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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #1325631
Qwilty's release from the mundane.
This is thoughts from within Qwilty's mind.
October 24, 2007 at 4:13pm
October 24, 2007 at 4:13pm
Well the past 2 weeks have been very interesting. I got a flu bug my daughter brought home from work and then a neighbor decided to cut down all the very tall pine trees in his front yard. Because I am soooo allergic to cut pine I started having asthma problems and finially ended up in the hospital. Each time I would get home and be home for just a few days before it had gotten so bad I couldn't get enough oxygen.

The elderly man that lives between my house and the one cutting the trees also ended up in the hospital. So then the health department got involved and they found out the guy was having all the debri shredded into a huge pile in his back yard. The city told him he would have to get rid of the debri pile because it violates city ordinances.

Watching so many trees that are over 100 years old come toppling to the ground has made me realize how beautiful the trees in my own yard are. We have worked hard to maintain our trees even though they cause problems for the grass that we keep planting. But the beauty they provide is worth the hassles.

We have 5 spruce and a red cedar tree all of which are well over 100 feet tall. They provide homes for the local birds and squirrels. We are keeping our eyes open for refugees from the neighbors house so we can make them welcome in our trees. I even put out all my giagantic sunflowers at the base of my trees to show them they are more than welcome here.

So even though my house is sealed tighter than a drum I still sit and marvel at all the birds and squirells that come and partake of our offerings. I tried to get the seeds out of one sunflower for them but gave up after just 5 seeds. The squirells tiny hands are perfect for extracting the nuts and the birds use their beaks just as efficiently.

I have enough sunflowers to last well after Halloween and am looking forward to watching my wild friends cheerfully gobble them down. And with Halloween just a week away I have stocked up on all the goodies I will give out to the few children who brave the cold weather to trick or treat. This year it will be play dough, stickers, and mini candy bars. Too bad we never get more than 40 kids.
October 10, 2007 at 4:00pm
October 10, 2007 at 4:00pm
My poor arthritic body is betraying me today. We have thunder storms here and that means the arthritis I have all through my body is letting me know I am still alive. Because I am allergic to both asprin and sulfa based meds there is nothing the doctors can do about the artritis. So on days like today I just must deal with the pain and go on from there.

The new cat in our lives is a very good hider. My house has several places for cats to curl up and hide in but this one is so small that she has found several places we never knew were available to cats. We play find the cat all the time now and she really has outdone herself in some of the places she hides. Because we seem to be experts at adopting cats that take time to adjust to new situations we know that with time she will come around to being with us instead of hiding...its just a matter of time.

My daughter is home from work this week because she got the crud. She finally went to the doctors yesterday and they told her she is highly contagious and to stay away from me so I don't get it. Although she is taking the meds she seems hell bent on giving it to me so I have yelled at her to get out of my face more than once. I just hope I can make it through this week without getting sick from her.
October 8, 2007 at 2:09pm
October 8, 2007 at 2:09pm
I reworked the first chapter of my book last night after spending the entire afternoon clearing off my desk. I completely rearranged my desk so that I had more space to spread out and have all my research matterial handy. Half way through the first chapter rewrite my daughter and grandson came in and said the new cat we just got managed to run out the back door as they came in. We had her less than 24 hours and she was still very frightened. We are so worried about her. She was a sweet, petite siamese female we got to keep our siamese male company. We had spent most of Saturday driving 100 miles to pick her up from a no kill shelter where she had been for over 3 months because she "didn't get along with the new dog".

Well the kids just came in for breakfast and found the new cat under my chair in the living room (a place we looked four times last night). She is so small she had to have been laughing her head off as we looked for her and she moved from place to place so that we never found her. This day promises to be an interesting day just from the way it began.

So now that the cat has been found, I can go back to the rewrite of my book. I found that there are a few words I used too often and that I didn't keep the pov consistant so I am correcting those as I go. But first breakfast so my medications won't make my stomach hurt.
October 7, 2007 at 6:35pm
October 7, 2007 at 6:35pm
I may not be doing a lot of blogging during the next few days. I am doing a rewrite of the entire novel Dream House and must admit it is taking more time than I had anticipated. I will try to check in here at least once a day to let you all know how it is going. But first I have to clean my computer desk off so that I have the space to stretch out and work non stop as I do for several hours at a stretch. Right now my desk is covered with everything from pencils and pens to the mail that has come in during the last week. So first a little house keeping and then back to work on my book editing.
October 3, 2007 at 2:50am
October 3, 2007 at 2:50am
Today my husband and I spent the day enjoying each others company as we celebrated 30 years of marriage. We had both been married before for 7 years and both of those marriages ended desasterly for both of us. If someone had told me 30 years ago that I would still be with this fellow I probably would have laughed in their face. But here we are married and happy for 30 years.

Also today some angel reviewed my first two chapters of the story I wrote 10 years ago and finally told me what wasn't working. Now that I have that knowledge I can start reworking them as I have found a contest to enter my novel in. I will keep you posted on what is happening with the changes. Thanks again to the angel who helped soooooooo much.
October 2, 2007 at 3:16am
October 2, 2007 at 3:16am
When you have arthritis in all your joints you become a better weather forecaster than the meteorologist on the television. This all stems from the falling of the barometric pressure. As the barometric pressure lowers it causes swelling of the bone marrow which then pushes against the joints making them very painful. I live in the Pacific Northwest and we had an unusually dry spring and summer. But now the weather is making up for the inches of precipitation that we would normally have by this time of year and that means I am insane with pain right now. Sometimes I watch television to escape the pain and other times I play computer solitaire games. I can work on writing in my head but since it is very painful to type I don't usually find an escape into writing.

We have storm fronts chasing each other for the next four days so I will do what I can during that time to write and see if I can escape into writing. If not maybe I can put the pain to good use and write some entries for some of the darker poetry contests or writing contests I have been reading about. My hobbies go through phases but my writing has always been my sanity. A doctor once told me I was insane and I looked him squarely in the eye and said, "Then I wouldn't want to be sane in the world we live in today." That was over 30 years ago and its truer now than it was then. So now that I have found a sight where I can relate to the people on it I think I will be just fine, pain or no pain.
September 30, 2007 at 5:49pm
September 30, 2007 at 5:49pm
Today I realized when someone said the first chapter took some getting into that I had copied the first 2 chapters of an older version of my manuscript. So now I have uploaded the correct chapters to the portfolio. I also dumped the old copy onto a cd so I wouldn't make that mistake again. I have several older copies on different formats because I have worked on the book several times over the past 10 years. It has gone to the 3 different editors and each one made different suggestions so I guess editing is a subjective thing.
Last night I typed in a poem that I wrote right after Mt. St. Helens erupted the first time in 1980 to enter into a contest on writing.com. Over the next few days I will type in more of my poems and stories because it will be nice to have them all located in the same place. It is nice to finally discover a place where I can get feedback from other writers.
September 30, 2007 at 3:35am
September 30, 2007 at 3:35am
Today I took a risk that I have fought for several years now. I posted the first 2 chapters of a novel I wrote in the mid 90s here on writing.com for feedback from other writers. I have let my husband and my neighbor read the story but haven't even allowed my friends who know I wrote the book, read it. The past 2 years have been a total nightmare for me and my writing is the only thing that keeps me sane. And until last week I had even given up on that. But slowly my world is beginning to come back around to what is normal for me and I have found myself drawn back to my writing more and more. I am frightened of what people will think of my story but there are so many more I want to write it just seemed like the time to jump in. So today I jumped with both feet. Whether I sink or swim is up to the writing.com members that rate my endeavor.

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