend except Brittany. I think we'll find her a boy before she comes back to school.
      After recess we went to math class.  For some strange reason, we didn't pass notes to each other like we usually did. But every once in a while, Tommy looked at me and blew a few kisses toward me. I wrote in my notebook a note that I would give to Tommy when I felt it was the right time. The note said a bunch of stuff about how much I liked him and how he seemed like the perfect boyfriend.
      On the end-of-the-day announcements, the principal said that we would be having a back to school dance next Friday night at 7. That's when Tommy, Danielle, and I got very excited. That would've been me and Tommy's 2nd date, and Troy and Danielle's 1st. After school, Tommy and Troy walked Danielle and I home. We each got a hug and a kiss from our boyfriends and said good-bye for the day.
    Danielle called me an hour later and asked me if I wanted to the skate rink, I told her yes,of course. She picked me up along with Troy and Tommy. When we got to the skating rink, we quickly got our skates and started skating. Then we got tired of skating so we decided to ditch the skates and go dance on the dance floor. After about 4 hours of skating and dancing, we went home.
    When I waked in the door, my dad and my brother were playing video games. So I rushed up stairs and got into the tub, and I decided to relax for the rest of the night. An hour later, Tommy called me on my cell and asked me what was I  doing. Then that's when he asked me if he could come over later. At first I said no, then he gradually talked me into it until I said yes.
    So at 1 o'clock in the morning, he came over. At first we were watching B.E.T, then it went from watching television to hugging and kissing. I told him that I wasn't going to go any further than this. He said that everything was going to be okay, and if you really loved me , you would let me do this. I gave into it and let him proceed.
    As it got further into the night, we kept hearing these strange noises. At 4 o'clock he woke me up and asked me if I wanted to go again. As usual I tod him no, but he sweet talked me until I said yes. But this time something bad happened. When he got finished he noticed that I was bleeding, and I started freaking out. He hugged me and kissed me on my neck and said that everything was going to be okay, and that he would never let anything bad happen to my "baby". Then we started hearing those strange noises again......they sounded like some one tapping something on the other side of my wall.....tap.....tap....tap.....and we finally found out what it was. It was..........

........ my dad leaning up against the wall with a stethoscope listening to me and Tommy's every word. He didn't come into the room that night, but when I got up that morning, I knew I was in BIG trouble. So when I went to the breakfast table, my dad started talking about the consequences for what I had done. By the time he got finished talking, it was time for my bus too come.
    When I made my way to the bus stop, the first and only person I had seen was Tommy. He was standing next to Danielle, and Brittany  was still sick with the flu. Tommy asked me if I had fun at the "skating rink" last night. I told him yes, but I totally ignored him until the bus came. I didn't feel like talking to him so I sat by my self that morning.
    I only passed one note to Tommy today, explaining to him why I was acting the way I did. It went as follows:

Dear Tommy,
      I really don't appreciate the way you talked me into having sex with you last night. I'm not going to blame this all on you because I let you do this to me. I should' ve thought about this last night, but what if I might be pregnant. Imagine what my dad would do to me, or worse to you. But I just need to some time to process all of this. So I'll talk to you in about two days.

I passed the note to Danielle to give to Tommy, and he had a depressed look on his face. I kind of felt bad for him though, but I had to do this. He passed it back to Danielle to give to me , but instead she opened it. All she had time to read was half of the first sentence because I snatched it from her and told her that this note was of a private matter.
At lunch I ate all by myself. Then all of a sudden, I started to feel nauseous. I made my way to the nurses office, but she couldn't find anything wrong with me. Instead of going back to class, I went straight into the bathroom. I cried my heart out because I was throwing up earlier and I thought I was pregnant.
  Then the dismissal bell rang and I grabbed my things and left. On the way home, I noticed about 4 or 5 corner stores and I decided to stop at one of them and pick up a pregnancy test. After I purchased it, I ran all the way home as fast as I could.
  Luckily, my dad wasn't home, so I rushed upstairs, quickly opened the box and read the directions carefully. 30 minutes later, I checked it and I said that I was pregnant. I broke down in tears, got on my knees and prayed to God. I asked Him how could He let this happen to me. I couldn't let my dad know that I was pregnant, he would literally kill me. I couldn't do anything but cry.
  My dad didn't come home that night until 3 o'clock. I didn't go to sleep that night, I just laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking about what I was going to do.
I hopped on the myspace and sent Tommy a message telling him that I was pregnant. Tommy was not like the other boys out there, he was always there for me. Instead of telling the whole school that he scored the other night, he kept him to himself. But I  was hoping he replied to my message that morning. For a second,  I just thought about what to do for a second. It came to me instantly, I knew what I was going to do. I was going to........
......to keep the baby. It would be wrong to kill it, so I'm going to keep it. But as I sat there and thought about all of this. That's when I remembered my old boyfriend Chad. He had done the same thing that Tommy did, but that's when it came to me. Tommy wasn't the one who had got me pregnant, it was Chad. I had broken up with him a few weeks before school had started.
At school, I told Tommy that it wasn't him that had gotten me pregnant. I told him all about Chad, and he was cool with it. Then he told me that he was going to be there for me, no matter what. I gave him a hug and a kiss, then told him thanks. Danielle also said she was going to be there for me, and I thanked her also.
Today we had a half a day of school, so I went home with Tommy and Danielle. Once we made it to my house, we thought of a way to tell my dad, and a secret plan. It was 9 o'clock when they went home, and right after they left, I went to bed.

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