Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1371450-Prologue
Rated: E · Column · Fanfiction · #1371450
Two teenagers get stuck in an ancient house that's rumored to have strong mystical ties.
Disclaimer: All places, people and events belong to me. Any resemblance of real events etc. is purely accidental

A/N: I got the idea for this story a couple of days ago and so far the Prologue is all I have written.
Before I go any further with this story, I'd like some outsider opinions on it. So I figured, why not post it here.
Anyway, I'd be happy about some honest critique and, please, no sugar coating.


Never in his life had he been so excited and yet a little frightened at the same time, than now.

“Look”, he exclaimed and turned to his companion in awe, “We’ve found it! It’s really here!”

With a wide smile, the blond started towards the large building that stood in the middle of an even bigger clearing, surrounded by more trees than normal.
The other boy grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back before he could take more than a single step.

“Slow down, Silent,” he answered the blonde’s question before he could even think of asking it, “Don’t you feel this… this unease, I guess? Like something’s wrong here?”

“Scared, Shaden?” the one called Silent asked, now more smirking than smiling.

“Oh, be serious here for a second. There’s a supposedly ancient and long abandoned house in the middle of the woods without even a scratch on it. Something’s gotta be off here. What if the rest of the story is true, too?”

Silent groaned, Shaden was doing it again, spoiling all the fun with his constant worrying that something might just go wrong. Sometimes Silent didn’t even mind it. Having someone who cared enough to keep - or get - you out of trouble and in
one piece was nice occasionally, but most of the time it was just annoying.
Obviously, this was one of those times.
He sighed, preparing for a drawn-out discussion, and turned towards Shaden, tugging his sleeve free in the process.

“You do realize that that’s exactly what we came here for. We kinda want it to be true…”

“No, that’s what you came here for. I’m only here to make sure you stay alive,” Shaden answered, his hands on his hips, trying make it sound like a joke.
They both knew it wasn’t, though.
Not that Silent had ever been seriously hurt, or even gotten close to it, but Shaden always feared for the worst.
As always, Silent pretended the fear wasn’t there.

“Oh, please! How dangerous can it really be? After all, it’s just an awfully old house with some scary little stories attached to it, right? You’re words, Shaden, not mine.”

Shaden frowned, Silent had a point there. He certainly didn’t believe in anything like that, yet somehow that house made him feel weird.
He couldn’t admit that though, he’d already slipped up enough for one day and Silent had almost cornered him with that last remark.
Still, one way out remained open and Shaden took it without a second thought.

“Of course, it’s just an old house. An old abandoned house at that. You know, the kind that might just come crashing down on us if we so much as breathe inside? Or the floor could give way. You could get your foot stuck in some old half rotten step or fall down those stairs, or…”

“All right, all right, stop it already! Now you’re starting to make me nervous. There might be some small dangers in there, I’ll give you that, okay? Doesn’t mean I won’t enter anyway, though.”

“Silent, please, do me a favor and think it through for another day or two!” Shaden begged. Something was going to happen if they entered that house and he knew it, he could feel it.
Silent shook his head violently. He was going to back down on this, not again.

“No, don’t even go there, Shaden! You already made me wait until summer. I’m going inside now and if you’re too chicken to come along, you can just go home.”

With that, he turned around and hurried towards the two large doors of the building before Shaden could reach for him again.

“Silent, wait!“

When the other boy didn’t react at all Shaden only hesitated for a second before going after him, jogging slightly to catch up.

“Just so you know, I hate you for this and if you get us killed, I swear I will haunt you in hell.”

Silent hid a smile. He’d known Shaden wouldn’t let him wander around alone, and, to be honest, he’d probably have turned around and gone home, too, had the other boy left.

They didn’t exchange any more words until the heavy wooden doors slammed shut
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