Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1367712-GINN-in-Trouble---Oysterizers-Adventure
Rated: 18+ · Other · Adult · #1367712
A robotic hero meets the Oysterizer, and finds himself changed into something new.
“GINN unit alpha tango five zero zero two one do you copy?”

“This is unit alpha tango five zero zero two one, reporting in.”

“Please report in.”

“The area has been searched top to bottom with no sign of the disturbance. It’s pretty quiet down here sir. The energy reading was pretty sketchy to begin with, and you know how the sentai tracker has been on the fritz lately. Probably picked up a passing electrical storm or something.”

“We will be the judge of that. Please stick to protocol, unit alpha tango five zero zero two one.”

“Yes sir.”

“Proceed back to base for debriefing unit alpha tango five zero zero two one. You will be expected to give a full report at 1800 hours. Over and out.”

GINN unit alpha tango five zero zero two one, or 'Guilmon iX' as he was known to his friends, looked up at the time readout on his visor. Noon. The base was only a 2 hour’s flight away, which gave him about four hours to kill. He always dreaded the tedious debriefings and relished every moment he spent outside of the base.

The sun hung high in the late summer sky as the mechanized soldier stood on a bluff, standing at the edge of a large conifer forest overlooking the ocean below. The rays of light beaming through the branches of the trees glinting of the polished armor of the Ceremonial Decoration type GINN.


He fingered the ceremonial sword at his side, taking a moment to set the coordinates for his trip home. There was no need for heavy artillery on a recon mission in such a remote area, and besides there was nothing that could stand up to the blade of his sharp bladed sword.

Behind a nearby tree a presence loomed, watching from behind as the armored soldier flexed his rubber joints, his wings raising and lowering again as if the GINN were stretching out in a yawn. The presence cackled. “Bored are we? Well my little shrimp, if you wanted excitement then this is your lucky day!”

Satisfied with his extended diagnostic scan, Guilmon sighed underneath his helmet, took one last look at the ocean crashing into the rocks below, turned and headed back towards the base. The GINN soldier was quite taken with the area, the almost pastoral serenity of the coastal forest made him hope he’d be sent back to scout this area again sometime. Maybe he could even catch up on some sleep then too.

His head full of idle thoughts, Guilmon studied the various readings on the interior of his visor as his bare and four-toed feet lead him forward automatically. Before long he noticed a small light blinking in the corner of his vision. He stared at it puzzled, racking his brain as his armor turned to avoid a tree in his path.

“Unknown energy source on the move?” the GINN mumbled to himself. “I thought we got the new radar upgrades last week, there shouldn’t be any energy type unknown to my sensors.”

As he came around the trunk of a particularly large tree he heard a loud spraying noise as a large pink glob came out of nowhere and smacked into his chest, splattering all over the front of his armor like a big spitball as the pink ooze dribbled down his chest.

“What the…”

Guilmon didn’t have time to react as he heard the spraying noise again, turning his head just in time to see a jet of pink goo flying right at him. Instinctively the GINN soldier put his arms up in a defensive position as the ooze splattered over his arms and chest, covering him from shoulder to waist in a thick pink slime. His sensors scanned the area franticly as Guilmon tried to wipe off some of the gunk but to no avail.

“You should watch where you’re going, barnacle brain!” a trill warbling voice called out from behind a bush where the spray had come from. Guilmon looked up to see a monster standing before him.


At first glance it looked like a giant walking clam, its body made entirely of a rough pink rubber down to his toes with a series of rippled oyster shells along its back. An open oyster shell comprised its head, a shimmering pearl sitting atop its neck at the center the shell that must be the monster’s eye, the GINN thought, and his weak point.

The monster’s rubbery fingers stroked its belly, drawing Guilmon’s eyes as he noticed a mound on the monster’s chest with two tubes sticking out, a drop of pink slime dripping from the opening as the GINN realized where the goo had come from.

“You know you GINN soldiers look much better in pink,” the monster chuckled, stroking his belly spout. “In fact, I think you’re in need of a total makeover!”

Knowing he had to act before the next volley of goo the GINN reached for his sword to strike the sentai down. But as his arms moved to grab the sword he found he couldn’t open his hand, or move his arm for that matter. Looking down he saw that the pink goo had solidified into a thick rubber that stuck to the GINN’s armor like glue. Each move was met with equal resistance as he struggled just to move his arms from his sides now.


“Having a little trouble there?” The monster cackled, pausing for a moment to enjoy the mecha soldier’s predicament.

Staving off panic Guilmon focused all the suit’s energy into the muscle circuits, feeling his joints tighten as the suit powered up. Giving it his all, the GINN’s arms slowly parted from his sides, pink latex stretching out his arms and hands becoming more visible pressing out from under the latex struggling to break free. But try as he might the latex held fast; after a minute his sensors warning him of dwindling power supplies as finally the GINN gave up, his arms snapping back to his sides hidden under the blob of pink latex engulfing his chest and arms.

“I can’t believe they’d only send a little shrimp like you to stop me! It’s a pity. I had hoped for more of a challenge, but that won’t stop me from having my fun with you.”

The GINN started to back away from the monster step by step, his prospects of escape looking bleaker by the minute. The monster’s pearl-eye shone brightly as it continued to tease the soldier, holding its belly in laughter while thrusting his sprayer menacingly towards the GINN.

“Now where do you think you’re going? You’re going to want a front row seat for this…”

Before he could answer the monster stepped forward letting loose another jet of pink goo, flying through the air in a perfect arch as the GINN could only watch as the immobilizing goo splattered against his legs. The spray kept coming as the monster laughed uproariously, rapidly thickening into a rubber shell that stopped the soldier in his tracks, his knees fusing together in a mass of pink as his once flexible latex joins were now frozen solid. The balancing mechanisms tried their best, but it wasn’t enough as the GINN soldier lost his footing, falling backwards onto his backside in a cloud of dust. The suit only cushioned the part of the fall, knocking the wind out of Guilmon. When he came to the GINN looked up to see the monster looming over him, hands on his hips staring down at him with its single pearl-eye, his chest spout pointed at his chest like a loaded gun.

“How rude of me not to introduce myself, especially since we’re going to become much better acquainted. I’m the Oysterizer, and you my dear guppy have discovered my territory.”

The GINN listened intently to the monster’s words, its voice echoing off its shell giving it an eerie almost hypnotic feel to it, like bubbles percolating up through a pool of water. He was glad his worried expression was hidden under his helmet, the lone red eye of the GINN suit staring down the monster.

“Oh but don’t worry, you’ll see your friends again very soon. Only, you’re going to help me to capture them.” The monster paused intentionally to let the words sink in.

“What?” the GINN raised his voice in anger. He knew he was caught, but he would never betray his comrades. “Why the hell would I do that?”

“Oh ho! Is that defiance I detect? Quite bold coming from the fish caught in the net, wouldn’t you say?” the monster’s warbling laugh echoed in Guilmon’s ears, making it hard to concentrate.

“Oh yes, you will betray your friends, my little guppy. And you will enjoy every last minute of it. Trust me, you’ll soon see things my way.”

The monster reached a rubbery hand to clutch the fallen GINN’s chin, forcing his head from side to side as if inspecting an animal.

“But first, let’s get you into something more comfortable, shall we?”

Taking a step back the monster pointed his chest spouts at the GINN’s crotch, hesitating for a moment to bask in the soldier’s fearful look before letting loose a powerful stream of pink liquid. The goo continued to spray, the GINN only able to watch and listen as the slime splattered against his body turning from a loud ding to a dull thud as the ooze contacted his metal armor and stuck, load after load of sticky goo hitting his body and piling up quickly thickening and adding to the growing blob of pink around the GINN’s midsection.

The monster took special care to coat the GINN completely from neck to ankle, the once proud mechanized warrior reduced to a glowing red eye and a pair of latex sock covered feet sticking out from a huge blob of encasing pink latex. The new batch of slime renewed the soldier’s escape attempt, the Oysterizer only laughing as he watched the GINN’s rubbery prison stretch out to easily contain the soldier’s struggles. The rubber contorted with his every move, the stretched latex showing a perfect outline of his armor as it stretches before snapping back into a shapeless pink blob that hugged the soldier in its confining embrace.

Unconcerned with the soldier’s struggles the monster turned around and leaned back, aiming his sprayers at a tree branch 20 feet above him. He let loose a subdued spray, a single line of pink goo shooting out and splattering against the tree branch above. The monster reached up and tugged at the goo, the strand solidifying into a solid rope that hung firmly from the branch.

“And now my little shrimp, the fun begins!”

The GINN could only listen to the monster’s cackling laughter as he disappeared from his view. He heard the shifting of his rubbery body as suddenly the GINN found himself lifted up at the waist. He was flung forwards, slung over the monster’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes as he could hear the monster tugging at the rope. Feeling the line cinch around his waist over and over the GINN realized what was coming. The monster stepped back into view and let the facts sink in – Guilmon iX realized he was dangling from the branch now, his encased body held upright by the waist leaving his bare feet exposed sticking prominently out of the cocoon, at a conspicuously good height for the Oysterizer to reach.

“Why, what’s this we have here? Is it the exposed feet of a trapped guppy of a GINN soldier? Well, it would be a shame to let such exquisite feet go to waste.”

The monster stood below the dangling GINN as his toes wiggles nervously. The monster watched the soldier’s reaction as its rubbery pink hands reached for his feet. Just as the sentai was about to make contact Guilmon cracked and started kicking his feet wildly. Did the monster know he was ticklish? Could it read his mind?

“No no! Not there!” the GINN blurted out before he could stop himself, kicking wildly now. The monster laughed and took one of his feet in his hand. Guilmon could feel the tight grip of the rubbery hand squeezing his foot experimentally as his other hand came over and brushed the bottom of his foot lightly, eliciting a giggle from the trapped GINN.

“Oh does that tickle? Struggle all you like my little pink shrimp, there’s no escaping my clutches. Now you’re just my helpless toy to tease and tickle all I like. Soon your own emotions will betray you, and any sense of duty you may have had will be washed away in a tide of pleasure.”

With those words the Oysterizer went to work on the hero. He started slowly, brushing his fingers lightly along the sole of the GINN’s foot. The feet of the armored soldier were covered in a flexible rubber, showing the soldier’s feet and toes in perfect relief within. The rubber was specifically designed to let the wearer feel his outside environment, a design flaw that the monster knew well. The Oysterizer’s palms and fingertips were covered in a smooth pink rubber unlike the rest of its body, making them perfect for sliding up and down the soles of feet. The monster changed pace and pressure as he went, rubbing lightly at the sides of his feet before tickling the bottoms of his arch. Despite his initial outburst the soldier managed to keep his silence, refusing to give into the monster’s advances. Laughing would only encourage the beast, but it was so hard to resist. Guilmon thought back to his training, scanning his memory banks for any information about torture resistance. But all he could find was for painful torture, there were no entries about being tortured with pleasure.

“Decided to clam up have you? Well, I’ll just have to try a little harder. And please, take your time. I’m in no hurry!”

Guilmon tried to hold it in as best he could by thinking about his training, trying to fill his head with thoughts that took him anywhere but here. His defiance only fueled the monster’s desires, feeling both feet held together at the ankle as the monster started to brush lightly across his feet, smooth rubbery fingers tickling his toes for a moment before stopping, intentionally letting the GINN strengthen his resolve before starting in again at a faster pace.

The monster went on for two minutes before Guilmon couldn’t take it anymore. He sputtered, trying to hold it in but to no avail as he broke into a hysterical laughter. His cries only made the monster increase its torment as his fingers worked over the struggling soldier’s feet, delighting in each squeal and laugh that escaped the GINN’s mouth as the monster quivered with delight.

“Oh, so you do enjoy this? Why didn’t you say so!” the monster cackled. “Well you’re in luck, because we’ve only just begun!”

Over the next three hours the Oysterizer toyed with the GINN, watching his struggling body fight against his latex bonds as his feet kicked helplessly held tight by the monster’s soft rubbery hands. Guilmon could tell the monster had done this before, every time he thought he was going to black out from the laughter the monster stopped and let him catch his breath just long enough before starting up again, the Oysterizer’s own warbling laughter drowned out only by the GINN’s squeals of delight.

At the end of a particularly long session of tickling, the monster paused yet again to let him catch his breath. At this point, Guilmon was winded from the exertion of laughing and struggling within his bonds, almost to the point of collapse as the tight pink latex just kept hugging him mockingly. Knowing it wouldn’t be long before the Oysterizer started up again, Guilmon knew he had to speak up or he would explode from laughter.

“Ok! Ok!” he gasped with short breath, “No more.”

“Oh do you now, my little pearl?” the monster stroking his soles softly making his burst into laughter. “It doesn’t sound like you want me to stop.”

“Please! I’ll do anything!”

”Anything?” the monster inquired, running a single tantalizing finger along his sole.

“Yes anything! Just stop, stop!!” the GINN’s voice took on a tone of desperation now.

The monster seemed content with his plea and stopped its torment.

“Well that’s more like it! I think your feet have learned to respect my abilities. You sound ready to move onto the next phase of your training!”

Without another word the monster stepped back and pointing its spout at the dangling GINN’s feet let loose a mighty spray that quickly engulfed the soldier’s bare feet in a tight pink rubbery goo, forming over tightly as you could still see each toes wiggling helplessly against the thickening pink goo, his head the only part of him still visible sticking out of his pink latex cocoon.

“There we go, all nice and snug. But don’t worry, you’ll still be able to feel every little tickle I give you so don’t think you’re safe just yet. In fact, your latex prison reacts to my every thought. So if you act up, I can put the squeeze on you.” The sentai balled his hand into a fist as suddenly it felt like the sack was tightening around him, like air being sucked out of a vacuum bag squeezing him tight as the GINN grunted against the pressure of the latex sack.

”But if you’re good and obey your master, the sack will show you pleasure beyond your wildest dreams.”

The monster snapped as suddenly Guilmon felt his feet being massaged by the latex, feeling like the rubber was vibrating all around. “…or it can be your worst enemy…” he chuckled as the vibrating turned to a tickle as his aching lungs started to laugh again, but to his relief the vibrating stopped.

“I can promise you you’ll enjoy this next part. Just remember, the sooner you give in, the easier it will be for you!”

It was then the GINN’s fatigued mind mustered all the strength it could for whatever was to come. He knew what giving in meant, that he would be forced to betray his comrades. He mustn’t give in!

“First, we need to give you a reminder of who you belong to.” The Oysterizer held up a single finger. The GINN’s red eye stared at it puzzledly as suddenly he felt a sharp pinch at his rear. The latex around his rump began to shift as he felt it pushing its way past the armor into the GINN’s pucker. He tensed up as the sack reacted and squeezed him tightly from neck to toe.

“Now now, don’t fight it…” the monster advised as the GINN grunted struggling against his thick rubbery bonds trying in vain to get away. His anus ached as it fought the intruding latex tentacle, but its persistence paid off as finally it penetrated his o-ring, the GINN letting out a loud moan as the latex tendril pushed deep into his ass. Once the pain subsided he was left with an almost numb fullness that he couldn’t deny felt good, even when the tendril inside started to inflate inside his ass making him squeal even louder.

“Feels good doesn’t it? Just give in, my little guppy, and you can feel this good forever…” as it said this the Oysterizer reached in towards the sacked solider’s crotch, the pink rubber parting way as it lifted up his armor flap revealing his cock beneath. His only exposed part was also his most sensitive, the monster knowing there was nothing he could do as it reached a hand out and grasped his cock in his smooth supple rubber hands. The GINN arched back as his cock stiffened instantly, the sentai’s monstrous nature belying his soft touch as he began to stroke the GINN slowly. The buttplug seemed to sense this and started to pulsate inside his ass, making it nearly impossible to think about anything but the intense pleasure he was feeling. The sentai kept up a slow pace, making sure to keep the soldier from peaking too fast as if emphasizing how much control the monster had over the immobilized GINN.

What started out as teasing turned into torment after the first hour, the Oysterizer pumping the imprisoned GINN mercilessly letting him get to the point of orgasm before stopping. This endless cycle taxed the GINN’s body and mind, struggling to keep his wits about him as wave after wave of pleasure crashed against his already hazy mind. He continually tried to fill his mind with thoughts of his duty, his friends, and his mission, but time and time again these thoughts were drowned out by the overwhelming pleasure of the Oysterizer’s hands and the buttplug planted deep within him. The monster seemed to be in no hurry, contented with just tormenting the squirming soldier. This made Guilmon wonder whether the monster would ever give up, or if he’d even want him to stop…no, he can’t think that…no matter how good it felt, he couldn’t give in.

“What’s the matter my pearl? Having second thoughts, are we? You know you want to give in to the pleasure. So much nicer than being a boring old grunt soldier, wouldn’t you say? Just give in, and I’ll make you something so much more..” the monster’s warbling voice echoed in his ears, drowning out his own thoughts even as he looked up at the Oysterizer, its head pearl shimmering hypnotically as the GINN found himself transfixed gazing at it intently.

“That’s it, just listen to my words and drown everything else out. Just think how good this feels, and how nice it will be to be my slave…To be sealed away in pink latex forever, living to serve me and do my bidding.”

Guilmon knew he had to fight it, but as he stared into the monster’s pearl he heard the voice in his head growing louder, the soothing bubbly voice soon drowning out all his other thoughts. For moments at a time the GINN soldier drifted away, forgetting where he was moaning unabashedly at the monster’s playing upon his throbbing erection. But something would always bring him back, the GINN shaking his head defiantly his red eye trying to look away from the hypnotically glimmering pearl.

“Looks like this guppy has some fight left in him after all! Let’s see if we can squeeze it out of you. Unless you give up?”

“No…can’t…” was all the GINN could muster between moans.

“I was hoping you’d say that!”

With that Guilmon felt an intense tightness around his waist squeezing him from every side, soon spreading up and down his body. He tensed and struggled against the immobilizing tightness as the pink blob formed around him in perfect relief from his neck down to each individual toe, the first time in hours that the GINN could see his own armor though held perfectly still by the pink with his arms at his side, struggling uselessly as only his head could turn from side to side. The feeling of the latex tightening around like this him added to the intensity of his predicament, amplifying the pleasure tenfold as his buttplug pulsed slowly in his ass. The Oysterizer took the soldier’s exposed cock in his hand once more, giving it a tight squeeze that made the GINN writhe stiffly in his cocoon.

“Oh yes, your will belongs to me my little pearl. I control your every move, your every feeling, your every thought…”

The monster began stroking his cock slowly as it spoke in a hypnotic tone, the GINN moaning weakly as his fighting spirit had been depleted from the hours of torment. In spite of his bleak situation, the GINN’s discipline kept him going. He knew that if it hadn’t been for his training, he would have cracked hours ago. Still, he wasn’t sure how long he could last in the monster’s clutches.

“You put up a good fight, you will surely make an excellent minion. You can resist all you like, in the end all my prey choose a life of pleasure over a life of duty, and so shall you,” the monster’s trill voice told the solider matter-of-factly seeing the soldier cringe slightly but offer no audible objection, just the sound of squeaking stretching rubber as he writhed about. He was coming along nicely the monster thought as it took a step back from its quarry.

Guilmon felt the sack around him loosen slightly as all vibrations stopped. Looking down, the GINN saw the monster standing back from him, arms folded and laughing at the helpless mech dangling from side to side slowly.

“Now my guppy, it’s time you learn to love the latex. By the time I’m done with you you’ll be begging for me to cover you in more and more of my encasing slime. Before long your desires will betray you, as once you give your seed to me you will become my slave.”

With a resounding laugh the Oysterizer’s chest began to spew forth a deluge of thick pink goo from point blank range. The slime splattered onto the dangling GINN as the spray continued unabated, clinging to the tight pink latex adding to its mass. Soon the tight relief of the mechanized soldier’s body rounded out into a shapeless mass of squirming goo, the monster coating the GINN’s body over and over as slowly his legs disappeared into a single column, engulfing his knees down to his ankles and finally his toes were swallowed up by the pink blob turning his feet into a single pseudopod of pink latex.

Watching the formless blob struggle, the monster let the GINN get one last look at his trapped pink form before letting loose a final spray. The GINN’s red eye widened as the glob hit his face, plunging him to darkness as heard the monster’s spray coat his head over and over, knowing his was completely cocooned now and at the monster’s mercy.

“It’s a pity you didn’t give into me earlier. If you had submit, I would have let you go with just a warning. But now your fate is sealed tightly my pearl, and so are you!”

Inside his cocoon Guilmon could only listen to the muffled taunts of his captor as he felt the stroking intensify once again. The thick latex began to undulate all around him seeming to rub him everywhere at once. He moaned as the tight sack contorted around him forcing him to contort along with it moving him like a puppet.

He felt a tingling at his feet as the latex started to tickle his trapped toes lightly, his laughter rising to meet his moans as the tickling coincided with the rhythm of the monster’s strokes. His moans soon broke into giggles, then chuckles and finally a full out laugh as all at once the soldier found himself tickled, constricted, stroked, plugged only able to writhe nearly motionlessly as without a physical outlet his mind nearly exploded with the intense pleasure. He tried hard to keep his wits about him and resist the sensations he was feeling, but now blinded and completely entombed in latex it was as if he was in a rubbery sensory deprivation tank. He bucked and tensed as again and again he felt himself building towards orgasm as the sack constantly rubbed and massaged his cock invisibly, only able to quell the need to cum at the last minute by thinking about his life and his duty to the unit. But with each successive climb it became harder and harder to remember why he was fighting it at all.

Starting slowly at first, building louder with every passing moment the GINN could hear the monster’s voice singing in his ears seductively.

“You know you want to…You know you want to…”

The waning part of the GINN’s rational mind tried everything it could to keep itself from succumbing to the latex. Panting heavily the GINN gasped desperately for breath between moans and giggles, his mind completely overwhelmed with the feelings flooding in making him feel dazed and spacey, starting to float on air like he was in a dream. Soon the voice of the Oysterizer and the tight latex prison encasing him became his whole world, everything controlled by his latex prison as it pulled and squeezed his worn and tender cock while his ass was almost numb with the constant pulsing of the buttplug stuck within.

Straining against the pressure, the GINN mustered the last of his strength to fight the monster’s alluring call.

“No…no…” was all he moaned, barely coherent under his cries of pleasure.

“No…no…don’t…” he sputtered as his mind reeled on the verge of orgasm, every sense pushing him forward held only by the last string of his will. He didn’t even know what he was fighting anymore, as suddenly something in his brain snapped.

“No…don’t…don’t stop!”

At the words the GINN’s cock tensed once last time as his entire body bucked hard before loosing his load, erupting in a volcanic orgasm that rocked the soldier’s body as he couldn’t resist convulsing as his latex prison milked every last drop of cum from his throbbing member.

In that instant the solider’s mind drifted away on a flood of blissful feelings, everything seeming to focus around the feelings emanating from his cock as it felt like he was being pulled, the same soothing voice beckoning to him. Soon he felt himself being compelled by some force, his consciousness traveling down his body into his cock and then with one last buck, released as a final drop of cum.

The monster held out its hand as the latex around the GINN’s cock parted way, allowing the Oysterizer to catch the stream of semen as it gushed forth from his penis, the snow-white cum gathering in its hand as the sentai’s nimble pink fingers manipulated the stream in mid-air. The glob of cum wobbled and rotated as slowly it smoothed out and hardened, falling into the hand of the monster as a solid fist-sized pearl.

“Ahhhhh…excellent my pet! This pearl is a fine testament to your desire to serve your master.” The monster spoke, knowing that his soul had been trapped inside imprisoned by pure orgasmic bliss. The Oysterizer laughed triumphantly gazing upon the dangling blob of shapeless pink latex. Holding the shiny white pearl up to its head the monster’s oyster shell clamped down over the pearl, shutting tightly around it as the monster moaned lightly and began to rub its belly.

“Now to drain the last of your memories and pollute your thoughts until you know nothing but to serve and feel pleasure.” The monster laughed, savoring the GINN’s captured essence as the monster shaped the desires of its new slave.

The pink blob rotated slowly in the wind as minutes passed. Finally the monster’s head shell opened again, its pink hands plucking the now contaminated off-white pearl from within.

“It’s time to awaken my slave, and begin your new life!” The monster snapped its fingers as the rope connecting the pink blob snapped causing the sack to fall to the ground. But instead of a heavy thud the shape landed with a loud splat spreading itself across the ground, as if the blob was made of latex all throughout. Slowly the flattened puddle took shape as the top of the pink latex formed into a head, two thick mittened hands sprouting out from each side. The Oysterizer waited until the blob formed up completely, waiting obediently as the monster slowly reached towards the blob’s head with the pearl. The pink latex reached out to welcome the jewel, tendrils of latex wrapping around it sucking it halfway into the head of the latex. The Oysterizer stepped back and looked at its creation as the yellowish pearl glimmered and the new minion sprang to life, the latex sack hopping off the ground as its entire body shivered.

“Thank you master!” a high pitched voice came from the pink blob. “I’m hungry…let’s eat!” the Oysterizer laughed as the monster rubbed its round rubbery belly.


“All in good time, my pet. You will have plenty of friends to play with once your teammates come looking for the missing soldier. Won’t they be surprised when they find you instead?”

The pink blob shook as its pearl eye glimmered, in its mind the only thought being how wonderful it’d be to get a GINN trapped tightly in his stretchy latex body to tease and tickle.


Back at HQ, hour 1600 came and went with no sign of the solider. It was not uncommon for a soldier to go missing – these were dangerous parts, but it was odd for Guilmon iX to miss a debriefing for such a low-level recon mission.

“Alright…Montrose, Sylfor, get your butts out to sector A-7B6 and find that missing soldier! Lazy bastard probably fell asleep in a patch of pansies, so find him.” The sergeant tapped the radar as small bits of static still clung to the screen. “Damn radar…when is maintenance going to fix this stupid thing anyways?”
© Copyright 2007 NibblahFrog (nibblahfrog at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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