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by Joey Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1406543
A killer has returned from the dead. Can they stop him?
         One year ago, in the small town of Alexandria, a succession of murders occurred. They started with a senior in high school and ironically ended with the slaying of the murderer(s) themselves. Only two survived who were involve, Leo Winters and Katie Keelage. After six months, Leo proposed to Katie. Now her name is Katie Winters due to it. They horror they faced was with a man whose face was grotesque and repulsive and a deranged mother. The mother, Darcy Wesley, ordered her revolting son, Eric Wesley, to attack on unsuspecting teenagers. She thought he was unstoppable till they met Leo and Katie. Darcy misjudged them. They managed to kill both of them. They entire town of Alexandria thinks that the Wesley family is gone for good. They’re wrong.
         There Katie stood, gazing out the window. Her face had a disheartened look upon it. Leo approached her slowly. He started to rub her shoulders.
         “Hunny I know Halloween is in a week. They’re dead. Do you honestly think that someone could survive his or her neck being slaughtered or a knife going into their head?” he said trying to reassure her.
         “THEY NEVER FOUND THE BODIES!” she shrieked.
         “ERIC AND DARCY WESLEY ARE DEAD!” he screamed back. He then looked her into the eyes. His blue eyes mesmerized her. She grabbed him and held him tight. They were enjoined in a passionate clasp. “Listen,” he said gently. “It’s impossible. I promise it’ll be alright.” He then sent her upstairs to lie down. He sighed. When he heard the down shut upstairs, he sat down on the couch and started to watch T.V. Leo grabbed the remote and watch the news for about an hour. As soon as the 5 o’clock news was finished, he proceeded up the stairs to check on Katie. The covers were pulled over her head. Leo made his way over to the bed and sat down next to her. Suddenly her arm fell down off the side of the bed. “Katie?” He then pulled the covers from over her head and her eyes were missing and her throat was slit open. “Oh my God!” He got up and started to back up.
         “It’s not over,” a mysterious voice said. Then the stranger slit open Leo’s throat. As blood poured out, Leo fell to the ground.

         DING! went the church bells as Katie and Leo Winter’s bodies were slowly lowered into their grave holes. As the audience mourned, the priest was stating what the bible said. Jessie stood there silently as his girlfriend, Brianna leaned her head against his chest. A single tear went down the side of his cheeks.
         “Hunny it’s ok,” Brianna assured him.
         “I know. Look at me, I’m crying like a girl,” he replied. “Let’s go.” The two then walked out of the cemetery and proceeded to their friend, Kyle’s house. They approached a huge mansion. “Why does Kyle have such a huge house?” asked Jessie.
         “Well his parents are like world renowned doctors. His mother is a heart surgeon and his father is a brain surgeon. It’s pretty cool because they are always traveling; making Kyle always home alone,” Brianna answered. They came up to a flight of stairs that lead to the front door.
         “Jesus!” Jessie said.
         “I’m guessing you haven’t been here before. Eh?” she asked.
         “These stairs go on forever.” The two finally approached the big giant door and rang the doorbell. DING! it went. A few seconds later, Kyle answered the door.
         “Come on in,” he said. “How was it?”
         “It was a funeral,” Jessie said. “It sucked.”
         “Alright,” interrupted Brianna. “Enough with this sad crap. Let’s talk about Halloween.” The three walked to the kitchen. “Do you start?”
         “Yeah. I have the shopping and decoration lists,” Kyle replied.
         “Baby, call Aidan and Connor,” Brianna said to Jessie.
         “Alright,” he replied.  He proceeded over to the phone and called them all. A half an hour later, the doorbell rang.
         “I’ll go get it,” said Jessie. He hurried to the door and opened it. It was them and another girl. “Who’s this?” asked Jessie.
         “My friend, Alyssa,” replied Aidan.
         “She’s cool man,” said Connor. They all then walked to the kitchen.
         “Finally!” yelled Kyle. “Bout time you dick heads showed up. Who’s this fine young girl?” Alyssa started to blush.
         “Her names Alyssa, Romeo,” arrogantly said Aidan.
         “Well hello there, Alyssa. I’m Kyle.”
         “Nice to meet you. I think I’m going to like you…..” she said while giving him a wink.
         “Alrighty now,” said Brianna. “Moving along. So I made up the guest list, practically all the juniors, half of the sophomores, and like maybe 20 or 30 freshmen. Are you sure you are allowed to throw a party this big, by yourself?”
         “My parents don’t care. My mom is like in India and my father is in Tokyo. They’re never home,” Kyle replied.
         “Ok…” started Jessie. I’ll start making phone calls.” As the phone calls went out, the more popular the party became at school. Then it was finally Halloween, the anniversary of the murders. After school, Jessie went straight to Brianna’s house, as usual. He knocked on the door and heard a voice yell “IT’S OPEN!” So he walked in and went upstairs. There Brianna was in white lingerie.
         “Oh? Wanna play do you?” Jessie asked.
         “Come and get me!” she yelled. Then they played “Adult” hide-and-seek.
         “That was nice,” Jessie said while laying next to her undressed.
         “That was fun!” she exclaimed. She looked at the time and it was 4:30. “Oh my God! Get dressed! We have to be at Kyle’s to help get ready for the party!” They quickly jumped out of bed and put their clothes on. “My parents are at my Aunt’s for Halloween. We’ll take my mom’s car.” She ran into the kitchen and took the keys off the hook. “C’mon Jessie!” she yelled. Jessie hurried down the stairs. They ran to the car and pretty much sped all the way to Kyle’s house There were already almost 75 people there.
         “He’s going to be pissed,” Jessie pointed out. They got out of the car and walked into the house. The amps that Kyle had hooked up were blaring. They then found Kyle.
         “Where the hell have you two been?” he asked.
         “At my house,” Brianna replied.
         “Ahhh!” Kyle said. “You don’t say. Alyssa came over my house about three hours before the party started. Boy oh boy.”
         Alyssa came up and wrapped her arms around Kyle.
         “Sweetie, can we do something crazy tonight, after the party?” she asked.
         “I want to see this towns infamous murderers’ grave.”
         “I don’t know.”
         “We’ll all go. It’d be fun.”
         “NO!” Jessie screamed. “Do you know who I am?”
         “What?” she replied.
         “My brother killed them and then turned up dead one year later after the incident. Do you really think I want to go to their gravesites?” he asked.
         “We’ll mess with the gravestones and stuff,” she said trying to relieve him. “Jessie they’re dead. There is no such thing as ‘coming back from the dead’ ”
         “Brianna are you going to go?” he asked Brianna.
         “Yeah,” she replied. Aidan and Connor approached them.
         “How about you two. Will you go to the cemetery to mess up the Wesley’s gravestones?” he asked the two. They looked at each other and nodded their head up and down. “What the hell guys!” He then walked away.
         “Well that’s too bad isn’t it?” asked Alyssa. “I wanna go now!”
         “What ever you want babe,” Kyle assured her. “Mr. Kaplay will watch over my party.”
         “Who?” Brianna asked Aidan.
         “His butler,” Connor replied. Kyle then went and gave his butler his orders. Afterwards, they all headed into Brianna’s car and drove to the cemetery. As they pulled into the cemetery driveway, they approached a rusty gate.
         “Looks like we’re walking from here,” said Kyle. They all got out of the car and opened the gate. SCHREECH! It made a sound that could make your ears bleed.
         “Jesus Christ!” yelled Connor.
         “Well what’d you expect?” said Aidan. As they advanced further into the cemetery, the darker and colder the environment became.
         “Wanna hear something crazy?” asked Connor.
         “What?” replied Aidan.
         “We’re all going to end up either burnt or in a box one day.”
         “Are you stupid or something?” said Kyle. “Looky what we got here, a god damn genius!”
         “Well it’s true,” he said in his defense.
         “I heard that they never found the bodies to the killers. Why do they have graves? That’s why I’m curious. Hey Brianna,” started Alyssa. “Do you think you can tell me the story to how they died? I mean your Leo’s brother’s girlfriend. Jessie must have told you what had happened.”
         “Alright,” she said before illuminating what happened one-year prior. “One year ago a senior, Melissa Collins, was murdered in the woods in back of her house. Her friends that were with her also were murdered. Fear soon rapidly spread throughout the school. Jessie’s brother, Leo, his girlfriend, Katie, their friend, Shane, and his girlfriend, Miranda decided it’d be fun to ‘check out’ the notorious killer, Eric Wesley’s childhood home; it being Halloween and everything. After just twenty minutes of exploring the house Miranda went missing. Then Shane was killed outback. Leo and Katie fled the house to the police station. The vicious killer followed them there and slaughtered practically the entire police force. He kidnapped Katie and took her back to the vile house where she met his deranged mother, Darcy. Somehow Katie managed to escape. While trying to call for help she ran into Leo. They planned to leave Alexandria and never come back. While Katie was packing at her house, Leo was stabbed in the back. Then something about their friend Mike and them killing the mother and Eric. I don’t know the rest. Jessie never finished.” Then from the shadows emerged Jessie.
         “It turned out their friend Mike was the youngest child. He was a Wesley. No ones heard fro him ever since that night, one year ago. But my brother and Katie killed Eric and Darcy Wesley. Ironically one year later my brother and my sister-in-law end up murdered, eh?” he said finishing Brianna’s tale.
         “What made you tag along?” Brianna asked.
         “I just had a strange feeling. I just wanted to make sure you’re alright,” he said in a calm voice. Brianna shined a gentle smile at him. Then group then stopped at another gate. “What the hell?” he said to himself. “Why is there an inner gate?” he said aloud.
         “It’s a marker that says, ‘THIS IS WHERE THE FUN BEGINS!’” said Kyle. He grabbed the gate and swung it open. It made a screech that was worse than the one in the front. As they entered a leaf cracked in the distance. Kyle started OOOOOing. “Spooky!” he said. Then he started to laugh. There it was, the graves of Darcy and Eric Wesley.
         “Ok you guys have seen it,” Jessie said. “Now let’s get the hell out of here.”
         “I want to get closer!” Alyssa exclaimed back at him.
         “You’re funny,” said Connor.
         “What’s the matter Connor? Are you afraid of the cemetery?” mocked Kyle.
         “No! I’d walk around this entire cemetery alone is I could,” he said defending himself.
         “Yeah right,” Kyle replied.
         “Watch me,” he said while walking away from the group. He wandered all the way to the other side of the graveyard. Suddenly another leaf broke. His walking speed slowed down till he came to a complete stop. “Kyle?” Then a figure came and started to strangle him. Connor was overpowered and could not escape until finally his legs twitched and he died.

         Aidan, Brianna, Jessie, Kyle, and Alyssa all went back to the car.
         “It doesn’t take over an hour for Connor to walk a graveyard. Usually by now he would have come back and said he’d already done it. It’s not in his nature do a dare for real,” said Kyle. “C’mon. He’s probably lost.” Then him and Jessie got out of the car and started to search the graveyard until they came across Connor’s body.
         “Oh my God!” said Jessie. The two then ran back to the car.
         “What’s the matter? Why are you guys breathing so hard?” asked Brianna.
         “CONNOR IS DEAD!” Kyle screamed. He then started the car and sped out of the driveway. They rushed all the way to the first house they saw, Mr. Hutchinson’s Farm. They rushed out and started to bang on the door.
         “MR.HUTCHINSON! OPEN UP!” yelled Jessie. Then door then opened.
         “What’s the matter with you kids?” he asked.
         “Connor, you know my friend, he was just murdered!” Kyle explained to him. Mr. Hutchinson’s eyes got wider.
         “Get in. We’ll call the state police. Alexandria police won’t do crap. C’mon,” Mr. Hutchinson said. He led them in and walked into his room. He came back out with a shotgun in his hand. “This is not going to happen again,” he said. Suddenly the lights went off. “What did you kids do?” he whispered while walking into the kitchen. There were a few minutes of silence until BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!
         “Mr. Hutchinson?” said Aidan. He walked over to the kitchen. Mr. Hutchinson fell to the ground lifeless. Aidan ran back. A figure whose face was too dark to decipher emerged from the kitchen with an axe in his or her hand. They all ran out of the house and into the cornfield. Aidan went into a whole different direction then Alyssa, Jessie, Brianna, and Kyle. He approached the barn and entered it. There were stacks of hay everywhere making the entire barn like a maze. He ran all through it until he came to a stop because he was out of breath. He leaned on to a stack of hay. “Oh my God,” he said. “What am I going to do?” Then a piece of hay cracked. “No!” he whispered to himself. Suddenly CLING! A pitchfork went through the hay Aidan was leaning on. It went right through his stomach. He spit up blood and it went all over the place.

         They kept running until they realized Aidan wasn’t with them. The looked around and saw that the big barn door was open.
         “He’s in there!” Brianna pointed out. “Come on Jessie!”
         “You two alright staying here? Brianna and I are going to see if Aidan is in the Barn,” Jessie said while walking off. About five minutes later a figure emerged from a distance.
         “Jessie! Is he there?” Kyle asked. The figure started to walk closer and closer. “Wait a second! You’re not Jessie!” Alyssa then walked up to the figure. “Alyssa get away from him!” She grabbed the axe from in his and hand threw it at Kyle. It went right into his face. He fell to the ground as he quickly died from his wound. 

         Brianna and Jessie quickly ran out of the barn as they discovered Aidan’s deceased body. They headed to where they left Kyle and Alyssa. They then find Kyle’s dead body.
         “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” Brianna screamed. They then ran to the car. “Do you have the keys?”
         “No,” replied Jessie. “They’re in Kyle’s jacket!” They then looked each in the eyes and knew one of them was going to have to get them. Jessie then got out of the car and slowly crept into the cornfield. He tried not to move any of the crops as he stealthily made his way through them. As he approached his dead friend’s corpse, he looked all around to examine if the killer was near. He got down on his knees and went through Kyle’s jacket. He rummaged through all the items. Then he felt the keys. He grabbed them and ran back to the car.
         “Oh my God! You’re ok!” Brianna said in relief. Jessie started the car and floored the gas. “Where are we going?”
         “The closest police station there is!” he said back. “I don’t know what is going on but we have to tell someone.”
         “You heard Mr. Hutchinson! They’ll do nothing!”
         “I don’t care what that crazy old man said! They are our only hope!”
         About five minutes later, lights shined from behind them. The high beams were on and the entire car was lit up.
         “What the hell?” Brianna said. The car then sped up and rear-ended them over and over again. They then sped up as fast as they could. They car behind them did the same. As they saw an exit coming up they quickly took it while the other car went straight. As they pulled up to the police station, they disregarded the fact that where they parked it said ‘TOWING ZONE’. They quickly got out of the car and raced inside. They both started to tell different stories at the same time until a police officer grabbed them and brought them into an interrogation room.
         “What did you two kids do?” he asked. “Please tell me it’s not happening again. Please!”
         “I can’t” said Jessie. “Then I’d be lying.”
         “Oh God no!” the cop said. “Alright you two kids are going to listen and listen well. First my name is Greg Templiain. I am the captain of the Alexandria Police force. I was there a year ago and I was one of the few who survived. If you two plan on surviving, you better come with me.” He then walked them out and to the parking lot. He put them in the back seat of his patrol car.
         “Sir where are we going?” asked Jessie.
         “We are going to kill this son of a bitch,” he replied. He started the car and got on the highway. “We are going to where it all started last year, 4123 Vison Lane.”
         “Where is that?” asked Brianna.
         “Old Alexandria,” he answered.
“What is it?”
“His childhood home. We are going to lure the psycho into a trap. We are going to completely destroy him this time.” He pulled out a grenade.
         “Oh my god,” said Jessie. 20 minutes later, they pulled up to the house.  The house was as black as the sky. There was no sign of life at all. As they entered the house the Jessie’s heart started beating faster and faster. He heard a creak in the wood and grabbed Brianna’s hand. For once in his life, he was actually scared. The two grasped each other’s hand tighter and tighter. Officer Templiain made put his hand out and stopped them. “What?” whispered Jessie.
         “Do you hear that?” he asked. They then were completely silent. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! CRASH! The killer stood there with an axe in his hand. Brianna screamed. “You son of a BITCH!” Greg yelled. He pulled out his gun and started firing. The killer raised the axe and hurled it right at them. “DUCK!” The all got down. Brianna wasn’t quick enough and it sliced right into her arm.
         “OW!” she yelled.
         “Brianna!” Jessie yelled.
         “RUN!” the cop said. Jessie assisted Brianna with getting up and they ran outside. Officer Templiain grabbed the grenade and went to pull it when Alyssa came out of nowhere and stabbed him in the back. The few seconds of his life where looking at Alyssa right in the eyes. She Smiled and winked at him. He fell to the ground.
         “Mikey go take care of those pesky kids for me,” she said. He went outside to see that the car was gone. Brianna and Jessie had fled the scene. He walked back into the house and shrugged his shoulders at Alyssa. “You better find them. What would mother say?” They walked into the kitchen. Unsuspectingly, Jessie was lingering in the shadows of the house. He followed them. He waited for the right time to strike. He watched Mike walk upstairs. He grabbed the axe on the ground and attacked Alyssa. The moment before she could scream, he smashed the axe right into her face. He tried to sneak outside when Mike saw him. He ran outside and down the street. Brianna was there with the car. He got in the front seat and just sat there. He didn’t say one word.
         “Jessie, what happened?” she asked. There was a brief moment of silence.
         “It was her. She lured us into a trap. It was all part of her scheme to kill us.”
         “ALYSSA!” he screamed. CRASH! A hand flew threw Jessie’s window and started to grasp him by the neck. “G, G, Go,” he said struggling. Brianna floored the gas. She stopped about 30 seconds later and turned around. She floored it again and hit the killer. She backed up ad hit him again. She went back and forth until he the road was completely flooded with his blood. She finally saw to her relief he was dead. They both felt satisfied that the crazy killer was dead. Then without any of the slightest doubt, the two drove off into the night never again turning back.

         “Brianna can you pass me a towel?” said one of the girls getting out of the pool. Brianna threw a white towel that said ‘SWIMTEAM’ on it. “Thanks!” she said. A group of girls walked by and invited her to go out tonight with them. She turned them down. She said she’s going to take a shower and do some homework. Everyone left the locker room. It was Brianna and her lonesome. The sound of the shower could be heard all throughout the pool area. The show was so hot that everything was fogged up from the steam. CLASH! A locker closed from inside the girl’s locker room.
         “Who’s there?” she asked. She walked over to the lockers to find her locker had been closed. She walked up to it and there was a picture on the inside of it. It was a picture of Jessie’s dead body. “OH MY GOD!” she yelled. SLING!
         “Did you really think you could kill me?” said a voice.


© Copyright 2008 Joey (joey6918 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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