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by E.
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #1300630
Story for Vampire Ball contest
A soft breeze ruffles Will’s hair as he walks down the alley’s narrow path. The moon light guides him on his way to pick up Yasmin, a young vampiress of just 126 years. His pace quickens as he hears foot steps close behind. It is the first night of the gathering; will some one claim her first?
         As Will reaches his destination, the footsteps veer to the right, clearly showing some one follows closely behind.
         “Come out!” he calls voice hoarse from the nights swift run. “I know I am being followed, now show yourself!”
         The figure creeps slowly out of the shadows, revealing the soft form of a woman. She slithers closer. In a single flash, she is standing next to him pleading for her safety.
         “Please Will, don’t make me go to the gathering. What if some one else claims me? I will be doomed for eternity!” She cries out, her voice shrill with pain.
         “Yasmin...” his voice drops off, unsure of what to say next. “Yasmin, I will try my best, as the one who turned you, to claim you before anyone else does. I promise.” With that, his silvery hair blows will the faint breeze, and his Opal eyes glimmer with the feelings of fierce determination piercing through the cold night air.


         Now Yasmin and Will make there bold entrance to the gathering of the Vampire race, fashionably late. Pale faces turn from every direction, in awe at who they see walking in together.
         “I thought we were all fighting over her tonight,” Hushed but heard voices whisper. “Don’t worry” others would say, “She still isn’t taken. We still have our shot.” Other voices say in a dark, twisted tone of voice.
         “OK now that all of us are here” Stephen, the leader of the vampire race, calls to the crowd, casually glaring at Will and Yasmin with piercing, unforgiving eyes. “We are gathering here tonight, for our annual courtship ceremony. We all know that Yasmin has yet to find a mate. She is in dire need. If there are any objections don’t speak, for it will get you no where, fight for her love. Remember the younger the better.” He now had an impish, smirk on his face. His skin was freakishly illuminated by the night moon, turning his face almost transparent, looming above the boisterous crowd. “Now when I say go, find a mate. Whoever bites her first gets her… unless that is, you already have some one. Once you bite them, you are bound to them for life. Now, GO!”
         As the last of his vices echo, dies through the crowd, vampires grab mates, lovers to lovers. Will reaches for Yasmin only to find Stephen has grabbed her. She begs him kicks screams, and bites for him to let go. His persistent grip remains around her. As her struggle dies down, Will has a plan.

Slowly, and slyly, will walks up to his leader. Broad, tall shouldered, dark eyes filled with hate as he looks down upon Yasmin lying limply in his arms.
         “Hello there Stephen Sir, may I have a word with you? It happens to be about the rules.”
         “OK what is it, make it fast I need to bite this one, so she we be with me forever. I was so sorry about the last ones unfortunate death, I had no clue I could do such a thing… did you?” He said this with the menace of a serial killer playing in his eyes. Was this all a mere joke to him? The life a beautiful vampiress with hair the color of midnight black, eyes of the most brilliant violet, skin as soft as a baby’s, and he could just use her as a toy, making her second life, a true waste.
         “ Well what should happen if a vampiress is in the arms of some one powerful, and brave…” there was a pause, as Will slowly, ever so gently touched Yasmin’s velvet soft hand, “ should some come and save her, from this ‘brave, powerful’ man? Like he could take her hand,” He kept her hand locked in his, while saying this next part, and slowly drew it to his mouth, and gently bit it drawing the faintest scarlet trickle from the hands of a dying angel. “Take her hand, and bite her, being the first one to draw blood?”
         “Well I think so now let me….” He looked down to see a small dark stain on his shirt, muttered a curse under his breath and said “You have won out this time Will, but do you know if there will be a next time?”

Stephen drops Yasmin’s limp body roughly to the ground, sure to leave a mark. Before her head could hit the cold concrete of the deepest black, Will puts his vampire swiftness to use, and quickly, and stealthily picks up Yasmin’s body. She feels cold to the touch in the heat of the thick aired summer night. All Will could think about was getting Yasmin home safe and sound.
         What had he done to her, to make her this incoherent?  Although her eyes opened, to view her surroundings, they were lifeless, like that of a zombie. All that he had ever wanted seemed to have failed him. He got Yasmin yes, but he never expected her to be someone different.
         When he walked into his small dimly lit dorm room, with slightly sun faded walls, he placed her gently into the queen bet that was pressed against the darkest corner. He spoke softly to her although it seemed as though she couldn’t hear.
         “Yasmin, I have loved you for the past 124 years, in whole, to sum it up quickly, your entire after life. I don’t know what misfortunes I would have faced if I had yet to find you. I love you Yasmin, and these words aren’t spoken just vampire to vampire, they are spoken from the deepest places of what is left of this blackened heart.”
         Will slipped off his black pants, and changed into something more comfortable. He carefully removed Yasmin’s shoes so she could sleep comfortably in the unbearable scorching summer heat. He crawled easily into the other half of the bed, and dozed off into a light, somewhat happy sleep. He shifted slightly, and now he was in a state of nocturnal ness.
         Yasmin had heard all of the loving words spoken by Will, but she hadn’t the right words to thank him yet. She leaned closer to him, and lightly nibbled on his ear, and whispered a little something to him.
         “I love you William, you are my savior, and I know your words were true. Never leave me.”

As the summer sun seeps through the sheer window covers, Will and Yasmin stir, allowing the warm air caress there newly wed skin. Now that Will has drawn the drop of scarlet from Yasmin’s delicate hand, they are bound together for all eternity. The night had its share of passion, as the gentle words whispered in each others’ ears were heard from both sides. As they climb out of the bed, sheets sprawled on the floor, they share a good morning kiss, with a bit of a bite to make it special.
         “Good morning Will. I see we have both awoken, what does this new day bring?”
         “How about a little bit of fun? I don’t know say…. We lay around all day, and talk. Like couples do I think.” Will said, a hint of curiosity, hovering in his tone of voice.
         “Oh, ok sounds good to me.” There was a long pause, and then she continued. “But one more thing, what happened last night, I mean how did you manage to save me? I was near death, or the closest I have been since being turned into a princess of the night.”
         Will began telling her about the sly trick he played on the leader, and the single scarlet drop that trickled down her arm, as if in slow motion. He also added in the end, the small threat that was given to him. “I guess this means nothing too risky right Yasmin?”
         “Yes, I don’t want you getting caught, now that I have you.” Yasmin took a few graceful glides closer to where Will sat. She lifted a slender hand, and run her fingertips gently down his face. In return, Will moved in, and the kissed for a brief moment, the magic could be felt in the air around them. They moved quietly to the wall, where there were a panel of light switches, and flicked the main one off.

Will and Yasmin walked hastily hand in hand, in the same alley taken just a few days earlier to the gathering. There pace quickened, as though not to get caught. The sun was setting, and shadows began creeping towards there darkened figures. Dressed in all black (except matching necklaces withholding one another blood), they walked by unnoticed.
         “Where are we going?” Yasmin asked, in a hushed, slightly scared tone.
         “We are getting out of here. I received a call today, and Stephen is after us. He wants you. I can’t let him get to you, if he fathered your first born, he would have an excuse to take you from me. I can’t have that.”
         “Well, if I am correct, I may already be a mother.” Her voice dropped as she revealed her secret to her love.
         “How so? Will suddenly realized, the day after he had turned her, what had happened. They had already done it, there for she was always his. “Do you mean… your… your first time with me? I am going to be a father? Oh my God Yasmin, I am so happy, I can’t even begin to tell you.”
         “Yes, you are the father” she said, although that may not be entirely true. At the night of the gathering, Stephen had raped her. Her baby may hold a deep dark secret, and she committed the worst crime in marriage, lying. She should have told him. “I am so glad you are as happy as I am. I wonder what we will name it. I was thinking maybe Larraine for a girl, and if it is a boy, it will be named after his father, what do you think of that Will?”
         “Well personally, I don’t care what the name is as long as I am with you, and my baby is healthy.” They walked on in awkward silence, both thinking about what is to come in the future. Will the baby be healthy? Is Will the father, or is Stephen? Will time ever tell who the father truly is?

Now at there destination, a small low budget hotel, in the outskirts of the city, they take a while to rest, before catching a “bite” to eat. When they walk into there dingy old hotel room, they find stained carpets, no windows, and a small unclean bathroom that looked as though it hadn’t  been cleaned in centuries, maybe not even since she was turned.
         “Well now isn’t this just the loveliest hotel you have ever stayed at?” Will asked sarcastically. “Mighty nice bathroom too.” A queasy look came over his face as he peeked into the bathroom.
         “Oh yes quite lovely. I think we may have already overstayed our visit. This place looks like it could make us die all over again.” She shivered at the tantalizing thought.
         “It is only for a couple nights, plus at least we are together, that makes everything worth while.”
         They took a few moments, to forage through the few items the withheld. They tossed any unnecessary items, as to not slow down there escape. Will and Yasmin were planning on going into the next sector of vampires, out of Stephens reign. If they didn’t move quickly enough, he would catch them at the border. Their plan was simple; go to the border, and leave scents, traces of them for Stephen to follow, and run with the speed that was given to all vampires. That way Stephen would follow a false trail only to find the remains of a small animal and a simple note:

“Thought you could catch us now did you Stephen.
Ha looks like we got you this time!
No worries, you know where to find us,
It just so happens, you have no control over Yasmin,
Or me by the time you find us. Next time?
There won’t be a next time.”

         Now with the wind on there trail, they made there sweet escape, into the state of Maine. No one was to find them there. Food would be scarce yes, but they would be safe, and out of the reign of Stephen. Now they found a comfy house, in the outskirts of Camden.
         “Now how is this for a first home? It is lovely isn’t it? I think it is a fabulous cottage, with so much charm! Thank you William, you don’t know how much this means to me. I think our boy will be happy here.” Yasmin just slipped Will a bit of information; the baby was a boy, the name surely to be William, just like his father.
         “Well I think it is charming, and a very stylish cottage. You did a fabulous job doing the décor just to fit us, dark, but not unnatural. I think you have put a wonderful touch on something we can finally call our own. And I am sure our child will like it as well.” Will paused, and looked around. He was surely pleased with the work Yasmin had done to it. It wasn’t nearly as bad, as the old dorm they shared for the first few weeks of marriage. So it was a nice upgrade, and now this will surely lead to a nice life in Will’s eyes.
         “OK now lets go to bed, and maybe have a little bit of fun over some fresh blood, and a bit of raw meat.” Yasmin winked a smile, and headed towards the fridge. She took out some black bears’ leg meat, and a pint of owls’ blood, for them to share in bed. “This should be enough shouldn’t it? Yasmin asked not quite sure if it were enough, she was eating for two now.
         “I think you may need a little bit more.” Will had read her mind, unintentionally of course. He really needed to stop doing that, or he could easily ruin something special. Ok he thought, I am surely not going to do that again, I need to block her thoughts out, so they don’t mix with the others. 
         They walked up into there new room. For a night of fun, just as the sun was setting, and Twilight began. How wonderful, a newlywed couple of vampires.

“Wow!” Will said excitedly when they both awoke from a night of many firsts, “That was so amazing! I have never seen a movie of that nature, a movie trying to portray the lives of vampires! I think they did a… well… actually I think they happened to do a pretty terrible job on it. But what can I say?” Will leaned close, and kissed her neck, where a few traces of small playful bite marks still remained from the night before.
         “Yes, if only they knew how complex it is to stay away from the scents of human blood. We really aren’t the animals they make us seem to be, we are just like they are, only we age a bit differently. Oh Will, I wish we hadn’t watched that video, now think of how people would look at us. We really aren’t that” Will interrupted her just then, with a short, but to the point remark.
         “Yasmin, I hate to say this, but we live in a world where humans dominate the universe. You know we are different, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be happy, like they are.” Now that they had gotten over that conversation, Yasmin did begin to realize just how much she missed her normal life. She had gotten hit by a bus that night, and could be peacefully waiting at heaven’s gates… but then again, she has another chance at a close to perfect life. What can she do now? She is so happy to have found Will, but how can she tell him she doesn’t like living like this.
         Just then Yasmin remembered what had happened before the bus had hit her. She had killed some one, her fiancée of 11 months. He was always so abusive, what else could she have done? It is all my fault I am like this, Yasmin thought to herself.  He would have killed me if I had yet to have done it myself, and now I have a second chance at happiness.
           Will came close, he had sensed her pain, the pain welling deep within her. He whispered something softly in her ear, and her heart (what was left of it) began to beat at a more normal pace. She suddenly… gently fell into Will’s arms, and drifted in and out of consciousness.
         Will was now utterly concerned. How was he to help her? He definitely couldn’t take her to a doctor, for they wouldn’t believe his case. No one believed in vampires, so now he will suffer the consequences, and loose the one he loves.
         Just then, he thought of some one, some one he hates with his life, a hatred so strong, he would kill anyone, or anything just to seek the revenge he deserves.
         This was Will’s last chance; he had to call Stephen, what was his other option? Will looked down at Yasmin, and saw her limp body for the second time in there bonding. Her breaths grew fewer, and her body had small spasms, mini seizures, her body was breaking down. Her silky black hair flung helplessly, and her violet eyes rolled back into her head. Her tongue lolled in her mouth, and her head jolted back. Will picked up the phone, and quickly dialed Stephen….
         “RING, RING, RIN...”
         “Hello, this is Stephen.”
         “Stephen, please, please help me! It’s Yasmin; I don’t know what’s happening, please help me!” Will shrieked these pleads into the phone, shivering, wondering what will happen to Yasmin. His beautiful Yasmin.
         “Why should I help you? It seems to me you want nothing to do with me.” Stephen’s voice showed curiosity, he obviously wanted something in return, but what? Was he hiding something?
         “Stephen, I don’t know what else to do, she is shaking, I don’t know who else to call, and I might lose her! I didn’t know vampires could die like this! Please help me, DAMMIT!”
         “OK I will be right there. Give me a few minutes, I need to pack some supplies” His tone now gave nothing away, but fear that time was of the essence.
         “But don’t you need to know how to get.....” Just then he heard a knock at the door. How was he here so quickly? Will had forgotten Stephen’s abilities, they were unlike any other, he had lightning speed, but how did he find them?
         In the blink of an eye, Will heard cries from a child, how could this be? There was no child here. His eyes peered across the barren room, filled with darkness like no other, and saw the eyes of a baby, glaring back at him. The eyes, filled with pure sadness. He looked down at his mate, and saw her looking down at the baby, with tears streaming down her face, leaving small glimmers streaking down her face.
         “I… I want to… name this child…. Stephen” She said this between short breaths of pain. “I choose this… for the fact… that… Stephen, saved me… and my child… from death… a death that would have…. killed Will too.” Her ability to speak was lessening by the minute, so Will quickly rushed over to her, and embraced her as tightly as he could. He thought to himself, I will never let you go my love, never. Yasmin’s breathing lessened, and she drifted out of Will’s arms.          
Yasmin was now in the arms of Stephen, with a shot in his right arms, he quickly inserted the clear substance into her left arm.
         “There you go, good as new. Now don’t you feel so marvelous?” His voice was slightly edgy, as if he had a secret to share.
         “Uh hugh” was all Yasmin could manage. She was groggy from giving birth to baby Stephen, but she some how found the strength to go to bed. She walked up the creaky steps in silence, baby in her arms. She made a bed for her child to spend the night, and drifted into sleep.

Will awoke with a start, as he saw Yasmin was gone, the baby to. He quickly through on the first thing he saw, and ran out the door, slamming it so hard, it nearly split in two. His life would surely collapse if he didn’t find her. He ran through the darkened alley, taken many times before, he could run down this place with his eyes closed. Just then, he saw with a sudden start, a shadowy figure running across the alley. Was he being followed? No, they were in front of him… running away. He used his speed, and agility, to race as fast as he could toward the vanishing figure.
Will stopped, to see a baby being passed to another figure. He crept closer, and could now see the two mysterious faces, Yasmin… and Stephen. Yasmin handed the baby over to Stephen, their hands locked together, and they ran away into the darkness together, under the full moon’s light. Will never saw her again.

Word count : 3, 643 words (I didn't know how to get this on writing.com, so I used microsoft word.)
© Copyright 2007 E. (takenbyr at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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