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by Xhin Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1433935
A world turned upside down from another. The Mysterious ones called "The Corrupt".
<b><i>The Eighth Plain</i></b>

Chapter 1, Released

<i>My name's Ryoka Huoh, and ever since a certain day, my life has changed dramatically. Ever since I met the creature that would change me forever, that would make me something other than human. It all started with one dream. Rain showered over me as I ran through the empty streets of my housing district. I could vaguely hear someone following me, watching me as I ran for home. I don't know why I was out there, or why I was being followed, but in that dream, I was running for my life.

My footsteps made loud squishy noises as I turned corner after corner. The footsteps behind me pursued drastically. They were almost heavy, yet they sounded as if they were hollow. I'd glance behind me from time to time, only to see nothing there. I was terrified.

It wasn't until I awoke that I realized that it was a dream. Although I woke up wet all the same; probably from my own sweat and exhaustion. I quickly got out of bed and got ready for school. That day started off like no other.

My usual route toward Rukonai Highschool had been cut off that day. Every morning I'd walk through the watchful eye of the night sky. The sun didn't bother to rise yet, not even it wanted to get up <i>that</i> early in the morning. It didn't bother me any though. I was always fully awake by the time I reached school anyway.

By the time the bell rang for us to go home, I felt unusually bored. My friends simply greeted me with empty hello's. A girl asked me out but I didn't seem to care. It was the same thing over and over again, until I decided to break that routine; my first mistake.

I headed toward the small forest enveloping the outskirts of the city. I had heard of a haunted shrine there, another story I'd grown tired of hearing. I decided to find that so called shrine, or at least enjoy my walk through the forest. It was better than taking the usual route. That's what I thought, what I believed, until I saw it.

A light bow and small quiver sat up against the tree. My glace cast from left to right as I wonder if it belonged to anybody. Nobody was around. The bow seemed innocent enough, and almost exciting to look at. I had never seen one in person before. I picked it up cautiously and examined it. The forest seemed to sway in the shift of the wind, almost tempting me to try it out.

I sighed at the empty quiver. There was a bow, but no arrows. Maybe later on I'd be able to buy some. I shrugged and hung it over my shoulder. It'd probably be fun to play with later on. Hence, my second mistake.

Once I arrived home I went directly to my room and locked the door. My little brother and sister seemed mezmerized in a show, they hardly noticed me come in. I threw the bow and quiver to the side of my door, and sighed as I took my seat. I could feel it tempting me from behind. Though I couldn't try it out even if I wanted to. I sighed once again and retrieved my math homework, slapping it on the desk.

It seemed like a lot of work from afar, but truly, I had already mastered this type of stuff. The teacher just felt it his duty to lay on five times extra work for me than anyone else. I didn't mind...

I could hear the clock passing time slowly. My glance landed on the quiver from time to time, but my mind was on my homework. It was strange, I'd catch myself staring without consciously knowing it. A peculiar feeling.

All the same, I ended up falling asleep at my desk. Only to be visited by yet another weird dream.

I arrived home the next day with an even bigger stack of homework. It seemed the teacher had no problem giving him paper work from the next year over as well. If I didn't know better, I could've sworn he was making me do his taxes. I shrugged it off.

It was strange... On my way home that day, it felt as if someone was following me, watching me from behind. Nobody was there of course, but I couldn't seem to shake the feeling. I sighed and turned toward the bow and quiver filled with arrows.

"You miss me?"

I laughed slightly before turning back to my paper. My hand foze the second the pen hit the desk. My eyes widened at the thought. Had I just seen arrows in the quiver? I shot back around to stare wearily at the arrows leaning in the pocket of the quiver. My heart almost leapt. Someone had been in my room.

I looked around for any trace of recent activity. Nothing. Had someone in the house filled it with arrows? I shook my head quickly. Completely illogical.

I stood from my seat, leaving the homework to itself. I stared for a moment, pondering the possibilities. Either way, it meant an exciting day apart from before. I smiled slightly. Maybe I just didn't notice at first.

I took the bow and arrows to the roof of my building. Clouds soared over head, and I could hear the clear caw of birds throughout the blue sky. I smiled at the breeze sailing over my face. It was a nice day to be outside. I slowly withdrew an arrow, and set it in place. Of course, I was fourteen at the time, I hardly knew how to work a bow and arrow.

I shot a quick arrow into the sky, and watched it fall some three seconds after. I grunted in annoyance and grabbed another arrow. At the time, I didn't think of the consiquences of firing a weapon into the air, but then again, I didn't think of a lot of things. I released the next arrow, aiming for an almost circle shaped cloud and smiled in amusement.

Three more arrows fired as I tested this new toy. I began quickening my pace. I turned in different directions counterclock wise as I fired each one with close precision. My aim was obviously improving. Almost surprisingly... I smiled and began targetting actual objects.

Cans on rooftops were hit dead on. Chairs and satelites were struck feircely with my mighty arrow as I laughed in sheer joy. I shot another arrow into a flock of birds, watching as they dispersed into the sky in different directions. The amount of chaos from one weapon was astounding. I literally laughed out loud at the mischief. I could see a perfect target some two or three rooftops away. It seemed small, almost like a small rabbit. I could see that it was moving slightly, indicating it to be an actual animal. I smiled at this and took aim.

The bow began stretching almost beyond its limits as I pulled the arrow back. I aimed carefully, noticing that the bunny seemed to be an odd color... Somewhat of a blackish color. It was probably the light fixture of the setting sun. I tore my hand from the gripped arrow, and let it soar toward its designated target.

The bunny fidgeted slightly, yet awkwardly as the arrow flew in its direction. I could see that I would make a clean hit. I smiled and awaited the impact.

It was then that I noticed that it was <i>not</i> a bunny. The blackened creature quickly turned its head directly toward me, large white eyes staring deeply into my own, as I gasped at the sight. At that moment, I heard whispering voices in my ear, almost like a hiss. It was as if the creature was directly in my head, yet I could clearly see it two buildings away. The whispers... It seemed like I heard them earlier that day! In fact, I had sub-consciously heard whispers throughout the entire school day! I was being followed, and now, that was evident.

The creature dispersed in a blinding force. It was almost as if the creature exploded into wind, and disappeared from sight. My arrow bounced wildly off of the building, missing its target. I stood staring in that direction, unsure of what to do, or even think. That was no ordinary animal...

I dropped my bow and took a few steps back. I could feel something anchoring my chest, weighing on my spirit. My entire body went numb. My vision began to fade, and I couldn't help but stumble toward the door. I walked wearily down the fire escape after packing up my bow and arrows. The quiver hung off of my back, threatening to spill out the wooden arrows as I managed my way down the steps.

I walked through the front door with a small smile. My sister turned her head slightly to take a look.. Her eyes widened at something, they widened at me! I looked around, looking for anything that could possibly be out of the ordinary. I then made a snobish face toward my sister. She was obviously just being dumb.

My brother soon joined her. He looked over slowly and widened his eyes as well, almost as if he were gazing right through me.

"Did you open the door?" My sister almost silently asked my brother. I squinted my eyes and approached them.

My brother shook his head in response, indicating a "no" as his answer. They were both still staring at the open door, before my brother stood up to close it. He walked passed me,  as if I weren't even there. I scowled.

"You guys, quit playing around."

I rose an eye brow when they didn't respond. My brother sat back down after slamming the door. I squinted.

"Oneechan!" I close to yelled, trying to get my sister's attention. She simply shrugged toward my brother and giggled. I was stunned. They really didn't see, nor hear me. I behan to grow desperate. I grabbed my brother by the shoulders, and turned him to face me thoroughly. My sister just glanced in curiousity.

"Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you... I know you can see me!" I said. A shocked expression taped itself onto my brother's face. He stared passed me, his eyes frantically searching for whatever had touched him. I began waving my hand infront of his face...

"Heey! Neechan!" I yelled this time. I didn't care at this point if our mother heard me or not, I hated being ignored. I almost felt like punching him in the face, until his curious eyes finally started following my waving hand.

He jumped back with a yell quickly and hit his head into the tv. I stiffled a small laugh, but still gazed curiously at him. My sister widened her eyes as well, and began backing slowly away from me.

"Finally, you guys can see me!" I said in relief. What can I say, if it was one of their pranks, they certainly got me. I smiled at their shocked expressions...

"R-Ryoka... Where'd you come from?!"

That night I lay in my bed pondering. My siblings' words ran through my head again and again...

"Ryoka! You just appeared out of nowhere!"

"Brother... I swear, we couldn't see you!"

"How long have you been here?!"

They really seemed to be telling the truth. Their voices were frantic and desperate for answers... I had seen them in the act of lying, they weren't that good. I sighed and turned over in my bed. My eyes fell upon the bow and quiver. Did it have anything to do with that?

"Oiy, kid..."

I jumped and fell face first out of my bed at the sudden voice behind me. My hand reached desperately for the bow and arrow before I leapt up and took aim. Unfortunately, I didn't look to cool standing in nothing but my night boxers...

"Calm down, I'm not gonna touch you."

A woman, maybe two ages above me sat crouching in my window. She wore something that you'd see a wolf tribe wearing... A black fur around her waste and ankles surrounding her naked feet. I gaped at her red hair and markings on her face. She rose a small eye brow with a tiny smirk. This woman was gorgeous.

I quickly noticed my own position and covered myself desperately with the bow.

"W-what do you want!?"

I stopped when I noticed a what resembled a scar on her right cheek. It was completely black, and almost shined as she stared at me. I stood for a moment. It was as if I had never seen that shine of black before, it wasn't of this world. I asked again, in a slightly more mesmerized tone...

"W-what do you want...?"
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