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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1299708
After all is said and done, some lines that you know you shouldn't cross, but you do.
DISCLAIMER: The Harry Potter Characters are the sole property of JK Rowling and I do not claim to have created them in any shape form or fashion, only the series of events that they find themselves in this particular story. Nor do I claim any right to any other referenced material throught the piece. If there are feferences made they will be at the end of the chapter in which they are used.

This ficiton was written after the seventh book and in the time space that isn't really specified by any words of JK. Thanks in advance for reading, and enjoy!


Chapter One -  Babblings and BallGowns

The lock softly clicked in the heavy English Oak door. She was glad to be home it had been a very long journey looking for the spinning wheel of the legendary Sleeping Beauty.  Pushing the heavy door open Luna let her bag slide off her shoulder and onto the floor in the entrance hall. She wanted to soak for a week in her huge bathtub, with plumeria smelling bubbles floating around her head.  But that wouldn’t happen tonight as she only had a little more than an hour to get ready for one of the biggest charity balls of the season. 

She quickly made her way to her bedroom and opened her wardrobe taking out the dressiest ball gown she owned. Turning to the mirror she held the long black satin dress to her figure to see how it looked against her tired frame.  Hoping that she could make her glamour charms do the trick Luna undressed and hopped in the shower.

Luna had inherited The Quibbler from her father when he passed just a little over a year ago.  She had been drowning herself in her work at the paper and tried to avoid contact with her friends as her father was the only family she had and now he was gone.  She hadn’t kept in touch with her friends like she should have; everyone was so busy with their own lives these days.  The last time she saw Ginny and Harry was at last years Quidditch World Cup, they were playing for the Chudley Cannons.  She was taking pictures and interviewing Harry.  The last she heard Ginny had decided to take a break from Quidditch.

She slipped into her dress then picked up her wand doing a glamour charm on her face and her hair.  After she knotted her hair on top of her head she picked up two ebony hairclips fastening them in her hair.  Looking at her reflection in the mirror she felt like she didn’t know the woman starring back at her.  Her world had changed so much over the past couple of years; she wasn’t the Luna she used to be.  She had seen pain, heartache, death and loneliness had crept in somewhere in the midst. She gathered a few things from the dresser and grabbed the matching purse to her gown stuffing in it her quill and parchment.  Taking one last look at her self a knock came at her door. 

Luna slipped on her black heels and made her way to her front door; she could see the figure through the stained glass.  A slight smile graced her lips as she opened the door to her partner in crime Dennis Creevey.  He had been her photographer for The Quibbler for the past three years, and her personal go between.

“Wow!” Dennis exclaimed when he saw her standing there. He had his camera hanging around his neck.  “I hope you know I barely avoided a thrashing this evening.  Collette was none too happy about me leaving so soon.”

“I know and I thank you dearly for going with me Dennis.  I haven’t seen anyone in over a year,” her voice had a nervous edge to it.  “Dad usually handled this event and I just attended and mingled with the guest.” She was very close to her father and it still wasn’t easy for her to talk about him.  “But this year I am supposed to speak on behalf of The Quibbler and the large donation we are making to the Witches’ and Children’s Centre at St. Mungos.  I hear tell we are being matched by another donor.  That will be quite a sum of money helping getting it properly staffed and up and running.”  She shut and locked the door behind her.

Dennis had his normal huge grin on his face when they arrived. There was a young attendant at the entrance door checking off guest and telling them where they were sitting.

“Name?” he asked in a genial tone.

“Luna Lovegood and Dennis Creevey,” she answered in her dreamy voice.

The young man ran his finger down a list of names and looked up at her then said, “You and your guest will be sitting at the front table in front of the podium, with Mr. Potter and Ms. Weasley.” He nodded his head to her and gestured for them to enter.

She took a deep breath and looped her arm through Dennis’; together they walked into the dimly lit room.  She felt as if she had just entered a time warp as she stood at the top of the familiar stairs of the ball room.  Slowly but surely she and Dennis made their way down the steps and to the front table.  She saw quite a few familiar faces that she had not seen in sometime. Nodding her head and smiling; she and Dennis continued toward their seats. The flickering lights of the spinning ball overhead played on the dancers in the middle of the room.  The soft music was playing as many people danced around the room.  She heard laughing and talking echoing in her head as she scanned the room to see if she recognized anyone. 

“Walk around and see if you can get any interesting photos,” she said to Dennis.

He nodded his head and walked off towards the outskirts of the room.  Luna made her way to the refreshment table to get her a stiff drink.  As she took her drink from the server a familiar voice called her name.


She smiled and turned to see Hermione looking at her with wide eyes. 

“Hermione!” Luna smiled at her as Hermione pulled her into a hug.  Luna pulled back and took a good look at her. She looked as collected as ever.

“You look tired and thin,” stated Hermione as she looked at her. “Why haven’t you kept in contact, Luna? You promised, Ginny and I have been so worried.”

“I know, I am sorry,” Luna began, but was interrupted by another familiar voice.

“Luna, it’s so good to see you,” Neville came strolling up beside her with Susan Bones on his arm.

“You too Neville,” Luna smiled.

“So how’s it been going Neville?” Luna said then took a sip of her drink.

“Well I got the Herbology Professor position at Hogwarts after Professor Sprout retired.  Susan and I are getting married at Christmas this year,” he was smiling as he looked at Susan.

“That’s great Neville congratulations to the both of you,” Luna smiled back, the flashes of camera’s caught her eye at entrance of the room.  She saw Harry and Ginny entering the room; the camera’s, Dennis’ included were clicking and flashing away.  A few steps behind them was Draco Malfoy alone and rolling his eyes at Harry.  Then a big surprise entered the room when George Weasley and Pansy Parkinson entered behind Draco. She started to edge her way to them when a loud booming voice asked everyone to take their seats.

“Now we are all gathered here this evening to collect monies to keep our wonderful St. Mungos in operation another year.”

Luna took her seat at the same table as Harry and Ginny. The man continued on for a good thirty minutes about how much he appreciated the kind donations being made this evening to such a fine establishment.  Luna didn’t have time to speak to either of them in between the applause and rambling of the portly mustached man. 

“This evening Ms. Luna Lovegood of The Quibbler will honor us with a few words.”

Slowly Luna rose from her seat; swallowing hard she hesitantly made her way to the podium.  Standing at the podium she felt a lump rise in her throat.  Her voice cracked a bit as she spoke to the crowd of people.  She had no idea what was coming out of her mouth while she spoke; she was nervous and her palms were sweaty.  She could hear her voice but that was about it, she kept focus on Mr. Weasley who was sitting at the very front table.  His and Molly’s smiling faces were so comforting to her.  She was walking away from the podium and back to her seat when she came out of her trance.  She sat back down and finished off her drink.  Letting out her breath she smiled at Harry and Ginny, who were smiling back at her.  She was starting to actually enjoy her evening. 

The man at the podium made several more announcements of donors and such when he finally announced a donation that had been matched to what The Quibbler was donating.  The man said that the donor preferred to have his identity withheld at the time being.  Once all the clapping and wooing and ahhhing was over the crowd was dismissed to mingle. And pledge their donations at the back of the room.  Luna talked with Harry and Ginny for a longtime as did Dennis.  There was so much that had happened.

“Wow I can’t believe there are so many people here tonight; I do hope that the hospital makes out well?” Luna stated then took a drink from her glass.

“Harry and I are engaged,” Ginny said flashing the diamond on her finger in Luna’s face. “So are Ron and Hermione, we are planning a double wedding.”

“That why you took the break from Quidditch?” Luna asked taking Ginny’s hand in hers to look at the sparkling gem on her finger.

“Yeah, and Harry is officially retiring this year too, it will be his last World Cup.” Ginny looked positively elated.

“Bet that won’t go over well with a lot of fan’s Harry.” Luna crossed her legs and leaned back in her chair. She could see by the look on Harry’s face he was ready to take a break from the demanding sport.

“There will be other’s they can obsess about, besides I plan on going to work at the Ministry,” he said.  “And I can’t take anymore of the hub-bub and keeping up experiences, like Ginny dating Malfoy.”

“You dated Malfoy?” Luna asked in an odd tone.

“I would hardly call it dating,” Ginny smiled.  “We went to dinner a couple of times is all; he does own the Cannons now.”

“He owns the Cannons?” Luna asked in disbelief. “When did that happen?”

“Near the end of last year,” Harry answered, then picked up a piece of cheese from his plate. “Not a bad owner if you ask me.”

“He is never around, except for a few games here and there, and then he never speaks to the team.” Ginny laughed.

“Exactly,” Harry said with a smile on his face.

“Viktor got married,” stated Ginny.
“Wow to who?” she asked.

“Harry’s old girlfriend, Cho Chang.”

Luna nearly choked on her drink.

“Yeah that was our reaction too,” Ginny smirked, and then raised her eyebrows in Harry’s direction. “You have missed all the drama.”

“I know, I am sorry you guys, it just has been so much pressure,” she  began, “I know I didn’t see you guys much before hand, then when dad…” she trailed off.

“We understand,” Harry took her hand.  “It isn’t as we have been beating down your doorstep, or where ever it is you find yourself these days.”

Dennis strolled back over to the table.  “Hey you guys squeeze in.” He lifted his camera and motioned for the three of them to get closer.  “Say Chocolate Frogs.” He snapped the picture of the three of them sitting there together.

“Well if you ladies will excuse me I have some mingling to do,” Harry said “You will keep in touch won’t you,” he kissed Luna on the cheek.

Ginny talked for what seemed like for ever as people Luna hadn’t seen in quite sometime dropped by to say hello to her and see how she was doing.  Ginny was gabbing away when she looked up to see Draco Malfoy leaned against the wall looking her way.  Shortly they were joined by Hermione.  She had so much to tell Luna and catch up with her on she began to talk as much as Ginny did.  Dennis came back by and took another picture of the three of them.  It was getting late and the guests were beginning to leave; Luna stood to give Hermione a hug as Ron came by and escorted her away.

“Please Luna, don’t be a stranger, okay and I wanted to thank you for your donation to the Witch’s Center,” she hugged Luna again.

“I only do it because the best doctor I know works there,” Luna smiled and winked at her.

Gazing around the room Luna summoned the server to bring her another drink. She had seen Kingsly Shacklebot and Mr. Weasley having a hearty chat.  At the center of the room were many Ministry officials she had recognized, and they were all guffawing and patting each other on the backs. She did miss her dad at times like these; he was always very colorful on occasions like this.


Chapter 2 – Times Reminisced

Luna watched as her friends left the ball room, it had been good to see them all again.  So many people had talked to her and ask her how she was doing where she had been keeping herself.  Busy was her answer to most of them, as she had been very busy; there were things that people didn’t understand about her or most people anyway.  She had pushed all her friends aside when her father died some took it better than others. She didn’t do it intentionally of course or maybe she did. 

As Luna chatted with different guest she eventually found her way to George and Pansy.  She walked up beside them and stood for a moment before she spoke.  Honestly she didn’t think either of them recognized her. 

“George,” she said in a soft voice.

“Luna!” he almost knocked her down getting to his feet to hug her.  Pansy nearly fell out of her seat.  “It’s so good to see you.” He continued to hug her so tightly he was cutting her breath off.

“Good to see you too George,” she said in a squeezed voice.  He let go of her and put his hands on her shoulders like his mother would, giving her the once over.

“Where have you been keeping yourself these days,” he said as he pulled out a seat for her to sit down.  “You look tired and thin.”

“For Merlin’s sake, you sound like your mother,” Pansy said rolling her eyes with a huge smile on her face.  “He is right though.” Pansy looked over Luna’s shoulder to a figure in the shadows leaning against the wall.  Luna turned to see who she was looking at, and then brought her attention back to the two in front of her.

“Still working for Malfoy?” Luna propped her chin on her fist as she spoke to Pansy.

“On and off, when he actually calls me to do a job, he has been doing most of them himself these days, keeps to himself mostly. But still, he pays me very well when I go to check something out for him,” Pansy said as she watched him for a second then turned back to Luna. 

“How about you, how have you been Luna?” Pansy seemed very concerned.

“I’m doing well, can’t complain, been very busy.  Running a paper is harder than I thought,” she said half heartedly.

“Come off it Luna you were running that paper well before your father died,” Pansy said stiffly.

Luna took a deep breath closing her eyes.  Her father’s death had been a bigger blow to her than she had wanted it to be.  He was her only family; though she had better not let Mrs. Weasley hear her say that.  She felt he was her last permanent thing in her world and now he was gone.  She was a grown woman she should be able to move past his death.  But deep down she knew it wasn’t the death of her father that was at the root of her reclusive life now. 

George shot a disapproving look at Pansy when she made her comment. 

“I didn’t know you two knew each other that well,” George said sidestepping Pansy.

“Yeah sort of,” Pansy said indirectly. “We have an antiquities obsession in common.”

“Your right Pansy,” Luna nodded her head, she stood pushing her chair back. “I have an early morning.  It has been good seeing you two again.”

“You in town for a few days then?” Pansy asked watching her close shifting her eyes to the wall.

George stood giving her a hug.

“No, I have to get-,” she tired to say before Pansy cut her off.

“Good I will meet you in the morning for coffee and shopping,” Pansy said not giving Luna a chance to decline. “The Leakey Cauldron at nine.”

“Pansy,” George looked disgruntled at Pansy.

Luna raised her eyebrow and said thickly, “Nine is fine, at the Leakey Cauldron.”

“Good see you then,” Pansy smiled almost wickedly.

Luna said goodbye to George and Pansy making her way toward the exit at the back of the room, she felt like she was in slow motion as she scanned the room for Dennis.  Her head was beginning to hurt as she looked for him.  Finally she caught site of a flashing camera near where Kingsly was standing with Mr. Weasley.  Suddenly the music and talking was beginning to be too loud and she needed to get out of the room Things were starting to blur a bit, her eyes weren’t’ focusing well.  Her breathing had become erratic as she attempted to make her way to Dennis.  She didn’t think she could take another step; her body grew tiered.  She was close to Dennis when an arm slipped around her waist keeping her from falling. 

“You look ill madam,” a sardonic voice whispered in her ear.

Luna didn’t turn her head to look in the face of her rescuer. 

“Thank you but I am fine,” her voice remained steady. She started having these episodes when the curse that killed her father passed through him to her.  She only got a little of its affects, and a little was falling short of death.

She turned her head seeing that Dennis noticed her being escorted out of the room. He excused himself from his conversation with Kingsly and Mr. Weasley and followed her. 
She was leaning heavily on the man with his arm around her when she heard Dennis call out.


Draco turned his head to see Dennis coming towards them he stopped, still supporting Luna’s tired thin frame. 

“We need to get her home,” Dennis said lifting her chin so he could see her better. “She is pale, and in pain.”

“I am fine, honestly.  It will pass in a few minutes,” Luna said in an exhausted voice.

She no sooner finished speaking when her body went totally limp.

- - - -

Dennis barely caught her.  Draco picked her up and looked at her lying listless in his arms. “This is fine?” He looked at Dennis for more of an explanation.

“They are more frequent and she sleeps for days sometimes,” Dennis looked at Luna; very concerned.

Draco shook his head closing his eyes briefly.  “I am taking her home,” he said very reverenced. 

Dennis nodded his head and clasped his hand on Draco’s shoulder. “She needs help, maybe she will listen to you,” he sounded desperate. “She promised me she would see someone at St. Mungo’s. I am very concerned about her Draco.”

“Me too,” Draco said looking at Luna, he then disapperated with her to Malfoy Manor.

- - -

Draco rushed Luna to the nearest room on the first floor laying her gently down on the bed; Dennis was not far behind him.  He stood in the door way and watched as Draco took extreme care in seeing to Luna.  She looked ghostly almost as he removed her shoes placing them neatly on the bedside table.  He removed her onyx jewelry laying them beside her shoes.  He covered her with the down comforter then took his wand and flicked it at the fire place.  Sitting down in the high-backed chair by the bed he put his head in his hands.  He looked up and stared into the fire.

“You can go Dennis, I will watch after her,” Draco said as he turned his gaze to Dennis

He nodded his head and answered him, “Owl me if you need me.”

Draco let out a deep breath and nodded back.  He didn’t look back as he heard him disapperated from the doorway.  He closed his eyes and thought back to the first time he actually noticed Luna for what she really was; a beautiful and intelligent woman.

It was a year maybe two after the war with Voldemort, he was sitting in the Leaky Cauldron in London he was supposed to be meeting a man about a potential artifact.  Sipping his piping hot tea the door opened and in walked Luna Lovegood.  He couldn’t help but smirk as he watched her walk towards Tom the bartender.  She looked disheveled as usual her wand stuck behind her ear, her worn leather backpack flung across her shoulder and a camera around her neck.  He watched her conversation with Tom; she turned and looked at him, then back to Tom.  She was shaking her head as Tom was nodding his and gesturing in Draco’s general direction. He could tell that she was none too happy about what ever it was Tom was telling her.  Letting out a heavy breath and a very agitated look across her face she headed in his direction. 

Stopping at his table she said to him in a nonchalant, yet very surreal voice, “Show me what you have.”  She let her bag slide off her shoulder and into one of the empty chairs.  Removing her camera resting it on the table she took the chair next to Draco.

“Ms. Lovegood, do you really think that would be appropriate?” He couldn’t help his sarcasm.

“Tempting as it sounds Mr. Malfoy, I am very busy and don’t have time for your charades.  Now what is it you have that might interest me?” she smiled coolly crossing her legs and folding her arms, her voice still as slow and dreaming as ever.

He had never realized just how long her legs were before, the black leather boots up to her knees, and the short orange tartan skirt let him see quickly just how long they were. Her shirt was awful, looked as if she had washed her dishes with it. And those awful earrings, what where they, animal’s teeth? That wand stuck behind her ear and her hair falling from what ever style she had attempted for the day.

“I am sure it does, but it is not I who has called you here today,” he returned her smile. “Shouldn’t you be out chasing Potter around doing another over fabulous story on him?”

“You didn’t send me this?” she pulled a rolled piece of parchment from inside her shirt and laid it on the table.  As Draco picked it up Tom brought her a cup of tea.

As he unrolled the parchment he could smell her on it, sandalwood mixed with jasmine.  He looked the parchment over it looked as frazzled as she did; but there was something about her something he hadn’t noticed before.  Before he laid her parchment down he produced one of his own holding it up so she could see it.  Then he handed it to her so she could read it. 

“So what now?” she said laying the piece of parchment on the table.

“I guess we wait,” he raised his teacup to her.

Draco didn’t understand he usually intimidated most people especially when a business deal was about to go down.  But Lovegood didn’t seem to be bothered by him at all as she sat their staring at him.  She didn’t even bother to act like she wasn’t looking at him when he looked up. He hated to admit it but she unnerved him a bit, her cool, big blue eyes looking at him as if he were just any other man sitting there. Most people fidgeted in their seats in his presence and kept feeling for their wands as if he were about to curse them.  Her demeanor was one he had not encountered often and especially in a young woman, but then again she had never shown any fear towards him. A few minutes passed when she looked at her watch then took a sip of tea.

“So I hear you are into antiquities of all kinds these days,” she said leaning toward him.

He nodded his head, “Yes, but I like those rare ones that muggles have had in their possessions for years.”  A wicked smile came across his lips.

“I am still into the rare find, of any sorts,” she half smiled.  “Good men seem to be the rarest of all.” 

“Careful now you may just hurt my feelings,” he poured them both another cup of tea.  “So do you know what we are supposed to be looking at?”

“Not really, just was told that he had something of interest,” she shrugged her shoulders.

Just then a worn looking man came in the pub.  He was carrying a tatty looking satchel over his shoulder; he limped on his left leg and was smoking a cigar. He headed straight for Draco and Luna; plopping down in a chair he removed his bag from his shoulder to the table.  “Sorry I am late, had a bit of trouble with my last customer. Didn’t want to pay what we had agreed on,” his voice was surly.  “Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Lovegood. I am Merchant, Jack Merchant.”

“I don’t have all day what is it you have?” Luna said his voice brusque.

Both men smirked at her.  The old man removed a small leather pouch from his satchel and laid it on the table.  Returning his satchel to the floor he licked his lips as then slowly unwrapped the small leather pouch to reveal a small dagger with a bone white handle inlaid with silver and gold patterns looking like a snake. The letters MG were inlaid in emeralds. 

“You have got to be kidding me?” Draco said wanting to touch the dagger. “You found an artifact that belonged to Marvolo Gaunt,” he said in a low voice.

“Not Marvolo, Draco, Merope,” Luna said taking the dagger in her hands. The handle was about six inches in length the blade was the same and about an inch and half wide. She was totally taken in by the dagger it was elegant and eerie at the same time.

“May I?” Draco held out his hand.  Luna transferred the dagger from her hand to his brushing the palm of his hand with her fingers.  Draco felt a bit of a warm spark as her skin touched his.  It didn’t seem to faze her. He studied the dagger for a minute then turned his attention to the old man.  “What do you want for it?”

The man smiled at Draco as if they were now speaking the same language.

“Who cares what he wants for it,” Luna said narrowing her eyes on the man.  “Where did you get it? Who ever had this will come looking for it,” she said leaning back in her chair looking back and forth between Draco and Jack.

“I doubt that very seriously miss,” the man said gruffly. “I bought it fair and square from a muggle peddler in the market, didn’t know what he had, as most of ‘em don’t.”

“Name your price,” Draco reiterated his intention to purchase the artifact.

“Write down what you will offer me on a piece of parchment,” the man removed a quill and a small square piece of parchment from his bag.

Draco took the quill and parchment scribbling on it with a smug look on his face.  He laid the quill down and pushed the square paper back to the man. The old man picked up the paper and looked at it and smiled.  He nodded his head and pushed the paper to Luna.  She looked at it with a look of disappointment on her face.  Picking up the quill she shrugged her shoulders and scribbled something down then pushed it back to Jack.

Jack took the dagger from Draco and wrapped it up in the leather pouch.  “Sold, to the lady.” He smiled and handed the dagger to Luna. 

She removed a small pouch and a form from her bag, exchanging items with him. Draco’s mouth was hanging open when he heard this. 

The man grabbed his bag and stood scrapping his chair across the floor. “Pleasure doing business with you,” he said and nodded to Luna.  “Maybe next time Mr. Malfoy.” With that he turned and limped out of the bar.

Luna smiled back she stood and put the pouch in her satchel.  She didn’t say anything to him as she gathered her things.  Slinging her satchel over her shoulder she reached in her pocket to pull out some money for her tea.

“I’ve got it,” he grabbed her wrist as she started to the bar.

Luna looked down at his hand holding on to her wrist then looked back at Draco.  His grip was firm but not hurtful; she could see he wanted to ask her what beat his offer. She smiled and said, “Thanks, I owe you one.”

“Come on Lovegood aren’t you going to even tell me what beat my offer?” he said standing; he could smell her sandalwood and jasmine even better.

“First all call me Luna, second it is not proper etiquette to boast about ones winnings,” she smiled and winked at him.

“Sorry Luna. But you saw my offer what did you do triple it?” he pressed her for an answer. 

“Let’s just say that Mr. Merchant was a quidditch fan of the Bulgarian team and he loves The Quibbler,” she shrugged her shoulders and readjusted her bag then headed out the door saying good by to Tom. 

Draco shook his head and said to himself out loud, “She didn’t offer him money at all, smart one she is.  More than I gave her credit for.”

He laid his money for the tab on the table and headed out to catch her.  As he went out into the muggle streets of London he caught site of her walking in her sauntering manner.  He wandered why she hadn’t just apperated back to her house, so he decided to follow her a bit.  After all he felt he was in some sort of payback for the way she had just underhanded him in front of his face.  He felt cheated and damn it you should never cheat a cheater.  She continued down the streets stopping every so often to talk to the muggles that lined some of the sidewalks and alley ways he even saw her pull what looked like piping hot plates from her satchel and give to a man who disappeared down the alley way.  As Draco kept his distance he wandered what she was doing, as soon as he got to the alley where the man had disappeared into he saw him and his family huddled at the end around a barrel with a fire in it.  These muggles seemed to know her and look eagerly at her presence, it was hard for Draco to fathom that there were people who had no homes to live in.  He continued to follow her to until she had been walking for about thirty minutes, then she ducked in the alley way and he heard her disapperated.  Quickly he made his way to the alley way and followed her.

He appeared in another part of London he saw her just in time disappear into what looked like an apartment or flat.  But they were separated like small houses so he went around to the back door.  Luna stopped just inside her entrance hall and took the dagger out of her satchel.  Removing her wand from behind her ear she tapped a mirror that hung on the wall.  The surface looked like it turned to liquid she put the dagger through the liquid glass and removed her hand empty.  Smiling to her self she tapped the mirror again. He moved around to the back of the building hopefully to get a better view, the back door opened, Luna standing there as if she had expected him.

“You don’t strike me as a back door man,” she said stepping aside gesturing for him to come in.

“Generally I’m not but for you I will make an exception,” he walked into the small kitchen.  It was light blue with some tacky curtains and a table that looked like it had been through the first Wizarding War. The four chairs were mismatched and looked to be in as bad of condition. He felt like he was in the Weasley house though he knew Luna could afford better things, so why didn’t she?  She brushed against him as she walked to the sink the kitchen was very small as was the whole of the apartment.  He felt his blood rush through his body as hers brushed against his.

“Aren’t you going to ask me why I’m here?” he said as he pulled out one of the chairs and sat down.  He watched her as she put a kettle of water on the stove.

“No need you are going to tell me whether I ask you or not,” she smiled as she removed two cups from the cupboard.  “Besides, I knew you would come.”

Draco had been peering through the small doorway to the tattered sofa that sat in her living room.  Everything in this place looked as if it had been purchased at a fourth hand shop. Wait did she say she knew he would come? How could she know he would come?

“I could just put a binding charm on you and reach in your mirror and take it,” he brought his eyes back to her face.  She was leaning against the counter with one foot crossed over the other at the ankle. He couldn’t help but stare at her, damn he was starring. What was he thinking this would never work, surely Lovegood wouldn’t make a deal with him, or much less…he had to clear his head of those thoughts? This was Lovegood she couldn’t possibly know what she possessed, not Lovegood.  “And, that is the second time today you have cut me deep Lovegood.”

“Luna,” she said abruptly.  “So the hard hearted Draco Malfoy has blood in his veins after all.”

“Yes he does.  As the Looney Luna Lovegood has a brain floating around under that blonde hair,” he stood from his seat.

“What ever gave you the impression that I didn’t?” she said as she stood straighter and closer to him.

Draco unfastened his cloak and threw it over the chair as the kettle on the stove whistled; causing the both of them to jump. Luna didn’t move she just reached beside her turning off the eye.  Draco moved closer to her looking in her eyes the whole time, he was hoping to put her on edge a bit but failed miserably. She just stared at him back, no fear what so ever. It just made him more determined, but in the process he was putting himself on edge.  He noticed the hair pins that had been holding her hair up were made of ebony and had elegant carvings on them.  He reached up and touched them.

“Nice where did you come across these,” he pulled them from her hair letting it spill over her shoulders.

Looking down and removing them from his hands she answered, “They were my mothers.”

She moved and turned to get some cups from the cabinet; he reached out and grabbed her arm, spinning her back around to face him.  She wasn’t shocked or scared by his movement, and when he pulled her even closer she tugged on his shirt pulling him closer to her, causing him to fall into her slightly. He had worked this out in his head but this was not the outcome he had reached. He figured she would be cursing or slapping him by now and he had not counted on the heat behind the kiss that met his lips. Her tongue tracing his, her teeth pulling at his mouth, no he had definitely not originated this in his mind’s eye.

She had him pushed to the door, pressing her body into him. The fabric of his shirt gave way to the strength in her hands sending a button to the kitchen floor. He pushed her back a little, turning her back to the door. Now, he could regain control over the situation.  But she did not stop kissing him. Her hot breath was now on his chin, his neck, his ear.  His hands were fumbling with her clothes; normally he was polished, and smooth at this, but now he had clumsy hands practically ripping the tale of her shirt from the top of the skirt.

Before he realized what was actually taking place, Draco had her lifted and on to the old table top.  She wasn’t giving him time to breathe much less think. Did she plan this, was she this sly and devious. Or was she just simply turning the tables on him?

Barely catching his breath, he asked her, “You planned this didn’t you?” Then he pinned her hands to the table above her head.  He was looking directly into her face her lips red and swollen, her cheeks flushed and her neck splotched with heat. Though the room was a bit chilly, he was hotter than ever, sweat forming on his lip.

“Fucking stop talking and do it,” she said breathing hard, her chest heaving. “Just shut-up and do it.”

All he knew from that moment forward was him ripping her knickers at the seam, and plunging into ecstasy.  He was sure that in a few minutes when his head was clear he would think better of this, and never see Lovegood again. His head cleared when he fell on top of her in exhaustion, and her pushing him off of her.

“You have to leave,” she said forcing him to stand. “Dean will be here any minute, quickly, go!”

She didn’t’ give him time to think, she picked up her knickers and stuffed them in his hands just as the knocker on the door banged loudly. He was flabbergasted to say the least, what had just happened and what was happening now. She motioned for him to use the back door, and didn’t say another word as she closed the door in his face.


Draco snapped out of his thoughts as Luna began to stir in the bed.  Slowly her eyes fluttered open, looking around the room she saw Draco sitting beside her.

“Why did you bring me here?” she said in a weak voice.

“Because you belong here, with me that’s why!” he got to his knees beside the bed taking her hand in his.

She closed her eyes as his lips touched her hand.  “Draco,” she whispered. Draco looked at her with a fear in his eyes; he could see she was not well; he should have stepped in before now and for that he could not forgive himself.

“Luna you have to at least go see someone about this,” he said as he pushed her hair back. “Hell talk to Granger she would know something to do, surely there is something in that head of hers that she could do for you.”  It pained him deeply to see her lying there like that.

“There is nothing to be done Draco,” she touched his face with her hand. “Besides what do you think she will say when I tell her what really happened? She will assume the worst and have the aurors on you faster than you could pull out your wand.”  She pushed her self up leaning against the head board.

“But you know what happened you know the truth Luna, so did your dad, Creevey was there too,” he said as he sat beside her on the bed putting his arm under her head. “How could we have known,” he whispered leaning his head on hers.  “Why did you not come back to me?” Draco said into her hair.

“I didn’t see you exactly hunting me down,” she said with a cough. “Besides I heard you filled your time.”

“I did look for you and if you are referring to Weasley,” he said when she interrupted him.

“Ginny,” she said.

“Very well, Ginny; I was prodding her for any information she could give me about you. No one knew where you were my dear.  I have been to Egypt, France, Germany, and every other Godforsaken place looking for you.  It is rather hard to find someone who doesn’t want to be found.”

“I thought it would be better this way.” She laid her head in the crook of his neck taking in the warmth from him sitting next to her.


Chapter 3 –  Guilt Ridden

Luna woke with the sun shining brightly through a large arched window. Her head felt like if she had been on a three day drunk, and her stomach lurched in the thoughts of vomiting. She knew she should have just let Dennis handle the charity and a word of regret from her on a piece of parchment. Yes that would have been much better, and then she would not have seen any of her friends or Draco last night. 
Draco, he must be so angry with her, though he didn’t show it last night she knew he was. She scooted to the edge of the bed; she still had on her black ball gown. Her shoes still sitting overly neat on the bedside table with all her jewelry lain out just so. She caught site of the clock, two-thirty. Pansy would be none too happy that she missed their coffee and shopping. She was glad he had let her sleep, though her dress was a bit twisted and uncomfortable, it wasn’t very forgiving seeing as it was tighter than a sausage casing. She put her bare feet on the plush rug at the edge of the bed, and the door creaked open. Looking up she saw a heavy lidded house-elf carrying a tray entering the room.
The little elf shuffled across the floor setting the tray on the récamier at the foot of the bed. She didn’t speak to Luna just set the tray down and left the room. Moving to the end of the bed, the tray of food looked delicious; her favorites were all placed around the tray. She picked up the juicy strawberry and placed it in her mouth. The juice ran from the corner of her mouth, and she reached for the linen napkin to wipe it away.
Looking at the napkin in her hand she saw the embroidered green M in the corner. Her mind sifted back through her memories to one of her dinner catastrophes with Draco.
She was sitting at her desk, in the office at The Quibbler, when Dennis stepped into her office with a sealed envelope in his hand. He was waving it about like a mad man with a hideous grin on his face.
“This came for you,” he said sliding the envelope in front of her.
Looking up from her papers, she saw it was from Draco Malfoy and then pushed it to the side.
“Later,” she said with a tint of aggravation in her voice.
“Aren’t you going to see what he wants?” Dennis had perched himself on the edge of her desk. “He might have another lead for you.”
“He can wait,” she said not looking up, her quill bleeding red ink onto a piece of parchment. “He just wants the dagger.”
Dennis cocked his head studying her intently; she could feel his eyes boring a hole into her skull. He had become more than her employ, he was her best friend, her confidant.
Luna looked up, her pin dropping red ink splotches on the paper in front of her.
“Fine, I will open it.” She picked up the envelope and slit it open with her letter opener. She studied the intricate green ink, which had been painstakingly placed on the linen paper. “He wants to have dinner tonight, seven o’clock.” Placing the paper back in the envelope she let if flop on the desk. “Write him back and tell him I will have to decline.”
Just then Dennis handed her another envelope, the same writing on the outside as the other. She looked at him puzzled and sat back in her chair taking it from his hand. Again she opened the envelope, taking out the note inside. She couldn’t help but let a thin smile creep across her lips.
“Well,” Dennis prodded her for an inkling of what it said.
“Seems, that Mr. Malfoy, thought I would say no to the first invitation, hence the second one. Says he will not take no for an answer, and that the second letter contained a summoning charm, and that when I disapperate I will be directed to him.” She sat there knocking the edge of the letter on her knee for a second. He was clever, she would give him that.
Dennis laughed, but stopped immediately when she looked at him with little humor.
“Well it is funny.” He laughed again. “You can’t wear that to dinner.”
“Well I very well can’t apperate home and change, now can I?” She tossed the letter on the desk. “What time is it anyway? Dean is supposed to be here to pick me up, what am I going to tell him?”
“Calm down, I will go to your house and get you a dress, and just tell Dean that an important interview came up.”
“An important interview?” Dean Thomas said entering into the office.
“Dean” Luna and Dennis said together.
“Malfoy,” she said truthfully, though she doubted an interview was what he had in mind.
“Can’t you re-schedule?” he sounded disappointed.
“No I can’t, unfortunately.” She moved out from around the desk. “Dennis, the blue dress with the slit, and don’t forget the shoes.”
He nodded and was gone with a pop.
“Just because he is a Malfoy, he can’t just demand you interview him,” Dean’s voice was more hot than disappointed now. “Beside’s what does he want an interview about?”
“I don’t know he was vague but it did sound urgent.” She tried to smooth the situation over. Finally Dean relented and she promised she would go to the next Quidditch game that he played in, which only would be in a day or so.
Dennis returned with the dress she had asked for and the shoes that matched. It was just a plain simple straight dress, nothing fancy, once she changed, and came out Dennis flicked his wand and her hair piled itself on top of her head, and she felt her eyelashes weight down from the cosmetics.
“There, you look fabulous.” He smiled and turned her around to examine her, making sure all the lines and seams were straight. “I will see you tomorrow. Now off you go, you don’t want to be late.”
She looked at Dennis with suspicion; he was a bit too eager. She said nothing and disapperated.
She appeared on the front porch of the Malfoy Manor. Before she reached the door it opened, with a very smug looking Draco standing there. How she wanted to slap that grin from his face.
“Come in won’t you, it will be getting chilly out.” He stepped out and escorted her into the entry way. She couldn’t help but get a chill up her spine, the last time she was in that house wasn’t a good memory.
“You aren’t dressed?” she said looking at him, he was in a pair of old jeans and a button up shirt. “I thought you,” she paused, “we were having dinner?”
“We are,” he said taking her cloak and hanging it on the rack. “I cooked.”
She snorted, offensively apparently.
“Is there a problem with that?” he turned, looking her up and down, not even trying to hide it.
He turned and walked down the corridor, she noticed he was in his bare feet. He continued into the kitchen where fresh fruit sat in the middle of the table. Something of the smell like homemade soup and bread filled the kitchen.
“Have some strawberries,” he said gently picking one up from the tray.
She would kill Dennis, how else could he have known to have strawberries, her favorite fruit; and homemade soup with bread.
“I am a bit overdressed for a stay in dinner,” she said.
“That which can soon be remedied,” he said placing the juicy berry to her lips.
She hated him she thought as the red berry dripped its juice from the corner of her mouth.
“Allow me,” he said, then licked the juice from the corner of her mouth moving across her lips.

She opened her eyes, when she heard the door open again.
“Good afternoon,” Draco said entering the room. “Sleep well?”
“I did thank you,” she moved back to the edge of the bed sitting down. “I missed my coffee and shopping with Pansy.”
Draco smiled as he sat down beside her. “She has already been around to check on you this morning, so was Creevey.”  He reached up and moved a lock of hair from her face. “How do you feel?”
“The usual, my head hurts like hell, and I feel like vomiting,” she answered softly. “I could really use a shower, and a change of clothes.”  She stood her feet now on the stone cold floor.
“I will start your water.” Draco stood and disappeared into the bathroom off the side of his bedroom.
She could hear the water hitting the floor of the shower, and then steam began to spill out into the bedroom. She walked slowly into the bathroom, the tiles warm beneath her bare feet.  She caught site of herself in the large mirror and grimaced at her reflection.
“You look beautiful,” he said standing behind her, and then kissed her on the cheek.
“I look like I was in a stampede of Crumpled Horned Snorkacks.” She moved her head from side to side, trying to improve the view. It didn’t help, and she felt just like she looked, awful.
She felt her dress loosen around her stomach and the zipper making a hissing noise as it reached its end. Then there it was, his warm mouth on her shoulder, his eyes looking at their reflection in the mirror. Involuntarily she closed her eyes, and evidently that made her head loll to the side allowing him access to her neck. She felt the satin of the dress pool at her feet and his arm around her waist pulling her to him. She knew he was watching her in the mirror; she didn’t have to open her eyes to see that.
She just stood there limp, like jelly on toast. She felt the bindings of her bra release as the clasp had been undone. First one strap then the other, it was removed from her body and presumably to the floor. Opening her eyes, she was right his eyes were fixed on her and her response to him. Apparently it pleased him, as the grin slid across his lips and to her shoulder again, then down her arm. Now all that was left was her knickers, which she was glad was still on, or else the wet that she felt soaking through would be running down her thigh. 
His thumbs pressed into her hips, as his mouth moved back up her arm and then down the middle of her back. The she felt it, the lace of her knickers being pushed down her legs and to the floor. He stood and buried his face in her neck and hair, his arm back around her waist pulling her to him again; she could feel his erection through the thick denim that was rough on her backside.  He looked up and in the mirror again watching, his one hand roughly massaged her breast. The arm around her waist, loosened as his hand trailed down to her mound, grabbing it letting a finger slide down into the wet cleft.
That was it; her arm went around his neck and laid her head back onto his shoulder. Turning her to face him he picked her up and took her into the steaming shower clothes and all.  By the time the water hit her back she was doing her best to undress him, kissing every exposed inch of skin available. She felt her back smack into the tiled shower wall, his mouth now covering hers. Finally she managed to release him, and it didn’t take him long to find his destination. She heard her grunt echo in the shower when he entered her.
He was like a mad man, pushing into her so hard, making her grunt and growl with every thrust. She felt the seams of the tiles making an impression in her back, the water burning her skin, causing it to splotch red. Nothing short of making her become one with the wall Draco went rigid and she felt his orgasm pulse through her, sending shivers up her own spine causing her contract around him. 
She didn’t think she could stand after that, but she managed. Draco then washed every inch of her body, and her hair. She felt so relaxed there in his house, in his arms. He turned the water off and stepped out getting her a robe and a towel for her head.
Draco lay out on the bed, with his towel wrapped around him; he watched her comb her hair ringing the water out every few seconds. She knew he was watching her again; he had made it a past time long ago. She looked at him through the bathroom door, with that smug smile on his face.
“What?” she asked, laying the brush down, and moving to the edge of the bed.
“I missed you,” he said propping up on his elbow, his towel falling open as he did so, making no attempt to re-adjust it.
He was such a confident bastard she thought. “I see.”
“You didn’t miss me?” he pulled her down onto the bed with him pinning her body with his.
“What if I said no,” she smiled pushing his hair back from his face.
“I would say you are a liar, and that liars should be punished.” He leaned in and kissed her, parting her lips with his tongue. “What do you say to that?”
“I would say, be gentle.”
Later that evening Luna woke with Draco’s arm draped over her, and the warmth of his body next to hers. She looked out the window the sun was sinking like a fireball in a marsh pit. The few clouds that were floating in the sky looked like they were bringing cooler weather with them. She didn’t want to move from her comfort zone, she began to feel guilty. She had made him worry needlessly all that time, and he didn’t have to. She could have contacted him; it wasn’t as if they had committed any crime, except for the one of falling in love with each other. They had both decided it was for the best to keep it under wraps, the only people that knew were Pansy, Dennis and her father. Even his parents didn’t know, though she was suspect that he told his mother.
His father had only just recently been released from Azkaban; his sentence was reduced for giving names of still loyal Death Eaters.  He wigged her out still, Lucius was an odd man. He and Narcissa decided to move to France and give the house to Draco, felt it would be better if he didn’t have the cloud of his father hanging on him. Not that Draco was followed by his own cloud.
“You awake?” Draco said his fingers in her hair.
“Yeah, just thinking,” she answered turning over to look at him.
“Listen, we need to get up, Granger will be here shortly, no doubt accompanied by the Weasel and Potter.”
He said this with such quickness that it took her a second to process what he said.
“Why?” she asked dumbfounded.
“I asked them to come, well her to come, but I doubt Potter or the Weasel will let her come here alone,” he said pushing the covers back. “Listen, I am worried and I want her to check you out at least talk to her, okay.” He stood there in all his glory with his hands on his hips starring at her. “What if that curse is trapped in your body and is slowly killing you, or worse it doesn’t kill you and makes you loose your mind.”
She supposed she shouldn’t be mad at him; he was only concerned for her well being. But if they came, they wouldn’t be asking the questions she wanted to answer. They would be asking ones like, ‘How long have you and Malfoy been shagging?’ and ‘Why didn’t you tell us.’ and ‘What about Dean?”
“Sop standing like that, it makes you look effeminate,” she stated as she got out of the warm bed. “Well I need some clothes, it wouldn’t be appropriate to meet our guest like this now would it?”  She put her hands on her hips now.
He didn’t say anything else, he just retrieved her some clothes, ones that she had left there sometime ago. As she was putting them on she noticed that the jeans were loose and the shirt was worn.
“Do you have a long sleeve and some socks?” she asked Draco as he dressed in his most casual attire he had, jeans and black, never blue. “Yes, I wasn’t planning on going down in just my pants; it might be too much for Granger to handle.” He smiled putting his hands on his hips, then moving them quickly rather not know what to do with them.
“Not for you,” she threw a pillow at him.
“Oh,” he said a little awkward.
“You are so full of yourself.”
“No you are my dear.” He raised his eyebrows and tossed her a pair of socks that were actually hers.
“Oh, you’re impossible Draco Malfoy!”
Just then a soft knock came at the door.
“Yes,” Draco said walking across to his wardrobe.
A little house-elf peeked in and said in a very squeaky voice, “Your guest has arrived Master Malfoy.”
“I will be right down, thank you Winky.” He pulled on his silk shirt and fastened halfway buttoning it. He turned to look at Luna; she was lingering at the bed. “Come on.”
She sighed heavily and walked slowly across the floor to where he was holding the door open.

© Copyright 2007 Hazel Duncan (cessie31 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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