Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1416475-why-i-dislike-my-job
by Taylen
Rated: 13+ · Essay · Other · #1416475
essay about my job
Why I dislike my job

Ignorance is certainly not always bliss, least of all in the work place. I am currently employed as a waitress at a bar and grill. Now I realize a great many would agree with me when I say work bites the big one, but would they be able to back it up with such confidence in their reasoning as I? Not likely. Now I don't mean to come off as arrogant, or definitely don't find myself lucky being an expert of folly at my current occupation. There are quite a few more topics I would enjoy being surer of myself in, other than "Why I dislike my job". A decent job, in my opinions, should certainly not lack professionalism of managers, never make you feel uncomfortable, and not contain a staff consisting of lazy or dim-witted employees. Lastly, I will be more than glad to share with you what a quality job means to me.
A supervisor, in my point of view, is someone to be respected for being a quality leader not because he/she scares the living daylights out of you. Most of all they should be showing their staff the highest level of professionalism. A manager brutally barking at an employee like a rabid dog in front of the rest of the employees, ignoring team members, prejudging staff by age or looks, picking favorites, talking down to employees, chatting with friends at the bar all night, or supervisors posting pictures on match.com however ridiculous or unbelievable that may sound are unfortunately all situations I have encountered at my current place of work. An Ideal boss to me is impartial. Someone who comes into work greets their staff with a smile, but doesn't go out clubbing at the end of the day with them. They need to be fair and disciplinary when needed, but not constantly yell over insignificant matters, such as why there's a sugar packet mixed in with the salt (mmhm, true story).
Out of all the reasons I dislike my job, creepy old men hitting on the young girl employees is probably the most annoying. I believe it's extremely important to feel secure and comfortable where you work. Just because we are in uniform we have to go along with it and smile. After hours of cheesy pickup lines and inappropriate whistles, it gets harder to keep that grin on your face. Now I know with some jobs there's more of this than others. It just so happens that my job, along with all its other downfalls, is at the top of the "creepy customers" list. Feeling comfortable, not just with the customers, but in all areas is a necessity for a quality job experience. Now you have to realize before you begin working at a job such as mine that there is always going to be a certain level of sexual harassment. Although, you definitely have to have the ability to distinguish the difference between playful flirting and harmful actions which could prevent you from performing your duties to your full abilities.
A key reason I loathe the thought of going into work each day is because ill know whose company I will be in. You know it's not a good situation when you find yourself asking "why in the hell (please excuse my language) would they hire these people?!" Now, to be fair, there are a handful of co-workers I really enjoy, they are the people that keep me at my job and make it worth while. If it wasn't for them I don't know if I'd be able to keep my head surrounded by "the others" as I like to call them. Let me specify, "the others" are those employees who seem to be completely oblivious to their environment, stand around with these blank looks on their faces and think they are somehow above all others and can just stand around while everyone else does their work for them. Deep breathing has become a perfected art of mine around this group. It mildly pains me to recall all those times where I'm constantly following after them and cleaning up their messes, all the while cursing under my breathe. I never want to seem snobbish because in the end our pay is the same, but maybe I've kept things to myself more than I should have. After all it's really not fair that along with all my duties I'm having to go around do these other employees jobs, that their so obviously incapable of, as well. All so that we don't all get yelled at by big, bad, boss-man. Please feel free to stop reading at this time and play me a song on the world's smallest violin.
An idyllic day at work for me would start with me walking in the door, being greeted warmly by my fellow employees and manager, a smile already planted on my face for there are no polyester uniforms anywhere in sight (that last part might be a stretch). Everyone is drama-free and at very least in a decent mood, but definitely ready to work. Our customers are cheerful and polite and have no complaints about the time it takes to get their food to their table and they certainly do not feel the need to grab the ass of any of our female staff. Everyone is taking care of their personal responsibilities and the day is going along smoothly. Lastly, I leave my job, at least somewhere close to the time I was scheduled off, with a smile still gracing my face and not feeling the need to strangle somebody.
Yes, I realize there are times where all you want to do is sit back, no worries, not have to think and just relax that however, should not be at your work! I, unfortunately, dislike my job for many reasons. The lack of professionalism is ridiculous, managers hanging around the bar chatting with their friends all night just isn't right. I never feel comfortable in my surroundings, unwanted comments or touching by drunken men is absolutely not my idea of fun. All of that, topped off with staff members I would like nothing more but to give a good smack in the face are not the workings for a quality job experience.
© Copyright 2008 Taylen (taytie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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