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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1308995
A teen boy trying to uncover his past, while unlocking the secrets to save humanity.
                                          Michael           Blackwell’s

                                            A Destiny Revealed

                                        “The rise and fall of all we
                                          are stands before us.”

                                                  Issue #1

          Copyright 2007© Black Light Productions. Inc. All rights reserved ®

                                              CHAPTER  ONE

         Lightning flashed across the cold and dying sky. Thunder ripped through the worthless battle torn land, and Earth's heroes laid, defeated. Their spirits torn and their bodies broken, they lay dying in pain and sacrifice. Their souls begging for relief, but their hearts still screaming for battle, and the will to live. Darkness had fallen across the land, and Satan had unleashed his demons upon the Earth. And there, amidst all of the pain, sorrow and death, laid the world’s only hope, dying, and screaming for redemption.
         His body crushed from the intense fighting, but yet he still tried to get up. His heart wouldn’t quit beating, for he knew what he must do. His passion burned inside of him like a wildfire, and his determination stood strong. Try as he might, he still could not break Ethan’s spirit. Carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders, he prayed a prayer to the heavens:
         “Father, I need your strength. I need your power, and your help. This man will destroy everything you have ever created, without a second thought. You must help me defeat him.”
         He grasped a pile of dirt, “FATHER! What must I do!? How do I carry this burden alone!? How did you carry this much pain!? Father,” he whispered, “please help me.” he said as he began to cry. He slammed his fist on the ground. His eyes shut and his head bowed, he cried. He cried for the sins of mankind, for his friends, for his family, for everyone. He cried for the weight on his heart, and the broken pieces that was left of it.
         But amidst his torment he heard a voice. “My son, let not your heart be troubled. For ye believe in God, believe also in me. Cast down your burdens, and I will carry them for thee.” He opened his eyes and looked into Heaven. “When thou passsest through the waters, I will be with thee, and through the rivers, they shall not over flow thee: when thou Walkest  through the fire, thou shalt not be burned: neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am with you, always.”
         Hearing this miraculous voice his pain faded. His cuts healed, his bones mended, and his power restored. He felt a great sensation in his heart, and his soul sang out loud. His body flowed with the power of the father, and his faith rejuvenated. He felt greater than he ever had, and could feel another power inside his heart. Something he had never felt.
         Eyers stepped forward. “Ethan, for the sins of your father, you must take his punishment. And so must she."
         Ethan looked up, and there she stood, right in front of the shadowed being. Her head was down so he couldn’t see her face. Seeing this, his heart sank.
         “He took everything from me! My home, my job my friends, and the love of my life! But the moment he took you and claimed you as his own, I knew this day would come.”
         The deranged monster screamed, "he stole everything from me Ethan! HE TOOK MY LIFE!!! MY LIFE! Mine. And now, you must pay, unless..."
         Ethan began trying to stand. He placed one knee in the dirt.
         “...unless you agree to join me, and take your rightful place as my son. Then all will be restored, and I will spare their lives.”
         Ethan, now on his feet, spoke with his head low, “I will… never join… you.”
         John laid motionless on the ground not too far away. He opened his eyes. He saw Ethan, and the mysterious man and woman. The lightning grew more angry, as did the thunder. John tried to move, but the pain shot through out his body. He closed his eyes.
         “God, help us…” he said, and he fainted.
         Ethan’s eyes darkened, and his anger grew, “I will protect everything on this planet just as my father has told me. You stand no chance.”
         “I’m sorry you feel that way. This was never how it was supposed to be.” said Eyers. He stepped back, “FOR YOUR SINS AGAINST MANKIND, AND YOUR BETRAYAL OF YOUR CREATOR, SO MUST YOU SUFFER FOR THE REST OF YOUR DAYS!!”
         He placed both hands on the woman's head. Ethan looked up in horror.
         “NOW DIE!!!!” he screamed as he took her life with a loud snap.
         Ethan’s eyes widened in shock and agony. She fell to her knees and then to the ground. She was taken before his very eyes. His heart shattered and he screamed. Like never before.
         A blinding light swallowed all of the land. And they all disappeared. Ethan awoke in a frantic cold sweat. He shook with terror as he wiped his face with his sheets. It was the dream again. The same one he had been having for the past three weeks. It seemed as if all of the pieces over the years had finally made one big picture. Ever since that fateful day...

         It had been going on for some time now. They had begun testing the subjects some months ago, but despite all of their best efforts, not one survived. They had been given the orders to begin trying to create the ultimate human. The United States government had devised an operation for the ultimate weapon. One that would be immune to disease, sickness, and death. A top secret organization called Sector 77.3 was created to host these experiments.
         But finally, after months of failed attempts, one survived. It portrayed miraculous abilities. Too great for any one to control. It exhibited great power and strength. And what seemed to be the ability to manipulate energy and matter. Finally the project was a great success. They had succeeded in creating the deadliest force on Earth
         But fearing the consequences of their success, the team of scientists agreed to report the operation as a complete failure. The project was too dangerous to be continued. Knowing that if this power were to ever fall into the wrong hands, it could mean the end of civilization. Shortly after the last reported failure, the government erased all evidence of the operation from existence, and it was immediately shut down. No traces of it were left.
         But one scientist knew the truth. And he swore to protect it at all costs. He hid the subject in his own home, and he and his wife agreed to raise him as their own. Thus, Ethan Valor was born. Shielded from the world, the first "super human" would never be known.
         But one night, almost a year after this modern miracle, tragedy struck. Dr. Valor was found dead in his office. It was an assassination. He was brutally murdered. This left Sara to raise Ethan alone. She couldn’t let him go. She had to protect him, at all costs. That was Landan’s wish. And so, as the lightning flashed, and the rained poured down on that dark, grim night, a child’s destiny was set.

                                              CHAPTER  TWO
                                          “I Know Who You Are.”

         Sixteen years later, a promising young student, Ethan walks the halls of his high school, just as everyone else. But try as he might, he will never be normal. Those who know him, will never know the truth. Disguised for sixteen years, his true identity is still a mystery, even to himself.
         As every ordinary day he walked the streets of his sleepy home town on his way home. After school hours were the busiest of the day, especially for Main Street. Ethan walked casually on his way home. People passed him coming and going just as any other day. But as one man passed, he stopped Ethan with a firm hand, and spoke behind him.
         "I know who you are, and I know what you can do Ethan," he said mysteriously, "and if you want to keep it a secret, you'll meet me in warehouse six at Morris Pier at eleven o'clock tonight. Come alone. If you fail to show, I'll kill your mother."
         Ethan turned to face him, "wait a minuet, who do you think you are!" As Ethan turned, the man vanished as if he were never there. Ethan stood looking as everyone continued to pass.
         "What the hell?" he whispered under his breath.
         Night fell as Ethan waited. The clock hit 10:57, and Ethan was gone from his room. The docks were empty this time of night. He snuck around the corners to warehouse six. The door was cracked, and Ethan silently let himself in. He made his way through the dark to an open door when he heard a voice.
         "Glad to see you've come Son of Dr. Landan Valor. A wise decision."
         Ethan looked around to locate the voice, "Who are you!?"
         "Why a loving fan of course." He said, his voice calling from darkness.
         "How do you know about my abilities!?" Ethan asked loudly.
         "I not only know about your powers Ethan, but I hold the answers to your origin, the key to unlocking your past, the one thing you want most." He said emerging into the light.
         Ethan looked in his eyes, "I've seen you before. In my dreams. Who are you?"
         "My name is John Halliver, or better known in my time as "Warp"."
         "Your time? What do you mean your time?" Ethan asked confused, he stepped forward, "what is it you want from me?"
         "This may be hard to comprehend but soon all will become clear," he began, "I come from the year 2015. I was once part of the most elite force on Earth. We were all genetically created humans, devised from the greatest scientific minds in the world, we were created for the soul purpose of protecting the United States from any deadly force that might arise," He said turning around, "and ultimately, the entire world."
         "Uh huh. I see. And is the Tooth Fairy helping you too?" Ethan mocked him.
         "Listen to me Ethan!" John demanded loudly, "this is no joke! Our very futures depend on this very moment!" Ethan's smile faded.
         "Now look, you must pay close attention, please. This is very important," John spoke annoyed, "In the year 2013, a deadly force will arise from the minds of scientists. This artificial intelligence will take control of the earth, and destroy everything in their path."
         "I know this sounds crazy but its true," he assured him, "These NC-7s, as they’re called, were created to defend the U.S., but instead, they destroyed it, along with the rest of the world."
         Ethan was devastated, "No, this cant be true."
         "It is Ethan. Its all very true. Now, a certain scientist who had a hand in creating these monstrous  creatures, also helped create Earth's greatest defense some twenty-two years earlier. This scientist was the keeper of the launch key that would activate us, and thats just what he did."                                                                                           John placed his hands on Ethan's shoulders, "Ethan, my team was killed. All of them but me. When I escaped i knew what I had to do. I knew our only hope was to come back in time, find you, and stop this before it ever took place."
         "But why me! What do I have to do with any of this!?" Ethan screamed.
         "Because you Ethan, "he began, "you were our missing member. Our lost Leader. Thats why we were defeated, because we were incomplete, and without you, we stood no chance."
         Ethan couldn’t believe what he was hearing, "What... I don’t.. how, why?"
         "Your father lead project "Horizon". And after years of failed attempts, you were created. You were the very first genetically created human Ethan. The first of the ultimate weapon."
         As he said this a door slammed and they heard footsteps. Ethan spoke quickly, "Follow me!"
         "No! Hold on to my arm!" John whispered. Ethan grabbed him. A shining blue light surrounded them, and they disappeared into the darkness.

                                          CHAPTER  THREE
                                          "A Destiny Revealed"

         Ethan's room was quiet and empty. It was still late and all was still. A blue aurora suddenly swept through the room and with a loud bang they reappeared.
         "Whoa! How the..." Ethan yelled, "How did you know where i live?"
         "I can sense the places close to one's heart." he answered.
         Ethan's mother came running into the room, "Ethan, are you... okay?" she said looking at John.
         "Mom," Ethan began, "We've got to talk."
         They all sat in the living room. John completed the story of their origins and Ethan was still in shock.
         "So there we more created!? After the project was shut down?" Sara asked in shock.
         "Yes. After Dr. Valor and Dr. Eyers retired from the project, four of the remaining scientists created four additional subjects, just incase one wasn’t enough. We were each given great abilities such as strength and speed, and one individual special ability." John Explained.
         "They each chose one to raise and protect until the day we would be called to fulfill our purpose. After the final creation, they all agreed to discontinue any contact with each other to insure our safety. Thats why Dr. Valor was never told. But we were meant to be a team. One they called, The Valor Force. And thats how we came to be."
         Ethan finally spoke, "This is impossible. This cant be real." Sara leaned forward, "I knew this day would come."
         "How could you hide this from me?" he asked angrily.
         "I had to Ethan, to protect you. Thats what your father wanted. I just followed his wishes." She said with tears in her eyes.
         "I cant believe this. My whole life is a lie!"
         "No Ethan! Just because you were born different doesn’t change who you are."
         "She's right Ethan. Your still the same person." John said from the corner of the room.
         "I suppose. I just cant believe that I’m a, a super human created from a lab to save the world. This is so much to take on, I just don’t know."          
         "Thats the truth honey. This is who you are." she said wiping her face.
         "This is your destiny Ethan. And you must accept it, or all you know will be gone." John warned.
         Ethan starred into space, "My destiny," he whispered to himself.
         "Well what do we do now?" he asked.
         "We train. We must get you ready to face this threat." John answered diligently.
         Ethan shook his head.
         "Well, its awfully late boys. Lets get some sleep and talk about this in the morning," she said getting up, "John, you can sleep in the guest room."
         As she got up and walked toward the kitchen she hugged Ethan tightly. She looked at him and placed her hand on his face, "This changes nothing honey. You are still my baby and I love you with all my heart."
         "I love you too Mom. Thank you." he said softly.
         She smiled and went toward the other room. Just then, the wall exploded with great force sending John and Sara soaring across the room. Ethan slammed against the china cabinet.
         “What the hell!?” Ethan exclaimed.
         A big man clothed in futuristic armor stepped in through the blown wall.
         “No. Not him.” John said getting up.
         “Who is this guy!?” Said Ethan running to John’s side.
         “His name is Nitro. He is one of the other super soldiers. Except he was made by the leader of the rebellion, to destroy the Valor Force. And lets just say he’s  done one hell of a job.”
         “I’ve been looking for you Warp” He said laughing with a deep evil voice.
         “It was you in the warehouse wasn’t it! You followed me here!” John said with anger, “Ethan, you must get your mother out of here. I’ll hold him off as long as I can.”
         “No! I wont let you face him alone! I can..”
         “Listen to me! Your not ready for him. Take her and go! This was all for nothing if you die anyway!”
         Ethan grabbed his mother and sped out of the room.
         “I wont let you escape this time John!” Nitro said as he continued to smile evilly.
         “I don’t know how you did it, but you’ve followed me seven years in the past just for another ass whoopin’ Carl!” John bluffed.
         “We’ll see how tough you are after I crush your skull!” He slung his giant arm and hit John dead on. Nitro walked forward and drew back his arm getting ready to deliver the final blow. It came crashing down at tremendous force. Just before it landed, Nitro went soaring through the wall. He crashed with a huge explosion of dirt and mud.
         John opened his eyes. And there, with his shoulders back, fists clenched, and eyes set on Nitro, he saw Someone completely different than from before. He had witnessed the first showing of the man who was destined to save the world. The one who would one day become, Valor: The Ultimate Warrior.

                                            To Be Continued...


                                          A Destiny Revealed

         In a world where super soldiers protect governments, and ultra-bots known as the NC-7s, haunt the Earth, and time travel is possible to some, lives a hero destined to save mankind. Amidst all of the chaos, destruction, and darkness, this hero waits subconsciously for the moment in time, past or present, that he will emerge, and defend the human race from their biggest threat of all time: themselves.
         Join Ethan, John, and Jennifer in the biggest race to save the world in human history. Filled with heart stopping suspense, jaw dropping twists, and a story that will touch the hearts of many, “VALOR” will leave you everything but disappointed.
         It’s a race against time itself, to stop the twisted mind of an evil genius from destroying all that has ever been. Just two years after their completion the ultra-bots known as the NC-7s have unleashed their unstoppable fury upon the Earth. The only thing known to man that can oppose them is the team of superhuman soldiers known as the Valor Force. But to their surprise, they are defeated without much effort.
         John Halliver escapes to the past to warn the final member of this upcoming tragedy. It is now a race to stop this from ocuring. But with a few surprise visitors, they quickly learn they have less time than they thought. Jump in and come along for the ride of a lifetime, and find out if evil will finally prevail in this all new series from Black Light Productions, VALOR!

“An adrenaline fueled thrill ride that will keep you guessing at every turn.”
                                                                     -President of Dragon Render Productions



“VALOR”™, Valor Force®, Warp®, Nitro®, and NC-7™, are trademarks of Black Light Productions Inc. Any use of these or any other names without written permission from the publisher is illegal and violators will be prosecuted. Copyright© 2008 Michael Blackwell©. All rights reserved.

              Copyright 2007© Black Light Productions. Inc. All rights reserved ®
© Copyright 2007 Black Light Productions (blacklightpro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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