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Rated: XGC · Other · Erotica · #1314749
Not wanting to wait, Jesse acts on her attraction to Zach
When Zach finally saw Jesse he had to do a double take. He almost didn’t recognize her. His sweet Jesse looked anything but sweet tonight. She was smiling up at Alex as she tired to pick up the dance steps. He let his eyes roam over her. Her outfit was enough to turn him hard.
Starting at her cowboy boots, Zach’s gaze traveled up to her toned legs and paused briefly to take in the perfect shape of her ass in the Daisy Duke shorts she had on. Continuing up his mouth about watered as he looked at her breasts in the snug red top.
Zach watched as a young cowboy started towards her but stopped when Alex had made it there first. The looks that Jesse was getting from other men were irritating Zach, but he also knew he had nothing to worry about.
Zach smiled as he remembered their afternoon together. Talking with Jesse about his past relationship seemed to set his heart free.
He saw her smile and stick her tongue out at something Hunter said. Instead of feeling angry or jealous, he felt lucky. He trusted Jesse and that made him feel better than he had felt in a long time.
When the song ended Jesse was laughing so hard her sides hurt. “Thanks for helping me,” she said to Alex when they made it back to the table. “I hope I didn’t break all your toes.”
Alex grinned, “I enjoyed it. Besides it was fun trying to make my uncle jealous.”
Alex nodded in the direction of the bar, “He’s been watching you since he came in.”
Jesse looked towards the bar and sure enough Zach was looking back at her. The intensity of his gaze gave Jesse a tingling sensation that ran through her body.
“I’ll be right back,” she said getting up.
Jesse walked to where Zach was standing and leaned on the bar waiting to order.
Zach smiled. The way she was standing gave him a wonderful view of her backside. When Zach brought his eyes back up he was looking at the man who had tried to approach Jesse on the dance floor. The man was smiling as he looked Jesse over. When he meet Zach’s eyes his smile faded at the look he was receiving back. Then giving Zach a nervous smile he turned and walked away.
“Buy you a drink?” he asked her.
Jesse turned her head towards Zach. She slowly looked him over from head to toe before meeting his eyes. The smile she wore indicated she liked was she saw.
Zach ordered two shots of whiskey.
“If a girl didn’t know better, I’d say you were hoping to get me drunk.” She said picking up the glass. Fire shot down her throat and into her gut as she drank the whiskey down.
“Maybe.” Zach grinned and downed his own shot. “You here alone?”
Jesse smiled and leaned closer to him. “Maybe,” she answered and walked away.
She stopped about half way through the club and looked back over her shoulder. Running her eyes over him she smiled and kept walking.
As Zach went to move away from the bar Alex came up to stand next to him.
“She’s really something,” Alex said, “nice body.” Alex took a drink and glanced at Zach. “I wonder if she likes younger guys.”
Zach just smiled at Alex. Alex was trying to get him riled and it wasn’t working.
“I can tell you from experience, she doesn’t.” Zach set his beer down and followed in the direction Jesse had gone.
Jesse waited at the end of the hall where the bathrooms were. She liked playing with Zach and hoped that she had given him enough to make him follow her.
A moment later she looked up to see Zach walking towards her. Jesse’s breath caught. Zach looked so sexy. His jeans were worn and so soft looking that Jesse ached to run her hands over them. His collared shirt was fit so that Jesse could see the definition of his broad shoulders and his tapered waist.
He stopped directly in front of her placing his arms on either side of her head. Jesse looked up to meet his blue eyes, then let her eyes drop to his lips and instinctively licked hers.
Zach smiled and brought his lips to hers. He was not in the mood to be soft and romantic. The kiss he gave her was meant to be forceful and claiming, and it was.
If Jesse had not been leaning against the wall she would have slide to the floor. The kiss was making her knees weak and her body feel as if there was a fire running through it.
Although she wanted to grab Zach and leap on him, she kept her hands at her sides, allowing only their lips to touch.
When Zach’s lips left hers it took Jesse a minute to gain her composure back before she could look up at him. When she did the look she saw on his face told her that the kiss had the same effect on him as it did on her.
Jesse smiled seductively at him. Kissed him lightly on the lips and walked by him back out into the bar.
Zach looked over his shoulder and watched her go. He couldn’t move if he wanted to. If he walked back out into the bar he would be thoroughly embarrassed by the bulge in his jeans.
Jesse made it back to the table and sat. Her legs were like jello and she was hot, and it wasn’t from the temperature in the bar. She had wanted to rip Zach’s clothes off right there, she was having more fun playing with him.
Jen just looked at her with eyebrows raised in question.
Jesse saw Zach come out of the hall they had been in. She watched him walk back to the bar and wondered if she should just leave with him now. Why wait? She thought.
When he reached the bar Zach turned and gave Jesse a smoldering look that said he was not going to wait much longer.
The band took a break and the DJ took over. Jen grabbed Jesse’s hand, “Jeremy won’t dance to this stuff,” she said dragging Jesse back out onto the dance floor.
Jesse knew the song. It was a fast moving sexual song by a new girl group. The beat was one that allowed you to move in a slow provocative manner, which Jesse did rather well after her shot of whiskey and two beers.
Hunter came up to dance behind her and Jesse turned so she could face Zach. Her eyes met his and stayed there as she and Hunter danced like lovers.
Zach watched Jesse. Oddly he was wildly excited by watching her dance with Hunter. She looked directly at him while she danced and it took a lot for him not to drag her off the dance floor and out of the bar.
Zach went to stand at the edge of the dance floor, feet away from where Jesse danced. When the song ended she came and stood in front of him.
“Take me home Zach.” Her breathing was heavy, from dancing or from what she knew was to come he wasn’t sure.
Zach looked past Jesse to Hunter who just smiled and raised his drink to him. Without giving her an answer, Zach took her hand and walked out.
When Zach reached his truck he pinned Jesse against the door and kissed her. Pressing his body into hers he could hear her groan.
Jesse slid her arms around Zach’s neck pulling her body up to his. She briefly wondered how hard the truck bed would be.
Jesse kissed Zach with all that she was feeling. It was passionate and possessive and highly stimulating.
Pulling his lips away, Zach opened the truck door and all but threw Jesse in. When he got in on the other side he looked over at Jesse. She was a fantasy come true. Her lips were swollen, he eyelids low and she looked as if she was about to leap on him.
For Jesse the drive was taking much too long. The combination of dancing, drinking and kissing had set her libido on fire.
Jesse looked over at Zach driving and licked her lips. She could already feel his hands running over her, his lips on her neck. She was getting herself more and more worked up just by thinking about him.
“How busy is this road?” she asked.
Zach looked at the clock. “There’s not much traffic this time of night,” he answered.
When Zach looked at her she gave him a slow smile then leaned down to take off her boots. He watched as the slipped one off then the other. She bent over and ran her hands over her legs then brought sat back and looked at him. With a little smirk and one raised eyebrow, she held his gaze as she started to take off her shirt.
With her boots and shirt off Jesse crawled closer to Zach. Balancing on her hands and knees she leaned towards Zach and ran her tongue along his jaw line. Jesse smiled as she felt his jaw tighten.
Talking his earlobe between her teeth she gently tugged and placed her hand between Zach’s legs. As she ran light kisses along Zach’s neck she felt him getting harder under her hand.
Removing her hand and lips, Jesse sat back and unbuttoned her shorts. Extending her legs, she slid them off as Zach tried to keep the truck straight.
“Jesse,” he groaned.
Putting a finger to his lips, Jesse went back to kissing his neck. But instead of replacing her hand where is had been, she took his right hand off the steering wheel and directed it between her legs. She pressed his palm against her and grinding herself into him.
This was more than Zach could take. Pulling the truck over to the side, he was kissing her before he even stopped.
Moaning Jesse reached for the button on his pants. Lifting his hips, she slid his jeans down. She pulled her lips away and looked at him as she moved to straddle him.
Jesse’s breath caught as he entered her. He filled her fully and completely. Just having him inside her made Jesse’s body want to explode.
With not much room Jesse slowly moved on him. Up and down. Grinding and pulling.
Zach ran his hands over Jesse’s back to her ass. He gripped her as she moved. Zach was not longer concerned about a car coming along. There was absolutely no way he could stop even if he wanted to.
Jesse felt incredible on him. Her boldness excited him, it was like nothing he had ever felt. She surprised him in more ways than one. He was already attracted to the confident, self-assured, Jesse. But the passionate Jesse definitely blew his mind.
Jesse couldn’t feel her body. All she felt was one body, Zach’s blended against hers. She clung to him as the sensations in her built. Her slow deliberate movement turned faster. She couldn’t seem to get him deep enough in her.
When they climaxed together Jesse cried out. She was breathing heavy, was sweaty and very, very satisfied.
Jesse never gave a second thought to what she was doing. She wanted Zach right there and then. She was tired of waiting for what she wanted. She wanted to experience things she never had. Having passionate sex in a truck on the side of the road was definitely something she had never experienced, but after tonight would be something she would do every chance she got.
Jesse leaned her forehead against Zach’s and smiled into his eyes.
“Sorry,” she said shrugging her shoulders, “I couldn’t wait.
“Not a problem,” he said kissing her. “Not a problem at all.”

© Copyright 2007 boomergirl (boomergirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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