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Rated: XGC · Novel · Adult · #1428606
Vampire meets girl story! Girl falls for vampire, holly hell breaks lose!
There are those whose teeth are like swords, and whose fangs are like knives to devour the poor from the earth, and the needy from among mankind.

Proverbs 30:14

           CHAPTER ONE

                                       The Meeting

         Adderson raced through the snow covered forest at an unnatural speed.  The cold wind, blowing fiercely against his face. The moonless night wrapped the world in darkness.  Blue-green eyes narrowing as he fought to see the trees that he dodged around.  Coming to a brief stop at the edge of a small clearing, he perused the area, snow flurrying around as it caught up with him. Had he lost his quarry?

         Looking around the area for any disturbance in the snow, his senses alert.  Taking a deep whiff of the air, catching a faint scent, he closed his eyes honing in on it.  His assailant had eluded him, by taking a sharp right just before the clearing.  He turned and ran in the same direction, leading eventually to the end of the tree line.  Seeing Lenard there, standing in the middle of someone’s large backyard. 

         "Lenard," he said trying to keep his calm. "Running will only make things worse for you. If you don't come back with me I have orders to destroy you myself."

         The short pale man smiled rolling his eyes, "You're gonna destroy me anyways, Adderson!  We both know that.  You kill your own kind on a daily basis."

         Adderson snarled at him annoyed by his predictable response. "I won't have to, if you'd just come back with me now!  And …confess.  Perhaps telling us who else were involved, it might just save your ass."

         Lenard laughed defiantly, "We are above your silly rules Adderson.  We are the top of the goddamn food chain!  We will do as we like!  We will take what we want! You won't be around forever!  Besides I ain't no rat!  You'll have to find Marnus all by yourself!"

         "This is your last chance Lenard. I won't ask again."  Darkness fell over Adderson's eyes.  Lips parting as his fangs slightly lowered.  His jet-black hair, normally slicked back, was now scattering about freely in the icy cold furry of the wind.  His alabaster skin tingled with the knowledge that dawn was soon approaching. 

         Lenard had hoped that the coming of the dawn would cause Adderson to retreat.  But alas, this was not the case.  Nothing to do now but stand his ground, and hope for an escape before the first ray of sunlight set him ablaze.  He had been running all night, trying to lose this pest.  But he was unable to run anymore.

         "Destroy me then you bastard, if you think you can do it yourself.  But you'll die with me given our, short time before the sun claims us both.” he laughed.

         "We’ll see."  Adderson lunged at Lenard. 

         The two of them moving quickly, exchanging blows.  Punching, clawing, and biting at one another. As the sky became lighter and lighter within moments.  Moving about the yard, closer to the house. 

         Startled by the fast rising of the sun, Lenard quickly pulled a large hunting knife from his boot. He slashed at Adderson's throat causing blood to spill out from the newly open wound. Although this move would not instantly kill Adderson, it would surely put him out of commission for a while. He would need blood soon or he would bleed to death. There was however, no time to feed as the sun started to peer up from the horizon. 

         Adderson fell to his knees clutching his open throat, keeping his eyes fixated on Lenard. Unable to defend himself, he waited for Lenard's next move. 

         “Ha!” Lenard rejoiced, knife in hand.  Pride over taking his mind, ignoring his fear of the coming day light. “The great Adderson out done by a NOBODY!” he looked down at Adderson, covering him with his shadow. “I’ll leave you to the Mercy of the sun's rays. I will be a hero!  A legend!  Marnus will reward me greatly and you will be just a speck of dust buried in the snow. Funny thing though, you were closer to Marnus then you realize.” Lenard laughed again at his triumph. 

         Out of the corner of his eye, Lenard saw a woman running towards them. She was dressed all in black, unfolding a large blanket as she moved closer. 'Breakfast’ he thought as he remembered the sun rising behind him.  Too late.  His hair caught on fire first, and as he panicked to put it out, the woman ran past him. She was covering Adderson with the blanket. Soon, Lenard's entire body was engulfed in unavoidable flames.  He ran screaming about the yard.

         “Don't try to speak.” The woman's soft angelic voice whispered to Adderson. She pulled the blanket up for him to peer out from under its safety, Lenard's body ashing before them. “We have to get you inside quickly.” she spoke again pointing to a small shed, “Think you can make it?”

          He nodded under the blanket, as she began to help him to his feet.  He staggered as he walked next to her, trying to remain conscious.  His loss of blood had weakened him to the point of exhaustion, and the sun's rays were making him lethargic. 

         After what seemingly felt like forever, for a short walk, she tossed him into the shed leaving him sprawled out on the floor as she shut the door.  As he lay there, he felt the hunger burning up inside him like a vicious fever.  He had lost so much blood that he felt if he didn't get some soon, he'd starve himself into a corpse like shell.  They would surely burry him alive, again, and it would take years to recover.  Once he did recover, he'd have to dig himself out.  Again.

         The blood from his wound slithered down his normally strong neck. The massive bloodstain now ruined the white shirt he wore. The wound was healing slowly as he felt himself slipping away into sleep. He shook his head trying to keep awake. His eyes opened forcing him to look around at his surroundings.  The hunger, starting to intensify.

         Adderson found himself in a dark tin shed. The walls, lined with various tools. As he pulled himself into a sitting position against the only bare wall, he noticed the band saw in the corner. The room had many wood crafting tools displayed all around it. He thought, 'I could easily escape this once night falls. If I make it that long.’  His hunger flared up within him again as he felt the panic set in.

         Suddenly, the door opened. His fangs dropping as he mustered his strength, springing to his feet.  A bucket was then slid inside.  The smell of blood, permeating through the air.  She stepped inside.  Her blonde hair sparkling in the sunlight behind her. She pushed the bucket, out of the sunlight, towards him with her foot.  He quickly grabbed it and drank form it greedily. 'O god it's awful.' he thought, 'Some kind of bird's blood.’  But it was warm and it satisfied his hunger. Through his loud gulping sounds, he heard that soft voice again.

         “You'll be safe in here for now.” she reassured him, “I'll be back at dusk to let you out.” then she shut the door, padlocking it closed. 

         'Let me out!' he thought, 'These walls can't hold me. I'll be gone before she remembers to unlock the door.’  He threw the bucket to the ground, and slid down the wall. As he slipped into sleep, one last thought trickled through his mind, 'She Knows What You Are!'

         *                    *                    *                    *

         He awoke with a start. The last thought humming in his mind, ‘She knows what I am!’  His breath or lack thereof, pounded against his chest.  He sat up looking around only to find himself in bed in a pitch-black room. His eyes took a few moments to adjust to the darkness.  Images slowly emerging out of the dim shapes.  Windowless, smelling of musky dirt and wood.  The only sliver light, coming through the cracks under the door.  Its yellow hue of illumination, stretched across the cement floor, alarming him greatly.  Nausea hitting him, along with rising panic. He had no idea where he was, or how he had gotten here.  Casting off the sheet that covered him, only to find himself naked, shocked him.  Goosebumps eddied on his naked skin causing him to look around franticly.

         His clothes had been placed on a chair by the nightstand.  Upon further inspection, he realized that they had been washed and folded.  As he took a deep breath of the musty air, he then noticed the smell of blood filling his nostrils.  On the nightstand sat a mug.  Containing a thick red content that could only be blood.  He took the mug from the stand sniffing at it.  It was fresh from a pig, which was preferred by all blood drinkers, that didn't care to take vital fluid from a mortal source.  As he farther inspected the contents, he noticed the small pinch of cinnamon that floated atop it. 

         Looking around again, he felt unease, wondering, 'What's her game?  Is she a vampire? No! She had been in the sun. Then she was a hunter. A very hospitable hunter!'  His mind swimming with thoughts as his hunger filtered through him.  Adderson then reluctantly drank from the cup, allowing the warm liquid to slide down his throat suppressing his hunger. 

         Still weak and groggy he looked to his wound, which, had healed a little.  No longer bleeding, but leaving a thick line of scar tissue around his mid throat.  Adderson examining it with his fingertips, as his eyes adjusted to the dark.  Weakness filling his body as he tried to stand. The blood loss had been too great to be fixed in one day.  He imagined that this was how humans had felt, after they had been feed upon.  Frail.  Exhausted, and intoxicated. 

         He fought to get his clothes on.  Taking his time as he did so.  His body aching unlike anything ach he’d felt since he was human.  Looking around the room, he saw again, noticing it only housed the bed, a stand, a small table, and two chairs.  Was he a prisoner?  He wondered. Staggering towards the door, he rested against it. It was a heavy metal door, probably steel.  There was no way he could break through this.  Even in full health, he wasn't sure he could.  It was locked tightly. 

         From beyond the door, he heard footsteps descending stairs towards him. Panic again set in as they stopped in front of the door. He could hear the heavy pounding of a heart beat on the other side.

         “Give me your word that you won't bit me . . . and I’ll release you.” The angelic voice of the mysterious blonde hummed.

         “I. . .” he struggled to speak, “I give you my word Miss.,” he said in a loud raspy whisper, “No harm shall fall upon you.”

         “Back way from the door.” she said, keys rattling. “Walk over to the bed.”

         He did as she requested, the door unlocked and crept open.  The light from behind her blinded him for a moment.  As his eyes fought to adjust, he saw the shadows had silhouetted her face. Even with his dark vision, he could not make out her features, due to the light.

         “How are you feeling?” she asked softly.

         “I'm feeling better.”  he whispered not wanting to divulge any more information.

         “Good. You've been asleep for two days now. I feared you weren't going to

awaken.” Her voice was sincere, soothing to him. 

         “Two days?” he answered trying desperately to speak normally.

         “Yes. But don't worry you're safe here.  If you feel up to it, you're welcome to come upstairs.  Just grab you're mug and follow me.  Unless you need more rest.”

         Bewildered by her kindness he fought to stand again. Then he hesitated for a moment.  She turned, climbing the stairs.  It had been several years since this feeling had enveloped him. This feeling of worry and uncertainty.  He wasn't sure what he'd find at the top of the stairs, but it was better than this little enclosed room.  Gathering up his courage and his strength, grabbed his mug, and started up the stairs. 


         CHAPTER TWO:


         At the top of the stairs was the kitchen.  At the corner of the counters, she stood, pouring coffee in to a large white mug.  Jayce examined his surroundings quickly while her back was turned to him.  It was a large kitchen, painted a light mint green.  An island counter sat in the middle of the large room, with a pot and pan rack above it.  The kitchen opening into an adjoining dining room, where a large round table and six chairs were placed.  A standard country kitchen, all wood cupboards, and white linoleum flooring. 

         “I wanted to um. . . . tha...” he started.

         She raised her hand, stopping him mid sentence, and in her beautifully soft tone she replied, “Thank me?  Don't.  I'm not even sure why I did it.”

          She stated warily, her tone giving away her emotional conflict.  Still keeping her face hidden to him, she stirred her coffee noisily.  Tapping her spoon against her mug, before turning to walk over to the table. 

         “Come and sit with me.” her voice sounded relaxed and inviting.  He walked over to the table slowly.

         “For whatever your reasons,” he said, “Thank you. I guess I owe you my life.”  His voice was still ragged and only a loud whisper could escape his vocal cords. 

         She sat down, finally showing her face.  He’s eyes widened, stunned by her beauty.  She gave a little smile, bringing her eyes up to meet his.  He sat down starring at her brilliant light green eyes, gleaming like a peridot gem in the sunlight. Adderson was awe struck by them. After a moment, his eyes began to search the rest of her face. She had very long platinum hair hung in a high ponytail, the loose curls wondering down her neck and across one shoulder. Her skin was creamy white and had a healthy glow. A rosy tint coloring high cheekbones and full pouty lips. A hint of pink eye shadow dusted her eyelids, while the liner and mascara drew more attention to the green-ness of her eyes. His gaze lowered again. This time, to her slender neck and full chest. The black turtleneck clung tightly to her curvature. She had a small frame that made him think he could easily break her. If necessary. His thoughts were broken by the sudden clearing of her throat.

         Only then did he realize that his gaze had lingered to long.  He gave her an uneasy smirk, pursing his lips, as he could only surmise what she was thinking.  “Sorry.” he said looking around the room aimlessly.

         “I suppose I should be thankful that your, human side is showing.” she joked, taking a sip from her cup. 

         “No I wasn't . . .  I mean you’re a pretty enough dame and all  ....but that wasn't my intent to. . .” he stammered feeling the nervousness tighten his throat. 

         “It was a joke. Relax.” she giggled a little, comforting him.

         “Easy for you to say.  I have no idea who you are or why I’m here.” he whispered to her from across the table.

         “My name's Adora Foxtin. Everyone calls me Fox around here. But you can call me either one.” She smiled sweetly at him. “And you are?”

         “Adderson. Um … Jayce Adderson.”

         "Well Mr. Adderson,”

         "Please, call me Jayce." he insisted. “No one calls me Jayce anymore.”

         She gave him an inquisitive look. “What brings you here?”

         “Honestly Miss Foxtin,” He started shocked by the fact he had no idea how to answer.

         "Adora if you please. No one calls me that anymore either.” she gave another half smile then took another long sip from her cup, awaiting his answer. 

         "I don't really know where here is." he continued.

         "We’re about twenty miles outside Forrest City P.A. Where you from?” As she asked the question, she looked to see Jayce rolling his eyes.

         "P. A.?  Unreal." he hung his head in disbelief and ran a hand through his now scruffy black hair. “I’m from New York City. I was chasing a collar all night long. I shouldn't be surprised but, I didn’t realize how far we got.” He stopped and looked at her with nervous fingers tapping on the table.

         "Collar? You must be a cop.  And a nervous one at that.” she observed, motioning to his fingers.

         He pulled his hand from the table and said, "No well … yes. I'm a private investigator. No offence but your making me a little, uneasy here doll." he looked into her eyes. "I mean you did save me from being turned into an ash pile. Which I’m thankful to you for.  But, you've given me blood to drink and moved me from a shed to a bedroom, and kept me alive for days now. Although I’m not sure how you got me down there, you obviously know what I am. So either you’re a hunter or. . . ."

         An enchanting little laugh escaped her rosy lips, "I’m not a hunter.  I do help hunters from time to time. I give them food and a place to sleep. Even a place to hide. Sometimes a place, where they can collect themselves. But I’m not one of them." 

         "So that's how you know about my kind? Hunter's stay here? So are you dating one or related to one in some way?" His eyes narrowing into slits, awaiting her answer.

         "I was related to a couple.” Her eyes held the greatest of pain.


         "My father and brother. They were both, once upon a time, hunters. Until I meet up with one of your kind. Their dead now.” Adora's eyes fell and she stared into her mug for a moment. 

         Needing to brake the uneasy silence, Jayce blurted out with, “You’re not gonna try and stake me now are you, kitten?”

         She snickered a bit, “I haven't decided yet.  Don't make me regret saving you.  And don't mistake my kindness for weakness.” her eyes narrowing slightly showing him her seriousness.

         "I had no intention of doing any such thing.” He said calmly, "You respect me and I’ll respect you. But tell me, why’d you save me?"

         She thought for a few moments then answered with, "Let’s just say you have information that I want. Now, I bet you could use a shower."

         "I should probably be on my way.” he stood up and felt the weakness again flowing through his body. "On second thought,” he sighed, “that would be nice. If you’re sure it's alright."  His limbs ached, and he knew the hot water would help sooth them. 

         'Besides,' he thought, ' if she wanted to kill me, she would have by now.'

         "It’s no trouble really." she stood up and walked over to him.  As she got closer to him, Jayce took a sniff of the air.  He could smell her.  'Lilies ' he thought, ' she smells like lilies.' 

         She took his arm.  “I think that after you've had a chance to get cleaned up and clear your head up a bit, we can talk more.”  She helped him down the hall and into the bathroom.

         Jayce entered the hot shower.  The water had never felt so good.  It not only cleansed the skin but the mind as well.  He stood in the shower allowing the water to flow over his face as he relaxed his tense muscles.  Every muscle outlined perfectly by his pale skin.  Every inch of his body, well defined as the water rushed over it.  He stood there feeling the warmth flow over his body.  The warmth of the water making hisbody temperature rise again was making him feel almost human.  The hot water finally gave out after a long while. Only then did he shut off the water.

         As he walked out of the bathroom, he heard Adora talking to someone.  As he walked towards the living room, the front door shut and Adora turned to face him.

         "I’m sorry, was I interrupting something?" he asked respectfully.

         "No, just a neighbor stopping by to check on me.  How are you feeling?” She asked him as she quickly walked passed. 

         "I do feel better thank you." he walked after her.

         "Please have a seat on the couch if you like, I’m just gonna tidy up the kitchen a bit."

         "I’ll give you a hand." Jayce offered.

         "No!" she gasped nervously, "I’ve got it. Your still not 100% right now anyways.  So please make yourself at home. I’ll only be a minute."

         She disappeared into the kitchen as Jayce looked around the living room.  It was laid out more like a sitting room.  There was a small bookshelf, three chairs in various places around the room, all yard sale specials.  A little fireplace, a small TV with rabbit ears, a little radio that played lightly in the background, and a big white couch.  He sat down in one of the chairs and let his body un-tensed against it. A few minutes passed as Jayce fought yet again to stay conscious.  But the light-headedness and the weakness in his body begged for him to sleep.  This was usual for a vampire's healing process.  Besides, who was he kidding?  He was in no shape to walk back to New York.

         She walked into the room noticing Jayce's current state. She strolled over to him with another mug a warmed blood insisting,  "Here, drink this."

         He downed it quickly, hoping it would give him a burst of energy. Instead, the warmth flowed through his body making him drowsy.  "I should really be going now.”  With that, he stood up just to fall back into the chair. 

         "You’re in no condition to leave yet."  She scolded, helping him to his feet.  Together they staggered down the hall to another bedroom.  It was a simple guest bedroom.  It was homier then the room in the basement, with a similar set up to it. This one had large windows with heavy dark blue drapes, hanging over them. 

         She sat him down on the bed, and then went to pull the drapes.  "I really should. . .” he started.

         Adora looked over at him, "Get going? You might as well give up that thought, for now.  You can barely stay awake, let alone walk to New York.  Look." she walked back to him pulling the blankets back.  "You’re staying here until you’re well again.  So until you get some good healing sleep, you aren't going to be able to go anywhere.  "

         Against his own better reasoning, he reluctantly agreed, by kicking off his shoes and lying back on the bed.  She covered him up and sauntered out of the room leaving the door partially open. 

                   *                    *                    *                    *

         Jayce awoke from a dreamless sleep late the next night.  The long sleep made him feel stronger and the wound was almost completely healed.  Only a thin line of a scar remained.  He went out into the hall, shoes in hand.  Walking into the kitchen where Adora was sitting, a knock came at the door.  Then it opened as a deep voice yelled out, "Fox, you home?"

         Adora stood up quickly and pointed to the basement door. "Quickly, get in the basement."  Unsure of why, Jayce went to the door closing it just far enough to still see in.  He stood there peering out of the opened slit. 

         Adora straightened herself as an older man walked into the kitchen.  Jayce was horrified at what he saw.  The man was Martin Wolfgon, a notorious hunter of the supernatural.  Mostly vampires.  He was the' hunter of the East coast. Everyone knew his name. They also knew that unlike normal hunters, age, made him more dangerous. 

         For years, he and his unruly crew were the thorns, in every vampire’s side.  He had ended hundreds of blood drinkers throughout the years.  But despite every effort, he was near impossible to kill. Rumor being that a vampire had killed his entire family and collected his soul.  Being mortal without a soul, supposedly, kept death from finding him.  No one knew how long he'd been alive.  But until Wolfgon finds his soul, he will continue to live on. 

         Jayce had a couple narrow escapes with him.  During which thankfully, he had avoided ever encountering him.  Yet there he was, with only a small wooden door between them.

         The hunter hugged Adora gently as he set a box down on the table.  "I’m so sorry I'm late.” he said looking her over, “You okay?"

         "I’m fine Martin."  her sweet voice hummed.

         Stone gray eyes looking gently at her.  Martin stood about a foot and a half taller than her.  He must have been over six foot.  The chiseled jaw was hidden by a short beard leading up into a little moustache.  It was salt and peppered like his hair, which was cut into a long mullet, and tied back with a leather thong.  Wearing a flannel and jeans his well built body, obvious under Martin’s clothing, hinted at his great physical strength.  Adora was small and petite standing maybe 5 feet. 

          "I was worried.” his deep godly voice was stained with concern. "I was tailing a set of footprints.  A vampire's trail to be exact.  I lost him somewhere out in your woods.  When I got to the edge of your property, I found a large scorch mark in the snow.  It had to have been a vampire.  I feared you had been harmed."

         She shrugged, "I’m fine. A few days ago, there was one passing through.  But alas the sun got to him before I could." she smiled then looked down at the box on the table. Almost pouting she said "more medicine?"

         "Oh yes.  It's been cycled through and tested.  But with this batch, you only take half the normal dosage.  It's a more powerful mixture.  It's still a bit on the experimental phase side but, it's safe enough for you to try."  He opened the small brown box.  A black leather case was then removed from it, and placed on the table.  Glass jangled inside it as it moved.  The medicine obviously contained in glass vials.

          "So shot or swallow?" he asked in a sly tone.

         Adora scrunched up her face, "Shot! I'm not drinking that nasty, vile stuff."  She scoffed rolling up her sleeve. 

         "I’d like to stay this time to administer it.  This might have some adverse affects.  We've never experimented with elder vamp blood before." Grabbed the syringe, he proceeded to fill it. 

         Adora shot a glance at the basement door where Jayce was hiding. She had seen him watching from behind the door.  Jayce backed way quickly, until her eyes fell back to Martin. "How long would you be staying?  It is late."

         "Oh, about half an hour.”  He turned her left arm over on the table, looking over her veins. Finding one quickly he swabbed it with alcohol. "We’ll know by then how you're handling it."

         Jayce looked out to see her arm.  It was covered in bruises and track marks.  She winced as the needle was driven into the vein.  Martin apologized releasing the burgundy liquid, into her system. 

         "Half hour's fine." she replied, watching him pull out the needle and put a cotton ball on the small wound.  "At least you've gotten me over my fear of needles."  A little laugh escaped her lips.  He smiled, nodding back to her.

         "We will find away to correct this."  Martin's tone was hopeful and yet his eyes showed remorse.  Martin did have a human side, even without a soul.

         Jayce crept down the stairs to the little room.  Remembering his cell phone, he pulled it from his pocket, and clicked it on.  The caller ID said that Dunkin had called him.  Several times at that.  Checking for a signal, he dialed the number.  He wasn't sure how to explain what was happening.

         The phone began to ring through, as Jayce remembered what Martin had said.  Another vampire was in the woods.  It had lead Martin here.  Was the other tracking Lenard?  Or was someone tracking him.

         "Hello," a voice rang out from the phone. The signal a bit staticy. 

         "I need to speak to Dunkin, tell him it's Adderson."  Jayce was surprised to hear his voice normal again. 

         The phone began to ring again and then, "Adderson? Thank God man."  Dunkin's rough sharp English tone poured through the phone.  "Where have you been?  Please tell me you are shacked up with a beautiful woman at least."

         "I’m in PA about 20 miles outside Forrest City.  I... Ah, chased Lenard out here.  Unfortunately for him, there was a sun accident and he is no longer a problem."

         "Forrest City?”  Dunkin said thoughtfully. "Okay listen to this.  I just found out last night that Marnus is summoning various vampires all over the world to a safe house.  That safe house just happens to be in Forrest City.  According to my contacts."

         Jayce let out an amused laugh, "Perfect!  I guess I’m staying here then."

         "Yes, I imagine so.  So now, tell me.  Where have you been staying?"

         Jayce thought for a moment.  He didn't want Dunkin sending men here.  Adora’s home didn't need to be invaded by vampires.  Especially when some vamps frowned on mortals knowing of their existence.  "I’m in a beautiful blonde dame's basement, recovering from a near death experience."

         Dunkin laughed for a few moments.  Then, he noticed that Jayce wasn't laughing with him.  “Are you serious?  You got a beautiful woman tending to you?  Have things been, going well?” Dunkin teased.

         "Don’t be crude.  I do have a problem though.  I'm sitting about 8 feet under Martin Wolfgon.  Apparently she's good friends with him."

         "I will send my men."  Dunkin said sternly.

         "No need for that." Jayce said quickly, "I just wanted you to be aware of his presence.  Maybe you could send some guys down here tomorrow night.  We could meet in the city and get more ground covered.  With Martin in town, we need to act quickly.  Text me a time and place, when they’re ready.”

         "No problem.  Are you sure, you do not need any assistance?  You should avoid handling Martin yourself."

         "It won't be a problem.”  Jayce heard footsteps above moving toward the front door.  "He has no idea I’m here and I aim to keep it that way.  I gotta go Dunkin."  Before Dunkin could respond, Jayce closed his phone. 

         He heard the front door close and footstep’s that lead back to the top of the stairs.  Adora opened the door. 

         "He’s gone." she whispered, "You can come up now."  Her voice sang through the descending darkness.


© Copyright 2008 Melinda Carr (sweet_melinda at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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