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Rated: 13+ · Book · Opinion · #1320665
This is a blog about my daily life, my thoughts, and general topics.
This is my journal/blog. This blog is a mish mash of me. *Blush* Here I put my opinion, my thoughts, my feelings, and things about my life. I hope you enjoy reading it, and thanks for stopping by.
October 27, 2007 at 11:34pm
October 27, 2007 at 11:34pm
It's been a while since I logged in. My life has been crazzzy!

I spent a week in Kentucky at a conference. Didn't have time to log-in, plus I didn't have Internet the whole time.

Since then my daughter has moved in with me. I've been running her around trying to help her get a job. She finally landed one at Pizza Hut.

My son is going through some emotional/mental issues right now that really have me worried.

Work is chaotic as always. Needless to say, I've been a little stressed out. But then, I think I thrive on this chaos.

Hopefully I can get back to writing and blogging on a regular basis soon.
October 4, 2007 at 9:19pm
October 4, 2007 at 9:19pm
Well, it's been a while since I added to my blog. I've been to the doctor twice, and I'm still not feeling up to par. Oh well, I must go on.

My daughter did move in with me last weekend. She is busy looking for a job and getting enrolled at the community college.

I have my hands full at work. I have to go to Kentucky for a conference next week. I usually enjoy traveling, but between being sick and all the chaos at my house right now I am not looking forward to this trip.

Flying has become such a pain with all the security now. I understand the need for the security. It is such a drag though.

I hope to get back to writing more seriously soon. The four prescriptions I am taking now will hopefully work.
September 22, 2007 at 2:56pm
September 22, 2007 at 2:56pm
So, I'm still sick today. The cool thing is it's Saturday. Also, it's cloudy and drizzly outside, which makes for a great day to just say in bed.

Megan finally called and let me know what she's doing. I bitched her out for not calling sooner. I'm still trying to talk her into moving in with me since she refuses to stay at her dad's.

Today Robert and I got up early and did our grocery shopping and errands for the weekend. Now I can relax for most the rest of the day. I should be cleaning house and doing laundry, but since I feel like crap I'm not going to.

I tried a new sinus flush one of my co-workers told me about. She said to use the normal sinus flush system you buy at the drug store and add two drops of baby shampoo and a small amount of mouthwash to it. It burned like crazy!!! Alot of junk came out when I blew my nose though. Hopefully it will help clear my sinuses up.
September 21, 2007 at 11:47am
September 21, 2007 at 11:47am
So, I didn't get to update my blog yesterday. I was traveling and did not have access to a computer. On top of that I have the worst head cold.

Wednesday I drove to Phoenix, which is about a four hour drive from my home. I haven't been feeling well, and the drive was awful. My head was so stuffed it felt like it was going to explode. Of course there were lots of elevation changes on the drive, and my ears wouldn't pop. So, I couldn't hear anything half the time.

I leave for Phoenix at 5 p.m. because I have a meeting at Kingman High School. I have a site team at each high school and community college in the county that helps me complete the goals for the grant that I manage. The site team meeting does not go well. Partly because I can't think with my head all clogged up; partly because I've made some changes and the team doesn't deal well with change. The changes were mandated by the department of education. Of course, I'm still the bad guy.

Anyway, I arrive at my hotel in Phoenix at 9 p.m. and collapse into bed. I wake up around 4 a.m. unable to breathe. I get up and blow my nose a million times and then take some more medicine.

I didn't really want to go to Phoenix but the state director of the grant I manage has mandatory monthly meetings. It doesn't matter if you’re sick and dying, if you are not in the hospital you will be at the meetings.

So, 6 a.m. I'm up and getting ready for the meeting. The meeting runs from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We eat lunch during the meeting. Dennis, the state director, does not believe in breaks. If you have to go to the restroom you get up and go to the restroom and come back.

On my way to the meeting I figure I will get gas so that after the meeting I can just hit the highway and get home. I still feel like crap and just want to crawl back into bed. I stop for coffee from Starbucks, and then look for a gas station.

I find an Arco gas station and pull in to get gas. At the pump I insert my debit card, enter my pin, etc. A message pops up on the screen that says the card is not authorized. I try again. It still doesn't work. Now I'm uncomfortable. Did I schedule a bill to be paid and not write it in the checkbook? What is going on? I call the bank. I have plenty of money in the bank. I try the card again. It still doesn't work.

Now I'm thinking maybe it's the Arco machine that's messed up. I drive down the street to a Circle K. My card doesn't work there either. I'm starting to panic because I'm 300 miles from home with no money and less than half a tank of gas.

I frantically dial the bank again. This time I wander through their stupid automated system until I finally get to a person. I explain that I am traveling and I tried to purchase gas, but my card keeps coming back unauthorized. The lady says my card has been blocked for suspicious activity. There is a purchase for Real.com, and an attempted purchase in an area I do not live in. The attempted purchase was made in Phoenix. Okay duh, that's where I'm at and why I'm calling.

Now while I appreciate the bank somewhat looking out for me, I am confused. A couple of months ago I was in Savannah, Georgia. I used my debit card to make hundreds of dollars in purchases. My card was not blocked then. Real.com, that purchase is automatically charged to my card every month and has been for the last two years.

So, after getting disconnected once, 20 minutes on the phone, and playing 20 questions, my card finally works again. I get gas and head off to my meeting, which I am now five minutes late for.

The meeting is long and full of government double talk and bureaucracy. The grant I manage is a federal grant. The feds give each state money. The state then distributes the money to each county. The meeting is attended by department of education personnel and whoever manages the grant for each county. We talk a lot about accountability and data collection. County representatives, like me, give an update on what is going on in their county.

Throughout the day I keep getting text messages from my ex who says my daughter still hasn't contacted him since she left two days ago. I try getting her on her cell phone, but she doesn't text me back or call me. My husband calls her best friend's house. Kristy’s mom says that Megan is there.

So, my ex wants to confront Kristy’s parents. I tell him I don't agree. I tell him that if we take away Kristy’s as an option of a place to be she may end up somewhere we really don't want her to be. What I don't tell him is that by confronting Kristy’s parents they will probably realize everything Megan has been saying about him is true.

Come on! She's 18 years old. She has to make her own life whether we agree with it or not, whether we like it or not. We are here to give her advice and guidance, but in the end it is up to her. When she falls down we help her get up and encourage her to do better. He doesn't see it that way at all. We should force her to do what we think is best all the time.

He complained because Megan's counselor at the college she is attending called him and his wife helicopter parents. He told me, "How can that counselor say that? He doesn't even know us". I wanted to laugh in his face, but I waited until I got off the phone to laugh. They are helicopter parents, hovering over Megan and trying to dictate everything she does.

I finally text everyone telling them to leave me alone. I'm in a meeting and will call later. I struggle to be enthusiastic about all the discussion going on at the meeting. In reality, the lack of oxygen to my brain is making me sleepy and disoriented. I leave repeatedly to blow my nose.

Finally, the meeting is over. Now I face the long drive home. I jump on the freeway, which is moving at a snail's pace. It takes me over an hour to get to the outskirts of town. I stop at a shopping center and pick up some cough medicine. There's a McDonalds across the street. I decide to get something to eat and make some phone calls before I get back on the road.

I have a Bluetooth so I can talk on my phone while driving; however, I have a convertible. Most of the time I drive with the top down. The wind noise interferes with conversation so I don't usually talk on the phone while driving.

I call Megan's dad. He doesn't answer so I leave him a voice mail telling me to call me after I get home if he needs anything. I tell him I won't be home until after 8:30 p.m. I call my mom and give her an update. She agrees with my thoughts on the whole situation. I call my husband and update him as well.

I swallow a bunch of cough syrup, the non-drowsy stuff so I can drive. I pull out onto the highway and head for home. I don't remember much about the drive back. My head was so clogged up I feel like I'm in a dream, or a nightmare. The highway is really dark; the headlights from cars moving in the opposite direction blind me.

I manage to stay on the road and make it home at 9:00 p.m. I feel like a dead person. The house is dark, and my husband is sound asleep. I assume that my son is sleeping as well. I don't unload the car, I don't get anything to drink, and I don't do anything except strip and fall into bed.

You would think that would be the end of my day, but no. My husband wakes me up at 9:45 p.m. "Is Keith home?' What! Then I remember Keith went to his high school's football game with some friends. I get up and check Keith's room. He's not there. I call his cell phone. He tells me that the game just ended and he will be home within an hour. He says that "yes" he has his keys. Once again I fall into bed and sweet oblivion.
September 19, 2007 at 11:24am
September 19, 2007 at 11:24am
So, I guess I really should start by blog by telling you a little bit about me.

I live in a place called Golden Valley, Arizona. Golden Valley is not really a town. It is just a bunch of houses off of Highway 68. There are a couple of gas stations, mom and pop stores, and eating places along the highway between my home and town.

Town is Kingman, Arizona. Kingman has a population of approximately 25,000 people. It is the seat of Mohave County. So, there are a lot of government offices there, including state satellite offices, county offices, and city offices. It also has a small airport with an industrial/manufacturing park.

Since Kingman is so small, it doesn't have a lot of things that a big city has. However, we are very excited that Home Depot, Chili's Restaurant, and Office Depot recently opened there. There is also a bowling alley and a movie house with four theaters.

Kingman is about 90 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada. That is where everyone goes to shop, since we have no malls. We also travel there for entertainment, such as concerts, gambling, and NASCAR races.

In the opposite direction from Kingman is a city called Bullhead City. Bullhead City has a population of about 45,000. It is located right across the Colorado River from Laughlin, Nevada. Laughlin is a gambling community with seven large casinos. Because of the proximity of the Colorado River and Laughlin, Bullhead City's revenue is based on tourism.

Mohave County is mostly desert. So, it gets really hot here. In Bullhead City it is not unusual to have temperatures of 126 degrees in the summer. Kingman and Golden Valley are about 2,000 feet higher than Bullhead, and the temperature is usually 10-15 degrees cooler than Bullhead in those areas.

I live in a small home with my husband, Robert, and my son, Keith. Our house is about two miles back on a dirt road. We have a little over an acre of property, which is great for our two labs, Pharaoh and Junior. We also have two cats, Pumpkin and Phantom.

Sometimes we jump on our quads and just take off. From our house there are many places we can ride to. The Black Mountains, which has many quad trails, are only about five miles from us. We can also ride the quads all the way to Lake Mohave, about 20 miles, without our tires touching asphalt once.

Robert works for Bullhead City in the parks department. I don't know how he can dig up irrigation, mow grass, and all the other physical labor he does in 126 degree heat. Somehow he does it. My husband loves to hunt (I hate it), watch movies, and take naps.

Keith is 16 and a junior in high school and loves what all boys love at that age. Specifically, he is into girls and cars. He's basically a good kid; although, sometimes I have to really ride him to get his chores and homework done.

I also have a daughter who is 17 and think she knows everything. She's been living with her dad in California, but that may change this weekend. Sunday is her 18th birthday. She has been giving her dad a lot of trouble because she thinks she can do whatever she wants now.

Last night he called me because they had a big argument, and afterwards she took off without telling him. He said he was throwing all her stuff out on the front lawn. I've told her in the past to come live here, but she doesn't want to leave her "friends". That may change now.

Personally, I think she needs to get out. Her dad has two little ones from his new wife. They are 3 and 6 years old. He wants her at home babysitting all the time. He still hasn't let her get her driver's license. I think because it would make her too independent. There's a multitude of other reasons that would take me all day to write.

As for me, I am 35 years old. I was born and raised in California but moved to Arizona 10 years ago. I was a meth addict when I was younger. However, I now have 11 years clean. One of the reasons I moved to Arizona was to get away from my old lifestyle and acquaintances.

My hobbies are reading and writing, of course. I enjoy crocheting and playing games on my computer. I love NASCAR. I also enjoy camping and riding my quad.

I am the Tech Prep Director for Mohave County. Tech Prep is an educational grant. One of the things I do is facilitate agreements that provide high school students community college credit for the vocational courses they take at the high school. There are a multitude of other things I do, but the grant is quite complicated and detailed. Isn't everything that involves the government?

I have a BS in Business administration, and I am currently working on my Master's Degree in public administration. I have finished everything except my thesis. However, I am really burnt out on school right now and finding it difficult to buckle down and get my thesis done.

So that's a brief description of me and my life. Stay tuned to learn more than you probably want to know.*Bigsmile*

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