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Characters of "Escaping Daango" |
Name: Hiro - Dragon_Ninja ![]() ![]() Age: 29 Appearance: Hiro has many battle scars, on his face, arms, back, and legs. He is 6'3" and very lean. He has one eye permantly shut from a slash but his other eye is a pure blue color. He has blond hair that covers his one good eye making some think both eyes are bad. Personality: Before the rebellion, Hiro was very optomistic. He was a very happy and kind person. Now after feeling the weight of many lives he took he has changed. He is very quiet, and cold towords others, he doesnt want to get to close to anyone for fear that they may be killed right before his eyes as his parent were. If he gets close to someone he will help and protect them if they need it. He wont get to attached like he did with the leader of the rebellion, whom he saw as a second father. Weapon of Chioce: Double-Sided Spear Proficiency in Magic: Hiro specializes in attacking with fire. He most commonly uses a simple fireball, but much more powerful then most. He also has a spell that he created. No one has seen it yet but it takes time to cast. History: At age 15 Hiro's parents were killed by a noble's guard for not bowing down when he past. The noble didnt get any kind of punishment and laughed at Hiro crying over their bodys. That is when a man named Rak Shine, introduced himself as the leader of a rebellion. Hiro joined and trained with his hatred feuling him. Once the rebellion started that noble was no where to be found. Hiro killed many looking but never finding him. In the midst of every battle Hiro is looking for that noble, but now at the last battle, he has forgotten his revenge and his only goal is to kill as many as he can to finally bring an end to the chaos. Name: Shekina - ![]() ![]() Age: 20 Appearance: Shekina is of petite stature with small features. Her body seems to be made of smooth lines and sharp edges- probably from lack of proper nutrition rather than having a naturally sinewy figure. Raven hair falls in mussed curls to her pale shoulders and tends to hide a high, proud forehead above a squarish face. Her eyes are dark, whether black or brown it is impossible to tell. Sometimes her eyes reveal her youth, but often, the look in them is one of someone who is prematurely wizened to the horrors of life. Personality: She has learned to make her own decisions and depend on herself, merely because she has to. Given the choice, she would much rather be the protected than a protector. She loves with the fullness of her heart and is generous and sensitive to others. However, a hardness has developed to make the necessities of living possible. Her hard practicality comes off as cruelty but she merely has a strong will to survive. Weapon of Choice: Given her weight, it is difficult to manage any heavy swords but she works quite well with a bow and also carries several knives Proficiency in Magic: A muse of sorts, she can inspire emotions in a given individual, which can be used for manipulating her opponent or bolstering a companion's confidence. It's not an easy thing and requires much energy. It only works on emotions already existing, such as an increase of doubt, or decrease of stress. Some of this power has healing effects. History: When Shekina was eight her father beat her mother and older brother to death. Fleeing from him onto the streets, she was taken in by a man in the worst part of the city and forced into prostitution by men who had a taste for children. Although her magic kept her healthy, she bears heavy emotional scars. At seventeen she managed to escape when the rebellion hit her city and joined the fight for a better life. Name: Zenisha - PandorasBox ![]() ![]() Age: 24 Appearance: Zenisha's build is althetic and slightly more muscular than you would expect a female to be, though she is not stocky. She has strong, defined features- large wide set eyes, a generous mouth, high cheek bones. Her eye colour varies depending on her mood, from a flinty steel grey to a soft blue- grey. Her hair is short and curly, a deep red which contrasts her fair skin. She is lucky to have escaped serious disfigurement, though her arms and hands bear numerous scars. Personality: Zenisha is well known for her fiery temper, she has a short fuse that often gets her into trouble. Because of this she is constantly getting into fights, luckily for her she is skilled enough not to lose very often. She loves a good fight, and is always looking for a challenge. Despite this, she is kind and protective of those around her. She tends to be high spirited but can lack self control. Weapon of choice: Zenisha's preferred weapon is her staff which she is very proficient with, though she is also a keen archer and has some skill with a sword. Proficiency in magic: Zenisha has the ability to create a magical shield around her and her companions, though it requires an awful lot of energy and drains her very quickly, so she cannot hold the shield in place for long. She can also imbue a weapon she is using with power, making it stronger, more effective and less likely to be broken. As with the shield, it drains her energy. History: Both Zenisha's parents died in a fire when she was very young. She was adopted by a mercenary who trained her in the fighting arts (and perhaps accounts for her boisterousness). She made her first kill when she was 14 years old and a drunken soldier tried to take from her more than she was willing to give. They scuffled for a while, and the man was on the verge of overpowering her when she stabbed him with a concealed knife. She felt changed after that incident, no longer a child. She trained relentlessly, pushing herself harder and longer, determined never to be a target again. Since then she has gotten into countless fights and has killed many, though she always tries to avoid this if possible. She herself became a mercenary at age 18, fighting for whoever had the money to afford her. The lifestyle left her cynical and wary, she felt bereft of honour. She joined the rebellion in an attempt to redeem herself, to fight for a just cause for once. Name: Zoran - mm347 Age:22 Appearance: Zoran has red hair, green eyes, and numerous battle scars along his face and chest. One time in a battle on a tropical island outside the kingdom of Daango, Zoran got a wound so huge that the witch doctor on the island could only handle the cosmetics of it. It's still there and pains him so. Personality: Zoran always saw himself as the greatest hero in the world. And he'll duel anyone who contradicts him. He's quite hot-headed. He naturally goes into a fray alone. Weapon of Choice: A katana that he calls Kendron. Profiency in Magic: Zoran can see into the future, but only far enough to keep himself alive. History: Both of Zoran's parents died when he was three by the noble's men since they had a main role in the rebellion. He was raised by his tough, mean grandfather who taught him not to trust anyone. At age 14, he learned many of the martial arts. Now, he has a score to settle with the noble. Name: Minna - KC under the midnight sun ![]() ![]() Age: 25 Appearance: Minna is 5' 5" and 135 lbs. She is wiry and muscular and very agile. She has dark skin and black hair that she wears usually tied back. Her eyes are brown and she does not smile easily. At all times she wears her tough disposition as a shield and mask. Personality: Tough, stubborn, dependable in a crunch, Minna is everyone's choice for a right-hand man. She won't hesitate to tell you you're a fool, but will carry out her mission regardless (or in spite of) any risks, obstacles, or price. She is tireless and practically limitless when she has direction, goals, or otherwise some kind of purpose to achieve. She is honorable above all else and loyal, almost to a fault. If she gives her word, you can be sure she will keep it. Break your word to her and she will stop at nothing to see you pay for your serious lack of judgement. Weapon of Choice: Her body is a weapon. Proficiency at Magic: Minna can channel her own magical force into her fists (primarily) or feet to yield extra power on attacking. She also has a very limited ability to channel that magic into a magical shield to protect herself. She has always been careful to use power words, although speaking is not necessary. History: Minna is an ex-officer in the king's elite bodyguard service, called Weapons, or Shields, depending on the individual's innate talents. Minna was a weapon. She has trained since young childhood in the warrior's ways and dedicated her life to serving her country and king. However, Minna and her cadre were too good at their jobs. By order of the king, the other weapons and shields turned on Minna's band. She barely escaped with her life and has sworn vengeance. |