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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1370090
A short story dedicated, once again, to a special friend.
One day there was a very sad girl. This girl was very pretty, had a wonderful personality, and a name filled with despair and hope. This sad girl was in the clutches of the most horrible slave master in all the land. This slave master treated the girl very badly, but she hid her true feelings and wouldn’t leave the horrible slave master. This girl was too far deep into debt and the slave master had so much control over her she couldn’t leave, not even of her own free will… which was no longer free. One day a woman of noble birth was riding through the country side when she noticed the girl getting beat by the slave master. She wasn’t sure what to do, then she realized it was an old friend of hers being beat by this wicked slave master. The noble woman rushed over to the slave master and took the whip from her vile hands. She demanded an explanation from the slave master, but the slave master left it for the sad girl. The sad girl didn’t say much and so the noble woman couldn’t do anything more and left. Though the noble woman returned everyday and talked to the slave girl while the slave master was out. The sad girl began to realize she didn’t have to take this torture, but wasn’t sure how to break free. The noble woman let the sad girl cry and when the sad girl fell asleep the noble woman didn’t leave her. The noble woman knew no more pain should come to this girl, she couldn’t bare it. Then the slave master came in and got very angry at the slave girl for speaking to the noble woman without asking for permission. The slave master beat the girl with the noble woman in the same room. The noble woman had enough. The next day she came with enough money to buy the sad girl. The noble woman noticed the slave girl did truly care for her slave master and that saddened the noble woman, that the girl would have such caring for such an unworthy friend. Though the noble woman watched in the shadows as the sad girl finally defied the slave master and took the strokes of the whip that came one after another. Then the slave master gave the girl a two week notice to straiten up or she would die. The sad girl was scared, but the noble woman came out and comforted her. “You don’t need two weeks,” The noble woman told her, “I’ll pay for your release.” The next day the sad girl went up to the slave master. “I don’t need two weeks!” The sad girl exclaimed, “I’m through!” The slave master pulled out her whip, she was ready to whip the sad girl to death when the noble woman came out from seemingly nowhere. The sad girl ran up to the noble woman and clung to her out of fear. The slave master demanded an explanation, the noble woman gave one. “I am buying this girl, nothing you say will stop me. I’ll pay any price.” The slave master thought and thought and decided this was too good to pass up. After demanding 10 times the true value of the girl, the slave master turned away and the noble woman took the sad girl to her new home. The sad girl was still scared, what if something bad happens? The slave girl knew how much she was worth and she understood the noble woman paid well beyond that. After a few weeks of fear and paranoia the sad girl asked the noble woman why she had paid such a price for her. “I am worthless, I can do nothing right. I am ugly, I cannot sing well, nor write in beautiful characters, nor draw like any great artist, I am worthless to you.” The noble woman took the sad girl into an embrace. “You are beautiful inside and out, I know this from not just looking at you but speaking to you.  You sing well for someone not trained, I’ve heard you. You may not write with beautiful characters, but what you write rivals that of the most famous novelists. The art work you do may not seem like much, but the emotion behind it and skill is there. You have such potential in everything and you care about others.  You are worth more than every gold piece in the universe and someday everyone will realize it. You are free from any and every servitude. I officially release you from any slavery. You may leave if you wish.” The sad girl did not leave though, she could not forget the noble woman’s kindness and only wished to repay her debt and most of all, keep her new friend. In the end, the sad girl was no longer very sad, but very happy. She understood how special she was. Knew that even if everyone else abandoned her, the noble woman would not. And most of all, that she never had to despair again, because she was worth more to those who knew her than she could ever understand. And she lived happily ever after. The End.
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