Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1418229-Demon-Throne-pt-IV
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1418229
It's about a girl who accidentally is bound to a demon in an underworld contest
Hikari woke up, in her bed, dressed in her own pair of night clothes. Sitting up suddenly, she looked around, there was some clothing on the floor, which was the only thing out of place. Were the events of the previous night imaginary? She leaned back against the cautiously, glancing around the room again, raising her hand to her forehead. Was something going wrong in her mind, was she going insane? Hikari kicked her legs off of her bed, on to the floor and stood up. She looked at herself in the mirror on her closet door  and flattened out her night gown before taking a few uneasy steps towards her dresser and opening it, searching through for, before pulling out a long white house coat. Hikari pulled it on over her night gown before grabbing the matching cloth belt and tying it around her waist. The house coat Hikari had on had been a hand me down, from her grandmother. It was white silk house coat with complicated embroideries on it. It had been in her family for a very long time, being passed down to the line of girls in the family who would get it on their twelve birthday to embroider until the next girl in line became twelve.  Hikari's handwork on it was obvious, it was the plainest but most colorful. Her mother had put on a full dragon up one of the sleeves, while Hikari had only put a collection of stars on the left wrist area and a small coat of arms on the neck, very insignificant but still a thing to be proud of for a girl who could barely even sew a straight line up until she was fourteen. Hikari raised the seem on her house coat slightly before opening the door of her room and walking into the hall. She could hear voices coming from the kitchen, normally it was pretty quiet when she woke up on a Sunday morning, her brother would be in his room sleeping and her mother would be downstairs, watching TV while her father was at work. This morning it sounded a lot more busy then just her mother and the TV. Hikari thought that maybe her mother had company over but as she went down the stairs she realized that it was only her mother, Kyo and one other person who sounded familiar. When the voice finally was recognized, Hikari became horrified and she bolted down the short staircase. Hikari muttered something as she stopped against the wall and looked out into the kitchen in utter horror as she saw her mother sat serving tea to her brother and a familiar man beside him, the very man who appeared in her room last night and had followed her around the mall.
"You!?" Hikari screamed, pointing her finger at the man. Hikari's mother set the tea down and walked over to her daughter. The man at the table looked up, his mouth for once, closed into a thin smile.
"Hikari..." her mother hissed at her as she came up close. "Don't be rude. He's our guest." Hikari looked at her mother in shock and looked over her shoulder at the demon beside her brother, who raised the white china cup up to his lips and tipped it, taking a long drink. Hikari's mother recoiled from her daughter and went over to the counter to grab another tea cup.
"It was funny, at 7 this morning, your school called to tell me that our exchange student would be coming in on the train at 9. I thought it was a joke because, I couldn't remember signing up for an exchange student but sure enough, they said they had given you a sheet to give us and said your father signed for him?" Hikari's mother picked up the tea pot and poured the tea into the other cup for Hikari.
"So, I realized that Himeko was coming over Tuesday to stay with us until the trouble with her husband settles over and I simply was absolutely dumbfounded when I thought about where I was going to put for Hitsugi."
"Hitsugi?" Hikari asked in a horrified tone.
Hikari's mother nodded and ushered her daughter over to the seat beside the man.
"His name is Hitsugi, he's from England apparently."
Hikari sat down in the seat beside Hitsugi who was staring at her, along with her brother who was now mocking him, leaving his mouth open like the demon beside him as her mother gave him a strange and slightly confused look. Everyone except for Hitsugi seemed to have a strange look on their face. Kyo looked more enthusiastic about a single person then he ever had in his life, her mother was confused and obviously trying to hide it while Hikari was sure she looked horrified. Hitsugi on the other hand, just looked generally pleased with life as well as full out creepy. Hikari didn't feel safe sitting near him, she felt like he was going to try and poison her if she looked away for even a second.
"Now Hikari, this might come as a bit of a surprise, I know, a stranger coming into your house and now, into your room..."
"What?" Hikari yelled, cutting off her mother.
"Oh, Hitsugi will be sleeping in your room until Himeko leaves, I'd set him up on the couch but I don't think that'd be very convenient for anyone in the family."
Hikari's mouth dropped open and she felt like screaming but for the sake of her mother, she didn't make a noise.
"That's not fair mum, how come Hitsugi can't sleep in my room!"Kyo whined, grabbing onto Hitsugi's arm. Hitsugi looked down at Kyo and smiled awkwardly.
"You're mother has made her decision, I would love to share your room but she told me it was simply too small." Hitsugi said calmly, giving Kyo a light pat on his head.
Hikari's mother nodded.
"He's right, Kyo, I don't feel necessarily good about leaving Hitsugi in Hikari's room but it would be to difficult making room for him in yours." Hikari's mother said, pouring tea for herself, sitting down on the other side of Kyo.
Hikari looked at her mother horrified, then looked at Hitsugi before standing up.
"I need to go get dressed." Hikari said, walking away.

Hitsugi watched Hikari leave before standing up himself.
"Did I upset her?" he asked Kyo and his mother.
"No dear, don't you worry, she's a teenage girl. Girls are very strange at her age." Hikari's mother said raising the cup to her lips and taking a long drink.
Hitsugi looked at Kyo, who shrugged.
"I don't know what goes on in that mind of hers, I'd be the happiest kid in the world if I could share my room with you."
Hitsugi smiled and set his hand on Kyo's head.
"Thank you, I think it'd be a lot simpler staying with you." He said walking away over to the front door. Hitsugi hadn't came to the surface with luggage but here it was, two large black suitcases and a smaller black bag. He looked at them and grabbed them. The Underworld government had sent up everything he owned that he could possibly need. Among the luggage was a small red box. Hitsugi picked it up and set it in his pocket before picking up the other two and turning to walk towards the stairs.
"I'd be careful if I were you, teenager girls can be worse then dragons when disturbed." Kyo's mother said, watching Hitsugi carry his bags up towards the stairs.
"I'm just going to set them outside her door." Hitsugi said pleasantly. The underworld had taken amazing care of his situation. They had forged memories into Hikari's father as well as papers for everything. Hitsugi was now a British exchange student, the only loophole in the plan was the fact that his time didn't have an end, it never would unless something happened.

Hitsugi came to the earth for a contest. In the underworld, the king was growing old, his human queen was growing older as well. The king knew he was dying soon and he knew that when the king felt he was dying he started a contest. The contest was for the underworld throne. Twenty-one books were sent to earth, twenty-one spells that when read summoned one of the million demons who had allowed themselves to be a contestant. Hitsugi joined the contest simply out of spite, he never expected to win. Now his life was much more difficult then he had expected. The demon summoned was bound to the human who spoke the words, if there was a case of two voices speaking the words at the same time, problems would occur. Hitsugi didn't know what happened exactly but he always had the image of the summoned demon, being split in two, one summoner getting the left body, the other, the right. Hitsugi knew what would come next. After he ate his first bite of human food he would have to take his human partner to the demon world to register fully. He wasn't really looking forward to the registration of his human partner. Every demon had his human and after they met the demon had to take his human counterpart to the underworld to be examined, registered and introduced to the rules before they were allowed to return to the surface. From the looks of Hikari, he knew she wasn't going to be very happy about going to hell for a few hours. Hitsugi had only been in the human world for a day but he knew it had been a few weeks in hell. The registration could take a few days in the underworld but only a few hours in the human world. The underworld was truly an interesting place. Everyone who died went there and it was the two leaders of the underworld who decided where they went. Ever since Hades chose a human bride, there had always been a human and a demon ruler. A human to sort the humans, a demon to sort every other being that died.

Hitsugi knocked lightly on Hikari's door.
"I am quite sorry to interrupt." he said quietly, dropping his luggage by her door.
The door opened slightly, Hikari peering out angerly before slamming it closed.
"I really am sorry, I'm sure you are confused and unhappy with my sudden intrusion into your life."
Hitsugi rested against the wall, looking down at his luggage.
"This wasn't my choice."
"What do you mean?" Hikari's muffled voice said through the wall. Hitsugi knocked on the door again.
"Can I come in?" he said, ignoring Hikari's words. Hikari opened the door slightly again.
"I don't feel right talking to you through a wall."
Hikari sighed and opened the door, letting Hitsugi in.
"What the hell are you exactly?" Hikari said holding the door open as Hitsugi grabbed his bags and dragged them in.
"Not the kind of question I expected at first." Hitsugi said calmly. "But I am a demon of sorts, a bat demon to be exact." He said setting his bag down on the floor beside Hikari's bed.
"A bat demon?" Hikari said looking at him strangely, before suddenly jolting up and walking over to her bag in the corner. Hitsugi nodded as Hikari searched through her stuff.
"Exactly." Hitsugi said, clapping his fingers. Hikari pulled a large book from her bag and walked over to Hitsugi, dropping the book on his lap.
"I read this book the other night, I read it and it failed, so I thought it was a total sham. Now your talking about bat demons and it's funny..."Hikari said sitting down beside Hitsugi, who sat, running his bruised fingers along the cover, "I read a section meant to summon a bat demon." Hitsugi looked up at her.
"I didn't really expect...a human." Hikari said, pursing her lips. Hitsugi flipped open the book and started flipping through it.
"Normally we don't come out from hell as animals, the human world is too dangerous to animals." Hitsugi said, marking pages with his fingers.
"So there are others like you?" Hikari said to Hitsugi's nodding.
Hitsugi flipped to the pages he had marked.
"There are twenty others like me but from the looks of things there are only about seven others in the human world."
Hikari looked at him strange.
"What do you mean?" She said looking over at Hitsugi.
"Where did you find this book?" Hitsugi asked flipping through again.
Hikari looked over at the wall and shrugged.
"I bought it from small oddity shop, It looked old and the owner said it once belonged to a witch." Hikari said smiling proudly. Hitsugi looked at her.
"This is a underworld contest catalog." he said opening it to a blank page.
"There are various products for summon as well as an ad, This is a classic one..." Hitsugi said flipping through to the front page as Hikari's face started to look more confused as he spoke on.
"The new ones have color." Hitsugi said showing her a page with a drawing of a bird.
"You can't tell that this is a cardinal because it doesn't have color." Hikari looked over at the page.
"Now, you may have noticed there were a few blank pages, right?" Hitsugi asked, looking over at Hikari, who was looking over his shoulder at the book, nodding.
"Blank pages signal a summoning, you aren't going to find a picture of a goat because Cyprus was summoned a few months ago."
"What do you mean?" Hikari asked looking at the blank picture.
"Well, every time the certain incantation is read, the demon is summoned to the person and bound to them, then so no mix ups are made each page is blanked. Now there should have been twenty one pages with a picture, description and incantation on them, do you follow?"
Hikari nodded.
"So, I could read anything in this book and get it?"
Hitsugi nodded back at her.
"You could, though if you read to get another demon after being binded to one, the second demon would push your soul from your body and take over it, sending you back to its place in the underworld, in it's body."
Hikari shuddered, imagining some strange creature walking around in her skin while she was forced into its skin.
"So if I read anything from this book I'll loose my soul?"
Hitsugi shook his head and flipped to the front of the book.
"Only if you read another demon summoning, if you just read a magical item order, you might only loose a finger or the color of your hair to get it, the demon incantation is free but a magical item order isn't, depending on the item it can cost you different things, but never money."
"Why is that?"
"The demon world doesn't hold human currency at any worth, maybe if the currency was gold and silvers, but not your simple tin money, they more want things like memories or the feeling in your feet."
Hikari frowned and looked down at her bare feet and moved them.
"So does it tell the prices? Like a normal catalog?"
Hitsugi shrugged and started looking through the pages.
"It does but they are old pricings most likely, This one is probably from the last underworld king contest, a few hundred years ago probably?"
Hikari looked at Hitsugi in shock and interest. What she was hearing from his didn't seem real, none of this seemed real but it was. Everything that was happening seemed to weird to exist but here it was, sitting on her bed. Hikari sat down and rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hand.
"Do... I have any say in this thing?" she said in a drone. Hitsugi slammed the book closed on her lap and smiled broadly.
"Nope, It's kinda mandatory."
"What would happen if I just said no?" Hikari asked, crossing her legs. Hitsugi, rested his long, bruised fingers on his face and gazed up at the ceiling, slowly running his fingers down his face.
"I'm actually no sure but it's something bad, no one ever declines so no one really knows."
Hikari looked at him with confusion.
"Why is that?"
"Who gives up the chance to rule the underworld?" Hitsugi said, laughing. Hikari looked at him, he was so utterly excited and now she was stuck with him, she was stuck with some creature, battling in his contest for something he wanted, she wanted to be an actress on TV, not demon royalty.
"Ah!" Hitsugi exclaimed looking at the wall.
"It's 1:39, We're going to be late!"
"Late for what?"
"Our registration!"
Hitsugi stood up and pulled the small red box out of his pocket and ran over to her mirror. He picked up some clothing from the floor and tossed it at her as he opened the box and pulled out a piece of chalk.
"What are you talking about?" Hikari said, panicked. Hitsugi started drawing a long line up the mirror with the chalk. Hikari got up and ran over to him, dropping the clothing he'd tossed on her.
"We need to register in the underworld at 2:00 your time. Please get dressed, I don't want to be the only demon in the contest with a half dressed partner." He said, drawing a line along the bottom of her mirror, connected to the first vertical line.
"I don't understand." Hikari whined.
"Just get dressed." Hitsugi said, turning to look at her, his eyes had changed drastically, she hadn't seen it in the mirror but now she did, his eyes had gone completely black. Hitsugi started drawing a line up from the bottom line and up the mirror. Hikari noticed that his back started to shift, something which started to worry her into actually picking up her clothing and starting to sort through it, looking for something to wear as Hitsugi finished off his rectangle. Hikari pulled on a pair of black leggings under her night gown and quickly threw off her house coat. She held her shirt up to her and backed into a corner, hoping that Hitsugi would be to distracted with his current task at hand to look up and see her changing. Hikari pulled her nightgown up over her head and pulled on a clay rose colored tunic before running out of the room to get ready in the bathroom. Hitsugi didn't really notice her leaving, he was busy writing something from a small book on the mirror as he read it out quietly to himself. The lines around the rectangle started to turn black as his spoke to it. Hitsugi had a human form, a truly human one until he went into hell. Hitsugi would return to the human world after he came back from the underworld with a few small changes. For the most part, he looked the same in humanized form and human form, but now the small changes were showing. His back had large, irregular bumps which moved and quelled under his shirt, his eyes were now much blacker and his nails had grown along with the length of his teeth and ears. Finally, Hitsugi was able to stand up and look at the door he had created, a good old fashioned hell-door. He smiled and slowly started to unbutton the blazer he wore before throwing it onto Hikari's floor. The door was fairly large and shimmered with black writing in a strange writing, a large hole sat in the center, words circled around it in a spiral. Hitsugi looked over at Hikari's clock and sighed before walking over to the door and opening it.
"Hikari!" He yelled out into the hall before walking back into the room and picking up Hikari's demon summoning book and his own red box before setting them in front of the door.
"Coming, coming." Hikari said as she walked into the room, in the process of adding a bobby pin to her hair but dropped it onto the floor when she haw Hitsugi and his handy work. Hitsugi quickly flexed his back and with the harsh sound of flesh and cloth ripping, a pair of small leathery wings stretched out from the back of his shirt. Hitsugi picked up the book and his box, handing the book to Hikari, who had a mixed expression, hate, shock and amazement all came together on one face.
"What did you do?" She asked slowly. Hitsugi, shrugged and grabbed her by the waist and led her to the door before setting his small box into her arms along with her book.
"Well, I made a door. It's a lot bigger then we were made to practice with, most humans have smaller mirrors apparently, such a grand entrance is it not?"
Hikari nodded nervously as Hitsugi reached into the doors central hole and twisted something inside before the door swung open revealing a long dark hall. Hitsugi pulled Hikari through the door, taking the box from her arms as he closed the door behind them with his leg, destroying all sources of light except for a small beam from the hole. Hikari looked around frantically to see but all she saw was black except for a small outline. She tried to turn to go back to her room, back to the light but Hitsugi's strong grip on her hip held her in place at his side as he led her along the hall. Hikari was in utter shock. She had thought she'd seen some strange things in her life, especially in the last day but this was the top of it all and she knew it'd only be getting worse. As the two walked Hikari thought she could hear a faint buzzing which only got louder as the pair walked on. Hikari grabbed onto Hitsugi's arm and thought she heard him let out a light squeal, almost as if he was excited to have a girl grab him. The buzzing worried her but as they walked farther, Hikari realized that the buzzing was actually voices.
"We're here." Hitsugi said suddenly kicking out into the air creating a huge explosion of light as Hikari realized that now she was standing in a large doorway, looking out over a gargantuan, crowded room. Hundreds of people and weird creatures walked back and forth across the room, people talking, creatures passing papers to each other.
"Welcome to the underworld Hikari." Hitsugi said letting her go and sweeping his hand up into the air. Hikari looked around at the room, which she and Hitsugi were elevated above. She looked at him but what she saw behind him caught her attention. She saw along the wall, hundreds of doors elevated up on the wall with stairs along it. She noticed that the doors were on all four walls, uncountable numbers. One thing she noticed was a few were larger then the others. She noticed a few odd doors twice as big as the others with large pictures placed over them, instead of doors with one door, large enough to fill the entire part of the wall it was on. Hikari looked around, her mouth open in suprise. Hitsugi crossed his arms, looking as if he was showing off a trophy collection, not a room bigger then almost any skyscraper she had seen, but it was surely impressive. Hikari looked up and noticed above the door they'd came out of was a large portrait of Hitsugi, looking extremely clean and almost, attractive.
"Why do some doors have pictures above them Hitsugi?" she asked looking around the room again as Hitsugi started to descend the tiny metal stairs. Hitsugi stopped and looked up at her and scratched his ear.
"Those doors belong to each contestant. It connects from their door on the outside to the one here. The pictures show the person. When the contest is officially started people can see who the people are, who they're partners are... sometimes people vote for their favorites which can give them advantages I suppose." Hitsugi shrugged "That's just what I'm told, when the contest actually begins, we'll be told everything we need to know."
Hikari followed Hitsugi down the stairs into the hustle bustle below on the streets. When they got to the bottom, they stopped, a few people looked at them over even patted Hitsugi on the shoulder when they passed.
"HIIIIIIITSUGIIIIIII~!"A high pitched girlish voice called out from the crowd as a person flung themselves onto Hitsugi. Hitsugi fell to the ground, a young girl gripping him around the neck.
"I missed you, you were gone so long." The girl said, rubbing her face against him as he looked upon her with a horrified expression. Hikari looked at the two in shock as Hitsugi, seemed to be more shocked. He pushed the girl off on to the ground and stood up brushing himself off. Hikari noticed something about the girl that she now noticed as she stood up. The girl had a pair of horns growing out of her head, a thick ivory pair of rams horns. Hikari found herself having to force herself not to reach out and grab them. Hitsugi stepped towards Hikari, away from the ram girl and grabbed her.
"Uh...Hikari, this is June." Hitsugi said pulling Hikari in front of him. Hikari looked up at Hitsugi, who seemed to be almost scared of the young girl, who was now, glaring angerly at Hikari.
"Pleasure to meet you" Hikari said nervously. June nodded slightly and moved towards them.
"I can't believe you didn't tell me you were leaving, you could have atleast said 'Oh June, I am leaving, good bye, see you in a few weeks.' But no, You just left, I had to find out you left from Cyprus, I stood outside your apartment and waited, and waited."
Hikari looked back at Hitsugi, who looked simply appalled.
"June, you know you can't just say no to a summoning, I had to leave."
Hikari felt confused about the situation. In front of her was a small girl with ram horns, short hair and a frilly dress and behind her, a nervous Bat Demon.
"Hitsugi, I think we need to go to that registration." Hikari said looking up at him as he looked out from above her. Hitsugi looked down, nodding rapidly then let go of her.
"Bye June." He said giving a light wave and turned quickly, taking Hikari with him. Hikari's final look at the girl was not a pleasant one, the girl looked at them with eyes full of hate, jealously and sadness. Hikari felt bad for the poor girl, she obviously had a thing for Hitsugi, who didn't want anything to do with her.
"That was weird." Hitsugi said, grabbing Hikari's wrist as they moved quickly through the crowded room.
"Yah, I guess so."
"I can't believe she stood outside my apartment, waiting for me to come out."
"That is kinda weird." she said imaging June sitting in a hall, looking at a door for hours on end. Hikari then found herself wondering if demon apartments were different, after all this was hell. This place, minus it's inhabitants and a few other things, seemed fairly normal from what'd she seen. She was surprised, when she had been growing up she'd always imagined the underworld as some dark, mountainous place full of hate and despair, this place was quite opposite. It was brightly lit and looked like a giant building, but maybe there was darkness and rocks outside. The people also seemed to be really quite happy and generally normal.
"We need to get to the 29th floor." Hitsugi said stopping in the middle of the room. Hikari looked around the room at all the doors.
"How do we get there, is there an elevator or something?"
Hitsugi ran his fingers through his hair.
"Of sorts, I've seen a human elevator in books, a box that moves up and down, up and down..." Hitsugi moved his fingers to his words, looking up at the room.
"But our 'elevators' are a bit different depending on the person. Hikari, look up." he said, raising his eyes to the roof, Hikari following his gaze noticed a few doors, in the roof with stair cases leading to them. She frowned.
"Do...we have to climb up to those and then climb more?" Hikari said looking over at Hitsugi looking scared. Hitsugi smiled and shook his head.
"No, when you first open the door, depending on how many times you turn the inner knob, depends on which floor your door will open to.  It's basically a warp you can say, you don't need to climb any more stairs then the 'to' and 'from' sets, unless you don't need to."
"Do you climb out of the floor?"
"Where then?"
"The roof, same door, different roof."
"If you don't climb them, how do you expect to get up there?" Hikari said, looking up at the people climbing the thin, metal stairs to the doors. Hitsugi placed his hand on her back then leaned over and scooped her up into his arms. Hikari screamed and started hitting him on the chest.
"What are you doing?" she screeched. Hitsugi looked down at her at her with a sarcastic look before jumping into the hair. Hikari screamed as the pair launched into the air, Hitsugi's small leathery wings exploding into gigantic, bony leather wings. She continued to hit him and lash out until she found herself, set back on her feet, looking up at a large wooden door. Hitsugi reached up and started turning the knob until he pulled on it, letting the door swing open, a small set of stairs on the back of the door. Hitsugi climbed them, pulling Hikari up after him. Hitsugi's wings returned to their tiny, less frightening state as Hikari settled into the dark room. Hitsugi pulled on the staircase, closing it. A small light turned on in the room when the door closed and Hikari found herself feeling very awkward. Hikari looked up to see Hitsugi hunched over, his head hitting the small cushioned ceiling. The room looked like it was covered with fabric, almost like the walls were lined with comforters.
"When we get to the registration, we'll be split up after initial sign ups for examination." Hitsugi said quietly, rubbing his uncomfortable neck.
"What?!" Hikari said hitting her head on the roof.
"Apparently, we get an examination before we can start, you know see if we are healthy I suppose."
Hikari raised her hand to her face.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." She muttered. Hitsugi shrugged, scratching his  hands along the wall. Without her really seeing it, the door at the bottom swung open. Hitsugi grabbed Hikari and pulled her close to him. Hikari didn't even have time to ask what he was doing before Hitsugi jumped out of the room into air taking Hikari along with him. She screamed for a long time them needed, the ground was closer then it had been before but she never knew that, being held over Hitsugi's shoulder with her eyes closed, she only realized she was being held by a person standing up was when she was dropped.
"We're here~" Hitsugi said in a sing song voice. Hikari opened her eyes and looked up to see the pair were in a long white room. The walls were paneled and a white desk spread across the room. Behind the desk were two large white doors and an odd handful of people dressed in white, looking strange and quiet. Each person had white coats buckled up to their thin necks and down to their hidden feet. Their gloved hands sat on the desk, crossed, their faces hidden behind twisted and horrifying metal masks, each shaped to look like a human gas mask with cruel sharp jaws. Behind the masks, white hair flowed down the backs of the people, only difference among the persons were that some had long horns jutting out from under the masks. Hikari stared at them with fear as Hitsugi walked foward. He stopped and ushered her forward before turning and walking up to a figure who's only separation from the others were a pair of black horns curling out from the back.
"Welcome Lasiurus and human of Lasiurus" the figure said in a shrill voice as the jaws moved to the words. This was when she realized that the masks, were in fact, the persons faces. Hitsugi bowed, pushing Hikari's head down into a bow along with him. The creature pushed two pieces of paper across the desk to them and pulled a pen out from it's sleeve.
"Before we proceed, I need the human to write it's name over your name Lasiurus."
Hikari looked at Hitsugi and scratched her head.
"Why is she calling you that?" Hikari asked watching Hitsugi write something in a strange language. He laughed slightly.
"Hitsugi isn't my original name, it's just my human realm name, I'd prefer if you stuck to the human name, it's considered poor luck if you're human calls you it."
Hikari continued rubbing her head, this was a bit much to take in for her.
"Why did you choose that name?" she asked. Hitsugi shrugged.
"When I first was in your room I saw a poster for a popstar, Miyuki Hitsugi, so I said to myself, that is a handsome man, I like his name."
Hitsugi handed the pen to Hikari and crossed his arms. She looked down at what Hitsugi had wrote and found herself looking at one of the strangest design she had ever seen.
"Th-this is your signature?" she stuttered, looking up at him. He smiled and took her hand, wrapping it around the pen before setting it on the paper.
"Sign your name over it please." He said calmly. Hikari's hand shook as she wrote her name over the signature. When she finished, removing her hand from the paper, she noticed something weird happen with the paper. With an effect, almost like it was coming from a movie, the words started to twist into a single shape. Hitsugi smiled as his black eyes traced the three shapes. Hikari saw what looked like a capital C, a dash and a reversed  capital C.
"What does that mean?" Hikari whispered to Hitsugi as the masked person took the paper from them and started to examine it. Hitsugi smiled before leaning down to Hikari.
"That's us, Sector C, Number 100" he said touching her shoulder.
"Lasiurus and Human, please come forward to the examination chambers" The masked person in front of them said as the desk shrunk down in a small area to make an opening for them to walk through.
"E-examination?" Hikari said as Hitsugi walked through the opening before turning to wait for her. The masked person raised it's hand to usher her through the door with a gloved hand. Hikari stifled back her fear and walked through the opening in the desk to where Hitsugi was waiting. The desk moved back up to it's original height when she went through. Hikari looked nervously as Hitsugi as he patted her on the shoulder as the masked figure stood up from where it had been. She hadn't noticed this before but now she saw that the figures hadn't been sitting on chairs, the almost seemed as if they were sitting on the air. Hikari stared at the people  as Hitsugi led her along with him through one of the white doors.
"We'll separate you as soon as we give you your identifications for the examinations" The masked person said as it walked in front of them. The hall was brightly lit and white, making the person seem almost invisible accept for it's gloves and mask. It's long white hair was knotted at the end with what Hikari thought was a skull. The person stopped the hall and turned to the left, looking at the wall through it's masks black lenses before raising it's hands to the wall. Hikari caught her breath and gawked at the wall, which started to fall down into floor, creating a door. The person ushered them in before closing the wall. Hikari felt like she was in a movie, the things she was seeing didn't seem real, nothing seemed real right now. When Hikari looked around she saw herself in a small dimly lit room that looked like some sort of office from a twisted video game. A black metal desk, twisted with designs and spikes sat in the center, three simple black block stools sat with the desk. The floors were wooden and aged beyond color, they looked as if they had been burnt. Along the walls, the only decoration were two black metal casket looking cases and a tall black file cabinet.
"Sit." The figure said walking over to the file folder to open it. Hikari sat down beside Hitsugi on one of the boxes, looking over at the person who was sorting through the bottom rack before pulling out a small black box.
"Lasiurus, set your supply on the desk." The person said as it closed the cabinet before walking to the desk to sit down on the box opposite on the desk. It set the black box on the desk beside Hitsugi's red box. The masked persons hands flicked to the boxes and opened them both up. Hikari sat up to try and look in to the boxes but the masked persons hands were blocking her view, she was curious about it, Hitsugi had carried the box around and used it to get them there but what was in the black one now?
"Okay, Lasiurus, you have everything you need." The figure said closing Hitsugi's red box.  The person looked over at Hikari with it's black lens eyes and took something out of the black box before closing it and passing it to her.
"Here is yours human, you will find things you need inside to help you, help your partner. We also added an items catalog along with a pricing list, this is the only thing Lasiurus doesn't have that you do that he can use." It said as Hikari grabbed on to the box.
"You can also use this as a storage, you are a human female and from our observations, they carry many things in cloth bags that get full. Feel free to use this instead, as a 4th dimensional item, it never runs out of room."
Hikari looked up at the figures mask and for once saw through it's scary image and managed to see the eyes behind the mask. They actually looked friendly, her fear seemed to melt away when she saw the eyes. Hikari bowed quicky as the figure stood up.
"Thank you." Hikari said looking down at the box in her hands. The person walked back over to the cabinet and grabbed something from the top shelf.
"Lasiurus I'll need you to remove your shirt."
Hikari looked surprised as Hitsugi started unbuttoning his coat without question.
"Human, I'll also need you to show me your right wrist."
Hikari looked at shock as the figure pulled two long black metal needles from its sleeve. It walked over to Hitsugi who sat, pulling his shirt open, baring his chest to the figure. He smiled at it as the two gloved hands lowered the metal in it's hands to his chest and started running the ends across his flesh. Hikari cringed and covered her face, turning away unable to watch as Hitsugi's flesh was torn open. Hikari could only hear Hitsugi groaning slightly to the quick slicing sounds. She didn't want this to happen to her, she looked at her wrist as she tried to ignore what was going on beside her. She didn't even know what was going on to him, was this some demon tradition?
Befor Hikari even knew it, the agonizing sounds of Hitsugi being stabbed ended. She turned to look over her shoulder and saw the figure wiping down Hitsugi's chest and saw that he hadn't been stabbed but rather, tattooed. Hikari gulped and got ready to stand, to try and flee but the strong hand of the masked person was on her shoulder, regripping it's way down her arm to her wrist. Hikari got up and tried to get away, shaking her arm to try and get out of the grip but it was to strong.
"Sit down human, this isn't going to hurt you." it said in a calming voice. Hikari still struggled but eventually found herself stopping until she was sitting back down. She looked down her arm with an expression of pure horror as the figure lowered its black needle to her arm. She closed her eyes, biting down into her lip waiting for sharp pain to come but all she felt was a light rubbing, as if her skin was being traced over with a pencil. It ended quickly. Hikari opened her eyes and looked at the figure who set the needles down on the desk after it let go of her arm.
"You humans greatly confuse me." It said walking over to the caskets on the wall. Hitsugi rubbed his chest, trying to read what had been written and Hikari realized it had been the same thing she'd seen the pairs names converge into. She looked down at her own wrist and saw the same thing. Hikari let out a quick sound, not any real world but rather a jumble from shock and tried to wipe it off.
"What is this? I can't have a tattoo!" Hikari screeched as Hitsugi casually started to button up his white collared shirt. Though it was very small it still worried her. Tattoos were greatly looked down in her class and made her chances of being an actor almost nil. Hitsugi grabbed her wrist and looked at it.
"It's tiny and cute, no one will notice it if you wear a bracelet." he said smiling at her. His marking covered his entire chest, making it still visible from his partially buttoned shirt. He tied his tie around his left arm and spun around to look at the masked person who was standing beside them open caskets. Hikari turned around to see that through the caskets, she could see bright lights.
"What are those?" She asked Hitsugi, who shrugged.
"Please go through them, you need to be examined for potential disease among other potential things that can affect your success rate." It said, ushering them both forth. Hitsugi grabbed onto Hikari's wrist and stood up, leading her to the caskets. When they stopped, the masked figure grabbed Hitsugi's arm, causing him to let go of her.
"Humans go into a different chamber then Demons." it said touching Hikari's back and pushing her through the left side while Hitsugi walked to the left.
"I'll see you when we are done Hikari. "Hitsugi said happily as she was pushed into the casket. She tried to turn around but the door was closed on her. She stood still, in fear and confusion for a few moments before turning around to look into the light. She grabbed her arms, hugging herself before stepping forward out into the light.

© Copyright 2008 Whitechapel (pixelante at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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