Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1415310-The-Pirates-Lady-Part-2
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1415310
Battles at sea threaten the pirate and his lady.
Amarisa watched as her pirate love walked away. She had only known him three days but she loved him anyway. She didn't know when and if she could tell him. She only hoped that he loved her, too.

Sid was staggering home from the bar and he thought he saw a Spanish soldier hanging around the settlement and seen him go to Amarisa's apartment. This wasn't good. He had to find that nice chap Von Pearl. His head hurt but he was going to the sea to look for Von Pearl.

Amarisa walked up the steps to her apartment. Her apartment was unlocked. SHE ALWAYS LOCKED HER APARTMENT. Suddenly, she was scared. She decided not to enter her apartment. She was going to get Von Pearl. Just then Carlos jumped out of the shadows and put his hand over Amarisa's mouth. He roughly dragged her into her apartment and shut the door. Amarisa bit Carlos's hand but he slapped her across the face and knocked her to the ground. "Alright, whore, you are giving me what you have been giving that cut throat pirate! He can't help you now! You will like this!" Carlos started to take off his pants. Amarisa was scared. She prayed Von Pearl could save her.

Sid found Von Pearl. Luckily, he was able to catch up to him. "Mr. Pirate, Sir, Amarisa may be in trouble. I saw that Spanish soldier that you punched going to Miss Amarisa's apartment."

Von Pearl thanked Sid and ran like lightning to Amarisa's apartment.

Carlos was drunk and was having problems undoing his pants. Amarisa scratched his face and Carlos cried out. He was angry now. He pulled Amarisa's hair and finally got his pants undone but Von Pearl came in the door just then and plunged his knife in Carlos' leg. Carlos was in pain. Von Pearl helped Amarisa off the floor and hugged her. She was sobbing. Just then Sid arrived. "You saved our girl. I am so glad."

"Amarisa, I am taking the scoundrel soldier back to the fort. Can you stay with someone until I get back?"

"Yes. I can stay with Henrietta." Von Pearl kissed her cheek and asked Sid to help him drag the soldier back to the fort. Sid nodded. It was dark and the moonlight was the only light but it gave out enough light.

Amarisa went to Henrietta's house and Henrietta brewed her up some tea and hugged her. She was like a mother to her. Heneritta comforted Amarisa like a child.

Von Pearl and Sid dragged the cusing Spanish soldier back to the fort. When Von Pearl told the Admiral what Carlos had done, Carlos was horse whipped and was going to be deported back to Spain. Von Pearl was friends with the Admiral Pedros Morales. Von Pearl left to go find Amarisa. Sid went with him.

"I always wanted to see the inside of that fort. The Admiral respects you and likes you." Sid patted Von Pearl across the back.

"We are friends, I suppose. I do him favors and he does me favors."

Von Pearl found Amarisa at Henrietta's and Henrietta thought that Amarisa was lucky to have Von Pearl for a friend but she knew that it was much more then that. Von Pearl told Amarisa that Carlos wouldn't bother her anymore and Von Pearl stayed on the cot with Amarisa until she fell asleep. Before she fell asleep, Amarisa said to Von Pearl: "I love you. You are my knight in shiny armour. I will love you forever."

Von Pearl was taken by surprise. "I love you, too. Come sail away with me." Amarisa was already asleep.

Von Pearl left to go to his ship. Amarisa woke up the next morning and was disappointed that Von Pearl had already left. Henrietta had made her breakfast.

"Amarisa, that pirate loves you. He is a handsome man. You are lucky to have him."

"I hope he stays forever. I need him in my life."

Henrietta smiled. "You have to perseude him."

Amarisa smiled. "I will do my best."

Sophie came to visit. She bought over her new doll. Amarisa loved Sophie. Amarisa and Sophie went to the bay. Sophie loved how the tide came in. She was laughing and picking up seashells. Just then Von Pearl showed up. Amarisa ran into his arms and they kissed.

Sophie laughed. "Hey! Stop that!"

Von Pearl looked at Sophie. IT WAS HER! HIS LITTLE SISTER!

Amarisa smiled. "Sophie, meet Von Pearl."

"Are you a real pirate? You are cute!"

Von Pearl laughed. "Yes, I am a real pirate. Are you Amarisa's friend?"

"She is like a sister to me."

Von Pearl, Amarisa and Sophie walked along the beach. Von Pearl wanted to take Sophie and Amarisa back to England with him.

Von Pearl hung out with Amarisa all day and Sophie had to go home.

"Did you mean what you said about being in love with me?" asked Von Pearl.

Amarisa nodded. "Yes. I love you and I hope you love me."

"I do, Princess. I need to be truthful with you. I am not a real pirate. I am here on a mission.. He told her about Sophie and how she was kidnapped by pirates. "Amarisa, Darling, Sophie is my sister."

"Sophie's parents must know this. I always knew that she wasn't their daughter by birth. They came to the settlement eight years ago and Sophie was a baby. When I looked at Sophie the other day, I thought that she looked liked you."

"Amarisa, why don't we sail away and take Sophie with us?"

"That would be kidnapping!"

"She was already kidnapped. My parents and me are her blood family."

"I know. We have to think this through."

Von Pearl hugged Amarisa. "I will wait forever for you and Sophie."

The rest of the day, Amarisa and Von Pearl felt uneasy. Von Pearl knew it was a battle feeling that he couldn't shake off. The sun went down and Von Pearl and Amarisa saw strange ships in the bay. The ships were fancy and big. There were fifteen of them. "What is going on?" asked Amarisa.

"Those are English ships. Amarisa, they are going to battle with the Spanish soldiers and the people in this settlement. Please, we have to leave. There is going to be a lot of blood shed."

"Are you part of this? You want to hurt these people?"

"I am not part of this. I have connections and I was warned that this battle was going to happen. I didn't think they would be here until a week later. I swear it on our love."

Amarisa believed him. Just then there was thunder. It wasn't thunder. IT WAS GUN FIRE!"

Sophie was scared. She came running over to Amarisa and Von Pearl. "Amarisa, what is going on?"

Von Pearl got down to Sophie's height. "Would you like to see my pirate ship?"

Sophie's eyes got real big. "Can I?"

Von Pearl picked up Sophie and said to Amarisa: "We need to get going. This battle won't be pretty."

More sounds of cannon fire thundred and shook the land. Von Pearl grabbed Amarisa's hand and they ran through the woods. They had to hurry and be out of sight.

Amarisa could see the fire from the cannons and the smell was stignant. She was leaving her home but she was with Von Pearl and there was no time to waste. Finally, Von Pearl's ship was in view. It was huge and fancy. No signs of battle tarnished this ship. Von Pearl, Amarisa and Sophie got on the ship. There was a red velvet coach, red velvet chairs, a big, long dining room table and fancy curtains. Amarisa had never seen anything so fancy. Von Pearl kissed Amarisa's cheek and told her to stay with Sophie in the room. Von Pearl and his men were getting the ship ready to sail. The battle sounds were muffled and Amarisa felt safe. The ship was sailing in the opposite direction of the battle. She realized that she was headed for England. Sophie's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Amarisa, why can't I see my parents anymore? Are we being kidnapped?"

"Of course not. Sweetie, Your parents aren't your real parents. Pirates kidnapped you and Von Pearl is your brother. We are going to England to meet your real family."

Sophie smiled. "Are Von Pearl's parents pirates like him?"

"No. They are like royalty. You will love them."

Sophie was on an adventure. Her little mind loved this fairy tale. Soon, it was dark and Sophie fell asleep on the red velvet couch. The ship was far way from the battle. Von Pearl showed up and said his men were sailing the ship and had things under control. He covered Sophie with a blanket and escorted Amarisa to his big fancy bed. He kissed her but stopped himself.

"Don't stop. I want to do this."

Von Pearl gently undressed Amarisa and made love to her. He repeatedly told her that he loved her and Amarisa was so happy. This was Paradise and Von Pearl was a easy lover.

The next day Sophie and Amarisa looked out over the bay and saw dolphins and fish. Von Pearl made up stories about fish and Sophie loved them.

"You're my brother Amarisa said."

"Yes, I am."

"I am glad. I love you."

"I love you, too. little girl."

The next few days were smooth sailing and Von Pearl and Amarisa shared his bed and their love for each other over and over.

The night before they got to England, Von Pearl asked Amarisa to marry him."

"Of course, I will marry you. I love you so much."

Von Pearl placed a pearl and emerald ring on Amarisa's finger. He kissed her hand and they pledged theirselves to each other.

Von Pearl's parents was so happy to have their little girl and son home. They loved Amarisa, too. They lived in a fancy mansion by the ocean. Von Pearl and Amarisa were married and Von Pearl was no longer a pirate. He helped his father with the tea business. Sophie grew into a proper young lady and Von Pearl and Amarisa raised a boy and a girl. When the boy turned seventeen, he decided to sail the seven seas and he ended up in St. Augustine. He was a respected pirate like his father was. He met a woman who worked at the pub in the settlement. History repeats itself?
Beautiful Poser of pirate and his lady by best friend Angel.
Beautiful Poser of pirate and his lady for my pirate story by best friend Angel.
Beautiful Poser of pirate couple for my pirate story by best friend Angel.

© Copyright 2008 Princess Morticia Megan Rose (tigger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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