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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1414644
You man not believe what I have to tell you, so just read it!! -lol-

          You man not believe what I have to tell you, but I just want you to listen to what I have to say. For there is evil in every heart. This is my story; these are my accounts of the events before the third war of the major races. This story starts nineteen years before the first arrow was shot from an elven bow, before the spiders of Lolth crawled from the dark depths of the Underdark. The day was of my birth, on the outskirts of Dothminor, on the plains of Ifrit. In the heart of the plans, where the storms are fierce and are harmful to most. This is where my story begins, and two sadly parish.
         On the day that I was brought into this world, just three hours after my birthing, my father raised his hand to my mother and used his ability to call forth the scorching flames, he aimed to kill my mother and myself. But my mother selfishly protected me, then my father thinking that we were both dead and scorched, raised his hand again, but not in anger, but in sorrow and fear for what would happen to him if he lived. He then thought looking down at my mother chard body, and then used the ability again to take his own life. That images of this still haunt my dreams and meditations, as do his screams of sorrow and pain. But my mother in her semi-selfish ways saved me, but the blast that my father turned on us left me with the reminder of what had happened, the scar is still with me. The Red Dragon of greed still branded on my skin. My father's inconsiderateness cost my her life, and for that I curse his name in all the known tongues. My mother on the other hand, being the selfish, but caring person that she was, I still hold a place in my heart for her. You may be wondering how I survived this most unfortunate event, then read on for I have the answers you seek.

Part I

         The storm just began to roll over our house, my mother burnt and chard body still covered me, no matter how much I screamed no one heard me. Just before I was about to give and lay here and die, I hear what are words just outside the small hut in which we lived. From what I could remember it was three elves, three elf rangers to be correct. They all looked similar in comparison. Most likely family, the shorter one, most likely a female, gracefully glided over to my mother's body. She slowly kneed down and moved her body to reveal me laying under her; my mother's body began to turn to dust and ash.
         "Fatha there be a poor who-man cheldoi her." the shorter elf said as she looked back to the other two.
         "This is not a very good place to be right now, for whoever killed them shall return for the child when they learn of their falter." the tallest of the three said as he looked around anxiously.
         "Mishra, Icide, calm yourselves. No one killed these poor people (Poor? How dare he subjugate me to his level!) it was a murder but I sense that the man who took the life of the poor child's mother is too indeed dead as well." the medium man had said. The medium sized one then moved over to the female who was now standing over me. He something in a language I could not make out at that point in time. But as an infant, I could not understand much. Now you must be wondering how I could understand everything around me, but with some research and aggressive persuasion anything can be learned. Thirteen years later is when my story continues, in the wood elf city of Darinor.

Part II

         "Zual, wakeup! It's morning already!!" a boisterous voice echoed through my head.
         "Mishra, I'm up! I'm just meditating!" I yelled back as my concentration was now broken. I reached down with my index finger to the wick of a lavender scented candle that sat just to the right of me, as my finger touched the wick of the candle it flickered and then soon was lit again. I closed my eyes, begin to calm my breathing, and silence my mind. A few hours of centering my thoughts and it hits my like and arrow finding its way to the heart of a deer. It was the most horrific sound that I could ever imagine, the screams of my mother as my father turned on her, then shortly following the screams of my father. I try to open my eyes then there is a faint glow, then I see my mother, she was smiling, laughing, she was happy. But why, I wondered? Then the horrific scene of that tragic event of my father killing my mother again flashes before my eyes. How pathetic he was, my father, so unpoetical how he slaughtered my foolish mother.  Now to this day I want to wiping his entire pathetic family from the face of this dieing planet.
         As I ponder on these thoughts, I feel someone enter my chamber. The Practice hall just outside my resting/meditating chambers. I open my eyes as I fall a few inches to the floor. 'What!?' I thought to myself, I jump up to see who has entered my chambers without my consent. I peek around the door leading out from my resting/meditating chamber to the practice hall. The figure that I had seen in the dim lit room was too small to be Fletch, or even Mishra. 'Who is this person?' I ask myself. I closed my eyes and began to reach out with my mind. I began pushing all other thoughts our and silencing my mind.
         As I stand there my heart beat calms, I begin to hear the thoughts of this strange person who dare enter my chambers. 'Where is he?'  a female voice echoes throughout my thoughts. 'I must be careful, this fowl demon can read my thoughts.' she thought again.
         'Turn back, leave this place, you are not welcome! LEAVE!' I projected this into her mind as if it where an eerie undead voice reaching out from the grave.
         "Where are you! Come out and face my you fowl demon!" she yelled, her voice echoed throughout the chamber. As I begin to smirk I use my ability to teleport myself, I appeared behind the pillar just to the left her.
         "You really think that you can really face me! You poor pathetic naive!" I remember saying this with a large somewhat overbearing smile. I drew the gem inscribed short sword from its hilt that rested on my left side. Then with my power of teleportation, I teleported behind her and whispered into her ear, "Poor child." I trusted my sword into the small of her back. I can still remember the feeling that it gave me as the sword entered her flesh, it was so sensational, and it brought me a somewhat sadomasochistic pleasure. The wound was too severe, I could sense her pain. It was over whelming as she began to pass into oblivion. The bright light that was her life essence begins to fade.
         'What have I done?' I began to question myself, I was so unsure of my actions. Should I have killed her? What have I done? I ask myself.
         "Zual, are you.....!" Mishra had opened the door to my chambers to see if her assassin had done her job. "Zual, what happened?" she said this with a fictionally look of surprise on her face, for this showed me the truth that she had planned this, she wanted me out of the way. She knows since her brother left that I now am her father's new favorite child.
         "You.... you banshee of a woman!" I yelled at her as I stood up, the blood on my sword began to run down the hilt to my hand, the cold red liquid felt somewhat soothing, even intoxicating. "You dare send this assassin into my chambers to murder me! You dare anger me! You poor pathetic insolate fool!" I began to move toward her, she stepped back.
         "Zual, you are confusing me! How could I do something like this?" I knew she was trying to playing me for a fool, for I could sense it in her mind.
         "Mishra, you dare stoop this low as to attempt to kill me in cold blood!!" I moved toward her as I began to think of an ability to use on her. How about double pain and molecular transmutation, or mass-domination, then make her kill herself. Choices, choices, choices. Then I thought of what I wanted, Irritation! I lounge myself toward her, my left hand landed softly on her shoulder. I love this ability she began to itch herself as it insects began to embed themselves into her skin. I love this feeling, I enter her thought and the feeling of her scratching her vary own skin, to reveal the soft red tissues below her soft olive colored skin.
         That was one of my less enjoyable times. Killing some unknown person, and killing the person I considered my sister. After that I gathered my things and set out looking, searching for someone who was like me. Some mages and priests seemed promising, but it was not the same, having the ability to rearrange molecules in a living being as I could. The next few years were boring, traveling from place to place. Meeting a few interesting people. Two of them  would be Clann, a Necromancer from the Northern Regions. I don't know much about him but I can sense that my psionic abilities should be kept from him, for he tells me a group of "demons" killed his family. The other would be Gozen, she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever laid my eyes upon. Her beauty is rivaled with her abilities as a psionics, her long red hair reminds me of the tail of a comet in collision course with our atmosphere.

Part III

          'Zual seems somewhat inconspicuous.' Clann had thought to himself, his thoughts were easy to read. Almost as if he wanted me to hear them. I look to Gozen as she looks to me with a puzzling look on her face. As a few hours pass we enter a clearing. "This seems like a wonderful spot to set up camp." Clann had said as he jumped off his horse and began to untie his tent and bedroll from the saddle. I looked to Gozen her long red hair elegantly moved in the soft wind as she leaned up against a tree as her hair slowly fell and rested on the tree trunk.
          "Well are you going to set up the tent?" Gozen said to me as she maneuvered her dark red eyes to mine. She straightened her back as if she where trying to make herself bigger then myself.
          "Well you asked so nicely, how could I refuse your most humble request." I bowed to her to make herself feel better then began to untie the tent and bedrolls from the saddles. I was getting bored and Gozen could sense this so using our telepathic abilities we began to talk to each other about what to do with Clann, as my thoughts began to drift I could hear his thought, but only like as if they where and echo.
            'Zual, I know you are reading my thoughts. You and Gozen have been reading them. I can feel you poking around, opening rooms in which you should not!' he knew that Gozen and I where reading his thoughts, but how? I open my eyes to see that  I was safe in the tent. But I could sense that there is something missing. Clann, I thought to myself, but where could he have gone. I begin to look around for Gozen, but she was not in the tent she must have slipped out during my meditations. The next thing I heard was Gozen as she kneeled down next the opening of the tent.
          "Zual, are you descent?" she asked me.
          "Yes, you may enter, this is after all your tent too." I looked to the opening as she gracefully began to enter, her glowing eyes met mine, "Where did Clann go off to?" I asked foolishly.
          "He left us here with what is on our person, and I do believe that he has also taken all three of the horses." she said as she sat down next to me and began to meditate, I could sense her clear her mind and calm her body. As I began to do the same something odd began to happen. Our thoughts began to intertwine with one another. Finally I have found someone who is as misunderstood and somewhat as peaceful as I. Finally, now I have a found a person to turn to when I am troubled or need assistance in bettering myself.
© Copyright 2008 Marcus Von Valentine (zual3701 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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