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Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #1396216
Lisa was 23, married and bored - and back at school, to the delight of the male students.
Lisa was bored.

She had married three years ago, only twenty years young, to one of her father's employees. Oh, her husband James was nice enough, and was only thirty-three, so there wasn't that big of an age difference. But it was just enough to bring a little distance into their relationship. And being the boss's son-in-law only brought more work for him, along with a nice raise.

But she was so bored.

It was boring sitting around the house. James gave her a nice allowance, but Lisa wanted to do more than simply spend her husband's money. So one day over lunch one of her friends suggested she finish school.

Lisa laughed after taking a bite of salad. "School? I don't know. It would just be too weird. I would be like, well, three years older than everyone else in my classes."

"So what?" Her friend Marie shrugged. "It's no big deal, older people go back to school all the time, especially at Junior Colleges. Plus ..." She grinned. "... there's all the hot horny guys."

Lisa grinned. "Oh, shut up."

Marie nodded. "No, really. You do realize that men reach their sexual peak in college, right? Those guys would be all over you."

"I don't know. I don't think James would want me going."

"Why not?"

It was Lisa's turn to shrug. "Like you said, all those guys. It would just make him jealous."

"So don't tell him about the guys, stupid. Just tell him most of your classmates are girls, and all the guys are wimpy nerds ... or gay or something." Marie paused, taking a drink of her tea. "Come on ... it will be fun, flirting with all those guys. I know I'd do it, if I didn't have to work. And speaking of ..." She looked at her watch. "... I'm late. See ya later, sweetie." She stood up, brushing the crumbs from her sandwich off her dress. "Do me a favor and just think about it, alright? You're not much fun when you're moping around, complaining about being bored all the time."

"Oh, shut up."

Marie whispered as she began walking towards the front door of the deli. "Remember ... hot horny guys ... all over you."

Lisa shook her head as she finished her salad.

Two more weeks of sheer boredom later, she finally gave in and registered for classes at the local college. James didn't seem to care one way or the other, as long as it "didn't get in the way," whatever that meant. So a week later Lisa found herself in her first class in three years.

It was boring English. Looking around the class, she was a bit disappointed in the fact that there weren't that many hot guys, and they didn't look all that horny either. She had sat towards the back of the classroom hoping to get a good look at any possibilities as far as flirting went - and flirting was definitely on her list of things to do - but unfortunately there seemed to be a lot more girls than guys.

An hour later, she found herself back in the hallway, headed back towards her car. She had History the next day - James had convinced her to take only two classes to begin with - and Lisa desparately hoped some of those hot horny guys Marie had promised were History buffs. She was also hoping to ask one of them to tutor her (talk about your flirting opportunities), but if History was anything like English, she was seriously considering dropping out and finding something more interesting to do.

As she walked down the hall, Lisa studied the clothes the other girls were wearing. Most had donned T Shirts and jeans, as she had, but one or two had decided to be a bit more daring, opting to wear short cut-offs. They were definitely attracting more stares from the guys, ogling at their exposed midriffs as they walked by.

Driving home, Lisa decided to make a detour by the clothing store. James was working late that evening, so she decided to head back to school after it got dark. Evening classes were already in session as she entered the English building, where she found herself the object of quite a few stares. There seemed to be more guys around later in the evening, and some of them she even considered hot. And obviously horny, judging by the way some of them were practically drooling as she walked by. And she knew what was causing it all: she had chosen a tight shirt, entirely unbuttoned except for the last button just below her breasts, revealing a generous amount of cleavage.

Her nipples were beginning to harden from all the attention she was receiving, and the lack of a bra made this very apparent to anyone who bothered to look at her. Her shirt was short enough to reveal much of her well-tanned five foot tall body, starting from just below her breasts, down past her belly button, to the cut-offs which she had decided to leave unbuttoned and partially unzipped. Another nice touch was the narrow fabric belt, also left undone for maximum tease effect.

She smiled as eyes began at her breasts, then made their way down to her belly, surprised at how much she was revealing with that undone zipper. And she could well imagine those eyes as she walked past, staring at the bottom of her cheeks revealed by her short frayed cut-offs, which were also slit on the sides, baring a generous portion of her thighs. Tennis shoes and ankle socks completed the outfit, and as she noticed a particularly hot guy ogling her breasts, she suddenly had the most delicious idea.

She smiled as she approached, her hips swaying as his eyes moved up and down. She reached into her book bag and pulled out her class schedule. Standing much closer than necessary, she smiled even more sweetly as she pointed to her schedule. "I think I'm lost. Do you know where this room is?" She moved even closer as he studied the schedule, her right breast lightly brushing against his chest, then pressing against him as she placed her right hand on his left shoulder.

"That's not too far, it's just down the hall and up the stairs." As he pointed, she replaced the schedule in her book bag. "Thanks, you're so sweet." She rewarded him with another smile, then walked off, knowing he was staring at her ass.

As it got darker outside, Lisa found more guys to flirt with, asking each of them the same question. It was fun comparing them; some were caught completely off guard, not sure how to react to her flirtatious mood, while others recovered quickly enough to play with her body. Several hands found their way to her left side, playfully squeezing as she leaned into them even more, while one enterprising young man stroked the left side of her neck, his finger playfully tracing down to just above her left breast. She simply stood there, pretending not to notice as his finger slowly made its way lower and lower, and as she left she thanked him with a hug. This was getting to be entirely too much fun.

She slowly made her way in the opposite direction of her English class, eventually ending up on the other side of the campus. It was getting late, and she figured most of the school would be closing before long. The night air was becoming more brisk as she walked between buildings, and she felt playfully sexy, looking the way she did in the growing dark. She knew guys got hornier the later it got, and she could only imagine what they thought of her walking around in the dark looking the way she did. There was just the right touch of danger about her being there, not knowing who might be lurking around.

The building just ahead was the gym, and she entered one of the hallways, but unfortunately there didn't seem to be anyone around. Having reached the end of the hallway, she was about to turn back and call it a day when she saw someone walking away from her down a hallway leading off to the left. Lisa only caught a glimpse before they turned a corner, but what she saw seemed more than promising: a hot body, very well muscled and tanned, not to mention a very cute ass. Excellent flirting material. So she headed down the hallway, turning where she saw the guy go - and found herself in the guy's locker room.

She took a deep breath as she realized where she was. Well, why not? The guy with the cute ass wasn't anywhere in sight, so she continued, making her way around a few more corners and deeper into the locker room, when she heard running water.

She couldn't believe her luck. The guy was in the shower, just around the corner. And here she was, about to see him as he walked out. One of the lockers was opened, apparently his, so she walked over and stood by it, waiting for him to come out.

Lisa began to wonder if this was such a good idea. After all, flirting was the main reason she had decided to go back to school in the first place. Well, that and boredom. But still, only flirting. This guy was undoubtedly going to be naked when he walked out of the shower, or wearing a towel at the most. And since it was pretty late and nobody else was around, there probably wasn't any particular reason for him to cover up before walking out of the shower. But still ... the guy did look pretty damned cute. Besides, he'd probably be embarrassed and ask her to leave anyway. She was in the guy's locker room after all, which was strictly off limits to girls. So she decided to stay and see what happened.

And then ... she had another idea. She couldn't believe she was doing it, but she reached down and unzipped her shorts even more, almost revealing her pubic hair. Lisa knew she was really asking for it, but ... what the hell, it was just too much fun. A few minutes later she heard the water stop, followed by some footsteps. A moment later he walked into the room, drying himself with a towel.

What a hunk. Six pack, muscles everywhere. Tanned skin, except for his ass, and ... God, but he had a gorgeous dick. Simply delicious. She couldn't believe she was standing there looking at it. A stranger's dick, hanging there for her to see.

He stared back at her for a moment, then smiled as he walked towards her, not bothering to cover his wonderful body in any way whatsoever.

He laughed as he stood next to her. "I think you're lost."

She smiled, not able to keep her eyes from staring at that wonderful dick, which was beginning to wake up, moving slightly under her gaze. She finally forced her eyes back up to his. "Actually, I am lost." She fumbled in her book bag as he continued to dry off. She finally found her schedule and showed it to him. "Do you know where this room is?"

He smiled again as he dropped the towel and took her schedule. "Well, it's certainly not here."

Lisa couldn't help it. "Too bad, I was hoping you might be my teacher." As he laughed, she took a deep breath and moved closer. She still couldn't believe she was standing next to this gorgeous naked hunk, who didn't seem to mind at all that she was staring at him - all of him. His dick moved again, becoming a little stiffer as her right hand touched his left arm, feeling the muscles there. As he gave her directions she moved even closer, her nipples hardening as her right breast touched his chest, then pressed against it.

She pretended not to understand his directions, and as he patiently started over she looked back down at his dick, which was still growing. His left hand had found her back, slowly moving down until it rested on her right cheek, his fingers tracing the exposed bottom of her cheek. Then he squeezed her ass.

She took a deep breath as he squeezed again, his right hand touching her left side as she moved even closer, her belly now pressing against his as she placed both her hands on his shoulders. He was squeezing both cheeks now, and she wrapped her left thigh around his right thigh, rubbing against him every time he squeezed, slightly lifting her.

The contact between her bare belly and his was almost more than Lisa could stand. His dick was enormous now, the top of his shaft pressing into her belly far below her belly button, while his tip snaked downwards, touching her pubic hair which was now revealed by her zipper which had moved even lower.

What the hell was she doing? This was quite a bit more than just flirting. The guy was naked, for Christ's sake. His dick was practically inside her. But she couldn't help it. One moment she was looking up into his eyes, and the next she was lifting her mouth up to his, their lips pressing against each other, hard, as her tongue played with his. She wrapped her arms around his neck, wishing she was naked so that his dick could slip inside and fill her with ecstasy.

He was squeezing her ass harder and they continued to kiss hungrily, and as they finally broke off her hands made their way down his sides to his hips. He released his grip on her, allowing her to move back slightly as her hands moved inwards, her fingers carressing his dick which had become swollen from its attempts to drill inside her. It was so hard and so yummy as she stared at it, her fingers running up and down his shaft. She then took the end in her left hand, squeezing as she looked back up into his eyes.

He was grinning like crazy, enjoying her attention as Lisa kept stroking. She smiled mischeviously. "You know, I could probably use a shower, too. Is the water hot?"

He closed his eyes, continuing to enjoy her squeezing, then opened his eyes. "I really gotta go."

"You do?" She was squeezing with both hands now. "I was really hoping you'd take a shower with me."

He shook his head. "Oh, man, that feels good." He closed his eyes again for a few moments, then opened them. "I really gotta go. My girlfriend's coming to pick me up, and she'll kill me if she finds me here with you.

Lisa smiled as sweetly as she could. "Please? I want you to make love to me. I promise I won't tell anyone. You could just tell your girlfriend something came up and you had to go somewhere or something." He started to shake his head again, and she put on her best bedroom eyes. "I'll suck your dick."

He hesitated, then nodded, and she kissed his chest, slowly making her way down. He was groaning with pleasure as she licked and kissed his belly, her tongue having fun as it made a trail lower and lower, until finally it found the beginning of his shaft. He leaned back against his locker as Lisa lowered herself to her knees, her tongue now licking the bottom of his shaft, slowly making its way towards the tip.

She knew he wouldn't last much longer as she licked the tip, her tongue making slow circles, then heading back down the shaft as her mouth closed around the tip. She began sucking in earnest, his groans becoming louder as her hands grabbed his ass. She mouth moved back and forth, drawing in as much dick as she could, and she sucked and squeezed even harder, until he exploded.

Lisa picked up the towel and wiped off his dick, squeezing out all the sperm. She laughed as he sat down next to her on the floor. "You're no good to me now."

He shook his head. "Goddamn, that felt good." He paused, his hand stroking her hair. "But I really better go."

Lisa smiled. "I know, your girlfiend's picking you up."

"I'm sorry ... "

She shrugged. "Call it a gift. Besides, I'm married anyway."

He stared at her. "No shit."

And so ends Part 1. Part 2 coming soon...
© Copyright 2008 concertinaboy (concertinaboy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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