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Thoughts after a painful breakup
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Current mood:  contemplative
Category: Life
As I sit on my patio enjoying the evening and a cold beverage, many thoughts run through my mind.... just wanted to share some of them.
No matter how much you love someone, it doesn't matter if they don't love themselves.
Everyday you wake up you have the choice to decide to either just manage to get through the day, or to be happy and thankful that you woke up breathing and have another chance to make a difference.
You can't save someone that doesn't want to save themselves.
Some people are comfortable in their own misery just don't allow it to become yours.
You cannot make someone else change, they have to want to change for themselves.
Life isn't fair and sometimes your vote doesn't count.
Your opinions, beliefs and perceptions are just that, yours, you can't make someone else adopt them as their own.
Actions do not always speak louder than words as it is often the unspoken silence that speaks volumes.
Allowing your present to be pre-determined by your past experiences is a waste of your future.
Lack of forgiveness of another is a burden that only hurts you, they don't care if you forgive them or not.
We all get hurt in life, love and relationships it is how we choose to deal with the pain that speaks of our character.
Condemming the new love for past love's mistakes is cruel and unnecssary. You are cheating both out of an opportunity for life long happiness.
Fear of happiness is something I will never understand.
Acceptance of one's self is the ultimate gift. Continuing to grow and develop as a person show's that you value your worth.
Regret is a waste of precious time. Whatever happened in the past can't be changed, but can serve as a lesson to change your present.
Unconditional love is a priceless gift. Have the ability to recognize it, grab hold of it and never let it go as the rewards are immeasurable.
Love is to be given freely, without conditions, stipulations or hidden agendas. Don't give it if you aren't willing to take a chance of being hurt or disappointed.
Disappointment is a part of life, unfortunalely the persons that disappoint you are often the one's you love.
Condem the mistakes not the person that makes them.
True friends are priceless gifts. They know all your flaws, mistakes and faults, yet still love you just the same.
We are only given one shot at this life and I plan to make the most of mine. Life is not a spectator sport, for God's sake get the hell of the bench!
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