Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1410767-Little-brother-big-problem-Part-3
by Doomz
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1410767
Part 3, hope you like it, please review!
Amanda rubbed her potbelly and looked down, it was groaning loudly.

"Aw man, I'm hungry already?" She sighed as she waddled down the stairs. "Well I guess I deserve a snack for being such an awsome sister" she smirked as she sneaked into the kitchen.

"Mom and Dad never let me in the kitchen before dinner time because I always spoil my appetite. But I suppose a small snack wouldn't hurt, besides I'm really hungry." Amanda said to herself as she opened the refrigerator and pulled out a huge ham, baloney, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, bacon, sausage, pickles, ketchup, mustard, relish, bread, and a jar of olives.

She worked her culinary magic and whipped up two triple decker ham, baloney, cheese, sausage BLTs with pickles. "Now how many kids my age can do that?" Amanda smirked as she popped the olives onto the sandwiches.

Matt slowly waddled down the stairs in a towel when he sniffed the air "What is that smell?" He drooled. He quickly ran into the kitchen, his belly jiggling along the way. His eyes opened wide when he saw Amanda carrying a platter with two giant sandwiches.

"Did you make those sandwiches?" Matt drooled

"Yep! Why? Did you want one?" Amanda smirked as she waved the platter in front of Matt's face

"It, It, It would be nice" Matt stammered, lost in the scent of the delicious sandwiches. Amanda smiled ear to ear, not many people would want a huge sandwich like this one after a huge meal. Well she was one of them but she was used to it. Now that Matt wanted a sandwich too, it meant his appetite has expanded greatly.

Well why deny what a chubby little six-year-old wants? Amanda took out two dishes and gently placed a sandwich on each one.

"Now before I give this to you, you have to promise not to tell mom and dad, they would kill me if they found out I did this." Amanda said

"Anything, anything, please give me the sandwich!" Matt pleaded

Amanda smiled and gave him the sandwich, "Fine"

"Yes! Thanks Amanda!" Matt yelled as he ran up the stairs. He plopped down on his bed and took a big bite out of the sandwich.

"Aw man..." Matt moaned, "This tastes so good..."

"Glad you like it!" Amanda said as she popped her head into his room

"Ah! Amanda, don't do that" Matt said startled

"Sorry," Amanda apologized as she sat down next to Matt and took a bite out of her own sandwich. "So how's my sandwich?"

"Heavenly..." Matt moaned with his mouth full

"Glad you like it" Amanda smiled as she ruffled his hair. Suddenly, they hear a car screech to a stop in the driveway.

"Oh no! Mom and Dad are back! Hurry up, we have to finish these sandwiches!" Amanda panicked. Matt took two more bites and finished off his sandwich while Amanda still had half of hers left.

"Kids! We're home!" Mom called from upstairs

"Oh no! Here, eat my sandwich for me! I'll go downstairs and stall them!" Amanda said as she gave Matt her sandwhich and ran downstairs.

"Sweet!" Matt beamed as he took her sandwich and took a big bite out of it

"Mom! Dad! You're home!" Amanda said happily as she hugged both of them.

"Good to see you too, Amanda! Where's your brother?" Dad asked

"Uh, uh, he's upstairs doing his homework" Amanda lied

"He doesn't have any homework today" Mom replied as she started up the stairs

"No wait, uh, he's uh, uh" Amanda stammered

Mom opened the door and Amanda flinched, but was relieved to see Matt playing GameCube

"Oh, hey mom! Back already?" Matt winked at Amanda

"Yep, get your clothes on! We're going out to eat!" Mom said as she went down the stairs

"Yes!" Matt punched the air

Amanda sighed as she walked down the stairs too, after a while, Matt waddled up to the car and sat down

"So where are we going?" Matt asked excitedly

"How about mexican food?" Alexis asked

"Or sushi? I could really use a california roll" Devon added in

"How about a buffet?" Amanda grinned at Matt

"Yeah! Can we?" Matt asked

"Can we mom?" Alexis asked

"A buffet sounds good" Devon said

"Well there is a Chinese Buffet nearby" Mom pondered

"Yes!" Matt cheered

"Alright then, buffet it is!"

"Man, look at all this food..." Matt drooled

"Careful dude, your getting drool on the sneeze guard" Devon warned

Matt wiped his mouth embarrassingly and went to stand next to Amanda

"How many?" The man at the counter asked boredly

"6 please" Mom answered

"Head right in" The man droned on not paying attention

Matt whooped and ran to get a plate, Amanda hurried after her and Alexis and Devon followed them.

"Wait...Don't run" sighed the man boredly

"Now what to get? Oh, I want these, and these look good, and fries! A lot of fries! And this, and this, ew spinich, but this! Man that looks good!" Matt hurried along and grabbed everything he could see onto his plate.

"I can't believe you're still hungry!" Amanda called after him as she placed some food onto her plate as well

"Hey, I'm a growing boy" Matt replied

"You can say that again" Amanda smirked as she patted Matt's small potbelly

"Shut up" Matt muttered, feeling his own belly

"Don't worry, Matt, I'm not going to be the one who'll make fun of you" Amanda gestured to her own potbelly.

"Oh right, sorry" Matt apologized, as he hauled his huge plate to the table

"Whoa, did you suddenly aquire a tapeworm or something?" Devon asked him

"No, I'm just...really hungry" Matt lied, his face flushing

"Well don't eat too much, you're starting to look a little saggy in the midsection, if you know what I mean?" Devon smirked

"Lay off Matt, Devon" Amanda warned

Devon immediately shutted up, he remembered from past experiences never to mess with Amanda. Even though he was older than her, she knew a lot of things that he wouldn't want mom and dad to know.

"Thanks, Amanda" Matt said through a mouthful of food. He had never seen all this great tasting food before, and he was in heaven. Every bite sent joy to his stomach, but it was filling up fast.

"Matt, are you ok?" Alexis asked

"I'm fine, just a little stuffed" Matt groaned as he took off his belt and unbuttoned the button on his jeans. "Ah, that's better. So what's for desert?"

Amanda smirked widely, "I'll be right back" She got up and grabbed a big plate. She went down to the ice cream machine and started to work immediately

"Where's Amanda and her amazing desert?" Devon groaned

"Yeah, she's been gone for 10 minutes now!" Alexis added

"Guys, she'll...be...here...any..." Matt stopped talking and gaped at what Amanda was carrying.

"So guys, what do you think?" Amanda asked, holding the most carefully constructed sundae they ever seen. It was big enough to feed all of them, maybe with a little left over!

"You, you, you made that?" Alexis stammered

"H-How?" Devon asked

"What can I say? I'm magic! Now dig in, everybody!" Amanda said as she handed everyone spoons. Everyone dug in immediately, Matt even threw away his spoon and dug in head on! Amanda grabbed a spoon too and dug in herself, this could've well been her greatest creation!

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Matt's belly glorp and jiggle with each mouthful. Amanda scooped another spoonful into her mouth in enjoyment of the moment

© Copyright 2008 Doomz (iamsoawsome at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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