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Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #1304459
detailed rant about stupid people at restaraunts
i work in a restaurant 'nuff said.
i've also worked at mcdonalds, which was the worst job i've ever had. and these, people, are the things that bother me about work. i have been a cashier, cook, and server, and i have encountered all of these within my 3 years in food service. if you do any of the following, please think before you do them next time. think of the poor people who work for crappy wages to support themselves, and how you're annoying them.

do NOT hand me change after i already waited for you to dig through your purse/wallet for the amount you just handed me. i have already rang it in, the change has come up on the screen, and now i have to add it in my head. i'm a cashier, not a mathmatician. i'm obviously working at this job because i need money, not because i want to be a math teacher someday.

don't ask me for a receipt after i have already printed one off. that means i have to get the manager card, pull back your order, possibly void your credit card, just to print off your receipt. that leaves me with a stack of receipts that i have to keep because of you being an IDIOT. its part of my job to ask you, "and would you like a reciept with that today?" you obviously heard me, because you said no. oh yeah, and then i have to MANUALLY enter your credit card number, expiration date, CVV number, and total in whenever i can find the time. i am a busy lady, do not waste my time.

when the store hours are clearly printed on the window/door, and it is clearly before those hours, do not knock on the doors for ten minutes just to ask me if we're open. if i am not in uniform, mopping, sweeping, counting money, or anything that constitutes as an opening responsibility, we are not open. i will stab you through the eye with the broom that i am handing if you ever do this again.

WET MONEY. i absoultey cannot stand wet money. for one, i dont know how it got wet. if you hand me a wad of wet 1 dollar bills, the first thing that comes to my mind is "stripper". and then i dont want to touch the money for fear of contracting an STD. not only do i have to touch it while you hand it to me, all the while cleverly avoiding my gaze, but i have to touch it again while i hand it back to someone for change. they look at me in disgust, and you have officially ruined my day. thanks a lot, jackass.

if you stand in line for 20 minutes to place an order, chances are that your food will also take a while to prepare. that obviously means that our kitchen is either short-staffed, or have too many orders at once. this is called a "rush hour". this means that a lot of people show up at the restaurant at once, thus created chaos. if you see the large line, go somewhere else if you have the chance. otherwise, make a reservation if the restaurant makes them. in a nutshell, dont bitch if your food takes a while. if its fully cooked, and still hot, eat it or leave it.

if you arent sure whats in a certain order, ASK! if you're a vegetarian, and arent sure if it has meat in it, ASK! otherwise, you send it back to the kitchen, which irritates the cooks for the rest of the night. they get snappy with the servers/cashiers, who get snappy with the customers. we know whats in the orders, its our job. ask, and we will gladly tell. only return it if its absolutely unedible-and by that, i mean a fingernail, hair, burnt to a crisp, or if a little child doesnt like it. we understand how tempermental children are, but you're a grown up.

if you're going to move tables around for a large group, ask your server. the tables are placed in a pattern to make it easiest for us to get around to service you the fastest. dont get upset if you do the following without asking first. if we cant get around the table to pass out each individual drink, we will stand at one point and pass them around the table. if you dont want that to happen, think of who you're screwing over before you do stupid things.

NEVER, EVER, EVER order while you're on your cell phone. it is just plain disrespectful. pull the damn blue tooth out of your ear for a split second, and spew forth whatever you want to eat. its easier for us, and its ultimately easier for you. how would you feel if we walked up to your table on a cell phone, and asked to take your order?

do not eat something messy with your fingers, grime up your soda glass, and ask us for a refill while holding it with two fingers. we give you napkins for a reason.

dont use my name like you know me personally. my nametag is on my boob, dont stare at it in order to get my name. call me ma'am, just as i call you sir or ma'am. use some respect.

dont leave me your number on a receipt. chances are, i'm going to show all of my co-workers, who will add your phone number into their phones, and prank call you until you cry.

don't eat a whole meal, cry about it, and demand a new one. we know all the tricks in the book. and if we dont, the managers do.

i could go on forever. expect a follow up of this. dont worry, there will be one.
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