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Rated: GC · Short Story · Death · #1365935
Her husband is not what he seems!
It was a race to save her life. Would he catch her? If he did would he kill her? If she had to could she kill him first? These were the questions that were running through Callie’s head as she cuddled her three kids. Could she stand up to the man she had loved for so long? She knew she has no choice. Her life depended on it.
Bay City, California was a dream place to live. It was a small fishing town and it was so safe. It was filled with trees and was right on the water. Everyone knew each other and there was no need to lock your doors. There had not once been a murder since the town opened up. That was why two newlyweds named Cathy and John Daly moved there to raise their children. Both of them were thirty when their first child was born. Callie London Daly was a chubby baby. She did not inherit her mother’s gorgeous looks although she was somewhat pretty. She was just your average baby. She was bald at birth with ocean blue eyes and dimples. She was a good baby from the beginning. She never cried and was never a problem as she grew up. When Callie was five, a baby brother came along. He soon died. Dr. John Daly and Cathy doted on their only living child. Cathy could never get pregnant again and they stopped trying. Cathy soon went back to work as a nurse at the local hospital. John was a doctor at a hospital in the next town. Neither of them were home very much so Callie usually stayed at the neighbors until she was fourteen.
Her parents had money and Callie never went without. They raised her to be a kind person and Callie had friends from all walks of life. One day her mother’s old high school friend came over with her daughter Tina who was also fourteen. She had gotten divorced and had no money or a place to stay. The mansion had ten bedrooms but they wanted to stay in the two story, three bedroom guesthouse. Callie and Tina became best friends. Tina was very stunning. She had coal black hair that she cut into a bob. Her skin was slightly tan due to the small percentage of Native American she had. Her eyes were sea green. She already stood at 5’8 and was very slender. Callie’s looks had changed but she knew she was no beauty. Her hair was blonde with red highlights. She still had the pretty blue eyes and dimples. She still had some baby fat that had not gone away. She stood at only 5’2 and she hated it. She had to look up to everyone. Both girls were quite popular though. Callie was funny and that help to ease her pain about her looks.
The girls turned sixteen within two weeks of each other. Tina’s mom Joyce was a nurse but they still stayed in the guesthouse. Joyce was paying off some old debts so they were still struggling some. Callie’s mom Cathy bought both girls a new car for their birthday. Tina had an idea of what to do for their birthday. All their parents had to work that night so the girls would be home alone. Tina wanted to go to the local bowling alley. Everyone hung out there. Tina hadn’t been in many relationships and she wanted a boyfriend. Callie felt the same way. That night the two girls got themselves made up and went out.
The bowling alley was known for its loud music and good food. People always packed the place on the weekends to bowl and to meet people. It even had a dance floor in the back. The girls went out to dance.
He noticed her before she noticed him. He thought she was pretty good looking and he stared at her. Callie looked dead at him. He smiled and so did she. He was very sexy. He had bleach blonde hair, and a great smile. He was very tall, at least 6’4 and quite slender. Callie was sure he was looking at Tina.
“Tina, look at that cute guy. I think he was looking at you.” Callie was blushing. Her face was getting redder by the moment. The guy started walking toward them. Tina smiled at him. He was even better looking up close. His blonde hair hung to his shoulders. He had a dimple in his chin. He had an incredible smile that made Callie melt. His eyes were a very dark shade of blue. Tina was the first to speak.
“Hi. I’m Tina and this is Callie. What’s your name?” Callie could see that Tina was flirting but she wanted this man. He must have read her mind.
“My name is Landon.” He looked at Callie and said, “Do you want to dance?” Callie’s mouth almost hit the floor. He wanted to dance with her! Of course she said yes. Tina wasn’t mad. She smiled and told Callie she would wait for her. It wasn’t long before someone asked her to dance. Callie and Landon danced for hours before they sat down. Callie was a good dancer and she liked the fact that Landon could dance. They sat down and got a couple of sodas.
“Let me tell you more about myself. I already told you my name is Landon. I am twenty-six years old.” Callie did not hear the rest. He was way too old for her. She had to tell him how old she was.
“Well Landon I guess I should tell you I am only sixteen. I should have told you sooner. I’m sorry.” Landon laughed and Callie blushed even more.
“It’s alright Callie. I don’t mind if you don’t mind. I really like you. Maybe we could go out sometime.” Callie smiled and they swapped numbers. It was getting late and she grabbed Tina so they could go. Tina had met a guy and she was already in love with him. It should have raised flags in Callie’s mind that Landon did not mind how old she was. She did not think about that and it would come back to haunt her later. On the way home she told Tina all about him. Tina was shocked when Callie told her how old he was.
“Callie he’s too old for you. You can not date him. You know your parents would never let you do that.” Callie smiled.
“I am tired of being a good girl and doing everything they want. I am going to date Landon and I won’t tell my parents. Please don’t tell them Tina. I really like him and he likes me too.” Tina thought a minute before agreeing to keep it a secret. She knew that Callie thought she was ugly and how excited she was over Landon. She didn’t think it would last but she did not tell Callie that. Tina told Callie about the boy she had met. His name was Tom and he was seventeen. (They would go on to get married years later).
Over the next few weeks Callie and Landon were together whenever they could. He ran his own construction business. He treated Callie like gold. She was a virgin and he did not pressure her to have sex. Callie liked that. Callie started spending so much time with Landon that she stopped spending time with Tina. Tina was upset but she had her own boyfriend and they spent a lot of time together. Her mother liked Tom and she was glad she did not have to sneak around like Callie. Tina was hurt that Callie dumped her and she broke her promise and told Cathy and John about Landon. Callie was livid! Her best friend broke their promise. Cathy and John were angry.
“What do you think you are doing dating a man who is twenty-six years old? You are only sixteen. You should know better. Are you having sex with this man because if you are I am calling the cops?” John’s voice thundered through the house. Cathy was crying.
“No dad. I am not having sex with him. I really love him and he loves me. He respects the fact that I am a virgin. Please understand dad!” Callie was pleading for her parents to understand her point. She was in love and she was going to be with Landon no matter what and she told her parents that. Her father was so mad that he spit when he spoke again. His face was beet red and the veins on his face and neck were popping out. If you continue to date this man, I will put him in jail, remove you from the will, and banish you from this home. Do you want that Callie?” Callie looked at her mom for help. Her mom would not look at her and that made Callie angry. Her mom would not even stand up for her. She looked her mom dead in the eyes with tears rolling down her face.
“I can not believe you guys would do this to me. I am not a child. Mom you are such a coward for letting dad do this. If you wanted a baby you should have had more!” Callie ran to her room. Her dad was screaming at her but she heard none of it. Her mother was crying so hard. Callie knew she should not have said that. She knew her mother could not have kids anymore. She thought about her baby brother that had died. He would have been eleven now. Callie called Tina and told her to never speak to her again. (They would not speak for many years). Callie would not talk to her parents after that. The tension in the house was so thick; you could cut it with a knife. Callie continued to see Landon against her parent’s wishes. Soon they began having sex. Callie always wanted to wait until marriage but she loved him.
They had been dating for six months when Callie woke up vomiting. She was pregnant. She told Landon first. He was excited and he told Callie he would marry her. He even got her a nice ring. Next Callie went and told her parents. Her father threw her out. That night Callie moved in with Landon. She cried the whole night. She continued to go to school and planned on going to summer school so she could graduate early. Everything seemed so perfect. They got married on Callie’s seventeenth birthday. Three months later Callie Daly- Combs gave birth to London Andrew Combs. Landon seemed so happy and everything was going great. Callie did not have to work but she put London in daycare and started working at a local café. Baby London inherited his father’s good looks. He was a joyful baby and was easy to handle. He slept through the night when he was only two months old. Callie could not ask for anything more except to see her parents again. She missed them so much and they did not know that they had become grandparents. Callie quickly became pregnant again. Their baby girl was born early and came on Callie’s eighteenth birthday. London wasn’t very old. His baby sister was named Lydia Tina Combs. She looked more like her mother. They baby came as a surprise and Landon was not at all happy. That was things began to change. It started innocent enough. He started staying at work longer. Sometimes he would not get home until after 11:00 p.m. Next he started working more days. He was hardly ever home. Callie began questioning him.
“What’s going on Landon? You’re hardly ever at home and you come home late at night. I have to keep the kids in daycare so I can work. You promised me you would be there by my side. I am not going to be able to keep my job if this keeps going on. We need to be there for the children.” It seemed as if Landon did not hear her. She waited for him to say something to ease her nerves. What he said next did not help her at all.
“I guess you will not be working anymore will you? I have a whole other life that does not involve you and the kids. Don’t get me wrong. I love you and the kids but I also love my time away from you. I guess now would be the time to tell you.” Callie’s face was already red. She was steaming mad!
“I am married to someone else also. She lives in Nevada. I was married to her when we met. I have been separated from her for about three years. I do not have children with her and I do not plan too. I have been flying out there to see her. She knows about you and see does not mind. Her name is Lisa.” Landon poured himself a cup of wine like what he said was normal. It was like he told her about the weather. He did not care that he broke her heart. Callie swung hard and knocked the glass out of his hand. It went shattering to the floor. She looked at him and he could see how angry she was. Callie didn’t just slap him; she punched him right in the mouth.
“How dare you sit here and tell me this shit! You do not even care how I feel. You act like you asked me what day it is. How could you? I hate you Landon and I am filing for a divorce!” Callie did not see the expression on his face. She was blinded by her own hatred. She should have been more careful. She made the mistake of turning her back on him. He grabbed her by her hair and yanked her back. He punched her in the face three times. The kids were sleeping in another part of the house and did not see this happening to their mother. Landon pulled out a gun from his pants and put it against her head. He told Callie if she did not shut up that he would kill her. She quickly stifled her cries. Blood was running down her shirt from her mouth.
“Do not ever hit me again or I will blow your brains out. Do not ever turn your back on me and do not ever threaten to leave me. You are not going anywhere until I say so. I will tell you what you are going to do. First you are going to quit that dumb ass job. You will stay home with the kids. You do not leave unless I tell you to. I am taking your car keys so you can not go anywhere. You better make sure you ask me before you leave this house. If you tell anyone about this, not only will I kill you, I will kill them. What you are also going to do is be my baby making machine. I get more money during taxes when you have kids.” Callie said nothing. She wanted to kill him so bad. Landon must have read her mind.
Do not ever try to hurt me because you will regret it. I will break your legs. Now I am going to Lisa’s house. I will be back tomorrow. You heard the rules and you better follow them. I have camera’s everywhere.” He released her and went to pack an overnight bag. He made sure to keep her keys. He forgot that she had a spare set hidden underneath the car. She couldn’t call anyone because he said he had the phone lines tapped. He would hear everything she said. She stopped him before he walked out the door.
“I will not quit my job and you can’t make me. That job is my way of making my own money. It’s my time alone and I will not give it up.” She paused to see Landon’s reaction. She hoped he would not hit her again. He did not say anything. He grabbed his bags and left. Callie began crying again. She then went to clean up. She was scared to do anything. She was scared to leave and she could not go to her parent’s house. She wanted so much to talk to them or to hear Tina’s voice. The last she had heard about Tina was that she had gotten married. Callie woke the kids up so she could go to the supermarket. She hoped Landon would not find out that she had left the house but she had to pick up a few things. People were staring at her. Her lip was swelled and it was black and blue. She tried to but on a brave face like it was any other normal day. She did fine until she ran into her mother. She had not seen her mother in years and her mother had not seen Lydia or London. She did not even know she was a grandma twice over. Her mother just stared at her and the kids. Callie was the first to speak.
“Hi mom. How are you?” Cathy was shocked and she did not reply at first. She looked back and forth between Callie’s lip and Callie’s kids who at the time she did not know who they were. Finally Cathy found her voice.
“Hello Callie. Who are these darling children that are with you?” Cathy started digging in her purse for some candy. As far back as Callie could remember her mother always kept candy in her purse for the neighborhood children.
“The baby here is my daughter Lydia and my son here is London. The kids both smiled. Callie looked at her children and said, “This is your grandma.” Cathy burst into tears. I’m a grandma! I can not believe it. I should have known. They look like you. Oh my goodness Callie. My grand babies are beautiful.” Callie smiled. There was an awkward pause for a few minutes. Cathy kept looking at her daughter’s swollen lip. She had no right to intrude but Callie was still her daughter.
“Did he do that to you?” Cathy was angry but she bit her tongue and tried to be calm. She knew Callie was going to lie. Callie touched her lip as if she didn’t know anything was wrong with it.
“It was an accident. We were playing and he elbowed me. Landon would never hurt me. Everything is going great with the marriage. He is out of town right now.” Cathy had a look of pity on her pretty face.
“I know that you are still angry about us kicking you out but you are still my daughter. Do not lie to me. I promise I will not say anything to your dad but please tell me what is going on. He did this to you didn’t he?” Callie fought back tears and the urge to tell her mother. She would be in trouble if Landon found out she told her mother.
“No mom he did not. It was nice seeing you but we have to be going. I do not want to miss Landon’s call. Tell dad I said hello.” Callie walked away leaving Cathy in tears. She missed her daughter and she knew that Landon had done that to her face. She quickly finished her shopping and went home to talk to her husband.
“Baby you will not believe who I just seen.” John was watching the game and he did not seen to be listening to Cathy so she turned the TV off. John started to protest.
“Just be quiet and listen. I saw Callie at the store. I learned three things. That man she ran off with is now her husband. Also he beats her and she has two children. Their names are Lydia and London. They are just beautiful. Callie has changed. Her lip was busted and her eye was bruised. We have got to do something.” Cathy was upset and now John was too. He sat silent for a moment.
“Cathy there isn’t much we can do unless she asks. She is an adult now and we can not go getting ourselves involved in her personal life. I would however like to meet our grand babies.” They realized that they did not know where their daughter lived but they asked around and soon found out.
Meanwhile Callie made the kids some food. She could not stop thinking about her parents. She missed them and she was not allowed to call them. Her cell phone started ringing and she knew it was Landon.
“I hear you were out on the town. Did I not tell you to keep your ass home where you belong?” Callie began to sweat. She was scared and wondered how he had found out.
“I had to go to the store. That’s were I went and I came straight home.” Landon went on to tell her that he was on his way home. He and Lisa had a fight and he left. He told Callie that he would be home for dinner and that he wanted dinner hot and ready. She told him everything would be ready.
Landon arrived home at 7:00 p.m. that night. Callie made steak and potatoes for the two of them. The children had been put to bed early that night. Callie tried so hard not to make him mad so that he would not hurt her again. After dinner she tried to talk to him again.
“Landon I do not understand why you are doing this. Don’t you love me anymore? If you were already married you should have told me. I loved you and I left everything behind for you. I saw my mother today at the store. It was the first time she had ever seen the kids. She cried. I miss my parents and I miss Tina. I want them to meet Lydia and London. I also think that maybe we should see a marriage counselor. What do you think?” She waited to see his response. His face turned red. She knew what that meant. He was not happy and she quickly tried to smooth things over before they got out of hand.
“Just think about it before you get mad. I do not have anyone to talk to and I miss everyone. The last I heard Tina had gotten married. We left on bad terms and I would like to make up with her.” Landon told her to shut her mouth.
“I already told you what the deal was. You are my baby maker. Lisa can not have children. You still owe me one more. I do love you but only because you had my children. I knew that you would be an easy target and I was right. I already told you that you are not to contact your parents or Tina so why would you ask? I also know that Lydia is just a few weeks old but I am ready for you to carry my baby again so head upstairs and get dolled up for me.” Callie’s face was void of any color.
“Kiss my ass! I will not lay there and let you do this to me. I will never sleep with you again and I will get a divorce.” Landon jumped up and grabbed her hair.
“Have you not learned your lesson yet?” He dragged her upstairs and slapped her. He next began ripping her clothes off. When she tried to scream he punched her. He put tape on her mouth and the only thing she could do was whimper. He began raping her. This happened everyday until one day her period was late. London was two and Lydia was one. Callie was pregnant again. She did not want this baby because of the way it was made. Everyday Landon would beat her for no reason. Callie knew that she could not stay or he would kill her.
When Callie was four months pregnant, Landon left to go see his other wife Lisa. Callie had overheard him talking to her the night before. He was telling her that Callie was pregnant again and that was more money in his pocket. Callie went to sleep in the guestroom but Landon would have none of that. He raped her that night too.
“You better not tell anyone because no one will believe you. Not only that but I will come back here and get you. Don’t even think about leaving me because I will find you and kill you.” By this time Callie had gave up on trying to please him so she spoke her mind.
“Do you treat your other wife like shit too?” Landon smiled and said no. He told her he would be back in two days. Callie had a plan but she was still scared. As soon as he left, she called her parents. Cathy answered the phone.
“Hi mom. I need to talk to you and dad both. Can I come over?” Her mother said that she could. When Callie pulled up to her old home, emotions came flooding back. She missed everyone so much. She was surprised when Tina came running out of the house. They hugged and cried together. Tina picked up London and Lydia both and carried them into the house. When Cathy saw that her daughter was pregnant again she cried. Callie hugged her and her father both and then they got down to business.
“Mom you know some of what’s going on. Landon beats and rapes me everyday. I also learned that he has another wife in Nevada. That is where he is now.” She told them everything even about how the baby she was carrying happened. Next she told them her plan.
“I have been saving up money and I have over three thousand dollars. I am going on the run. I have to get away from him.” Her parents begged her to call the cops. After much pleading and begging she agreed but she knew she was going to be in a world of shit once he found out. The police said they would go to Nevada and arrest him. That night she slept in her old room with her babies. It was the first time in a long time that she felt safe and did not cry herself to sleep.
The next morning a police officer came to her door. His name was Officer Clark Mackie and he was very nice. He slowly went over what had happened.
“We arrested Mr. Combs who was with his other wife. She also went to jail because she knew of his marriage to you. His is going to be charged for bigamy, rape, and domestic violence. He made sure to let us know he was not going to come peacefully. He fought us the entire time. His wife was the same way. He also made threats against you and he will be charged for that. He will be in jail for awhile but when he gets out you need to be careful. This man seems very dangerous. He really wants to get you and he made that point clear. We are going to need you to testify. Since he was already married, you are not legally his wife. Lisa is. You will not need to file any divorce papers if you do not want to. I am so sorry to have to tell you that because I know you thought you two were married.” Callie took a shaky breath.
“I will testify against him.” Officer Mackie said ok. They talked some more and they swapped numbers. As he was going out the door he turned to Callie and said, “You are much better looking than her ma’am.” Callie smiled and told him thank you. Her parents made her breakfast and they all began talking. Callie did not want to talk about Landon so she asked everyone else about their lives. Tina said she was happily married and that she had just found out she was expecting. Her parents said they had bought another house. This one was in Maine. They asked Callie if she wanted to stay with them until she got on her feet and she said yes.
The trial was set for five months. Callie would be due around that time but she was going to be there to put him away. She tried to go on with her life. She moved into the guest house and got her a job at the local paper. She even began taking night classes to become a nurse. She and officer Mackie even went out a couple of times for coffee. He was not to talk about the case and that was fine with her. She liked him and it seemed like he also liked her too. She began learning how to smile again and she was not afraid for her life. Sometimes she still had nightmares but they came less every night until she stopped having them. She found out she was expecting another girl. She saved up some money and got her own place. It was just two houses down from her parents. She began decorating the baby’s room.
Five months went by to quick and soon it was time for the trial. She was scared but she did what she had to do. Landon took a plea bargain and he had to do at least ten years before he could have any hope for getting out. Callie wanted him to rot in prison but she was happy anyway. He would forget about her in ten years. Or so she thought.
Two weeks after the trial Callie delivered Taylor Micah Combs with Tina by her side. Tina was expecting her son in a few months and she was happy to be by her bestfriend’s side. She even cut the cord. Soon after, Callie and Officer Mackie began dating. He made her laugh and she was so happy with him. They were soon engaged and life went on. What Callie did not know was that Landon was not going to do his ten years. There had been a foul up in the paperwork and he was going to be released in a year.
One day she got a phone call that put her into shock. It was Landon and he said he was out and that he was going to kill her. She quickly called the cops and asked them what was going on. They told her and she was very upset.
“What the hell do you mean there was a foul up. He is going to come and kill me!” They said there was nothing they could do unless he tried something. The next morning when she opened her door, she found a dead cat and a note. It said that he knew where she lived and he was coming for her soon. The cops quickly began looking for him but to no avail. She had to hide or he was going to kill her. She had to take matters into her own hands or she was going to die. She got her parents, Tina, and Clark together and she told him her plan.

“I know no one agrees but I can’t sit here and let him come and get me. I have to do something. My plan is simple enough. I will leave the kids here with you mom. Clark can have them when he’s not working. I am going to head off to the house in Maine. He wants me bad and he will find me. I will face him off there. I have been taking self defense classes at night and I can beat him. Let me do this. The cops will not find him in time.” Just as she said that her cell phone rung. She knew who it was. She had that feeling in the pit of her stomach.
“Hello bitch. I am getting closer to killing you. I can’t wait to do it. I bet it will feel so good. Would you rather have it done with a knife or a gun? Maybe I should just torture you instead.” Callie was ready for him. Her plan had to work. She knew if it did not that she could very well die.
“Eat shit and die!” She hung up the phone. Everyone just stared at her. They knew she was going to go and they all stayed up that night praying and crying. Callie did not want to leave her babies and she hoped she would be back to see them.
She left bright and early the next morning to head to Maine. She drove her own car. She hoped that Landon had not been watching her or he could be right behind her. She was not ready for him yet. She had to get her plan together first and that was going to take a few days.
This was the first time she had seen her parent’s new cabin. It was quite stunning and it sat right on the water. She called her parents to check in. They were all crying. She took her time to get the feel of the house and set things up how she wanted them. She knew he would come to her.
He called again three days later. I saw you leave and not come back. Where are you?” Callie knew that he would soon find her but she was not about to tell him. She was also scared that he would go after the kids or even her parents.
“The kids and I needed sometime away from everything. Leave me alone. You will never see your kids again. If you try to, I will kill you.” Landon was laughing on the other end of the phone.
“I could care less about those kids. Keep them. I hope you are happy with them because they are going to watch their mother die a horrible death. I know where you went and I will see you soon. The cops can’t save you.” Callie hung up the phone. He was on his way. Somehow he knew where she went and he was on his way to get her. She was ready. At least she thought she was.
A few more days crawled by and still he did not show. She began to relax just a little but that was a mistake. He was watching her. He was already there.
Later that night she heard a noise. He was in the house. She hid under her bed. She also found a gun in the house and she grabbed that too. She could not hear his footsteps because the downstairs had carpet but she saw his shadow. He came bursting into the door. She held her breath. She was terrified!
“I know you are in here and I am going to find you. I cut all the phone lines too. I guess you can’t call for help.” He left that room and began searching the other rooms. He soon came back to the room she was in. She remembered that the gun only had one bullet in it. She forgot to load it. He was walking around the room looking at her things that she had brought from home. He quickly reached under the bed and grabbed her leg.
“I got you bitch. You can’t hide from me.” She tried to scream but he slapped her in the mouth. He threw her up against the wall and the gun fell to the floor. She also fell on the floor. He quickly kicked her in the ribs. The breath was knocked out of her and the only thing she could do was lay there. When he came close to her she kicked him in the groin. He bent over with pain. She got up and kneed him in the face. She grabbed the gun and ran to what was her parent’s room. She tried the phones and they were out. Her cell phone was in her room in the nightstand. She was on her own. It was her against him. Either she was going to die or he was. She said a quick prayer as she moved a dresser in front of the door. She heard him banging on the door and she pushed her weight against the dresser to try to hold it in place. She had to come up with a plan. She was on the second floor and she knew she would get hurt if she jumped. He would surely catch her then.
“Come out come out. You have nowhere to go but down. Are you scared? You thought you could beat me but you can’t.” Callie had to either get her phone or come up with a plan quickly. She looked around the room for something to use as a weapon. Landon had quit pounding. She took the time to catch her breath. The only thing that she could find was a butter knife. It wasn’t much but it was going to have to work. That was when her mind told her to get the phone. She ran back to it and tore it apart until she exposed the wires. She found bottled water and dumped it on the floor so that it drained under the door. Landon was still there because she could see his feet. He had not seen what she did. She stuck the wires in the water and she heard first a shock than Landon scream. She pulled open the door and fled back to her bedroom. She grabbed her phone and ran downstairs. She already had her keys and she headed to the front door. She almost made it but he grabbed her hair and threw her down. When she tried to get up, he punched her until she stopped moving.
“When she came to, Landon was raping her. She felt her phone in her pocket. The gun was also in her pants that he had ripped so he could rape her. He did not know that she had either of them and that was a good thing if he did not kill her first. She pretended that she was still out and she let him finished. When he got up she quickly grabbed the gun and aimed. She shot him in the arm. Blood started spurting and he fell to the ground. She wasn’t taking any chances. She reloaded the gun and ran to her car. It wasn’t good. Landon had flattened her tires. He had also removed her car battery. She wasn’t going anywhere at the moment. She could start walking but what about Landon? What if he got away? She had to kill him once and for all. She headed back into the house. He was gone but she followed the trail of bled. He had locked himself in the bathroom. She could hear him moaning and tearing things apart. It was her turn to mock him.
“What’s wrong Landon? Are you scared? I bet you wish you hadn’t messed with me.” It went deathly quiet. She hoped he had died but she knew he was not that lucky.
“Are you dead yet?” She leaned close to the door. A hammer came crashing just inches from her head.
“No but you will be soon.” Landon was mad. Callie knew he was all hers. She had a gun against his hammer. She started firing threw the door. That wasn’t what she wanted to do. She wanted to put a bullet between his eyes and watch him die. What she did not know was that he had found another gun in the house and it was loaded. She heard a boom! A soaring pain shot threw her leg. Blood was pouring from a hole in her left leg. She tried to hop away but only made it a few feet. She still had her gun and her phone. She sat down and faced the door so she could see him when or if he came out. She heard him moaning. She wanted him to think she was dead. She called 911 and the cops were dispatched. Just at that moment Landon came bursting threw the door. She didn’t have time to fire because he quickly jumped on her. He tried to wrestle the gun from her. He kept kicking her injured leg but Callie would not let go. She was full of anger and hate and he could see it in her eyes. She kicked him off of her and fired right between his eyes. He tried to duck but he was to slow. The bullet blew the top of his head off. Callie looked at the man she once love and spit on him.
“Die motherfucker.” That’s what he did too. She heard the sirens getting closer. Her leg was too injured to walk so she dragged herself to the door and waited. She looked at the father of her children who was now lying dead on the floor and bleeding. She smiled and began to sing.
When Callie awoke she was in the hospital. Her parents, Tina, and Clark were there with the kids. When they saw her eyes open they ran to her and began hugging her. Callie had fought back and won and life was going to go on for her.
It took six months but Callie was back on her feet. She married Clark and they planned for children sometime in the future. Callie was back at work and back in school. She was so happy and she tried to forget about Landon and what had happened. She started going to see a therapist because she was traumatized. She had been through a lot and she knew that she was going to need all the help she could get. No charges had been filed against her and she was thankful for that. Tina had a beautiful son and Callie was his Godmother. She showered baby Tyler with affection. It took her a little more time to be intimate with Clark after what she had been through. She was scared but he was gentle with her and did not force her. Callie made herself a promise to never pick up another gun again. She knew the power of them and seeing or hearing them made her nervous. Everything seemed to be on track until she got a dreadful phone call. It was a man claiming to be Landon’s brother. He wanted revenge for his only brother’s death. Callie wasn’t afraid.
“You can go screw yourself asshole. If you want me come and get me and I will do you like I did your brother. I will blow your damn brains out too.” Callie felt like the strongest woman on the world. If he wanted her he could come and get her. She would be right here waiting for him when and if that time ever came.
© Copyright 2007 London Day (tasha1983 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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