Links to various odes that I have written, along with a note on what is an ode. |
LINKS TO MY ODES WHAT IS AN ODE? Simply stated, an Ode is a poem praising and glorifying a person, place or thing.—"Invalid Item" Though, classically, an ode was a specific form of poem of indefinite length, divided in 10-line stanzas, rhymed, with different schemes for each stanza - ababcdecde, written in iambic meter [], the present status of ode as a form of poetry is described in the following words: The Ode An ode is a poem that is written for an occasion or on a particular subject. They are usually dignified and more serious as a form than other forms of poetry. Unfortunatly, today's society has distinctly less respect for propriety, morality, and dignity. Modern odes include sarcastic poems about various subjects, including velcro and vegetables. There are several versions and differing opinions on what the rhyme form for an ode should be. In light of these disputes, Tangerine! is of the opinion that we believe them to be simply a poem that contains some form of rhyming pattern which is about a certain subject and contains the word "ode" in the title. Some restrictions are sure to apply. Given below are links to various odes I have written during last 5 years. AN ODE TO GANDHI—"AN ODE TO GANDHI" , 15 August 2003 [An ode to India’s saintly political leader, the architect of India’s freedom] AN ODE TO MY MOTHER—award winner, "AN ODE TO MY MOTHER--award winner" , 28 August 2003 [A real dream describing how the spirit of my mother dying 12000 miles away visited me] AN ODE TO PAIN, "AN ODE TO PAIN" , 5 September 2003 [Pain teaches tolerance. None can become a good human being without experiencing pain.] AN ODE TO TEARS, "AN ODE TO TEARS" , 5 September 2003 [ An ode to tears, without which man would not be man.] AN ODE TO WOMAN, "AN ODE TO WOMAN" , 10 September 2003 [Woman, not man, was made in the image of God. Her lower status is rooted in religion.] AN ODE TO DEATH, "AN ODE TO DEATH" , 10 September 2003 [Death brings peace and takes us to God--why be afraid of it?] AN ODE TO THE ROSE—award winner , "AN ODE TO THE ROSE—award winner" , 2 October 2003 [Rose, like the wearer of the Crown of Thorns, is revered because it bears the thorns.] AN ODE TO PATIENCE: editor’s choice, "AN ODE TO PATIENCE:editor’s choice" , 5 October 2003 [ Virtues of patience at various phases of life.] AN ODE TO WINTER, "AN ODE TO WINTER" , 20 Ocober 2003 [Winter, the king of seasons.] AN ODE TO LETTER ‘O’, "AN ODE TO LETTER ‘O’" , 7 November, 2003 [ An unusual thought--If I were to be a letter, which one would I choose to be.] AN ODE TO A POET, "AN ODE TO A POET" , 18 April, 2004 [Homage to a poet] AN ODE TO CRICKET—award winner, "AN ODE TO CRICKET--award winner" , 24 April, 2004, [An ode to cricket. India is one of the eight countries that play test cricket] AN ODE TO INDO-PAK CRICKET: award winner, "AN ODE TO INDO-PAK CRICKET: award winner" , 24 April, 2004 [The story of Indo-Pak cricket match, 2004] AN ODE TO TIME—" AN ODE TO TIME" , 22 October 2004 [Time heals wounds and absorbs pain; only pleasant thoughts remain.] AN ODE TO LOVE, "AN ODE TO LOVE" , 14 May 2005 [Love’s dimensions are multiple and deep.] AN ODE TO TREES, "Invalid Entry" , 21 June 2005 [Trees only give. And, they give their all.] AN ODE TO A TEACHER, "AN ODE TO A TEACHER" , 8 October 2005 [One who is the giver of knowledge is the giver of life] AN ODE TO A DICTIONARY, "AN ODE TO A DICTIONARY" , 12 June 2006 [A poet and a dictionary are inseparable.] AN ODE TO THE COW: a sonnet, "AN ODE TO THE COW: a sonnet" , 4 March 2007 [In praise of the cow, a motherly symbol in Hinduism.] AN ODE TO MUSIC: award winner —"AN ODE TO MUSIC: award winner" , 26 March 2007 [Nature’s music is its eternal language, scripted in the calmness of the mind] AN ODE TO LAUGHTER: a sonnet—award winner. "AN ODE TO LAUGHTER: a sonnet--winner" , 3 April 2007 [There is much to laughter. There is scientific proof that it peps both mind and body.] M C Gupta 26 January 2008 |