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Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #1302770
this is a poem about daddy little girl growing up
My little girl was born tonight, as i hold my little girl tigh, i promise to protect and keep her safe from harm, as i hold my little girl in my arms
my little girl has just turned five she trully felas that this is her prime, shes loving life not a care int the owlrd she is sweet and still daddys little girl.
My little girl has just turned 10 shes studdying hard in her books again i am so proud what can i say shes my angel ok...
Mylittle girl has just truned 15 thinks its embarsing to be seen with me, shes says im old i smeel like fries but tho im old she says im still very wise., but i can still make her smile so life aint so bad im still her dear old dad
Mty little girl has just turned 17 shes wearing diffrent clothes acts like she doesnt know who we are, hangin out with a whole new crowd no one bad just makes me sad cause now shes going where dad cant go, just makes me sad that my little girl isnt here with her dear old dad.
My little girl brought her boyfriend home to meet the parents you know how it goes, she says he sweat and that he cares but all i iwll see is her tears when he has left and is not there,
He left one week later my litte girl in tears i told her the pain would pass but she just doesnt feel so.........
My little gril has just turned 18 meet a guy who she says she thinks she will marry,
she says he's the one and tht only her and God can tell, she hugs and kisses me goodbye says she be back soon not to worry its all going to be alwright, she returend back home said he proposed and now my little girl will be leaving my home, to marry a man she needs more than me.
It is my litte girls wedding shes beutifull as can be , the ring is on, now she comes and kisses, hugs and says goodbye as we give our best wishes she is swept away to her honey moon sweet
My little girl is all grown up big tall and strong doesnt need her dad at all shes found another to meet all her needs as her dads heart begins to bleed......
My little girl is home for a visit my smile so big and bright, my little girl comes to me with tears in her sweet little eyes, she looks at me smiles and says"tho i be big and all grown up and perphaps i work a lil to much i will always need you as i ahve all a long and dad i will always be your little in our hearts , i will always be your little girl;
the end

i know this is a rather long poem but it had to be to include all that it needed to actualy be complet do you agree??
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