Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1392146-Faites-battle
by Faite
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1392146
A story about realm hopping, magic, talking animals, and a missing friend
Chapter One
Faite's Battle
Night is a shapeshifter
Battle axe gleaming with the blood of many, Faite bellowed to his god, "Tempus give me strength!" and jumped into the air bringing his axe into an over head arc, smashing into an orcs skull
who hadnt had time to parry the move.
Four orcs then rushed at Faite who cut them down easily with two swift chops of his axe. his faithful companion, Night, then lept from the shadows, a flash of fur and teeth.

One orc succesfully got behind the dwarfs blockade of slashes and rounded behind him. The orc moved in close to strike but never got the chance, Faite's blade whipped out behind him and stabbed the orc in the gut. Faite then hefted the axe over his head sending the orc flying clear of the blade and hitting two orcs who were knocked unconscious on impact. Six orcs down and only Three more to go.

The orcs rushed at him in a futile attempt to surround him, but they had already made a crucial mistake. They had forgotten about Night. night then lept from the other side of the cave and pulled one away from Faite, the orc was more worried about his own safe-being than his companions'Faite lept into the air, bringing his blade across horizontaly in an attempt to bring down the orcs together. But these orcs were smarter than the others and ducked just in time as the blade whistled overhead, but the dwarf had expected this, after all, why go last than to size up your opponent?

Faite gave another shout to his god of choice and launched a fire ball into the back of one of the orcs who burst into flames upon impact. Faite turned to face the other orc, "Come get you you big sack of nuts!" Faite taunted. The orc came in maddly, pissed off because it couldnt seem to kill the little man, but Faite was to quick. He parried one slash and stepped behind the next thrust, coming out behind the orc. in one quick thrust the orc went down. he then turned to the orc that Night was fighting with "ok Night, you can go home now. Night, Go home my fire. Faite said as he moved to challenge this final orc. Night dissipated into the stattuett that Faite kept in his pocket.

Faite threw his axe, hopping that he could decapitate the orc and be done with it, but the orc parried with a long blade with a blue hue at the last minute. The blades hissed nad smoke came up from them when the magical axe hit the blade.

What the hell? Faite wondered why his blade had hissed like that. The orc rushed in, Faite had little time to parry the slash with the BoH when he did the orcs blade cast off little pieces of ice.

ahhh, a magical bladeFaite understood now, his blade was enchanted with Fire, this one was enchanted with ice! He raised his sword as if to parry the next move but instead slid it dowbn to cross hilts together so they had to come face to face.As soon as he did so, he rammed his head into the brutes and ran to retrieve the Battle Axe of Destruction.

Faite was to slow, the orc was up and infront of him in seconds. "How the hell..."this is no dumb oaf.... Faite thought. HE had been enchanted by some one...but who? faite feigned his sword to the left but switched over to the right and let his momentum carry him forward. As soon as the orc saw this he new he had made a fatal mistake. He had let the dwarf inside his defences. faite had anticipated this and did a spin slash that severed the leg completly from the orcs body. Blood was squirtiing everywhere....Faite then let loose a Vertical slash but missed his mark by about an inch for he was tireing..."Not now not when im so close to the exit! Faite let loose with two more desperate slashes that luckily took off the orcs head and stabbed him in the heart befire he fell down from sheer exaustion, all the adreline drained from him and he let the sleep overtake him
Chapter Two

__________________________________________________ _______________

Faite awoke many hours later, feeling both dazed and confused. Huh? where am I? How come there are so many dead orcs lying on the ground? Where's Night?

It all came back in a flash, the orcs, the fight, Night, the magic weapon.....The weapon! Where is it!?faite spied it on the floor in an orcs bruised hand, as if he had refused to let it go. Faite went to retrieve the scimitar, for that was what he had identified it for and then started a fire so he could regain his magical fire ball.
back , and then proceded to heal him self, Sending the flat of the blade of healing down all of his cuts, puhing harder on the worst ones, wher e the blade passed the wound was instantly healed. "Ahh much better no." Faite said as he finished healing," now, to see to Night's injuries." Faite said in a grim tone, He knew what would happen if he had left Night in the way she was when he dismissed her,"Night, Come to me my shadow," Faite said, As the fammiliar mist began to take shape, Faite noted that she looked a little bit better, as if the short time she was in the Material Plane helped her more than usual.

Faite carefully ran the blade down the sides of the cat, for that was its chosen form, and mended all the wounds as if it had never been harmed. "Thank you, Faite."Night said with a bow,"I was in alot of pain, going back to the Material Plane and being re-summoned before I was completly healed."

After the cat was healed Faite went to explore the cave they had come into."Now what to call the blade.... Icing Death?....No, to Cliche' Hmmmmmmm Impending Doom? No.... I've got it! Night's Fury!

"Bravo, Faite, I never suspected that you would survive my onslaught of my elite orcs but you did!" Came a fammiliar voice, yet Faite could not place it, nor target its locateion, It sounded as if it was coming from with in his mind but He thought only beings of the Material Plane could do that."Lets see how you deal with Trolls!"
A dozen trolls appeared in a cloud of mist.

"Danmit, my axe isn't fully charged. It looks like I'm gonna have to use my two blades!" Faite unsheathed Night's Fury and Blade of Healing in one fluid movement and rushed in, randomly severing a leg but never cutting cleanly through so that the gruesome creature couldn't use it and it wouldn't grow back. Faite noticed that there was no blood shed coming from one of his blades and wondered if maybe he could use the Blade of Healing to sever the leg all the way off and not have the enemy rejuvinate it. Faite struck cleanly through one trolls leg, not because he was testing his theory but because he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. To his great relief, the leg did not rejuvinate and where the sword passed there was no sign of a cut, it looked as if the troll had been born with out a leg, although there was a great aura of howl of pain emmiting from the beasts throat.

faite now rushed in fully, knowing he held an upper advantage over the trolls, besides his free will. He had a blade that could cut your arm off and you couldn't prove that you hadn't been born with out it, The Blade of Healing was his healer and the trolls destroyer, the gods had blessed him with it and he would use it to its full extent. "TEMPUS," Faite shouted, not out of anger but out of thanks," I thank ye!" Faite now rushed in fully, randomly throwing out his blade as if he was a novice warrior, but it was all to his tactical advantage, the trolls knew not to get near his stinging blades. Faite finaly had it down to one troll, So, this is the enchanted one, eh?" Faite knew he no longer held an upper hand if he was fighting against an enchanted troll, probably enchanted with Speed and Wisdom, the two most deadly enchantments on a troll, when the troll began to speak, "Hello, My name is Unghi and I wish I didn't have to fight you, but the Dark Lord said it would let my people go If I could sucessfuly kill you."Ok, so I know he has wisdom, but what about speed? Faite though, He knew the answer to that faster than he wanted, He barely had enough time to get his blade up in time to parry the blow when another came from the opposite direction. Faite was winded, but otherwise not seriously harmed, Faite got his sword up and parried the oncoming blow and slipped in a slash that sent a small gash down Unghi's fur. Blood was now seeping through his armour and evey move made him wince in agony, but he couldn't give up. Not when he had almost died fighting Anoen and not now, fighting a troll. Black spots swirled in from the sides of his visage as he parried a few more blows and fell to the ground, exhausted, from bloodloss and sheer exhaustion worked on him. Faite crumpled to the ground, blood pooling beneath him. "Danm...." Faite said, the last thing he saw was a dozen arrows protruding from the trolls chest.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"DANMIT!" the Dark Lord, Anoen shouted, In the cruel voice of hers. "My Minions have failed me!" She emphasised this with a punch at a troll. "Oh, you will PAY Faite," She said with malice on her lips, " You will pay!" Anoen was of average height for a Drow Elf, about six feet eight inches. She wore her hair in a tight bun with two daggers holding it there. She wore a robe of the darkest black and was even more agile than that of Danzi, Faites friend.
She had went up against faite once, But they were both equally matched, they fought for weeks on end, no food or or water and neither letting their guard down for a minute, they knew if they did, they would die. Faites battle song still rang through her head.

Faites Battle song

We've killed our foes,
Built them their graves.
Put goblin foes into shallow caves,
This day our works just begun In the land
Where none will run
© Copyright 2008 Faite (jeaulm at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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