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continues from part. seven |
VIII. The Final Battle It was a little past noon when the black heavily tinted Cadillac Escalade came into view from the road leading to the Black Dragon Society’s compound. Inside was the heiress to the Moretti crime family, Christine Moretti a long with her assistant Jordon Gallo and two body guards. Usually the head of the Moretti family would travel with a larger entourage especially in a time where Moretti family leaders have been getting killed off. However under the circumstances of this meeting with Lady Shimizu and the Black Dragon Society, Christina would have to travel with a small entourage. Christina was still in mourning the lost of her father Christopher Moretti who was killed last week and the killer was still at large. When Lady Shimizu had told her over the phone the night before that she had caught the killer of her father, Christina was overjoyed and agreed to the conditions set forth by Lady Shimizu in order to get her chance to get her revenge. Daisuke waited by the guard post which was once occupied the late Katrina Diaz, her black motor cycle was still parked outside. As the luxury SUV approached Daisuke stepped out in to the road stopping it right outside of the front gate. He then walked over to the driver side window of the Escalade. The black tinted window rolled down revealing a large muscular bald headed man dressed in a black business suit. Daisuke noted the second man in the passenger seat also big and muscular wearing a dark colored suit with a black ribbed t-shirt underneath. He had long brown hair which was slicked back and tied into a pony tail. Both men looked at the much smaller Daisuke with intimidating eyes. The bald man in the driver seat spoke, “Ms. Moretti is here to see your boss.” “Of course, pull behind the gate and park.” Daisuke said in his broken English pointing to a spot behind the gate. The Escalade complied and pulled behind the gate and parked in the spot that Daisuke pointed to. Once parked the two big men emerge from the SUV and then moving to the rear of the SUV opens the two rear doors letting to the two women who were seated in the back out. The foursome then walked over to Daisuke a he approached from the gate. “Where is your boss?” Christina Moretti then asked in a demanding tone. She was a tall stunning Italian woman with long blond hair and striking blue eyes. Her hair was tied back in a tight bun and her slender tight body was wrapped in a tight fitting three piece black pant suit with a red silk blouse underneath her vest and jacket. The suit worked well with her body amplifying her curves perfectly. She also wore a pair of black shinny high heels extending her already tall frame. The other women who also rode in the back was Jordan Gallo who was Christina’s personal body guard and went every where Christina went. The petite dark haired women was as much as a looker as her boss but looks could be deceiving for which Jordon Gallo was a former mix martial arts champion back in the day and was a feared hand to hand fighter who was respected by all the men in the Moretti family crime organization. Jordon wore a burgundy two piece pant suit that hid her tight muscular build and a dark tank top underneath her jacket, a pistol holster was clearly visible on her right hip. Finishing the outfit was pair of black high heel boots making her taller then she really was. Jordan and the two big men stayed behind Christina as Daisuke approached. “Lady Shimizu and the Black Dragon Society are in an emergency meeting at this moment. Lady Shimizu wishes to apologies for any inconveniences this may have caused you. She has asked me Daisuke Yamashita to be at your service, I am to take you to the strong hold where Lady Shimizu will meet you shortly for your business appointment.” “I can’t believe this bull,” Christina said in annoyance looking at her watch. “Very well let’s go.” She then said signaling Daisuke to lead on. As they began walking Jordan turned to the bald headed man and said, “Stay with the truck if this goes ape shit I want you to get in there as quick as you can and pull us out.” The bald head man replied with a nod and walked back to the Escalade lighting as cigarette as he walked. The other three continued their journey to the main compound with Daisuke leading and the pony tailed man and Jordon looking around for anything that did not belong. Above on the roof of one of the many abandon warehouses Susie carefully peers over the edge and watches Daisuke and the three Moretti family members head towards the strong hold. Her plan was working so far she thought to herself with a deep breath and prayer hoping nothing would go wrong. She then turned her attention back to the bald headed body guard who had stayed behind. He was leaning on the fender of the SUV smoking and looking around. Susie quickly calculated her angle from the man, the wind speed and the distance and then quietly slides back behinds the edge. There she rolls on her back and picks up the now silenced SR-25 7.62 sniper rifle that Jovanna had calibrated earlier that day and adjusted the scope with the information of her calculations. Rolling back on to her stomach Susie slides forward towards the edge of the roof with the rifle at the ready. Taking another deep breath to relax herself she leans her cheek onto the rifle butt and puts her eye to the scope. Through the scope she moves the crosshair to the unsuspecting bald headed body guard below, who at the point caught sight of something moving on a nearby roof and looked up. It was too late as the top half of his head exploded sending brain and skull particles across the hood of the Escalade. The 7.62 bullet had hit its mark, right between the eyes. Susie watched the big body drop to its knees and then pitching forward limply to ground before disappearing from the roof. Christina and Jordan sat comfortably on the large leather sofas of the strong hold’s lounge area. Daisuke stood nearby in silence, he had told the ladies when the arrived that Lady Shimizu and Madam Odell will be with them shortly. The pony tailed man was outside the strong hold keeping watch. Jordan had done a quick search of the area to make sure there were no bugs or traps. There were none. She now sat across from Christina cross legged looking around at the room’s Asian art. Christina also sitting cross legged as well but not as relaxed stared repeatedly at her watch. She was getting frustrated of this delay and the anger and urge for vengeance for her family burned within her hotter than ever knowing her father’s killer was nearby. The pony tailed man had his back to Susie as she moved silently with the silenced USP in hand. As she neared she raised the hand gun to eye level. She was a mere 30 yards away from her target. Taking a deep breath to relax her she squeezes trigger. The three .40 caliber rounds leave the barrel the USP making only clicking noise is they soar towards their target. All three rounds strike the back of the man’s head, dropping his body like a rag doll face first to the ground. From where Daisuke was standing he saw his Lady Yoshida enter the back door of the strong hold silently and move down the hall to and into the medical center. As Susie entered the medical center she closes the door loudly on purpose so all in the lounge would hear it. The final part of the plan was coming into play. “What the hell was that?” Jordan asked standing up and moving towards Daisuke with her hand on her holstered hand gun. “Please sit back down it was nothing. It was probably just the prisoner moving around.” Daisuke replied with his hands up trying to calm down the two alerted women. “What! The assassin is here? You are keeping the assassin locked up here and you didn’t tell me?” Christina asked angrily standing up and withdrawing a nickel plated .45 hand gun from her shoulder rig. Aiming the gun at Daisuke she stormed over to him. “I don’t have time for this waiting shit for your bosses. Tell me where the assassin is kept now!” She exclaimed aiming the large hand gun at Daisuke’s head. “Don’t test her. If you know what’s good for you tell her now.” Jordan added. Her 9mm was out now as well and aiming at Daisuke. Daisuke stood with his hands at his side and then calmly said, “Since you asked so nicely. The assassin is down hall in the second room on the right.” “Finally, watch him while I go finish this once and for all.” Christina ordered as she stormed off with her gun in hand to get her revenge. Jordan still had her gun aimed at Daisuke but had her attention on her boss as she went down the hall. When the whole situation with the noise started Daisuke had let the pen syringe drop out from his sleeve into his right hand. Now with Jordan’s attention elsewhere it was time for him to act. With one quick motion he grabs Jordan’s right hand with the gun pulling it down towards the floor and with his right hand he jams the syringe into Jordan’s neck. She had no idea what had happened and was out like a light on her feet dropping the hand gun to the floor. Daisuke lowered her limp body to the ground and took a deep breath as the adrenaline subsided. Christina was so filled up with anger that she did not even hear the sound of Jordan’s gun falling to the ground as she was put to sleep. She was so angry and focused on getting her revenge that she walked right pass the bullet hole littered wall caused by Daisuke’s rescue attempt earlier. Christina swung the door to the medical center opened angrily and walked in. Lying on the examining table was the nude body of a petite Asian female. Christina cocked the .45 and approached the table aiming the gun. “You little bitch I got you…” She didn’t get to finish to her terror she recognized the body on the table as Lady Shimizu. The dead eyes of the former master assassin stared up blankly at her. Christina stepped back in horror after seeing the body of the slain assassin baring the same three bullet wounds that her father had bared. As she stepped back she bumped into someone behind and quickly turned around expecting Jordan. Instead it was Susie Yoshida dressed as Lady Shimizu smiling evilly. “Hi, I’m sorry Lady Shimizu could not meet with you as you can see she is quite unavailable.” Susie said with a little giggle. Christina was still shocked and only managed to gasp in surprise as Susie reached up in one quick motion placing one hand under Christina’s chin and the other behind the neck a loud snap followed. Christina’s limp form then crumbled to floor in a lifeless heap. “Sweet dreams Ms. Moretti.” Susie said out loud looking at the still form of the former mob boss. Back out in the lounge Daisuke stood over the sleeping body of Jordan Gallo awaiting orders. Susie entered the lounge looking down the sleeping corpse. She then kneels down and with a quick and violent motion snaps the neck the sleeping body guard. The body convulses for a moment before becoming motionless. “Ok my friend, search her and then get her naked.” Susie orders Daisuke with a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll take care of Moretti.” “As you wish Lady Yoshida,” Daisuke replied taking off his business coat and kneeling before the body. Susie had straightened out the Christina’s body so she was now lying out on her back. Susie then began to systematically search body of the former mob boss checking under her under arms, running her hands over and under her breast, running her hands around her crouch area and down her legs. Susie did not find anything of value besides a pair of keys a cell phone and the shoulder rig. Christina had died with a shock expression on her face, her jaw was slacked and hung open and her striking blue eyes stared up blankly at Susie as she looked down at the corpse. “Well dear, everyone at the party is naked that includes your little cute body guard too. So it’s only fair if you get naked too. I mean just cause you’re a mob boss doesn’t make you different from everyone else.” Susie said soothingly into the dead woman’s ear. Susie had no plans on using any of Christina clothes she was quite comfortable in Shimizu’s. Roughly rolling over the limp corpse Susie strips off the black business coat and vest as she does so Christina’s lifeless arms flop about. Rolling the crime boss back on to her back Susie tears the red silk blouse open sending buttons flying across the tiled floor of the medical center. Christina’s decent size breasts were nicely wrapped in silk red bra. Susie fondles them quickly before moving south to the trousers. She unbuttons the trousers and spreads them apart revealing a pair of red silk thong. Jerking the trousers down Christina’s hips and legs and finally to her feet stripping off the pants and the heels at the same time. The former head of the Moretti family now lay practically nude only wearing a red silk bra, thong and thigh high sheer black hosiery. Susie takes a break looking down at Christina’s tall frame. She was almost as tall as Odell but her features were more elegant and model like compared to Odell’s larger features. Christina Moretti would have made a perfect model, long sexy slender legs, sexy hips, flat inviting stomach, decent sized round breasts, attractive smooth shoulders and arms. She was the most attractive crime boss that Susie had ever seen. Pity, Susie thought to herself as she began to remove the hosiery from Christina’s smooth legs. Christina Moretti had been dead for less then an hour now she was lying naked on the cold floor of the BDS medical center. Her long blond hair which was in a nice tight bun was now undone and spread about under her head. Susie was still kneeling over the body removing the last of Christina’s jewelry. Susie figured she could either wear it for herself later or pawn it off somewhere. Christina had a pair of diamond earrings, a necklace of a gold cross, and a gold bracelet with her father’s name engraved on it, a gold watch and a thin silver anklet. Stuffing the jewelry in her pocket Susie stood up brushing her hands together signifying the end of the task. Looking down at Christina’s nude body she grinned to herself eyeing the round breasts, the clean shaven mound and the smooth sexy slender long legs. “Now you’ll fit right in sweetie. Isn’t that right?” She then asked looking at the nude Shimizu on top the examine table. Jordan Gallo lay naked on her back on the polish wooden floor of the lounge area. Her body sprawled out like a star fish with her legs spread apart showing her nicely trimmed womanhood to all, her bare arms were raised above her head with palms facing up. Jordan’s sleep like face was looking to the left and her shoulder length dark hair lay in disarray under her head. Daisuke stood nearby holding a bundle of Jordan’s clothes. Susie entered the lounge slowly with Shimizu’s limp form over her shoulder and dragging Christina Moretti’s corpse by an ankle. Moretti’s tall frame followed Susie into the lounge area trailing limp arms and blond hair. Dropping Christina’s body next to her corpse slain bodyguard Susie moved to a nearby leather sofa and deposited Shimizu’s body. Shimizu sat on the sofa limply with legs wide and head limply lulled into her breasts with her silky black hair falling over her face. Her arms sat limply at her sides with palms facing up. Susie then turned to Daisuke. “Any interesting off her?” she asked moving over and kneeling over the body of Jordan Gallo. Her build was very similar to Pichitra’s build, a fighter body very well muscular toned with a short frame. Thick powerful short legs, firm and muscular midriff and some scars from past fights made up the general characteristics of the corpse. The only difference between Jordan and Pichitra was that Jordan had larger breasts and that Pichitra had darker skin other than that the bodies were very similar. Susie reached over pinching and twisting Jordan’s nipples smiling to herself. “All I found was a gun, some jewelry, a money clip and a cell phone.” Daisuke replied looking through the bundle that he cradled. “Oh yes would this be considered interesting?” He then asked pulling a pair of white cotton panties from the bundle with little pink bunny designs on them. Susie laughed to out loud looking down at the sleep like face of Jordan Gallo. “I guess she likes rabbits.” She then said chuckling. “Such a tough girl,” Susie added shaking her head in amusement. Daisuke chuckled a bit as well putting the panties back within the bundle. “What do wish me to do now?” “First off what are you going do with those clothes” Susie asked walking over to him. Daisuke looked at her puzzled and then at the bundle of women’s clothing. “I don’t know.” He finally said. “I thought so.” She said going through the bundle of clothing taking the jewelry and money clip and putting it in Daisuke’s suit pocket and then tossing the rest away. “Now, I left Moretti’s hand gun and shoulder rig in the medical center. Go get it and put it on. Then I want you to go search those two dead goons outside and bring their truck over to the storage warehouse. I’ll meet you there.” Susie ordered. Daisuke nodded and was on his way with his new orders. With Daisuke now gone doing what she had ask of him Susie turned her attention back to the bodies. She really wasn’t much interested in Jordan so she left Jordan’s sprawled out form and turned her attention to Christina. She went over to the tall blond and leaned forward hoisting the corpse over her shoulder. Susie slapped Christina’s bare ass with her free hand as she carried the blond over to sofa where the lifeless Shimizu was. Leaning forward she plopped the tall slack blond down on to the sofa. Christina’s body leaned back heavily causing head to lull backwards, causing her loose blond hair to be tossed back. Her inert arms went flopped to her sides with the palms facing up. With Christina now positioned next to Shimizu on the sofa Susie went into action posing the two inert forms. Susie first rose up Shimizu’s head so that it was leaning against the back of the sofa. She cleared away the silky black hair so that the former master assassin’s face was fully visible. Shimizu’s eyes were still open and stared blankly at Susie and her thin lips were still agape. Susie kisses Shimizu’s dead lips nibbling on them a little before moving over to Christina. With Christina she positions it so the ex-mob boss was sitting with her long legs spread wide and her limp hands resting on her smooth bare thighs. Christina’s head was already leaning against the back of the sofa so Susie just cleared some lose strands of hair away from her flawless face. Like Shimizu, Christina’s blue eyes stared blankly at Susie as she cleared way the strands of blond hair. Unlike Shimizu, Christina’s mouth hung open giving her a look of surprise. Moving back to the Shimizu Susie reach to the dead woman’s chin and starts to move it up and down and making a voice the dead woman. “Ah Ms. Moretti, welcome to my lovely home. Sorry I wasn’t able to meet but as you see I’m quite dead.” Susie said giggling and moving to Christina control her slack jaw, “Oh that is quiet alright Lady Shimizu I understand too, simply because I am quite dead myself.” Susie replied to herself and laughing out loud. She got up and pushed the two bosses together so that Shimizu’s head rested on Christina’s shoulder and Christina’s head rested against Shimizu’s head. During the preparation of Moretti’s arrival Daisuke had showed where the BDS kept all their weapons and gear. That was where Susie had gotten ammo for the SR-25 and her USP. This warehouse also housed a number autos and motorcycles used by the BDS. Daisuke had pointed out Lady Shimizu’s personal car which was a hooked up late model black on black BMW M5. Susie decided to accept the car as a victory gift from the late Lady Shimizu and the BDS. She then proceeded to load the Bimmer up with as much weapons and gear the trunk would allow to stock pile her own arsenal. Within the gear were the two kitanna blades that represented the Shimizu family that Susie had taken from Lady Shimizu’s room. Later on Susie had Daisuke back up the Moretti Escalade into the warehouse and her Daisuke loaded its cargo area with as much gear and weapons that it could hold. Taking what they could fit, filling both cars up Susie felt satisfied with her loot. She and Daisuke then went around to each of the important warehouses including both storage warehouses wiring high explosive remote control bombs. After that task was done Susie and Daisuke dragged the corpses of the dead male gourds into the strong hold where they would wait to meet their final fate when the place went up. |